Volcano deformation source parameters estimated from InSAR; sensitivities to uncertainties in seismic tomography

Author(s): Masterlark, Timothy, Donovan, T., Feigl, K. L., Haney, Matthew, Thurber, C., and Tung, S.

Publication Year: 2016

Bibliographic Reference:

Masterlark, T., Donovan, T., Feigl, K. L., Haney, M., Thurber, C. H., and Tung, S., 2016, Volcano deformation source parameters estimated from InSAR: Sensitivities to uncertainties in seismic tomography: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 121, n. 4, p. 3002-3016.

Citation Updated: 2017-05-01 20:59:07