Sample: 09KCNYE110
Sample ID: | 09KCNYE110 [1] |
Station ID: | 09KCNYE110 |
AT Num: | |
Volcano: | Kasatochi |
Possible source: | |
Eruption: | |
Collector: | Nye, C. J. |
Date sampled: | 2009-01-01 |
Sample type 1: | |
Color: | |
Final unit: | |
Text Description: | Hand sample; >20g. Eastern edge of sea lion colony. Massive cliff of this basalt est. 30-40 m high. Throughgoing zones of subhorizontal columns-to-platy-fracture. Whole outcrop: crude but primary long fractures and vertical conchoidal-to-planar, modest curving of joint surfaces, few meters wide for columns. Often crosscut by subhorizontal fractures and/or incipient columns 10-20 cm scale. Thick lava pond/flow w/ contorted cooling history suggests emplaced near ice/water. Rock is cpx basalt similar to others along this beach but with darker gms. 30% black over all, gms to 40% black. Fine-grained xl rich plag cpx lava. Generally equigranular w/ cpx 1mm and plag 1x2mm. Pl>cpx>>>other mafics (amph?, opx?). Gms looks nearly holocrystalline. Meets my understanding of Calvert Protocol for dating. Occasional cm-scale gabbro/mush clots are dominantly pl+cpx, ~2mm equigranular. Some amph sheathing on cpx? |
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