A new set of basaltic tephras from Southeast Alaska represent key stratigraphic markers for the late Pleistocene

Author(s): Wilcox, P. S., Addison, J. A., Fowell, S. J., Baichtal, J. F., Severin, Ken, and Mann, D. H.

Publication Year: 2019

Bibliographic Reference:

Wilcox, P.S., Addison, Jason, Fowell, S.J,, Baichtal, J.F., Severin, Ken, and Mann, D.H., 2019, A new set of basaltic tephras from Southeast Alaska represent key stratigraphic markers for the late Pleistocene: Quaternary Research v. 92, no. 1, p. 246-256, doi:10.1017/qua.2018.154.

Citation Updated: 2024-06-26 22:06:10