Online Library

What is the AVO reference library?
  • 5730 references pertinent to Quaternary volcanism in Alaska.
  • The most complete bibliography for Alaska volcano information: contains scholarly articles, AVO publications, student theses, as well as critical newspaper accounts and historical (1840-1950) references.
  • Often updated.

General Interest



Reference Search

Results: (5725)

Volcanic eruption tremor from particle impacts and turbulence using conduit flow models, 2025

Coppess, K., Lam, F., and Dunham, E., 2025, Volcanic eruption tremor from particle impacts and turbulence using conduit flow models: Seismica v. 4, no. 1, 14 p.
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Glass laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis methods, precision, and accuracy data for tephra studies in Alaska, 2025

Lubbers, J., and Loewen, M., 2025, Glass laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis methods, precision, and accuracy data for tephra studies in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Techniques and Methods 1, 20 p.

Long swarms and short swarms at volcanoes - evidence for different processes, 2025

McNutt, S.R., 2025, Long swarms and short swarms at volcanoes - evidence for different processes: Annals of Geophysics v. 68, no. 1, 16 p.
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2022 Volcanic activity in Alaska and the Northern Mariana Islands—Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2025

Orr, T.R., Dietterich, H.R., Grapenthin, R., Haney, M.M., Loewen, M.W., Saunders-Schultz, P., Tan, D., Waythomas, C.F., and Wech, A.G., 2025, 2022 Volcanic activity in Alaska and the Northern Mariana Islands-Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5108, 46 p. 10.3133/sir20245108
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Small eruptions with big impacts, 2025

Ramsey, B., Jacob, E., and Mattox, S.R., 2025, Small eruptions with big impacts: Science Scope v. 48, no. 1, p. 36-44.

A new tephrochronological record of a raised bog in eastern lowland Scotland, 2025

Wang, L., Roucoux, K.H., Davies, A.L., Zhang, S., Sun, C., Streeter, R.T., Hutchison, W., and Lawson, I.T., 2025, A new tephrochronological record of a raised bog in eastern lowland Scotland: Qauternary Geochronology v. 86, 101647.

Towards scientific forecasting of magmatic eruptions, 2024

Acocella, V., Ripepe, M., Rivalta, E., Peltier, A., Galetto, F., and Joseph, E., 2024, Towards scientific forecasting of magmatic eruptions, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment v. 5, p. 5-22.

Bulk compositions of western Aleutians tephras and lavas collected during leg 3 of the NSF GeoPRISMS shared platform for Aleutians research, Version 1.0, 2024

Andrys, J. L., Coombs, M. L., Cottrell, E., Kelley, K. A., Waters, L. E., and Jicha, B., 2024, Bulk compositions of western Aleutians tephras and lavas collected during leg 3 of the NSF GeoPRISMS shared platform for Aleutians research, Version 1.0: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).

Numerical simulations of the latest caldera-forming eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2024

Bugisser, A., Peccia, A., Plank, T., and Moussallam, Y., 2024, Numerical simulations of the latest caldera-forming eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 86, 77.

Refining the geochronology and paleoenvironmental significance of key tephra beds in Yukon and Alaska, 2024

Buryak, S.D., 2024, Refining the geochronology and paleoenvironmental significance of key tephra beds in Yukon and Alaska: Edmonton, Alberta, University of Alberta, Ph.D. dissertation, 370 p.

The Alaska Makushin Volcano 2016–2018 inflation and its potential relation to the 2020 earthquake swarm, from GNSS observations, 2024

Cheng, Y., and Grapenthin, R., 2024, The Alaska Makushin Volcano 2016–2018 inflation and its potential relation to the 2020 earthquake swarm, from GNSS observations: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research in press, 108010.

From field station to forecast: managing data at the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2024

Coombs, M.L., Cameron, C.E., Dietterich, H.R., Boyce, E.S., Wech, A.G., Grapenthin, R., Wallace, K.L., Parker, T., Lopez, T., Crass, S., Fee, D., Haney, M.M., Ketner, D., Loewen, M.W., Lyons, J.J., Nakai, J.S., Power, J.A., Botnick, S., Brewster, I., Enders, M.L., Harmon, D., Kelly, P.J., and Randall, M., 2024, From field station to forecast: managing data at the Alaska Volcano Observatory: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 86, 79.

Imaging the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone properties using several dense seismic deployments and seismic imaging techniques, 2024

Daly, K.A., 2024, Imaging the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone properties using several dense seismic deployments and seismic imaging techniques: Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University, Ph.D. dissertation, 327 p.

Recommended capabilities and instrumentation for volcano monitoring in the United States, 2024

Flinders, A.F., Lowenstern, J.B., Coombs, M.L., and Poland, M.P., eds., Recommended capabilities and instrumentation for volcano monitoring in the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5062.

Mechanisms of magmatic degassing and eruption triggering at Alaska volcanoes - experimental controls and natural system analogues, 2024

Graham, N.A., 2024, Mechanisms of magmatic degassing and eruption triggering at Alaska volcanoes: experimental controls and natural system analogues: Fairbanks, Alaska, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Ph.D. dissertation, 307 p.

Scenario-based volcano slope stability hazard analysis - case study of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2024

Kanakiya, S., 2024, Scenario-based volcano slope stability hazard analysis - case study of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface v. 129, no. 10, e2024JF007862.

Assessing the relative threats from Canadian volcanoes, 2024

Kelman, M.C., and Wilson, A.M., 2024, Assessing the relative threats from Canadian volcanoes: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences v. 61, no. 3, p. 408-430.

Dike volume derived from seismicity as a gauge of fracture toughness and propagation dynamics, 2024

Konstantinou, K.I., 2024, Dike volume derived from seismicity as a gauge of fracture toughness and propagation dynamics: Scientific Reports v. 14, 17593.
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Transient seismic velocities beneath active volcanoes, 2024

Kupres, C., 2024, Transient seismic velocities beneath active volcanoes: West Lafayette, Ind., Purdue University, M.S. thesis, 52 p.
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The evolution of Arctic permafrost over the last 3 centuries from ensemble simulations with the CryoGridLite permafrost model, 2024

Langer, M., Nitzbon, J., Groenke, B., Assmann, L.-M., Schneider von Deimling, T., Stuenzi, S. M., and Westermann, S., 2024, The evolution of Arctic permafrost over the last 3 centuries from ensemble simulations with the CryoGridLite permafrost model: The Cryosphere v. 18, no. 1, p. 365-385., 2024
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Short-term observations of rainfall chemistry composition in Bellsund (SW Spitsbergen, Svalbard), 2024

Lehmann-Konera, S., Ruman, M., Frankowski, M., Małarzewski, Ł., Raczyński, K., Pawlak, F., Jóźwik, J., Potapowicz, J., and Polkowska, Ż, 2024, Short-term observations of rainfall chemistry composition in Bellsund (SW Spitsbergen, Svalbard): Water v. 16, no. 2, 299.

Exploring late Pleistocene tephrochronology in the Arctic Ocean, 2024

Lindkvist, E., 2024, Exploring late Pleistocene tephrochronology in the Arctic Ocean: Stockholm, Stockholm University, B.S. thesis, 37 p.
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Tephra samples and analyses from Cook Inlet source volcanoes and Anchor Point, Alaska, 2024

Loewen, M.W., Wallace, Kristi, Coombs, M.L., and Mulliken, K.M., 2023, Tephra samples and analyses from Cook Inlet source volcanoes and Anchor Point, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2023-25, 4 p.

Constraining magma storage conditions of the Toba magmatic system: a plagioclase and amphibole perspective, 2024

Lubbers, J., Kent, A.J.R., and de Silva, S., 2024, Constraining magma storage conditions of the Toba magmatic system: a plagioclase and amphibole perspective: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology v. 179, 12.

Memorial to Thomas Patrick Miller 1936-2022, 2024

McGimsey, R.G., Muffler, L.J.P., Neal, C.A., Miller, M.L., Nelson, S.W., and Dumoulin, J.A., 2024, Memorial to Thomas Patrick Miller: Geological Society of America Memorials v. 53, p. 3-6.

Regional tectonic setting of Pilgrim Hot Springs, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2024

Miller, E.L., and Craig, J.W., 2024, Regional tectonic setting of Pilgrim Hot Springs, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, in Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 49th, Stanford, Cali., 2024, Proceedings: Stanford, Cali., Stanford University, 14 p.

Mount Augustine - Exploring for a new geothermal resource in southcentral Alaska, 2024

Oliver, G., Gasser, M., Oesterberg, M., Pennino, A., and Craig, P., 2024, Mount Augustine - Exploring for a new geothermal resource in southcentral Alaska in Geothermal Rising Conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 2024, Proceedings: Palm Springs, Cali., Geothermal Rising, 33 p.

2020 volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2024

Orr, T., Cameron, C.E., Dietterich, H.R., Loewen, M.W., Lopez, T., Lyons, J.J., Nakai, J., Power, J.A., Searcy, C., Tepp, G., and Waythomas, C.W., 2024, 2020 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5004, 34 p.
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2021 Volcanic activity in Alaska and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2024

Orr, T.R., Dietterich, H.R., Fee D., Girona, T., Grapenthin, R., Haney, M.M., Loewen, M.W., Lyons, J.J., Power, J.A., Schwaiger, H.F., Schneider, D.J., Tan, D., Toney, L., Wasser, V.K., and Waythomas, C.F., 2024, 2021 Volcanic activity in Alaska and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5014, 64 p.
Full-text PDF 25.7 MB

2021-2023 unrest and geodetic observations at Askja Volcano, Iceland, 2024

Parks, M.M., Sigmundsson, F., Drouin, V., Hreinsdóttir, S., Hooper, A., Yang, Y., Ófeigsson, B.G., Sturkell, E., Hjartardóttir, Á.R., Grapenthin, R., Geirsson, H., Trasatti, E., Barsotti, S., Pedersen, R., Einarsson, P., Óladóttir, B.A., and Friðriksdóttir, H.M., 2024, 2021-2023 unrest and geodetic observations at Askja Volcano, Iceland: Geophysical Research Letters v. 51, no. 4, e2023GL106730.
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Remote sensing of volcano deformation and surface change, 2024

Poland, M.P., 2024, Remote sensing of volcano deformation and surface change in Chaussard, E., and others, eds., Remote sensing for characterization of geohazards and natural resources: Cham, Switzerland, Springer, p. 173-203.

Event classification, seismicity, and eruption forecasting at Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska - 1999-2023, 2024

Power, J.A., and Roman, D.C., 2024, Event classification, seismicity, and eruption forecasting at Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska - 1999-2023: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v. 454, 108182.
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Automatic identification and quantification of volcanic hotspots in Alaska using HotLINK: the hotspot learning and identification network, 2024

Saunders-Schultz, P., Lopez, T., Dietterich, H., and Girona, T., 2024, Automatic identification and quantification of volcanic hotspots in Alaska using HotLINK - the hotspot learning and identification network: Frontiers in Earth Science v. 12, 1345104.
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Deep learning detection and quantification of volcanic thermal signals in infrared satellite data, 2024

Sanders-Schultz, P., 2024, Deep learning detection and quantification of volcanic thermal signals in infrared satellite data: Fairbanks, Alaska, University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 64 p.
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Detection and characterization of seismic and acoustic signals at Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, using deep learning, 2024

Tan, D., Fee, D., Witsil, A.,Girona, T., Haney, M., Wech, A., Waythomas, C., and Lopez, T., 2024, Detection and characterization of seismic and acoustic signals at Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, using deep learning: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth v. 129, no. 6, e2024JB029194.
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Petrology and geochronology of Cretaceous-Eocene plutonic rocks in northeastern Washington, USA: Crustal thickening, slab rollback, and origin of the Challis episode, 2024

Tepper, J.H., Loewen, M.W., Caulfield, L.M., Davidosn, P.C., Ruthenberg, K.L., Blakely, S.W.F., Knudsen, D.F.J.F., Black, D.F., Nelson, B.K., and Asmerom, Y., 2024, Petrology and geochronology of Cretaceous-Eocene plutonic rocks in northeastern Washington, USA: Crustal thickening, slab rollback, and origin of the Challis episode: GSA Bulletin v. 136, no. 1-2, p. 725-740.

