Gas emissions from the Western Aleutians volcanic arc

Author(s): Fischer, Tobias, Lopez, Taryn, Aiuppa, Alessandro, Rizzo, A. L., Kelley, K. A., Cottrell, Liz, and Ilanko, Tehnuka

Publication Year: 2021

Bibliographic Reference:

Fischer, T.P., Lopez, T.M., Aiuppa, Alessandro, Rizzo, A.L., Ilanko, Tehnuka, Kelley, K.A., and Cottrell, Elizabeth, 2021, Gas emissions from the Western Aleutians volcanic arc: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 9., 10.3389/feart.2021.786021.

Publication Products:

article on Frontiers website

Citation Updated: 2021-12-06 21:56:54