AVO scientist Dr. Jim Gardner stands on the southern crest of Mt. Finch, looking southwest at the snow covered peaks of Westdahl volcano (far left), Faris Peak (center) and Pogromni volcano (right).  The snow-free peak on the left is a pre-caldera stratocone cut in half by caldera collapse during the caldera forming eruption 9,400 years ago.

AVO scientist Dr. Jim Gardner stands on the southern crest of Mt. Finch, looking southwest at the snow covered peaks of Westdahl volcano (far left), Faris Peak (center) and Pogromni volcano (right). The snow-free peak on the left is a pre-caldera stratocone cut in half by caldera collapse during the caldera forming eruption 9,400 years ago.

Date: 1999
Volcano(es): Faris Peak Finch, Mt Fisher Pogromni Westdahl
Photographer: Stelling, P. L.
URL: avo.alaska.edu/image/view/24533
Image courtesy of the photographer.
Please cite the photographer when using this image.
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