Deformation mapping and modeling of the Aleutian volcanoes with InSAR and numerical models, 2024

Wang, J., 2024, Deformation mapping and modeling of the Aleutian volcanoes with InSAR and numerical models: University Park, Tex., Southern Methodist University, Ph.D. dissertation, 143 p.
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Evolution of the magma system at Makushin volcano, Alaska, from 2004 to 2021, 2024

Wang, J., Lu, Z., Gregg, P.M., and Kim, J.-W., 2024, Evolution of the magma system at Makushin volcano, Alaska, from 2004 to 2021: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v. 446, 107991.

Tectonic tremor observations across Alaska, 2024

Wech, A., 2024, Tectonic tremor observations across Alaska in Ruppert, N., Jadamec, M., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., Tectonics and seismic structure of Alaska and northwestern Canada - EarthScope and beyond: Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons, p. 325-334.

Deep-learning-based phase picking for volcano-tectonic and long-period earthquakes, 2024

Zhong, Y., and Tan, Y.J., 2024, Deep-learning-based phase picking for volcano-tectonic and long-period earthquakes: Geophysical Research Letters v. 5, no. 12, e2024GL108438.
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Water and oxygen fugacity in subduction zone magmatism, 2023

Andrys, J.L., 2023, Water and oxygen fugacity in subduction zone magmatism: South Kingstown, R.I., University of Rhode Island, Ph.D. thesis, 389 p.

Understanding drivers of mercury in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), a top-predator fish in southwest Alaska's parklands, 2023

Bartz, K.K., Hannam, M.P., Wilson, T.L., Lepak, R.F., Ogorek, J.M., Young, D.B., Eagles-Smith, C.A., and Krabbenhoft, D.P., 2023, Understanding drivers of mercury in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), a top-predator fish in southwest Alaska's parklands: Environmental Pollution v. 330, 121678.
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On the Maclaren River volcanic field - Petrogenesis of Pleistocene Yakutat slab tear volcanism in south-central Alaska, (USA), 2023

Bearden, A.T., 2023, On the Maclaren River volcanic field - Petrogenesis of Pleistocene Yakutat slab tear volcanism in south-central Alaska, (USA): Manhattan, Kansas, Kansas State University, M.S. thesis, 129 p.

Back-azimuth estimation of air-to-ground coupled infrasound from transverse coherence minimization, 2023

Bishop, J.W, Haney, M.M., Fee, D., Matoza, R.S., McKee, K.F., Lyons, J.J., 2023, Back-azimuth estimation of air-to-ground coupled infrasound from transverse coherence minimization: The Seismic Record v. 3, no. 4, p. 249-258.
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Back‐azimuth estimation of air‐to‐ground coupled infrasound from transverse coherence minimization, 2023

Bishop, J.W., Haney, M.W., Fee, D., Matoza, R.S., McKee, K.F., and Lyons, J.J., 2023, Back‐azimuth estimation of air‐to‐ground coupled infrasound from transverse coherence minimization: The Seismic Record v. 3, no. 4, p. 249-258.

A new P-wave tomographic model (CAP22) for North America - implications for the subduction and cratonic metasomatic modification history of western Canada and Alaska, 2023

Boyce, A., Liddell, M.V., Pugh, S., Brown, J., McMurchie, E., Parsons, A., Estève, C., Burdick, S., Darbyshire, F.A., Cottaar, S., Bastow, I.D., Schaeffer, A.J., Audet, P., Schutt, D.L., and Aster, R.C., 2023, A new P-wave tomographic model (CAP22) for North America - implications for the subduction and cratonic metasomatic modification history of western Canada and Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth v. 128, no. 3, e2022JB025745.
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2018 Volcanic activity in Alaska—Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2023

Cameron, C.E., Orr, T.R., Dixon, J.P., Dietterich, H.R., Waythomas, C.F., Iezzi, A.M., Power, J.A., Searcy, C., Grapenthin, R., Tepp, G., Wallace, K.L., Lopez, T.M., Degrandpre, K., and Perreault, J.M., 2023, 2018 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5029, 68 p.,
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Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck, v. 3, 2023

Cameron, C.E., Janssen, K.A., Orr, T., and Loewen, M.W., 2023, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck, v. 3: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 59 v. 3, 4 p.

Mount Edgecumbe: Ongoing volcanic unrest and response, 2023

Cameron, C.E., and Janssen, K.A., 2022, Mount Edgecumbe: Ongoing volcanic unrest and response actions: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 93, 2 p.

Recently active volcanoes of Alaska, 2023

Cameron, C.E., Bull, K.F., and Macpherson, A.E., 2023, Recently active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 6, 2 sheets.

Double-difference adjoint tomography of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Alaska, 2023

Chen, G., Chen, J., Tape, C., Wu, H., and Tong, P., 2023, Double-difference adjoint tomography of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth v. 128, no. 1, e2022JB025168.

Spatial variations in ancient meteoric water - an investigation of the Rattlesnake Tuff, 2023

Cohen, Julian Michael. 2023, Spatial variations in ancient meteoric water - an investigation of the Rattlesnake Tuff: Portland, Ore., Portland State University, M.S. thesis, 80 p.
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A new decade in seismoacoustics (2010-2022), 2023

Dugick, F.D, Koch, C., Berg, E., Arrowsmith, S., and Albert, S., 2023, A new decade in seismoacoustics (2010-2022): Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America v. 113, no. 4, p. 1390-1423.

Low-temperature geothermal geospatial datasets - an example from Alaska, 2023

Elizondo, E.D., Kolker, K., and Warren, I., 2023, Low-temperature geothermal geospatial datasets - an example from Alaska: National Renewable Energy Lab Conference Paper 5700-85035.
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Characterizing infrasound station frequency response using large earthquakes and colocated seismometers, 2023

Fee, D., Macpherson, K., and Gabrielson, T., 2023, Characterizing infrasound station frequency response using large earthquakes and colocated seismometers: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America v. 113, no. 4, p. 1581-1595.

A Specific Earthquake Processing Workflow for Studying Long-Lived, Explosive Volcanic Eruptions With Application to the 2008 Okmok Volcano, Alaska, Eruption, 2023

Garza-Girón, R., Brodsky, E.E., Spica, Z.J., Haney, M.M., and Webley, P.W., 2023, A Specific Earthquake Processing Workflow for Studying Long-Lived, Explosive Volcanic Eruptions With Application to the 2008 Okmok Volcano, Alaska, Eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth v. 128, no. 5, article no. e2022JB025882, 16 p.

Earthquakes record cycles of opening and closing in the enhanced seismic catalog of the 2008 Okmok Volcano, Alaska, eruption, 2023

Garza-Girón, R., E.E. Brodsky, Z.J. Spica, M.M. Haney, P.W. Webley, 2023, Earthquakes record cycles of opening and closing in the enhanced seismic catalog of the 2008 Okmok Volcano, Alaska, eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth v. 123, no. 7, e2023JB026893.
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Controls of crystal shape on degassing mechanisms in crystal-rich magmas with rhyolitic groundmass melts, 2023

Graham, N.A,, Larsen, J.F., Tasa, K.Y., deGraffenried, R.L., Cashman, K.V., and McCartney, K.N., 2023, Controls of crystal shape on degassing mechanisms in crystal-rich magmas with rhyolitic groundmass melts: Earth and Planetary Science Letters v. 601, 117891.

A one-dimensional volcanic plume model for predicting ash aggregation, 2023

Hoffman, D.W., Mastin, L.G., Van Eaton, A.R., Solovitz, S.A., Cal, R.B., and Eaton, J.K., 2023, A one-dimensional volcanic plume model for predicting ash aggregation: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth in press.

Phases in fine volcanic ash, 2023

Hornby, A., Gazel, E., Bush, C., Dayton, K., and Mahowald, N., 2023, Phases in fine volcanic ash: Scientific Reports v. 13, 15728.
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Applications and examination of techniques used to determine magma storage and ascent timescales in arc volcanoes, 2023

Huggins, E.G., 2023, Applications and examination of techniques used to determine magma storage and ascent timescales in arc volcanoes: Reno, Nev., University of Nevada Reno, Ph.D. dissertation, 161 p.
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UAS-based observations of infrasound directionality at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, 2023

Iezzi, A.M., Buzard, R.M., Fee, D., Matoza, R.S., Gestrich, J.E., Jolly, A.D., Schmid, M., Cigala, V., Kueppers, U., Vossen, C.E.J., Cimarelli, C., Lacanna, G., and Ripepe, M., 2023, UAS-based observations of infrasound directionality at Stromboli Volcano, Italy: Geophysical Research Letters v. 50, no. 8, e2023GL102905.

Plutonic rocks drilled beneath Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island; a mashed view of the Aleutian Islands, 2023

Jean, M., Perfit, M., and Anonymous, 2023, Plutonic rocks drilled beneath Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island; a mashed view of the Aleutian Islands [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 55, no. 4, p. 28-8. https://doi.org10.1130/abs/2023CD-387082

A Holocene tephrochronological framework for Finland, 2023

Kalliokoski, M., Guðmundsdóttir, E.R., Wastegård, S., Jokinen, S., and Saarinen, T., 2023, A Holocene tephrochronological framework for Finland: Quaternary Science Reviews v. 312, article no. 108173, 18 p.

Southern Rio Grande rift kinematics and geochronology, Big Bend fold geometry, and the use of real data in geoscience education - contributions to the understanding of Big Bend geology and to public geoscientific literacy, 2023

Kelsch, Jessica Moore, 2023, Southern Rio Grande rift kinematics and geochronology, Big Bend fold geometry, and the use of real data in geoscience education - contributions to the understanding of Big Bend geology and to public geoscientific literacy: El Paso, Tex., University of Texas at El Paso, Ph.D. dissertation, 256 p.
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Using chemical zoning in minerals to understand magmatic processes at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2023

Kennedy, S., 2023, Using chemical zoning in minerals to understand magmatic processes at Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Bellingham, Washington, Western Washington University, M.S. thesis, 186 p.

Weak degassing from remote Alaska volcanoes characterized with a new airborne imaging DOAS instrument and a suite of in situ sensors, 2023

Kern, C., and Kelly, P.J., 2023, Weak degassing from remote Alaska volcanoes characterized with a new airborne imaging DOAS instrument and a suite of in situ sensors: Fronteirs in Earth Science v. 11, 1088056.

Interconnection of magma sources beneath the Katmai volcanic system inferred from seismic tomography and petrology, 2023

Koulakov, I., Izbekov, P., Eichelberger, J., Al Arifi, N., and Qaysi, S.I., 2023, Interconnection of magma sources beneath the Katmai volcanic system inferred from seismic tomography and petrology: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v. 434, 107744.

Structure of shallow magma sources beneath Augustine Volcano (Alaska) inferred from local earthquake tomography, 2023

Koulakov, I., Qaysi, S.I., Izbekov, P., and Browne, B.L., 2023, Structure of shallow magma sources beneath Augustine Volcano (Alaska) inferred from local earthquake tomography: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v. 444, 107965.

