Mantle and crustal sources of carbon, nitrogen, and noble gasses in Cascade-Range and Aleutian-Arc volcanic gases

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Author(s): Symonds, R. B., Poreda, R. J., Evans, W. C., Janik, C. J., and Ritchie, B. E.

Publication Year: 2003

Bibliographic Reference:

Symonds, R. B., Poreda, R. J., Evans, W. C., Janik, C. J., and Ritchie, B. E., 2003, Mantle and crustal sources of carbon, nitrogen, and noble gasses in Cascade-Range and Aleutian-Arc volcanic gases: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-0436, 26 p.

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Citation Updated: 2005-07-28 19:41:43