Geographic information systems compilation of geophysical, geologic, and tectonic data for the Bering Shelf, Chukchi Sea, Arctic margin, and adjacent landmasses

Author(s): Klemperer, S. L., Greninger, M. L., and Nokleberg, W. J.

Publication Year: 2002

Bibliographic Reference:

Klemperer, S. L., Greninger, M. L., and Nokleberg, W. J., 2002, Geographic information systems compilation of geophysical, geologic, and tectonic data for the Bering Shelf, Chukchi Sea, Arctic margin, and adjacent landmasses: in Miller, E. L., Grantz, Arthur, and Klemperer, S. L., (eds.), Tectonic evolution of the Bering Shelf - Chukchi Sea - Arctic margin and adjacent landmasses, Geological Society of America Special Paper 360, p. 359-374 and CD-ROM.

Citation Updated: 2022-06-24 21:38:04