Estimates of volcanic mercury emissions from Redoubt Volcano, Augustine Volcano, and Mount Spurr eruption ash, 2023

Kushner, D.S., Lopez, T.M., Wallace, K.L., Damby, D.E., Kern, C., and Cameron, C.E., 2023, Estimates of volcanic mercury emissions from Redoubt Volcano, Augustine Volcano, and Mount Spurr eruption ash: Frontiers in Earth Science v. 11, 1054521.
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Volcanic and tectonic sources of seismicity near the Tanaga Volcanic Cluster, Alaska, 2023

Lally, K.F., Caplan-Auerbach, J., and Power, J.A., 2023, Volcanic and Tectonic Sources of Seismicity Near the Tanaga Volcanic Cluster, Alaska: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems v. 24, article no. e2023GC010891, 19 p.

Geologic map of Okmok Volcano, 2023

Larsen, J.F., Neal, C.A., Schaefer, J.R., and Nye, C.J., 2023, Geologic map of Okmok Volcano: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2023-1, 63 p., 4 sheets.

A spatiotemporal assessment of extreme cold in northwestern North America following the unidentified 1809 CE volcanic eruption, 2023

Leland, C., D'Arrigo, R., Davi, N., Anchukaitis, K.J., Andreu-Hayles, L., Porter, T.J., Galloway, T., Mant, M., Wiles, G., Wilson, R., Beaulieu, S., Oelkers, R., Gaglioti, B.V., Rao, M.P., Reid, E., and Nixon, T., 2023, A spatiotemporal assessment of extreme cold in northwestern North America following the unidentified 1809 CE volcanic eruption: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology v. 38, no. 5, e2022PA004581.
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Davidof volcano samples and analyses, 2023

Loewen, M.W., Dietterich, Hannah, and Rosenkrans, H.S., 2023, Davidof volcano samples and analyses: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2023-22, 4 p.

Glass electron microprobe analyses methods, precision and accuracy for tephra studies in Alaska, 2023

Loewen, M.W., Wallace, K.L., Lubbers, Jordan, Ruth, Dawn, Izbekov, P.E., Larsen, J.F., and Graham, Nathan, 2023, Glass electron microprobe analyses methods, precision and accuracy for tephra studies in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 174, 20 p.

Tracking carbon from subduction to outgassing along the Aleutian-Alaska Volcanic Arc, 2023

Lopez, T., Fischer, T.P., Plank, T., Malinverno, A., Rizzo, A.L., Rasmussen, D.J., Cottrell, E., Werner, C., Kern, C., Bergfeld, D., Ilanko, T., Andrys, J.L., and Kelley, K.A., 2023, Tracking carbon from subduction to outgassing along the Aleutian-Alaska Volcanic Arc: Science Advances v. 9, no. 26, article no. eadf3024, 12 p.

Probabilistic source classification of large tephra producing eruptions using supervised machine learning - an example from the Alaska-Aleutian Arc, 2023

Lubbers, J., Loewen, M., Wallace, K., Coombs, M., and Addison, J., 2023, Probabilistic source classification of large tephra producing eruptions using supervised machine learning - an example from the Alaska-Aleutian Arc: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems v. 24, no. 11, e2023GC011037.

Using local infrasound to estimate seismic velocity and earthquake magnitudes, 2023

Macpherson, K.A., Fee, D., Coffet, J.R., and Witsil, A.J., 2023, Using local infrasound to estimate seismic velocity and earthquake magnitudes: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America v. 113, no. 4, p. 1434-1456.

Lateral variations of attenuation in the crust of Alaska using LgQ tomography, 2023

Mahanama, A., and Cramer, C.H., 2023, Lateral variations of attenuation in the crust of Alaska using LgQ tomography: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America v. 113, no. 3, p. 1054-1063.

Subaerial volcaniclastic deposits – influences of initiation mechanisms and transport behaviour on characteristics and distributions, 2023

Major, J.J., 2023, Subaerial volcaniclastic deposits - influences of initiation mechanisms and transport behaviour on characteristics and distributions: Geological Society London, Special Publications v. 520, p. 29-100.
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Global volcano monitoring through the Normalized Hotspot Indices (NHI) system, 2023

Marchese, F., and Genzano, N., 2023, Global volcano monitoring through the Normalized Hotspot Indices (NHI) system: Journal of the Geological Society v. 180, no. 1, jgs2022-014.

Seismic imaging of the westward transition from Yakutat to Pacific subduction in southern Alaska, 2023

Millet, F., Rondenay, S., Bodin, T., and Tape, C., 2023, Seismic imaging of the westward transition from Yakutat to Pacific subduction in southern Alaska: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems v. 24, no. 11, e2022GC010374.
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Dating individual zones in phenocrysts from the 2016–2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano provides constraints on timescales of magmatic processes, 2023

Moshrefzadeh, J., Izbekov, P., Loewen, M., Larsen, J., and Regan, S., 2023, Dating individual zones in phenocrysts from the 2016–2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano provides constraints on timescales of magmatic processes: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v. 435, article no. 107741, 16 p.

Memorial to Norman W. Ten Brink (1943–2023), 2023

Neal, W.J., Werner, A., and Waythomas, C.F., 2023, Memorial to Norman W. Ten Brink (1943-2023): Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research v. 55, no. 1, 2248844.

Integrating global geochemical volcano rock composition with eruption history datasets, 2023

Oggier, F., Widiwijayanti, C., and Costa, F., 2023, Integrating global geochemical volcano rock composition with eruption history datasets: Frontiers in Earth Science v. 11, article no. 1108056, 13 p.

2019 Volcanic activity in Alaska—Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2023

Orr, T.R., Cameron, C.E., Dietterich, H.R., Dixon, J.P., Enders, M.L., Grapenthin, R., Iezzi, A.M., Loewen, M.W., Power, J.A., Searcy, C., Tepp, G., Toney, L., Waythomas, C.F., and Wech, A.G., 2023, 2019 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5039, 64 p.,
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A new multi-method assessment of stratospheric sulfur load from the Okmok II caldera-forming eruption of 43 BCE, 2023

Peccia, A., Moussallam, Y., Plank, T., DallaSanta, K., Polvani, L., Burgisser, A., Larsen, J., and Schaefer, J., 2023, A new multi-method assessment of stratospheric sulfur load from the Okmok II caldera-forming eruption of 43 BCE: Geophysical Research Letters v. 50, no. 21, e2023GL103334.

The significance of volcanic ash in Greenland ice cores during the Common Era, 2023

Plunkett, G., Sigl, M., McConnell, J.R., Pilcher, J.R., and Chellman, N.J., 2023, The significance of volcanic ash in Greenland ice cores during the Common Era: Quaternary Science Reviews v. 301, 107936.
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The crustal magmatic structure beneath the Denali Volcanic Gap imaged by a dense linear seismic array, 2023

Rabade, S., Lin, F.-C., Tape, C., Ward, K.M., Waldien, T., and Allam, A., 2023, The crustal magmatic structure beneath the Denali Volcanic Gap imaged by a dense linear seismic array: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth v. 128, no. 12, e2023JB027152.

Volcanic early warning using Shannon entropy - multiple cases of study, 2023

Rey-Devesa, P., Benítez, C., Prudencio, J., Gutiérrez, L., Cortés-Moreno, G., Titos, M., Koulakov, I., Zuccarello, L., and Ibáñez, J.M., 2023, Volcanic early warning using Shannon entropy - multiple cases of study: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth v. 128, no. 6, e2023JB026684.
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The global seismographic network reveals atmospherically coupled normal modes excited by the 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption, 2023

Ringler, A.T., Anthony, R.E., Aster, R.C., Taira, T., Shiro, B.R., Wilson, D.C., De Angelis, S., Ebeling, C., Haney, M., Matoza, R.S., and Ortiz, H.D., 2023, The global seismographic network reveals atmospherically coupled normal modes excited by the 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption: Geophysical Journal International v. 232, no. 3, p. 2160-2174.

Connections between eruption style and magmatic reservoir evolution - Insights from Augustine Volcano, Alaska, USA, 2023

Robbins, Mahinaokalani, 2023, Connections between eruption style and magmatic reservoir evolution - Insights from Augustine Volcano, Alaska, USA: Bellingham, Washington, Western Washington University, M.S. thesis, 224 p.

Pleistocene to Holocene Volcanism in the Canadian Cordillera, 2023

Russell, J.K., Edwards, B.R., Williams-Jones, G., and Hickson, C., 2023, Pleistocene to Holocene Volcanism in the Canadian Cordillera: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences in press. Https://

Infrasound single-channel noise reduction: application to detection and localization of explosive volcanism in Alaska using backprojection and array processing, 2023

Sanderson, R.W., Matoza, R.S., Fee, D., Haney, M.M., and Lyons, J.J., 2023, Infrasound single-channel noise reduction: application to detection and localization of explosive volcanism in Alaska using backprojection and array processing: Geophysical Journal International v. 232, no. 2, p. 1684-1712.

Deep long-period earthquakes at Akutan Volcano from 2005 to 2017 better track magma influxes compared to volcano-tectonic earthquakes, 2023

Song, Z., Tan, Y.J., and Roman, D.C., 2023, Deep long-period earthquakes at Akutan Volcano from 2005 to 2017 better track magma influxes compared to volcano-tectonic earthquakes: Geophysical Research Letters v. 50, no. 10, e2022GL101987.
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Officially social - Developing a social media crisis communication strategy for USGS Volcanoes during the 2018 Kīlauea eruption, 2023

Stovall, W.K., Ball, J.L., Westby, E.G., Poland, M.P., Wilkins, A., and Mulliken, K.M., 2023, Officially social: Developing a social media crisis communication strategy for USGS Volcanoes during the 2018 Kīlauea eruption: Frontiers in Communication v. 8, 976041.
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Volcanic earthquake catalog enhancement using integrated detection, matched-filtering, and relocation tools, 2023

Tan. D., Fee, D., Hotovec-Ellis, A.J., Pesicek, J.D., Haney, M.M., Power, J.A., and Girona, T., 2023, Volcanic earthquake catalog enhancement using integrated detection, matched-filtering, and relocation tools: Frontiers in Earth Science v. 11, 1158442.
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Characterization of geohazards via seismic and acoustic waves, 2023

Toney, L., 2023, Characterization of geohazards via seismic and acoustic waves: Fairbanks, A.K., University of Alaska Fairbanks, Ph.D. thesis, 139 p.

Examining infrasound propagation at high spatial resolution using a nodal seismic array, 2023

Toney, L., Fee, D., Schmandt, B., and Bishop, J.W., 2023, Examining infrasound propagation at high spatial resolution using a nodal seismic array: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth v. 128, no. 11, e2023JB027314.

Memorandum of understanding between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys on maintaining the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2023

Memorandum of understanding between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys on maintaining the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2023, 7 p.

Along-arc volcanism in the western and central Aleutian from 2015 to 2021 revealed by cloud-based InSAR processing, 2023

Wang, J., Lu, Z., Bekaert, D., Marshak, C., Govorcin, M., Sangha, S., Kennedy, J., and Gregg, P., 2023, Along-arc volcanism in the western and central Aleutian from 2015 to 2021 revealed by cloud-based InSAR processing: Geophysical Research Letters v. 50, no. 23, e2023GL106323.
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Lava-ice interactions during historical eruptions of Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska and the potential for meltwater floods and lahars, 2023

Waythomas, C.F., Edwards, B.R., Miller, T.P., and McGimsey, R.G., 2023, Lava-ice interactions during historical eruptions of Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska and the potential for meltwater floods and lahars: Natural Hazards v. 115, p. 73-106.

