Sample: UT1053

Sample ID: UT1053 [1] [2] [3]
Station ID: Preece_2000_site_15
AT Num:
Possible source:
Collector: Preece, S. J.
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Color: white
Final unit:
Text Description: From Preece et al. (2000): maximum thickness of 2 cm. Tephra bed is from a dipping sequence containing gravel, crossbedded sands and silts. Tephra has sharp contacts with enclosing sediment; locally, drapes into icewedge casts. From Preece et al. (2011): pumice with trace amount of blocky grains; in colluvial phase of Upper White Channel Gravel; locally drapes into ice-wedge cast Near top of White Channel Gravel; field name GL97-36. Sample taken by A. Alloway, 1990.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Characterization, identity, distribution, and source of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike District of the Yukon, Canada, 2000

Preece, S. J., Westgate, J. A., Alloway, B. V., and Milner, M. W., 2000, Characterization, identity, distribution, and source of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike District of the Yukon, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 37, n. 7, p. 983-996.

[2] A catalogue of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike Goldfields and adjacent areas, Yukon Territory, 2011

Preece, S.J., Westgate, J.A., Froese, D.G., Pearce, N.J.G., and Perkins, W.T., 2011, A catalogue of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike Goldfields and adjacent areas, Yukon Territory: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 48, p. 1386-1418, doi: 10.1139/e10-110

[3] Glass-fission-track ages of late Cenozoic distal tephra beds in the Klondike district, Yukon Territory, 2000

Sandhu, A.S., Westgate, J.A., Preece, S.J., and Froese, D.G., 2000, Glass-fission-track ages of late Cenozoic distal tephra beds in the Klondike district, Yukon Territory, in Emond, D.S., and Weston, L.H., (eds.), Yukon exploration and geology 2000: Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 247-256.