Steam column rising from upper Hot Springs Bay, a prominent valley draining the east flank of Akutan volcano.  The dark summit of Akutan’s intracaldera cinder cone is visible on the skyline above a thin layer of clouds.  The photograph was taken on October 8, 2007 by Dave Abbasian, manager of the Trident Sea Foods, from the plant located about 13 km from the east caldera rim.  A prominent fumarole field occurs about midway up the east flank (1,500 ft. level) and this column of steam appears to be rising from a location lower on the flank, perhaps closer to the valley bottom.  Abbasian reported that he had seen steaming from this area earlier in the summer and considered it to be a “new” area.

Steam column rising from upper Hot Springs Bay, a prominent valley draining the east flank of Akutan volcano. The dark summit of Akutan’s intracaldera cinder cone is visible on the skyline above a thin layer of clouds. The photograph was taken on October 8, 2007 by Dave Abbasian, manager of the Trident Sea Foods, from the plant located about 13 km from the east caldera rim. A prominent fumarole field occurs about midway up the east flank (1,500 ft. level) and this column of steam appears to be rising from a location lower on the flank, perhaps closer to the valley bottom. Abbasian reported that he had seen steaming from this area earlier in the summer and considered it to be a “new” area.

Date: Oct 8th, 2007
Volcano(es): Akutan
Photographer: Abbasian, Dave
Image courtesy of the photographer.
Please cite the photographer when using this image.
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