Simulation of thermoelastic wave propagation in 3-D multilayered half-space media, 2023

Yang, B., Li, Z., Zeng, L., and Chen, X., 2023, Simulation of thermoelastic wave propagation in 3-D multilayered half-space media: Geophysical Journal International v. 232, no. 2, p. 1408-1426.

Double reservoirs imaged below Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska, explain the migration of volcanic seismicity, 2023

Yang, X., Roman, D.C., Haney, M., and Kupres, C.A., 2023, Double reservoirs imaged below Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska, explain the migration of volcanic seismicity: Geophysical Research Letters v. 50, n. 11, 11 p.

Alaska interagency operating plan for volcanic ash episodes, 2022

Alaska Volcano Observatory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Defense, United States Coast Guard, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (participating agencies), 2022, Alaska interagency operating plan for volcanic ash episodes, 85 p.

Databases in volcanology, 2022

Andrews, B.J., Costa, F., Venzke, E., and Widiwijayanti, C., 2022, Databases in Volcanology: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 84, n. 92, 6 p., 10.1007/s00445-022-01597-x.

Quantifying large-scale surface change using SAR amplitude images: crater morphology changes during the 2019–2020 Shishaldin Volcano eruption, 2022

Angarita, Mario, Grapenthin, Ronni, Plank, Simon, Meyer, F.J., and Dietterich, Hannah, 2022, Quantifying large-scale surface change using SAR amplitude images: crater morphology changes during the 2019-2020 Shishaldin Volcano Eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 127, 19 p., 10.1029/2022JB024344.

The ~400 yr b.p. eruption of Half-Cone, a post-caldera composite cone within Aniakchak Caldera, Alaska Peninsula, 2022

Browne, B.L., Neal, C.A., and Bacon, C.R., 2022, The ~400 yr B.P. eruption of Half Cone, a post-caldera composite cone within Aniakchak caldera, Alaska Peninsula: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report 126, 60 p.

Subduction disruption, slab tears-ca. 1 Ma true collision of an ~30-km-thick oceanic plateau segment recorded by Yakutat slab nascent tear magmatism, 2022

Brueseke, M.E., Benowitz, J.A., Bearden, A.T., Mann, M.E., and Miggins, D.P., 2022, Subduction disruption, slab tears-ca. 1 Ma true collision of an ~30-km-thick oceanic plateau segment recorded by Yakutat slab nascent tear magmatism: Terra Nova v. 35, n. 1, p. 49-57.

Geologic database of information on volcanoes in Alaska (GeoDIVA), 2022

Cameron, C.E., Crass, S.W., and AVO Staff, eds, 2022, Geologic database of information on volcanoes in Alaska (GeoDIVA): Alaska Division of Geologic and Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 20,,

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, v.5, 2022

Cameron, C.E., Schaefer, J.R., and Perreault, J.M., 2022, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 5, 2 sheets.
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Quantifying mass flows at Mt. Cleveland, Alaska between 2001 and 2020 using satellite photogrammetry, 2022

Dai, Chunli, Howat, I.M., Freymeuller, J.T., Lu, Zhong, Vijay, Saurabh, Liljedahl, A.K., Ward Jones, M.K., Bergstedt, Helena, and Lev, Einat, 2022, Quantifying mass flows at Mt. Cleveland, Alaska between 2001 and 2020 using satellite photogrammetry: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 429, 11 p., 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107614.

Late Holocene cryptotephra and a provisional 15,000-year Bayesian age model for Cascade Lake, Alaska, 2022

Davies, L.J., Jensen, B.L., and Kaufman, D.S., 2022, Late Holocene cryptotephra and a provisional 15,000-year Bayesian age model for Cascade Lake, Alaska: Geochronology, v. 4, p. 121-141, doi:10.5194/gchron-4-121-2022.

From anecdotes to quantification: advances in characterizing volcanic eruption impacts on the built environment, 2022

Deligne, N.I., Jenkins, S.F., Meredith, E.S., Williams, G.T., Leonard, G.S., Stewart, Carol, Wilson, T.M., Biass, Sebastien, Blake, D.M., Blong, R.J., Bonadonna, Costanza, Calderon B., Rodrigo, Hayes, J.L., Johnston, D.M., Kennedy, B.M., Magill, C.R., Spence, Robin, Wallace, K.L., Wardman, John, Weir, A.M., Wilson, Grant, and Zuccaro, Giulio, 2022, From anecdotes to quantification: advances in characterizing volcanic eruption impacts on the built environment: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 84, no. 7, 10.1007/s00445-021-01506-8.

Alaska Volcano Observatory archive of seismic drum records of eruptions of Augustine Volcano (1986), Redoubt Volcano (1989-90), Mount Spurr (1992), and Pavlof Volcano (1996), and the 1996 earthquake swarm at Akutan Peak, 2022

Dixon, J.P., and Power, J.A., 2022, Alaska Volcano Observatory archive of seismic drum records of eruptions of Augustine Volcano (1986), Redoubt Volcano (1989-90), Mount Spurr (1992), and Pavlof Volcano (1996), and the 1996 earthquake swarm at Akutan Peak: U.S. Geological Survey Data Report 1146, 10 p.,

Return from dormancy: Rapid inflation and seismic unrest driven by transcrustal magma transfer at Mt. Edgecumbe (L'ux Shaa) Volcano, Alaska., 2022

Grapenthin, Ronni, Cheng, Yitian, Angarita, Mario, Tan, Darren, Meyer, F.J., Fee, David, and Wech, Aaron, 2022, Return from dormancy: Reapid inflation and seismic unrest driven by transcrustal magma transfer at Mt. Edgecumbe (L'ux Shaa) Volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 49, 10p., 10.1029/2022GL099464.

To erupt or not to erupt? That is the question: Extremely high levels of background seismicity and lack of eruptivity from 2003-2019 at Gareloi Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2022

Harris, K.T., 2022, To erupt or not to erupt? That is the question: Extremely high levels of background seismicity and lack of eruptivity from 2003-2019 at Gareloi Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Bellingham, Western Washington University, Masters thesis, 109 p., 28 figs.

Narrow‐band least‐squares infrasound array processing, 2022

Iezzi, A. M., Matoza, R.S., Bishop, J. W., Bhetanabhotla, Sneha, and Fee, David, 2022, Narrow-band least-squares infrasound array processing: Seismology Research Letters, 16 p., doi:10.1785/0220220042.

Relationship between tectonic tremors and 3-D distributions of thermal structure and dehydration in the Alaska subduction zone, 2022

Iwamoto, Kaya, Suenaga, Nobuaki, and Yoshioka, Shoichi, 2022, Relationship between tectonic tremors and 3-D distributions of thermal structure and dehydration in the Alaska subduction zone: Nature Scientific Reports, v. 12, 11 p.,

Multiple magma sources beneath the Okmok Caldera as inferred from local earthquake tomography, 2022

Kasatkina, E., Koulakov, I., Grapenthin, R., Izbekov, P., Larsen, J. F., Al Arifi, N., and Saleh Ismail Qaysi, 2022, Multiple magma sources beneath the Okmok caldera as inferred from local earthquake tomography: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 127.
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Finite‐difference simulation for infrasound generated by finite‐extent ground motions, 2022

Kim, Keehan, Bowman, D.C., and Fee, David, 2022, Finite-difference simulation for infrasound generated by finite-extent ground motions: Seismological Research Letters, 11 p., 10.1785/0220220129.

Multiyear temporal variation of b-values at Alaskan volcanoes: The synergetic influence of stress and material heterogeneity, 2022

Konstantinou, K.I., 2022, Multiyear temporal variation of b-values at Alaskan volcanoes: The synergetic influence of stress and material homogeneity: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 427, p. 13.,

Complex magmatic-tectonic interactions during the 2020 Makushin Volcano, Alaska, earthquake swarm, 2022

Lanza, F., Roman, D.C., Power, J.A., Thurber, C.H., and Hudson, T., 2022, Complex magma-tectonic interactions during the 2020 Makushin Volcano, Alaska earthquake swarm: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 587,

Electron probe microanalytical data of minerals and glass from rock samples from Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2022

Larsen, J.F., Schaefer, J.R., and Cameron, C.E., 2022, Electron probe microanalytical data of minerals and glass from rock samples from Okmok volcano, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2022-6, 13 p.

Electron probe microanalytical data of minerals and glass from rock samples from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, 2022

Larsen, J.F., Schaefer, J.R., Cameron, C.E., and Montayne, Simone, 2022, Electron probe microanalytical data of minerals and glass from rock samples from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2022-7, 18 p.

Guidelines for volcano-observatory operations during crises: recommendations from the 2019 volcano observatory best practices meeting, 2022

Lowenstern, J.B., Wallace, K.L., Barsotti, Sara, Sandri, Laura, Stovall, Wendy, Bernard, Benjamin, Privitera, Eugenio, Komorowski, Jean-Christoph, Fournier, Nico, Balagizi, Charles, and Garaebiti, Esline, 2022, Guidelines for volcano-observatory operations during crises: recommendations from the 2019 volcano observatory best practices meeting: Journal of Applied Volcanology, v. 11, no. 3, 24 p.,

The impact of ice caps on the mechanical stability of magmatic systems: implications for forecasting on human timescales, 2022

Lucas, L.C., Albright, J.A., Gregg, P.M., and Zhan, Yan, 2022, The impact of ice caps on the mechanical stability of magmatic systems: implications for forecasting on human timescales: Frontiers in Earth Science v. 10, article 868569, 10 p.,

The Volcano Hazards Program - Strategic Science Plan for 2022-2026, 2022

Mandeville, C.W., Cervelli, P.F., Avery, V.F., and Wilkins, A.M., 2022, The Volcano Hazards Program - Strategic Science Plan for 2022-2026: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1492, 50 p.,

Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga, 2022

Matoza, R.S., et al., 2022, Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga: Science, p. 11, DOI:10.1126/science.abo7063.

Development, structure, and behavior of a perched lava channel at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi, during 2007, 2022

Orr, T.R., Llewellin, E.W.,and Patrick, M.R., 2022, Development, structure, and behavior of a perched lava channel at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi, during 2007: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 430, 18 p.,

Western Aleutian volcanism; Defining magmatic series transitions and petrogenic origins, 2022

Oxhorn, S., 2022, Western Aleutian volcanism; Defining magmatic series transitions and petrogenic origins: Athens, G.A., University of Georgia, M.S. thesis, 161 p.

Geochemical ice-core constraints on the timing and climatic impact of Aniakchak II (1628 BCE) and Thera (Minoan) volcanic eruptions, 2022

Pearson, C., Sigl, M., Burke, A., Davies, S., Kurbatov, A., Severi, M., Cole-Dai, J., Innes, H., Albert, P.G., and Helmick, M., 2022, Geochemical ice-core constraints on the timing and climatic impact of Aniakchak II (1628 BCE) and Thera (Minoan) volcanic eruptions: PNAS Nexus v. 1, no. 2, article no. pgac048, 12 p.

Detrital glass in a Bering Sea sediment core yields a ca. 160 ka Marine Isotope Stage 6 age for Old Crow tephra, 2022

Reyes, A.V., Jensen, B.J.L., Woudstra, S.H., Bolton, M.S.M., Buryak, S.D., Cook, M.S., Harvey, J., and Westgate, J.A., 2022, Detrital glass in a Bering Sea sediment core yields a ca. 160 ka Marine Isotope Stage 6 age for Old Crow tephra: Geology v. 51, no. 1, p. 106-110.
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Waveform features strongly control subcrater classification performance for a large, labeled volcano infrasound dataset, 2022

Toney, Liam, Fee, David, Witsil, Alex, and Matoza, R.S., 2022, Waveform features strongly control subcrater classification performace for a large, laveled volcano infrasound dataset: The Seismic Record, v. 2, p. 167-175, doi:10.1785/0320220019.

