Volcano-glacier interactions at Mount Veniaminof Volcano, a large ice-filled caldera on the Alaska Peninsula

Author(s): Waythomas, C. F., Welch, B. C., Calvert, A. T., Bacon, C. R., and Wallace, K. L.

Publication Year: 2007

Bibliographic Reference:

Waythomas, Christopher, Miller, T.P., Welch, Brian, Calvert, Andrew, Bacon, C.R., and Wallace, K.L., 2007, Volcano-glacier interactions at Mount Veniaminof Volcano, a large ice-filled caldera on the Alaska Peninsula [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 20.

Citation Updated: 2008-04-02 20:32:51