Sample: 96-32C

Sample ID: 96-32C [1]
Station ID: TDE-96-32
AT Num:
Possible source:
Collector: Dochat, T. M.
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: From Dochat (1997): A 44 cm thick layer of highly oxidized pebbles in a gravelly matrix overlies the basal unit. The oxidized zone is overlain by an 11 cm thick horizon of nonoxidized pebbles in coarse sandy matrix. A layer, 47 cm thick, of sand with pebble overlies this. Included within this layer are coarse sand lenses and pumice lenses. Three layers of volcanic ash deposits overlie the sand. The lower layer is 1.5 cm; the middle layer is 6.5 cm thick. The upper layer consists of 6 cm of black scoria. All three layers have been associated with the formation of Fisher Caldera (T. Miller, pers. comm., 1996). Immediately below the black scoria is a very thin (no more than 1 cm thick), discontinuous layer of pumice fragments. A 5 cm thick layer of coarse sand and fine gravel overlies the ash layers. Overlying the sand and in part cut into the coarse sand and the upper two ash layers is 134 cm of medium grained sand with approximately 20% silt. Unclear which samples correlate to which units, as no sample descriptions are provided.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Quaternary stratigraphy and geomorphology of the Cold Bay region of the Alaska Peninsula: a basis for paleoenvironmental reconstruction (glacial deposits), 1997

Dochat, T. M., 1997, Quaternary stratigraphy and geomorphology of the Cold Bay region of the Alaska Peninsula: a basis for paleoenvironmental reconstruction (glacial deposits): The University of Wisconsin unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Madison, Wisconsin, 330 p.