Geochronology of the Wrangell Arc - Spatial-temporal evolution of slab-edge magmatism along a flat-slab, subduction-transform transition, Alaska-Yukon, 2022

Trop, J.M., Benowitz, J.A., Kirby, C.S., and Brueseke, M.E., 2022, Geochronology of the Wrangell Arc - Spatial-temporal evolution of slab-edge magmatism along a flat-slab, subduction-transform transition, Alaska-Yukon: Geosphere v. 18, no. 1, p. 19-48.

The role of preexisting upper plate strike-slip faults during long-lived (ca. 30 Myr) oblique flat slab subduction, southern Alaska, 2022

Waldien, T.S., Lease, R.O., Roeske, S.O., Benowitz, J.A., and O'Sullivan, P.B., 2022, The role of preexisting upper plate strike-slip faults during long-lived (ca. 30 Myr) oblique flat slab subduction, southern Alaska: Earth and Planetary Science Letters v. 577, article no. 117242, 12 p.

Community established best practice recommendations for tephra studies -- from collection through analysis, 2022

Wallace, K.L., Bursik, M.I., Kuehn, Stephen, Kurbatov, A.V., Abbot, Peter, Bonadonna, Costanza, Cashman, Katharine, Davies, S.M., Jensen, Britta, Lane, Christine, Plunkett, Gill, Smith, V.C., Tomlinson, Emma, Thordarsson, Thor, and Walker, J.D., 2022, Community established best practice recommendations for tephra studies - from collection through analysis: Nature Scientific Data, v. 9, 11 p.,

Selected crater and small caldera lakes in Alaska: Characteristics and hazards, 2022

Waythomas, C.F., 2022, Selected crater and small caldera lakes in Alaska: Characteristics and hazards: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 9, p. 23, doi:10.3389/feart.2021.751216.

The 2018 eruption of Mount Veniaminof, Alaska, 2022

Waythomas, C.F., Dietterich, H.R., Tepp, G.M., Lopez, T.M., and Loewen, M.W., 2022, The 2018 eruption of Mount Veniaminof, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022-5075, 32 p.
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Characterizing unrest - A retrospective look at 20 years of gas emissions and seismicity at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, 2022

Werner, C., Power, J.A., Kelly, P.J., Prejean, S., and Kern, C., 2022, Characterizing unrest - A retrospective look at 20 years of gas emissions and seismicity at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v. 422, 107448.

Structure of the magma plumbing system beneath Semisopochnoi Island (Aleutian Arc) inferred from seismic tomography, 2022

Yaroshenko, Galina, Koulakov, Ivan, Al-Arifi, Nassir, Qaysi, Saleh, and El Khrepy, Sami, 2022, Structure of the magma plumbing system beneath Semisopochnoi Island (Aleutian Arc) inferred from seismic tomography: Nature Scientific Reports, v. 12, 12 p.,

Earthquakes indicated stress field change during the 2006 unrest of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2022

Yan Zhan, Roman, D.C., Le Mevel, Helene, and Power, J.A., 2022, Earthquakes indicated stress field change during the 2006 unrest of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 49, no. 10, p. 13,

Modeling deformation, seismicity, and thermal anomalies driven by degassing during the 2005-2006 pre-eruptive unrest of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2022

Zhan, Y., Le Mével, H., Roman, D.C., Girona, T., and Gregg, P.M., 2022, Modeling deformation, seismicity, and thermal anomalies driven by degassing during the 2005-2006 pre-eruptive unrest of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Earth and Planetary Science Letters v. 585, 117524.

Ambient noise tomography of the Katmai volcanic area, Alaska, 2021

Bai, Tong, Nayak, Avinash, Thurber, Clifford, Zeng, Xiangfang, and Haney, Mathew, 2021, Ambient noise tomography of the Katmai volcanic area, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 419, article no. 107373, 10 p., doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107373.

Eruption of compositionally heterogeneous andesites from a complex storage region during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2021

Benage, M.C., Wright, H.M.N., and Coombs, M.L., 2021, Eruption of compositionally heterogeneous andesites from a complex storage region during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 83, n. 17, 23 p., doi:10.1007/s00445-020-01431-2.

Spatiotemporal analysis of seismic velocity changes at Okmok volcano, Alaska and implications from deformation source modeling, 2021

Bennington, N.L., Ohlendorf, S.J., Thurber, C.H., and Haney, M.M., 2021, Spatiotemporal analysis of seismic velocity changes at Okmok volcano, Alaska and implications from deformation source modeling: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 561, p. 1-11.

Os isotopic composition of western Aleutian adakites: Implications for the Re/Os of oceanic crust processed through hot subduction zones, 2021

Bezard, Rachel, Turner, Simon, Schaefer, Bruce, Yogodzinski, Gene, and Hoernle, Kaj, 2021, Os isotopic composition of western Aleutian adakites: Implications for the Re/Os of oceanic crust processed through hot subduction zones: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 292, p. 452-467.

Independent Volcanic Source Parameter Archive (IVESPA, version 1.0) - A new observational database to support explosive eruptive column model validation and development, 2021

Aubry, T.J., Engwell, Samantha, Bonadonna, Costanza, Carazzo, Guillaume, Scollo, Simona, Van Eaton, A.R., Taylor, I.A., Jessop, David, Eychenne, Julia, Gouhier, Mathieu, Mastin, L.G., Wallace, K.L., Biass, Sébastien, Bursik, Marcus, Grainger, R.G., Jellinek, A.M., and Schmidt, Anja, 2021, Independent Volcanic Source Parameter Archive (IVESPA, version 1.0)-A new observational database to support explosive eruptive column model validation and development: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 417, article no. 107295, 31 p.

U-Pb zircon eruption age of the Old Crow tephra and review of extant age constraints, 2021

Burgess, S.D., Vazquez, J.A., Waythomas, C.F., and Wallace, K.L., 2021, U-Pb zircon eruption age of the Old Crow tephra and review of extant age constraints: Quaternary Geochronology, 13 p., doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2021.101168.

Five-year management plan for establishing and operating NVEWS - The National Volcano Early Warning System, 2021

Cervelli, P.F., Mandeville, C.W., Avery, V.F., and Wilkins, A.M., 2021, Five-year management plan for establishing and operating NVEWS - The National Volcano Early Warning System: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2021-1092, 11 p.,
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Digital elevation models and orthoimagery from the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof, Alaska, 2021

Dietterich, H.R., Loewen, M.W., Laker, M., Orr, T., and Hults, C., 2021, Digital elevation models and orthoimagery from the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

New constraints on slip deficit on the Aleutian Megathrust and inflation at Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska from repeat GPS measurements, 2021

Drooff, Connor, and Freymueller, J. T., 2021, New constraints on slip deficit on the Aleutian megathrust and inflation at Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska from repeat GPS measurements: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 48, no. 4, p. 1-12.

Near-real-time volcanic cloud monitoring - Insights into global explosive volcanic eruptive activity through analysis of Volcanic Ash Advisories, 2021

Engwell, S., Mastin, L., Tupper, A., Kibler, J., Acethorp, P., Lord, G., and Filgueira, R., 2021, Near-real-time volcanic cloud monitoring - Insights into global explosive volcanic eruptive activity through analysis of Volcanic Ash Advisories: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 83, article no. 9, 17 p.,

Local explosion detection and infrasound localization by reverse time migration using 3-D finite-difference wave propagation, 2021

Fee, David, Toney, Liam, Kim, Keehoon, Sanderson, R.W., Iezzi, A.M., Matoza, R.S., De Angelis, Silvio, Jolly, A.D., Lyons, J.J., and Haney, M.M., 2021, Local explosion detection and infrasound localization by reverse time migration using 3-D finite-difference wave propagation: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 9, article no. 620813, 14 p.,

Gas emissions from the Western Aleutians volcanic arc, 2021

Fischer, T.P., Lopez, T.M., Aiuppa, Alessandro, Rizzo, A.L., Ilanko, Tehnuka, Kelley, K.A., and Cottrell, Elizabeth, 2021, Gas emissions from the Western Aleutians volcanic arc: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 9., 10.3389/feart.2021.786021.

Fitting jet noise similarity spectra to volcano infrasound data: Earth and Space Science, 2021

Gestrich, J.E., Fee, David, Matoza, R.S., Lyons, J.J., and Ruiz, Mario, 2021, Fitting jet noise similarity spectra to volcano infrasound data: Earth and Space Science, v. 8, article no. e2021EA0018944, 16 p.

Monochromatic long-period seismicity prior to the 2012 earthquake swarm at Little Sitkin Volcano, Alaska, 2021

Haney M.M., Buurman, Helena, Holtkamp Stephen, and McNutt, S.R., 2021, Monochromatic long-period seismicity prior to the 2012 earthquake swarm at Little Sitkin Volcano, Alaska: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 9, article no. 689651, 13 p.

Syn-eruptive hydration of volcanic ash records pyroclast-water interaction in explosive eruptions, 2021

Hudak, M.R., Bindeman, I.N., Loewen, M.W., and Giachetti, Thomas, 2021, Syn-eruptive hydration of volcanic ash records pyroclast-water interaction in explosive eruptions: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 48, e2021GL094141, doi:10.1029/2021GL094141.

A latest Pleistocene and Holocene composite tephrostratigraphic framework for northeastern North America, 2021

Jensen, B.J.L., Davies, L.J., Nolan, C., Pyne-O’Donnell, S., Monteath, A.J., Ponomareva, V., Portnyagin, M., Booth, R., Bursik, M., Cook, E., Plunkett, G., Vallance, J.W., Luo, Y., Cwynar, L.C., Hughes, P., and Pearson, D.G., 2021, A latest Pleistocene and Holocene composite tephrostratigraphic framework for northeastern North America: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 272, article no. 107242, 31 p.,

Calcium isotope compositions of arc magmas; implications for Ca and carbonate recycling in subduction zones, 2021

Jin-Ting Kang, Yu-Han Qi, Kan Li, Jiang-Hao Bai, Hui-Min Yu, Wang Zheng, Zhao-Feng Zhang, and Fang Huang, 2021, Calcium isotope compositions of arc magmas: Implications for Ca and carbonate recycling in subduction zones: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 306, p. 1-19.

Airborne volcanic gas measurements at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska 2004-2017, 2021

Kelly, P., Kern, C., Werner, C., and Clor, L., 2021, Airborne volcanic gas measurements at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska 2004-2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Glacial dust surpasses both volcanic ash and desert dust in its iron fertilization potential, 2021

Koffman, B.G., Yoder, M.F., Methven, Taylor, Hanschka, Lena, Sears, H.B., Saylor, P.L., and Wallace, K.L., 2021, Glacial dust surpasses both volcanic ash and desert dust in its iron fertilization potential: Global Biogeochemical Cycles, v. 35, e2020GB006821, doi: 10.1029/2020GB006821.

Fast identification of volcanic tremor and lahar signals during the 2009 Redoubt eruption using permutation entropy and supervised machine learning, 2021

Konstantinou, K. I., Rahmalia, A.D., Nurfitriana, Izaina, and Ichihara, Mie, 2021, Fast identification of volcanic tremor and lahar signals during the 2009 Redoubt eruption using permutation entropy and supervised machine learning: Seismological Research Letters, v. 93, p. 435-443, doi: 10.1785/0220210176.
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Magma-fluid interactions beneath Akutan Volcano in the Aleutian Arc based on the results of local earthquake tomography, 2021

Koulakov, Ivan, Komzeleva, Viktoria, Smirnov, S.Z., and Bortnikova, S.B., 2021, Magma-fluid interactions beneath Akutan Volcano in the Aleutian Arc based on the results of local earthquake tomography: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 126, no. 3, p.1-20.

