The role of remote sensing in monitoring of Augustine Volcano

Author(s): Dean, K. G., Dehn, Jonathan, Bailey, John, Schneider, D. J., Wessels, Rick, Lovick, Joe, Izbekov, Pavel, Webley, Peter, and Rinkleff, Peter

Publication Year: 2006

Bibliographic Reference:

Webley, Peter, Dean, Ken, Dehn, Jon, Bailey, John, Schneider, Dave, Wessels, Rick, Lovick, Joseph, Rinkleff, Peter, and Izbekov, Pavel, 2006, The role of remote sensing in monitoring of Augustine Volcano [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 28.

Citation Updated: 2008-04-02 20:34:19