Sample: FC4

Sample ID: FC4 [1]
Station ID: Falls_Creek
AT Num:
Possible source:
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: A 1-2 cm, fine-grained tephra layer sampled from the base of the same coal unit as FC3. The overlying coal is peaty with iron oxide stain. The boundaries with the enclosing coal are sharp. The sample contains mostly glass. No thin section was made.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Tephra layers as correlation tools of Neogene coal-bearing strata from the Kenai Lowland, Alaska, 1995

Reinink-Smith, L. M., 1995, Tephra layers as correlation tools of Neogene coal-bearing strata from the Kenai Lowland, Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 107, n. 3, p. 340-353.