Major-element oxide, trace element, and glass compositional analyses from Holocene to historical eruptions from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, 2021

Larsen, J.F., Waythomas, C.F., Mulliken, K.M., Izbekov, Pavel, and Cameron, C.E., 2021, Major-element oxide, trace element, and glass compositional analyses from Holocene to historical eruptions from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2021-1, 20 p.,

Evolution in eruptive style of the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof volcano, Alaska, reflected in groundmass textures and remote sensing, 2021

Loewen, M.L., Dietterich, H.R., Graham, Nathan, and Izbekov, Pavel, 2021, Evolution in eruptive style of the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof volcano, Alaska, reflected in groundmass textures and remote sensing: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 83, no. 72, 19 p.,

Constraints on deep, CO2-rich degassing at arc volcanoes from solubility experiments on hydrous basaltic andesite of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska Peninsula, at 300 to 1200 Mpa, 2021

Mangan, M.T., Sisson, T.W., Hankins, W.B., Shimizu, Nobumichi, and Vennemann, Torsten, 2021, Constraints on deep, CO2-rich degassing at arc volcanoes from solubility experiments on hydrous basaltic andesite of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska Peninsula, at 300 to 1200 Mpa: American Mineralogist, v. 106, no. 5, p. 762-773.

Correlation between GNSS-TEC and eruption magnitude supports the use of ionospheric sensing to complement volcanic hazard assessment, 2021

Manta, Fabio, Occhipinti, Giovanni, Hill, E.M., Perttu, Anna, Assink, Jelle, and Taisne, Benoit, 2021, Correlation between GNSS-TEC and eruption magnitude supports the use of ionospheric sensing to complement volcanic hazard assessment: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 126, no. 2, p. 1-17.

Indicators of volcanic eruptions revealed by global M4+ earthquakes, 2021

Pesicek, J. D., Ogburn, S. E., and Prejean, S. G., 2021, Indicators of volcanic eruptions revealed by global M4+ earthquakes: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 126, no. 3

Airborne geophysical imaging of weak zones on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska: implications for slope stability, 2021

Peterson, D.E., Finn, C.A., and Bedrosian, P.A., 2021, Airborne geophysical imaging of weak zones on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska: implications for slope stability: Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, v. 126, 21 p.,

Volcanic seismicity beneath Chuginadak Island, Alaska (Cleveland and Tana volcanoes): implications for magma dynamics and eruption forecasting, 2021

Power, J.A., Roman, D.C., Lyons, J.J., Haney, M.M., Rasmussen, D.J., Plank, Terry, Nicolaysen, K.P., Izbekov, Pavel, Werner, Cynthia, Kaufman, A.M., 2021, Volcanic seismicity beneath Chuginadak Island, Alaska (Cleveland and Tana volcanoes): implications for magma dynamics and eruption forecasting: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 412, no.107182, 18 p., 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107182.

Modeling GPS signal propagation through volcanic plumes, 2021

Rainville, Nicholas, Palo, Scott, and Larson, K.M., 2021, Modeling GPS signal propogation through volcanic plumes: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, v. 126, no. 12, p.1-17.

Quantifying eruptive and background seismicity, deformation, degassing, and thermal emissions at volcanoes in the United States during 1978-2020, 2021

Reath, K., Pritchard, M.E., Roman, D.C., Lopez, T., Carn, S., Fischer, T.P., Lu, Z., Poland, M.P., Vaughan, R.G., Wessels, R., Wike, L.L., and Tran, H.K., 2021, Quantifying eruptive and background seismicity, deformation, degassing, and thermal emissions at volcanoes in the United States during 1978-2020: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 126, e2021JB021684, doi: 10.1029/2021JB021684.

Isforce: a Python-based single-force seismic inversion framework for massive landslides, 2021

Toney, Liam, and Allstadt, K.E., 2021, Isforce: a Python-based single-force seismic inversion framework for massive landslides: Seismological Research Letters, 17 p., doi:10.1785/0220210004.

Reconstructing the dynamics of the highly similar May 2016 and June 2019 Iliamna Volcano (Alaska) ice-rock avalanches from seismoacoustic data, 2021

Toney, Liam, Fee, David, Allstadt, K.E., Haney, M.M., and Matoza, R.S., 2021, Reconstructing the dynamics of the highly similar May 2016 and June 2019 Iliamna Volcano (Alaska) ice-rock avalanches from seismoacoustic data: Earth Surface Dynamics, v. 9, p. 271-293,

Inflation of Okmok Volcano during 2008-2020 from PS analyses and source inversion with finite element models, 2021

Wang Jiahui, Lu Zhong, and Gregg, P.M., 2021, Inflation of Okmok Volcano during 2008-2020 from PS analyses and source inversion with finite element models: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 126, no. 10, p.17.

Multidisciplinary constraints on magma compressibility, the pre-eruptive exsolved volatile fraction, and the H2O/CO2 molar ratio for the 2006 Augustine eruption, Alaska, 2021

Wasser, V.K., Lopez, T.M., Anderson, K.R., Izbekov, Pavel, and Freymueller, J.T., 2021, Multidisciplinary constraints on magma compressibility, the pre-eruptive exsolved volatile fraction, and the H2O/CO2 molar ratio for the 2006 Augustine eruption, Alaska: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 22, 24 p., 10.1029/2021GC009911.

Generation of calc-alkaline magmas during crystallization at high oxygen fugacity: an experimental and petrologic study of tephras from Buldir Volcano, western Aleutian arc, Alaska, USA, 2021

Waters, L.E., Cottrell, Elizabeth, Coombs, M.L., and Kelley, K.A., 2021, Generation of calc-alkaline magmas during crystallization at high oxygen fugacity: an experimental and petrologic study of tephras from Buldir Volcano, western Aleutian arc, Alaska, USA: Journal of Petrology, p. 1-36, doi:10.1093/petrology/egaa104.

Origin of unconsolidated Quaternary deposits at Harriet Point near Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2021

Waythomas, C.F., 2021, Origin of unconsolidated Quaternary deposits at Harriet Point near Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021-5071, 14 p.,

Simultaneous effusive and explosive cinder cone eruptions at Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska, 2021

Waythomas, C.F., 2021, Simultaneous effusive and explosive cinder cone eruptions at Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska: Volcanica, v. 4, no. 2, p. 295-307, doi:10.30909/vol.04.02.295307.
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Modeling magma system evolution during 2006-2007 volcanic unrest of Atka volcanic center, Alaska, 2021

Yan Zhan, Gregg, P.M., and Zhong Lu, 2021, Modeling magma system evolution during 2006-2007 volcanic unrest of Atka volcanic center, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 126, no. 2, p. 1-29.

Aleutian island arc magma production rates and primary controlling factors, 2020

Yongliang Bai, Diya Zhange, Dongdong Dong, Shiguo Wu, and Zhenjie Wang, 2020, Aleutian island arc magma production rates and primary controlling factors: Marine Geology, v. 430,

A post-eruption study of gases and thermal waters at Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2020

Bergfeld, Deborah, Evans, W.C., Hunt, A.G., Lopez, Taryn, and Schaefer, J.R., 2020, A post-eruption study of gases and thermal waters at Okmok volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v, 396, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106853.

Improved infrasound array processing with robust estimators, 2020

Bishop, J.W., Fee, David, and Szuberla, C.A.L., Improved infrasound array processing with robust estimators: Geophysical Journal International, v. 221, no. 3, p. 2058-2074.

Machine learning classifiers for attributing tephra to source volcanoes: an evalution of methods for Alaska tephras, 2020

Bolton, M.S.M., Jensen, B.J.L., Wallace, Kristi, Praet, Nore, Fortin, David, Kaufman, Darrell, and De Batist, Marc, 2020, Machine learning classifiers for attributing tephra to source volcanoes: an evalution of methods for Alaska tephras: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 35, n. 1-2, p. 81-92, doi:10.1002/jqs.3170.

Workshop on wind-remobilisation processes of volcanic ash, Consensual Document, 2020

Bonadonna, Costanza, Jarvis, P.A., Dominguez, Lucia, Frischknecht, Corine, Forte, Pablo, Bran, Donaldo, Aguilar, Rigoberto, Beckett, Frances, Ellisondo, Manuela, Gillies, Jack, Kueppers, Ulrich, Merrison, Jonathan, Varley, Nick, and Wallace, K.L., 2020, Workshop on wind-remobilization processes of volcanic ash, consensual document. Https://

2016 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2020

Cameron, C.E., Dixon, J.P., Waythomas, C.F., Iezzi, A.M., Wallace, K.L., McGimsey, R.G., and Bull, K.F., 2020, 2016 Volcanic activity in Alaska-Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5125, 63 p.,

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, v. 4, 2020

Cameron, C.E., Schaefer, J.R., and Ekberg, P.G., 2020, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 4, 2 sheets. Http://

The eruptive history, magmatic evolution, and influence of glacial ice at long-lived Akutan volcano, eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2020

Coombs, M.L., and Jicha, B.R., 2020, The eruptive history, magmatic evolution, and influence of glacial ice at long-lived Akutan volcano, eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska: GSA Bulletin, 29 p.,

Characterization of the 2008 phreatomagmatic eruption of Okmok from ArcticDEM and InSAR: Deposition, erosion, and deformation, 2020

Dai, Chunli, Howat, I.M., Freymueller, J.T., Vijay, Saurabh, and Jia, Yuanyuan, 2020, Characterization of the 2008 phreatomagmatic eruption of Okmok from ArcticDEM and InSAR: Deposition, erosion, and deformation: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 125, 15 p., https://doi. Org/10.1029/2019JB018977

Phase equilibrium of a high SiO2 andesite at fO2=RRO - Implications for Augustine Volcano and other high fO2 arc andesites, 2020

De Angelis, S.H., Larsen, J.F., Coombs, M.L., Utley, J.E.P., and Dunn, Andrew, 2020, Phase equilibrium of a high SiO2 andesite at fO2=RRO - Implications for Augustine Volcano and other high fO2 arc andesites: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 175, no. 24, 20 p.,

Phase equlibrium of a high-SiO2 andesite at fO2=RRO: implications for Augustine Volcano and other high-fO2 arc andesites, 2020

De Angelis, S.H., Larsen, J.F., Coombs, M.L., Utley, J.E.P., and Dunn, Andrew, 2020, Phase equlibrium of a high-SiO2 andesite at fO2=RRO: implications for Augustine Volcano and other high-fO2 arc andesites: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 175, n. 24, 21 p., doi:

Uncertainty in detection of volcanic activity using infrasound arrays - examples from Mt. Etna, Italy, 2020

De Angelis, Silvio, Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Wech, Aaron, Fee, David, Diaz-Moreno, Alejandro, and Zuccarello, Luciano, 2020, Uncertainty in detection of volcanic activity using infrasound arrays: examples from Mt. Etna, Italy: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 8, article no. 169, 11 p., 10.3389/feart.2020.00169.

Characterization of magma storage and dynamics at Akutan, Semisopochnoi, and Okmok volcanoes from analytical and numerical models of geodetic, seismic and petrologic data, 2020

DeGrandpre, Kimberly, 2020, Characterization of magma storage and dynamics at Akutan, Semisopochnoi, and Okmok volcanoes from analytical and numerical models of geodetic, seismic and petrologic data: Dallas, Southern Methodist University, PhD. dissertation, 556 p., 158 figs.

