Sample: AK-81-38

Sample ID: AK-81-38 [1]
Station ID: AK-81-38
AT Num:
Volcano: Akutan
Possible source:
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date sampled: 1981-01-01
Sample type 1: Lava
Final unit:
Text Description: Partially altered porphyritic andesite dike. The rock contains plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and opaque phenocrysts in a fine-grained trachytic groundmass. The phenocrysts are usually in the form of crystal clots.
Sample Location:
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)

References Cited

[1] The igneous petrology and geochemistry of northern Akutan Island, Alaska, 1982

Romick, J. D., 1982, The igneous petrology and geochemistry of northern Akutan Island, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks unpublished M.S. thesis, 151 p.