Sample: KAN94-6
Sample ID: | KAN94-6 [1] |
Station ID: | KAN94-6 |
AT Num: | |
Volcano: | Kanaga |
Possible source: | Kanaga |
Eruption: | Kanaga 1994/1 |
Collector: | Maxwell, Carlin |
Date sampled: | 1994-08-20 |
Sample type 1: | Tephra Fall |
Color: | |
Final unit: | |
Text Description: | 1994 ash, collected by Carlin Maxwell, US Navy METOC. |
Sample Location: |
References Cited
[1] Preliminary geologic map of Kanaga Volcano, Alaska, 2003
Miller, T. P., Waythomas, C. F., and Nye, C. J., 2003, Preliminary geologic map of Kanaga Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-0113, unpaged, 2 sheets, scale 1:20,000.