Sample: UT1833

Sample ID: UT1833 [1] [2]
Station ID: Ky-11
AT Num:
Possible source:
Eruption: Old Crow Tephra
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: 30 cm thick. Occurs near base of ~ 6 m of bedded silt that is overlain by a peaty bed containing pollen similar to that of today. The peat is overlain by loess. OCt is 5 cm and covered by couplets of grey silt and tephra for a combined thickness of 30 cm (Westgate et al., 1983; Hamilton and Brigham-Grette, 1991).
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] A catalogue of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike Goldfields and adjacent areas, Yukon Territory, 2011

Preece, S.J., Westgate, J.A., Froese, D.G., Pearce, N.J.G., and Perkins, W.T., 2011, A catalogue of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike Goldfields and adjacent areas, Yukon Territory: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 48, p. 1386-1418, doi: 10.1139/e10-110

[2] Old Crow tephra across eastern Beringia: a single cataclysmic eruption at the close of Marine Isotope Stage 6, 2011

Preece, S.J., Pearce, N.J.G., Westgate, J.A., Froese, D.G., Jensen, B.J.L., and Perkins, W.T., 2011, Old Crow tephra across eastern Beringia: a single cataclysmic eruption at the close of Marine Isotope Stage 6: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 30, p. 2069-2099, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.04.020 .