Cleveland 1951/11
Start: November 1, 1951 [1]
Stop: December 1951 [1]
Event Type: Explosive
- "Smoke" [1]
Description: From Jones, (1952): "G.R. MacCarthy reported a large, dense column of mingled dark fume and steam at Cleveland volcano on November 1 [1951]. The volcano was also reported smoking in December."
References Cited
[1] Aleutian volcanoes, 1952
Jones, A. E., 1952, Aleutian volcanoes: The Volcano Letter, v. 516, p. 8-9.
Complete Eruption References
Aleutian volcanoes, 1952
Jones, A. E., 1952, Aleutian volcanoes: The Volcano Letter, v. 516, p. 8-9.

Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition], 1994
Simkin, Tom, and Siebert, Lee, 1994, Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition]: Tucson, Arizona, Geoscience Press, 349 p.
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