2017 Volcanic activity in Alaska-Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2020

Dixon, J.P., Cameron, C.E., Iezzi, A.M., Power, J.A., Wallace, K., and Waythomas, C.F., 2020, 2017 Volcanic activity in Alaska-Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5102, 61 p.,

Seismo-acoustic evidence for vent drying during shallow submarine eruptions at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Fee, David, Lyons, John, Haney, Matthew, Wech, Aaron, Waythomas, Christopher, Diefenbach, A.K., Lopez, Taryn, Van Eaton, Alexa, and Schneider, David, 2020, Seismo-acoustic evidence for vent drying during shallow submarine eruptions at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, n. 2, 14 p.,doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1326-5.

Seismic velocity variations associated with the 2018 lower East Rift Zone eruption of Kīlauea, Hawaiʻi, 2020

Flinders, A.F., Caudron, Corentin, Johanson, I.A., Tiara, Taka'aki, Shiro, Brian, and Haney, M.M., 2020, Seismic velocity variations associated with the 2018 lower East Rift Zone eruption of Kilauea, Hawai'i: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, no. 47, 13 p., 10.1007/s00445-020-01380-w.

Very long period (VLP) seismic artifacts during the 2018 caldera collapse at Kilauea, Hawai'i, 2020

Flinders, A.F., Johanson, I.A., Dawson, P.B., Anderson, K.R., Haney, M.M., and Shiro, B.R., 2020, Very long period (VLP) seismic artifacts during the 2018 caldera collapse at Kilauea, Hawai'i: Seismological Research Letters, v. 91, p. 3417-3432.

A physical model for volcanic eruption tremor, 2020

Gestrich, J.E., Fee, David, Tsai, V.C., Haney, M.M., and Van Eaton, A.R., 2020, A physical model for volcanic eruption tremor: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 125, e2019JB018980. 10.1029/2019JB018980.

Bulk structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath Alaska from an approximate Rayleigh-wave dispersion formula, 2020

Haney, M.M., Ward, K.M., Tsai, V.C., and Schmandt, Brandon, 2020, Bulk structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath Alaska from an approximate Rayleigh-wave dispersion formula: Seismological Research Letters, v. 91, no. 6, p. 3064-3075, doi:10.1785/0220200162.
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Characteristics of thunder and electromagnetic pulses from volcanic lightning at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Haney, M.M., Van Eaton, A.R., Lyons, J.J., Kramer, R.L., Fee, David, Iezzi, A.M., Dziak, R.P., Anderson, Jacob, Johnson, J.B., Lapierre, J.L., and Stock, Michael, 2020, Characteristics of thunder and electromagnetic pulses from volcanic lightning at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 82, doi:

Co-eruptive tremor from Bogoslof volcano: seismic wavefield composition at regional distances, 2020

Haney, M.M., Fee, David, McKee, K.F., Lyons, J.J., Matoza, R.S., Wech, A.G., Tepp, Gabrielle, Searcy, Cheryl, and Mikesell, T.D., 2020, Co-eruptive tremor from Bogoslof volcano: seismic wavefield composition at regional distances: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Post-1978 tumescence at Long Valley Caldera, California: A geophysical perspective, 2020

Hill, D.P., Montgomery-Brown, E.K., Shelly, D.R., Flinders, A.F., and Prejean, S., 2020, Post-1978 tumescence at Long Valley Caldera, California: A geophysical perspective: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 400, no. 106900, 12 p., doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106900.

Seismo-acoustic characterization of Mount Cleveland Volcano explosions, 2020

Iezzi, A.M., Fee, David, Haney, M.M., and Lyons, J.J., 2020, Seismo-acoustic characterization of Mount Cleveland Volcano explosions: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 8, no. 573368, 19 p., doi:10.3389/feart.2020.573368.

Volcanological applications of unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS): Developments, strategies, and future challenges, 2020

James, M.R., Carr, B.B., D'Arcy, Fiona, Diefenbach, A.K., Dietterich, H.R., Fornaciai, Alessandro, Lev, Einat, Liu, E.J., Pieri, D.C., Rodgers, Mel, Smets, Benoit, Terada, Akihiko, von Aulock, F.W., Walter, T.R, Wood, K.T., and Zorn, E.U., 2020, Volcanological applications of unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS): Developments, strategies, and future challenges: Volcanica, no. 3, p. 67-114,

Aseismic mid-crustal magma reservoir at Cleveland Volcano imaged through novel receiver function analyses, 2020

Janiszewski, H.A., Wagner, L.S., and Roman, D.C., 2020, Aseismic mid-crustal magma reservoir at Cleveland Volcano imaged through novel receiver function analyses: Scientific Reports, v. 10,

Aeolian remobilisation of volcanic ash: outcomes of a workshop in the Argentinian Patagonia, 2020

Jarvis, P.A., Bonadona, Costanza, Dominguez, Lucia, Forte, Pablo, Frischknecht, Corine, Bran, Donaldo, Aguilar, Rigoberto, Beckett, Frances, Elissondo, Manuela, Gillies, John, Kueppers, Ulrich, Merrison, Jonathon, Varley, Nick, and Wallace, K.L., 2020, Aeolian remobilisation of volcanic ash: outcomes of a workshop in the Argentinian Patagonia: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 8, no. 575184, 9 p., doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.575184.

Volcanic gas measurements at Mount Cleveland, Alaska, 2020

Kelly, P.J., Kern, Christoph, Werner, C.A., and Lopez, Taryn, 2020, Volcanic gas measurements at Mount Cleveland, Alaska 2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Seismic tomography of compressional wave velocity and attenuation structure for Makushin Volcano, Alaska, 2020

Lanza, Federica, Thurber, C.H., Syracuse, E.M., Power, J.A., and Ghosh, Abhijit, 2020, Seismic tomography of compressional wave velocity and attenuation structure for Makushin Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106804

Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected on Little Sitkin Island, from Little Sitkin Volcano, Alaska, 2020

Larsen, J.F., Neal, C.A., and Cameron, C.E., 2020, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected on Little Sitkin Island, from Little Sitkin Volcano, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2020-4, 4 p.

Petrology and geochemistry of three Early Holocene eruptions from Makushin Volcano, Alaska, 2020

Larsen, J.F., Schaefer, Janet, Vallance, J.W., and Neill, O.K., 2020, Petrology and geochemistry of three Early Holocene eruptions from Makushin Volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, n. 72, 17 p., doi:10.1007/s00445-020-01412-5.

The depths and locations of magma reservoirs and their consequences for the behavior of sulfur and volcanic degassing, 2020

Lerner, A.H., 2020, The depths and locations of magma reservoirs and their consequences for the behavior of sulfur and volcanic degassing: University of Oregon Ph.D. thesis, 378 p. Available at

The prevalence and significance of offset magma reservoirs at arc volcanoes, 2020

Lerner, A.H., O'Hara, D., Karlstrom, L., Ebmeier, S.K., Anderson, K.R., and Hurwitz, S., 2020, The prevalence and significance of offset magma reservoirs at arc volcanoes: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 47, doi:10.1029/2020GL087856.

The health hazards of volcanic and geothermal gases: a guide for the public, 2020

Longo, Bernadette, Elias, Tamar, and Horwell, Claire, 2020, The health hazards of volcanic and geothermal gases: a guide for the public: International Volcanic Health Hazard Network, U.S. Geological Survey, International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior, 18 p.,

Constraints on eruption processes and event masses for the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, through evalution of IASI satellite SO2 masses and complementary datasets, 2020

Lopez, Taryn, Lieven, Clarisse, Schwaiger, Hans, Van Eaton, Alexa, Loewen, Matthew, Fee, David, Lyons, John, Wallace, Kristi, Searcy, Cheryl, Wech, Aaron, Haney, Matthew, Schnieder, David, and Graham, Nathan, 2020, Constraints on eruption processes and event masses for the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, through evalution of IASI satellite SO2 masses and complementary datasets: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Infrasound generated by the 2016-2017 shallow submarine eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Lyons, J.J., Iezzi, A.M., Fee, David, Schwaiger, H.F., Wech, A.G., and Haney, M.M., 2020, Infrasound generated by the 2016-2017 shallow submarine eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, n. 82, doi:

Extreme climate after massive eruption of Alaska's Okmok volcano in 43 BCE and effects on the late Roman Republic and Ptolemaic Kingdom, 2020

McConnell, J.R., Sigl, Michael, Plunkett, Gil, Burke, Andrea, Kim, W.M., Raible, C.C., Wilson, A.I., Manning, J.G., Ludlow, Francis, Chellman, N.J., Innes, H.M., Yang, Zhen, Larsen, J.F., Schaefer, J.R., Kipfstuhl, Sepp, Mojtabavi, Seyedhamidreza, Wilhelms, Frank, Opel, Thomas, Meyer, Hanno, and Steffensen, J.P., 2020, Extreme climate after massive eruption of Alaska's Okmok volcano in 43 BCE and effects on the late Roman Republic and Ptolemaic Kingdom: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 7 p.,

Linking magma storage and ascent to eruption volume and composition at an arc caldera, 2020

Miller, D.J., Bennington, Ninfa, Haney, M.M., Bedrosian, Paul, Key, Kerry, Thurber, Clifford, Hart, Laney, and Ohlendorf, Summer, 2020, Linking magma storage and ascent to eruption volume and composition at an arc caldera: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 47, article no. e2020GL088122, 9 p.,

The sun of Rome is set! Volcanic dust veils and their political fallout, 2020

Oppenheimer, C., 2020, The sun of Rome is set! Volcanic dust veils and their political fallout: PNAS v. 117, no. 30, p. 17470-17472.

Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey data, Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, June 2012, 2020

Peterson, D.E., Finn, C.A., and Bedrosian, P.A., 2020, Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey data, Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, June 2012: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Bouguer gravity and magnetic susceptibility measurements at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska 2019, 2020

Peterson, D.E., and Finn, C.A., 2020, Bouguer gravity and magnetic susceptibility measurements at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska 2019:U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Field report for the collection of mafic tephra from the Aleutian Islands between Unimak and the Islands of Four Mountains (Alaska, USA), version 1.0, 2020

Plank, T., Rasmussen, D., Stelling, P., and Roman, D., 2020, Field report for the collection of mafic tephra from the Aleutian Islands between Unimak and the Islands of Four Mountains (Alaska, USA), version 1.0: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA), Accessed 2020-06-25.

Field report for the collection of mafic tephra from the Aleutians Islands between Unimak and the Island of Four Mountains (Alaska, USA), version 1.0, 2020

Plank, T., Rasmussen, D. J., Stelling, P., and Roman, D. C., 2020, Field report for the collection of mafic tephra from the Aleutians Islands between Unimak and the Island of Four Mountains (Alaska, USA), version 1.0: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).

Forecasting, detecting, and tracking volcanic eruptions from space, 2020

Poland, M.P., Lopez, Taryn, Wright, Robert, and Pavolonis, M.J., 2020, Forecasting, detecting, and tracking volcanic eruptions from space: Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Science, 40 p.,

Ps-P tomography of a midcrustal magma reservoir beneath Cleveland volcano, Alaska, 2020

Portner, D.E., Wagner, L.S., Janiszewski, H.A., Roman, D.C., and Power, J.A., 2020, Ps-P tomography of a midcrustal magma reservoir beneath Cleveland volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 47, article no. e2020GL090406, 10 p.,

Goals and development of the Alaska Volcano Observatory seismic network and application to forecasting and detecting volcanic eruptions, 2020

Power, J.A., Haney, M.M., Botnick, S.M., Dixon, J.P., Fee, David, Kaufman, A.M., Ketner, D.M., Lyons, J.J., Parker, Tom, Paskievitch, J.F., Read, C.W., Searcy, Cheryl, Stihler, S.D., Tepp, Gabrielle, and Wech, A.G., 2020, Goals and development of the Alaska Volcano Observatory seismic network and application to forecasting and detecting volcanic eruptions: Seismological Research Letters, doi: 10.1785/0220190216 .

