Sample: Brown_Bear_Core_110-20

Sample ID: Brown_Bear_Core_110-20 [1] [2]
Station ID: Brown_Bear_Core_110-20
AT Num:
Possible source: Novarupta
Eruption: Novarupta 1912/6
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: Core contains 7-cm-thick layer of tephra; core is located in a topographic low, which may account for the somewhat greater thickness of tephra at this location. Nearby cores contain thinner layers of tephra.
Sample Location:
100 km
50 mi

References Cited

[1] Correlation and petrological interpretation of abyssal and terrestrial tephra layers (Novarupta, Mazama, St. Helens, Washington), 1984

Federman, A. N., 1984, Correlation and petrological interpretation of abyssal and terrestrial tephra layers (Novarupta, Mazama, St. Helens, Washington): Oregon State University Ph.D. dissertation, 241 p.

[2] Compositional heterogeneity of distal tephra deposits from the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska, 1984

Federman, A. N., and Scheidegger, K. F., 1984, Compositional heterogeneity of distal tephra deposits from the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 21, n. 3-4, p. 233-254.