Sample: 1927x

Sample ID: 1927x [1]
Station ID: 47 ABy 100
AT Num:
Volcano: Bogoslof
Possible source:
Eruption: Bogoslof 1926/7
Collector: Byers, F. M. J.
Date sampled: 1947-01-01
Sample type 1:
Final unit:
Text Description: Hornblende gabbro inclusion composed dominantly (40%) of zoned plagioclase (An90-18) and calcic augite (30%). Opacitized pargasite (23%) and euhedral and interstitial titaniferous magnetite (7%) are the other phases present. The plagioclases are laminated, and the texture of the inclusion is probably the result of cumulus processes.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] The alkalic rock suite of Bogoslof Island, eastern Aleutian Arc, Alaska, 1977

Arculus, R. J., DeLong, S. E., Kay, R., Brooks, C., and Sun, S. S., 1977, The alkalic rock suite of Bogoslof Island, eastern Aleutian Arc, Alaska: Journal of Geology, v. 85, n. 2, p. 177-186.