Sample: UT1841-P4

Sample ID: UT1841-P4 [1]
Station ID: Sixtymile_River_1
AT Num:
Possible source:
Collector: Westgate, J. A.
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: 0.5 cm thick; colourless to dark brown pumice, blocky shards and platy shards; tephra bed sample contained large amounts of detrital mineral contents; in uppermost part of laminated silt and sand with fine gravel lenses; on strath 18 m above Sixtymile River; 28 cm above top of bench gravel; field name JJO235
Sample Location:
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)

References Cited

[1] Revision of the tephrostratigraphy of the lower Sixtymile River area, Yukon Territory, Canada, 2011

Westgate, J.A., Preece, S.J., and Jackson Jr., L.E., 2011, Revision of the tephrostratigraphy of the lower Sixtymile River area, Yukon Territory, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 48, n. 3, p. 695-701, doi:10.1139/E10-106.