Infrasonic crackle and supersonic jet noise from the eruption of Nabro Volcano, Eritrea

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Author(s): Fee, David, Matoza, R. S., Gee, K. L., Neilsen, T. B., and Ogden, D. E.

Publication Year: 2013

Bibliographic Reference:

Fee. David, Matoza, R.S., Gee, K.L., Neilsen, T.B. and Ogden, D.E., 2013, Infrasonic crackle and supersonic jet noise from the eruption of Nabro Volcano, Eritrea: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 40, 5 p., doi: 10.1002/grl.50827

Citation Updated: 2015-07-24 07:41:03