Composite false-color Landsat-8 satellite image from July 14, 2014 produced by combining the shortwave infrared (SWIR1), near infrared (NIR), and blue (visible) wavelength data. This color combination enhances the visualization of vegetation, exposed rocks, and snow (light blue). This is a rare partly cloudy satellite image and some of the volcanic features are indicated.

Composite false-color Landsat-8 satellite image from July 14, 2014 produced by combining the shortwave infrared (SWIR1), near infrared (NIR), and blue (visible) wavelength data. This color combination enhances the visualization of vegetation, exposed rocks, and snow (light blue). This is a rare partly cloudy satellite image and some of the volcanic features are indicated.

Date: Jul 14th, 2014
Volcano(es): Semisopochnoi

Full Resolution.