Shishaldin 2000/8

Start: August 11, 2000 [1]

Event Type: Explosive

Event Characteristics:
  • Central eruption [1]

Description: From Smithsonian Institution (2000): "The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) reported on 11 August that recent satellite data indicated a weak thermal anomaly at Shishaldin's summit, although no known seismic activity occurred above background levels in the area. Pilot reports did not disclose any noticeable change in steam emission from the summit crater. Accordingly, the AVO decided to keep the Level of Concern Color Code for Shishaldin at Green.
"After 11 August, clear days allowed unobstructed remote sensing, and satellite observations, which suggested no further thermal anomaly. On 18 August, AVO issued an update stating that new seismic data analysis showed several small explosions occurring coeval with the thermal anomaly reported on 11 August. These explosions were similar to those observed throughout 1999 and in early 2000 (Bulletin v. 24, nos. 2, 3, 4, and 8; v. 25, no. 2). The thermal anomaly and seismic disturbances did not recur in the remainder of August, however, so the hazard status remained Green."

References Cited

[1] Shishaldin, 2000

Smithsonian Institution, 2000, Shishaldin: Global Volcanism Network Bulletin v. 25, n. 08, unpaged.

Complete Eruption References

Shishaldin, 2000

Smithsonian Institution, 2000, Shishaldin: Global Volcanism Network Bulletin v. 25, n. 08, unpaged.

Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions, 2003

Siebert, L., and Simkin, T., 2002-, Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions: Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program Digital Information Series GVP-3,, unpaged internet resource.

2000 Volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004

Neal, C. A., McGimsey, R. G., and Chubarova, Olga, 2004: 2000 Volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1034, 37 p.