Shishaldin 2004/2

Start: February 17, 2004 [1]

Stop: May 17, 2004 [1]

Event Type: Explosive

Max VEI: 1 [2]

Event Characteristics:

Description: From Neal and others (2005): "Since its last eruption in 1999, the background level of seismic activity at this frequently active volcano has remained relatively high and consists of many small, discrete, volcano-tectonic earthquakes, small explosion signals, and short (2-6 min) periods of tremor-like signals. Typically, this activity is interpreted to reflect either hydrothermal or magmatic processes occurring high in the conduit and deep in the summit crater of Shishaldin (Caplan-Auerbach and Petersen, 2005). Reports of ash emission or other eruptive phenomena that may have been related to this seismicity were few. However, on February 17, a Peninsula Airlines pilot noted a hazy ash layer above Shishaldin (R. Hazen, written commun., 2004). On February 20, a pilot report reached AVO describing an ash cloud to 16,000-18,000 ft ASL (4.8-5.5 km) above Shishaldin [note: AVO also received an incorrect pilot observation of ash from Mt. Dutton on February 20; this was later corrected to be Shishaldin.]. AVO seismologists identified no correlative seismicity or anything unusual on associated satellite images. NWS issued a one-time SIGMET based on the pilot report per operational protocols. A similar report from a long-time Cold Bay resident arrived via email on February 26 stating that Shishaldin was emitting steam and ash to 2,000-3,000 ft (600-900 m) above the summit; seismic and satellite data indicated no eruptive activity.
"In late April and early May of 2004, seismicity at Shishaldin intensified and volcanic tremor similar to that observed during the eruption in 1999 reappeared. A thermal anomaly over the summit was noted on May 3 in MODIS imagery. Airwaves detected by acoustic pressure sensors suggested a shallowing of the source of this tremor over time (Petersen and others, 2004). In response, AVO raised the Level of Concern Color Code to YELLOW on May 3. On May 16, a pilot reported an ash plume rising 1,000 feet above the summit. Satellite data showed a vigorous steam plume possibly containing a minor amount of ash. Volcanic tremor and small explosions recorded on a pressure sensor continued into the summer and satellite images continued to record an intermittent, weak thermal anomaly into mid-August (S. Smith, written commun., 2005). On July 24, an AVO field crew approached the volcano by helicopter and observed vigorous steaming from the summit crater and recent (?) ash on the upper slopes of the volcano [See figures 18-20 in original text].
"Low-level volcanic tremor continued at Shishaldin with little variation from late summer through the end of the year. AVO received at least two additional pilot reports of 'smoke' and 'steam' from Shishaldin, both on September 24. After more than five months at Color Code YELLOW, AVO downgraded Shishaldin to GREEN on October 26 based on the lack of any confirmed ash emission or other eruptive activity. Unlike most other Alaskan volcanoes, Shishaldin appears to have a high level of background seismicity, at least during the period following an eruption sequence (Caplan-Auerbach and Petersen, 2005; Nye and others 2002)."

References Cited

[1] 2004 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005

Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., Dixon, Jim, and Melnikov, Dimitry, 2005, 2004 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1308, 71 p.,
full-text PDF 4.82 MB

[2] Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions, 2003

Siebert, L., and Simkin, T., 2002-, Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions: Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program Digital Information Series GVP-3,, unpaged internet resource.

[3] May-June 2004, 2005

Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005, May-June 2004: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 16, n. 3, unpaged.

[4] Shishaldin, 2004

Smithsonian Institution, 2004, Shishaldin: Global Volcanism Network Bulletin, v. 29, n. 6, unpaged,

Complete Eruption References

May-June 2004, 2005

Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005, May-June 2004: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 16, n. 3, unpaged.

Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions, 2003

Siebert, L., and Simkin, T., 2002-, Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions: Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program Digital Information Series GVP-3,, unpaged internet resource.

Shishaldin, 2004

Smithsonian Institution, 2004, Shishaldin: Global Volcanism Network Bulletin, v. 29, n. 6, unpaged,

2004 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005

Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., Dixon, Jim, and Melnikov, Dimitry, 2005, 2004 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1308, 71 p.,
full-text PDF 4.82 MB

Repeating coupled earthquakes at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2005

Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline, and Petersen, Tanja, 2005, Repeating coupled earthquakes at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 145, p. 151-172.

The 1999 eruption of Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska: monitoring a distant eruption, 2002

Nye, C. J., Keith, T. E. C., Eichelberger, J. C., Miller, T. P., McNutt, S. R., Moran, S., Schneider, D. J., Dehn, J., and Schaefer, J. R., 2002, The 1999 eruption of Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska: monitoring a distant eruption: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 64, n. 8, p. 507-519.
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