Geothermal systems in volcanic arcs: Volcanic characteristics and surface manifestations as indicators of geothermal potential and favorability worldwide

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Author(s): Stelling, P. L., Shevenell, L., Hinz, N. H., Coolbaugh, M., Melosh, G., and Cumming, W.

Publication Year: 2016

Bibliographic Reference:

Stelling, P., Shevenell, L., Hinz, N., Coolbaugh, M., Melosh, G., and Cumming, W., 2016, Geothermal systems in volcanic arcs: Volcanic characteristics and surface manifestations as indicators of geothermal potential and favorability worldwide: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 324, p. 57-72.

Citation Updated: 2016-09-24 07:41:06