Sarah Henton and Melissa Pfeffer prepare to collect CO2 gas samples from the main pool at Shrub mud volcano.  Temperature on this day was 44.1°C; about 5°C higher than in 2005. Upper Klawasi mud volcano visible directly above pool on horizon, 7.7 km (4.8 mi) distant.

Sarah Henton and Melissa Pfeffer prepare to collect CO2 gas samples from the main pool at Shrub mud volcano. Temperature on this day was 44.1°C; about 5°C higher than in 2005. Upper Klawasi mud volcano visible directly above pool on horizon, 7.7 km (4.8 mi) distant.

Date: Jul 15th, 2009
Volcano(es): Klawasi Group Shrub Upper Klawasi
Photographer: McGimsey, R. G.
Image courtesy of AVO/USGS.
Please cite the photographer and the Alaska Volcano Observatory / U.S. Geological Survey when using this image.
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