Cleveland 1932/1

Start: January 1, 1932 [1]

Event Type: Explosive

Event Characteristics:
  • Minor explosive eruption [1]

Description: From Jaggar (1932): "Captain Nelson of the 'Eunice' brought word on January 18, 1932, that Mount Cleveland on Chuginadak Island, a peak 8156 feet high, approximately 150 English miles west of Dutch Harbor, had again broken into eruption, starting about January 1, 1932. It was reported to him that seven great puffs had occurred in one hour, the volcano sending up very dense smoke. Generally only a little steam had been seen at the crater during previous visits. He passes those Islands of the Four Mountains three or four times a year in his trading trips for the Alaska Commercial Company. He was surprised to see such dense volumes of black fume when he passed the island in early January, the sky being continuously darkened."

References Cited

[1] Aleutian eruptions 1930-1932, 1932

Jaggar, T. A., 1932, Aleutian eruptions 1930-1932: The Volcano Letter, v. 375, p. 1-4.
full-text PDF 1232 KB

[2] Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc, 1950

Coats, R. R., 1950, Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 0974-B, p. 35-49, 1 sheet, scale 1:5,000,000.
plate 1 PDF 819 KB
full-text PDF 783 KB

Complete Eruption References

Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc, 1950

Coats, R. R., 1950, Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 0974-B, p. 35-49, 1 sheet, scale 1:5,000,000.
plate 1 PDF 819 KB
full-text PDF 783 KB
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf

Aleutian eruptions 1930-1932, 1932

Jaggar, T. A., 1932, Aleutian eruptions 1930-1932: The Volcano Letter, v. 375, p. 1-4.
full-text PDF 1232 KB
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC file cabinet

Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition], 1994

Simkin, Tom, and Siebert, Lee, 1994, Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition]: Tucson, Arizona, Geoscience Press, 349 p.
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