Sample: 15TGMC201

Sample ID: 15TGMC201 [1]
Station ID: 15TGMC201
AT Num:
Volcano: Tanaga
Possible source:
Collector: Coombs, M. L.
Date sampled: 2015-09-16
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: Large (10+ cm) brown pumice clasts, hornblende bearing, from proximal fall deposit. Despite being near station MC200, not clear which unit this correlates with from that section.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Bulk compositions of western Aleutians tephras and lavas collected during leg 3 of the NSF GeoPRISMS shared platform for Aleutians research, Version 1.0, 2024

Andrys, J. L., Coombs, M. L., Cottrell, E., Kelley, K. A., Waters, L. E., and Jicha, B., 2024, Bulk compositions of western Aleutians tephras and lavas collected during leg 3 of the NSF GeoPRISMS shared platform for Aleutians research, Version 1.0: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).