Cleveland 1828

Start: 1828 [1]

Event Type: Other

Event Characteristics:
  • Active; type of activity not specified [1]

Description: Grewingk (1850, translated 2003 by Fritz Jaensch) reports that Litke reported that in 1828, Tanak-Angunak had an active volcano, with hot springs at its base. The English translation of Litke "A voyage around the world, 1826-1829) does not contain reference to this event. However, the English translation does not cover all of Litke's publications for this voyage, which he published in both Russian and French. There is also some confusion as to whether "Tanak-Angunach" refers to Carlisle volcano or Mount Cleveland. From Miller and others (1998): "Various names were applied to Carlisle on early hydrographic charts, including Uliaga, Kigalgin and variants thereof; it was also sometimes referred to along with the western half of Chuginadak Island, as Tanak-Angunak. It is thus possible that some of the activity ascribed to Carlisle should be attributed to Uliaga or Mount Cleveland (Coats, 1950)."
In support of this particular "Tanak-Angunak" referring to Chuginadak Island (the island Cleveland Volcano is part of) is Grewingk's description of Tanak-Angunak: "* * * oblong with a steep south side. An active volcano rises on its western side. According to an Aleutian legend it once formed an island by itself. But the dividing strait was filled in when a mountain collapsed. At the foot of this mountain there is a spring so hot that it can be used to cook in." This description fits with the two part appearance of Chuginadak Island, and does not match the single-circle shape of Carlisle Island.

References Cited

[1] Grewingk's geology of Alaska and the Northwest Coast of America [edited by Marvin W. Falk, translation by Fritz Jaensch published 2003], 1850

Grewingk, Constantine, 1850, Grewingk's geology of Alaska and the Northwest Coast of America [edited by Marvin W. Falk, translation by Fritz Jaensch published 2003]: Rasmuson Library Historical Translation Series 11, Fairbanks, AK, The University of Alaska Press, 242 p.

Complete Eruption References

Grewingk's geology of Alaska and the Northwest Coast of America [edited by Marvin W. Falk, translation by Fritz Jaensch published 2003], 1850

Grewingk, Constantine, 1850, Grewingk's geology of Alaska and the Northwest Coast of America [edited by Marvin W. Falk, translation by Fritz Jaensch published 2003]: Rasmuson Library Historical Translation Series 11, Fairbanks, AK, The University of Alaska Press, 242 p.
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Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 1998

Miller, T. P., McGimsey, R. G., Richter, D. H., Riehle, J. R., Nye, C. J., Yount, M. E., and Dumoulin, J. A., 1998, Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-0582, 104 p.
title page PDF 52
intro and TOC PDF 268 KB
eastern part - Wrangell to Ukinrek Maars PDF 972 KB
central part - Chiginagak to Cleveland PDF 2,463 KB
western part - Carlisle to Kiska PDF 956 KB
references PDF 43 KB
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A voyage around the world, 1826-1829, 1987

Litke, Frederic, 1987, A voyage around the world, 1826-1829: Pierce, R. A., Alaska History 29, v. 1, Kingston, Ontario, Limestone Press, 230 p.
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