Sample: AT-1284

Sample ID: AT-1284 [1]
Station ID: FL2
AT Num: AT-1284
Possible source:
Collector: DeRuwe, A. D.
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: Upper Layer contact: 173 cm. Lower Layer Contact: 175 cm. Tephra Preservation: Unknown. Grain size: Fine-Medium. Field Identification: Magnetic-Susceptibility.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] An 18,700 year record of tephra-fall frequency as recorded in peat cores recovered from the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2008

DeRuwe, A.D., 2008, An 18,700 year record of tephra-fall frequency as recorded in peat cores recovered from the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Pacific University M.S. thesis, 28 p.