Sample: 05JRSCH019

Sample ID: 05JRSCH019 [1]
Station ID: 05JRSCH019
AT Num:
Volcano: Chiginagak
Possible source:
Collector: Schaefer, J. R. G.
Date sampled: 2005-08-23
Sample type 1: pyroclastic density current
Final unit: Hpd
Text Description: sample of pink 30-cm boulder; Pink, sandy matrix, monolithic large pink altered silicic andesite boulders. Glass is completely altered but abundant; conspicuous plag, cpx, opx
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Geologic map of Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska, 2017

Schaefer, J.R., Scott, W.E., and Layer, P.W., 2017, Geologic map of Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2017-10, 32 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:25,000.