The structural position of recent volcanism within the circum-Pacific tectonic belt. [O strukturnoy pozitsii zon molodogo vulkanizma v Tikhookeanskom tektonicheskom poyase]

Author(s): Pushcharovskiy, Y. M., and Afremova, R. A.

Publication Year: 1967

Bibliographic Reference:

Pushcharovskiy, Y. M., and Afremova, R. A., 1967, The structural position of recent volcanism within the circum-Pacific tectonic belt. [O strukturnoy pozitsii zon molodogo vulkanizma v Tikhookeanskom tektonicheskom poyase]: Geotektonika, n. 1, p. 15-39.

Citation Updated: 2004-12-29 01:14:48