An interdisciplinary approach to assessing and communicating health hazards of volcanic ash fall

Author(s): Wallace, K. L., Neal, C. A., Plumlee, G. S., Stichick, Matt, Rinkleff, Peter, Cahill, C. F., Verbrugge, Lori, Reed, Brad, and Dyer, Janelle

Publication Year: 2009

Bibliographic Reference:

Wallace, K.L., Neal, Christina, Plumlee, G.S., Stichick, M.M., Rinkleff, Peter, Cahill, Catherine, Verbrugge, Lori, Reed, Brad, and Dyer, Janelle, 2009, An interdisciplinary approach to assessing and communicating health hazards of volcanic ash fall [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 542-543.

Citation Updated: 2011-11-04 21:53:54