Bulk rock data for Cleveland volcano, version 1.0, 2020

Rasmussen, D.J., and Plank, T.A., 2020, Bulk rock data for Cleveland volcano, version 1.0: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).

Vapor-bubble growth in olivine-hosted melt inclusions, 2020

Rasmussen, D.J., Plank, T.A., Wallace, P.J., Newcombe, M.E., and Lowenstern, J.B., 2020, Vapor-bubble growth in olivine-hosted melt inclusions: American Mineralogist, v. 105, no. 12, p. 1898-1919,

Remote detection and location of explosive volcanism in Alaska with the EarthScope Transportable Array, 2020

Sanderson, R.W., Matoza, R.S., Fee, David, Haney, M.M., and Lyons, J.J., 2020, Remote detection and location of explosive volcanism in Alaska with the EarthScope Transportable Array: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 125, 23 p., doi:

Makushin Volcano ash hazards, 2020

Schaefer, J.R.G., Perreault, J.M., Larsen, J.F., and Vallance, J.W., 2020, Makushin Volcano ash hazards: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 86, 2 p.,

Satellite observations of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano: aviation and ash fallout hazard implications from a water-rich eruption, 2020

Schneider, D.J., Van Eaton, A.R., and Wallace, K.L., 2020, Satellite observations of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano: aviation and ash fallout hazard implications from a water-rich eruption: Bulletin of Volcanology, v, 82, doi:

Evolving infrasound detections from Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: insights from atmospheric propagation modeling, 2020

Schwaiger, H.F., Lyons, J.J., Iezzi, A.M., Fee, David, and Haney, M.M., 2020, Evolving infrasound detections from Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: insights from atmospheric propagation modeling: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, n. 27, doi:10.1007/s00445-020-1360-3.

Seismic character and progression of explosive activity during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Searcy, Cheryl, and Power, J.A., 2020, Seismic character and progression of explosive activity during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, n. 82, doi:

Seismic and hydroacoustic observations of the 2016-17 Bogoslof eruption, 2020

Tepp, Gabrielle, Dziak, R.P., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Searcy, Cheryl, Matsumoto, Haru, and Haxel, Joseph, 2020, Seismic and hydroacoustic observations of the 2016-17 Bogoslof eruption: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Did ice-charging generate volcanic lightning during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska?, 2020

Van Eaton, A.R., Schneider, D.J., Smith, C.A., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Said, Ryan, Fee, David, Holzworth, R.H., and Mastin, LG., 2020, Did ice-charging generate volcanic lightning during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska?: Bulletin of Volcanology, v, 82, doi:

Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from the tephra collected on Veniaminof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Wallace, K.L., Cameron, C.E., Waythomas, C.F., and Perreault, J.M., 2020, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from the tephra collected on Veniaminof volcano, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2020-17, 5 p.

Geology and eruptive history of Bogoslof volcano, 2020

Waythomas, C.F., Loewen, M., Wallace, K.L., Cameron, C.E., and Larsen, J.F., 2020, Geology and eruptive history of Bogoslof volcano: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Mechanisms for ballistic block ejection during the 2016-2017 shallow submarine eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Waythomas, C.F., and Mastin, L.G., 2020, Mechanisms for ballistic block ejection during the 2016-2017 shallow submarine eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Chemical evaluation of water and gases collected from hydrothermal systems located in the central Aleutian arc, August 2015, 2020

Werner, Cynthia, Kern, Christoph, and Kelly, P.J., 2020, Chemical evaluation of water and gases collected from hydrothermal systems located in the central Aleutian arc, August 2015: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020-1029, 35 p.,

Linking subsurface to surface using gas emission and melt inclusion data at Mount Cleveland volcano, Alaska, 2020

Werner, Cindy, Rasmussen, D. J., Plank, Terry, Kelly, P. J., Kern, Christoph, Lopez, Taryn, Gliss, Jonas, Power, J.A., Roman, D.C., Izbekov, Pavel, and Lyons, John, 2020, Linking subsurface to surface using gas emission and melt inclusion data at Mount Cleveland volcano, Alaska: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 125, article no. e2019GC008882, 33 p.
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Influence of grain size and shape on volcanic ash electrical conductivity, 2020

Woods, T.W., Genareau, K., and Wallace, K.L., 2020, Influence of grain size and shape on volcanic ash electrical conductivity: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 393, no. 106788, 9 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106788.

A 25‐year history of volcano magma supply in the east central Aleutian arc, Alaska, 2020

Xue, Xueming, and Freymueller, J.T., 2020, A 25‐year history of volcano magma supply in the east central Aleutian arc, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 47, no. 15, 7 p.,

Modeling the posteruptive deformation at Okmok based on the GPS and InSAR time series: changes in the shallow magma storage system, 2020

Xue Xueming, Freymueller, J.T., and Lu Zhong, 2020, Modeling the posteruptive deformation at Okmok based on the GPS and InSAR time series: Changes in the shallow magma storage system: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 125, no. 2, p. 1-29.

Segmentation of the Aleutian-Alaska subduction zone revealed by full-wave ambient noise tomography: implications for the along-strike variation of volcanism, 2020

Yang Xiaotao, and Gao Haiying, 2020, Segmentation of the Aleutian-Alaska subduction zone revealed by full-wave ambient noise tomography: implications for the along-strike variation of volcanism: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 125, no. 11, p. 25.

Hindcasting magma reservoir stability preceding the 2008 eruption of Okmok, Alaska, 2019

Albright, J. A., Gregg, P. M., Lu, Z., and Freymueller, J. T., 2019, Hindcasting magma reservoir stability preceding the 2008 eruption of Okmok, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 46.

Geochemical and geochronological records of tectonic changes along a flat-slab arc-transform junction: circa 30 Ma to 19 Ma Sonya Creek volcanic field, Wrangell Arc, Alaska, 2019

Berkelhammer, S.E., Brueseke, M.E., Benowitz, J.A., Trop, J.M., Davis, K., Layer, P.W., and Weber, M., 2019, Geochemical and geochronological records of tectonic changes along a flat-slab arc-transform junction: Circa 30 Ma to ca. 19 Ma Sonya Creek volcanic field, Wrangell Arc, Alaska: Geosphere, v. 15, no. 5, p. 1508–1538,

On the eruption age and provenance of the Old Crow tephra, 2019

Burgess, S.D., Coble, M.A., Vazquez, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Wallace, K.L., 2019, On the eruption age and provenance of the Old Crow tephra: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 207, p. 64-79.

Stratospheric eruptions from tropical and extra-tropical volcanoes constrained using high-resolution sulfur isotopes in ice cores, 2019

Burke, Andrea, Moore, K.A., Sigl, Michael, Nita, D.C., McConnell, J.R., and Adkins, Jess, 2019, Stratospheric eruptions from tropical and extra-tropical volcanoes constrained using high-resolution sulfur isotopes in ice cores: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 521, p. 113-119, doi:

Alaska Volcano Observatory geochemical database, version 2, 2019

Cameron, C.E., Mulliken, K.M., Crass, S.W., Schaefer, J.R., and Wallace, K.L., 2019, Alaska Volcano Observatory geochemical database, version 2: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 8 v. 2, 22 p., Http://

Overview, chronology, and impacts of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2019

Coombs, Michelle, Wallace, Kristi, Cameron, Cheryl, Lyons, John, Wech, Aaron, Angeli, Kim, and Cervelli, Peter, 2019, Overview, chronology, and impacts of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v, 81, n. 62, doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1322-9.

High rates of inflation during a noneruptive episode of seismic unrest at Semisopochnoi Volcano, Alaska, in 2014-2015, 2019

DeGrandpre, K.G., Pesicek, J.D., Lu, Zhong, DeShon, H.R., and Roman, D.C., 2019, High rates of inflation during a noneruptive episode of seismic unrest at Semisopochnoi Volcano, Alaska, in 2014-2015: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 20, 24 p., doi:10.1029/2019GC008720.

Catalog of earthquake parameters and description of seismograph and infrasound stations at Alaskan volcanoes - January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017, 2019

Dixon, J.P., Stihler S.D., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Ketner, D.M., Mulliken, K.M., Parker, T., and Power, J.A., 2019, Catalog of earthquake parameters and description of seismograph and infrasound stations at Alaskan volcanoes - January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1115, 92 p.,

New approach to assessing age uncertainties-The 2300-year varve chronology from Eklutna Lake, Alaska (USA), 2019

Fortin, David, Praet, Nore, McKay, N.P., Kaufman, D.S., Jensen, B.J.L., Haeussler, P.J., Buchanan, Casey, and De Batist, Marc, 2019, New approach to assessing age uncertainties-The 2300-year varve chronology from Eklutna Lake, Alaska (USA): Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 203, p. 90-101.

Aseismic deep slab and mantle flow beneath Alaska: insight from anisotropic tomography, 2019

Gou, Tao, Zhao, Dapeng, Huang Zhouchuan, and Wang Liangshu, 2019, Aseismic deep slab and mantle flow beneath Alaska: insight from anisotropic tomography: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 124, n. 2, p. 1700-1724, doi:

Alaska geochemical database version 3.0 (AGDB3) - including "best value" data compilations for rock, sediment, soil, mineral, and concentrate sample media, 2019

Granitto, M., Wang, B., Shew, N.B., Karl, S.M., Labay, K.A., Werdon, M.B., Seitz, S.S., and Hoppe, J.E., 2019, Alaska Geochemical Database Version 3.0 (AGDB3) - Including "best value" data compilations for rock, sediment, soil, mineral, and concentrate sample media: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1117, 33 p.,

Application of an updated atmospheric model to explore volcano infrasound propagation and detection in Alaska, 2019

Iezzi, A.M., Schwaiger, H.F., Fee, D., and Haney, M.M., 2019, Application of an updated atmospheric model to explore volcano infrasound propagation and detection in Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 371, p. 192-205, doi:10.1016/j.volgeores.2018.03.009.

Traces of volcanic ash from the Mediterranean, Iceland and North America in a Holocene record from south Wales, UK, 2019

Jones, G., Davies, S.M., Staff, R.A., Loader, N.J., Davies, S.J., and Walker, M.J.C., 2019, Traces of volcanic ash from the Mediterranean, Iceland and North America in a Holocene record from south Wales, UK: Journal of Quaternary Science v. 35, no. 1-2, p. 163-174.

The calc-alkaline Hidden Bay and Kagalaska plutons and the construction of the central Aleutian oceanic arc crust, 2019

Kay, S.M., Jicha, B.R., Citron, G.L., Kay, R.W., Tibbets, A.K., and Rivera, T.A., 2019, The calc-alkaline Hidden Bay and Kagalaska plutons and the construction of the central Aleutian oceanic arc crust: Journal of Petrology v. 60, n. 2, p. 393-439, doi:10.1093/petrology/egy119,

Identifying and sourcing pyrometamorphic artifacts: Clinker in subarctic North America and the hunter-gatherer response to a Late Holocene volcanic eruption, 2019

Kristensen, T.J., Andrews, T.D., MacKay, Glen, Gotthardt, Ruth, Lynch, S.C., Duke, M.L.M., Locock, A.J., and Ives, J.W., 2019, Identifying and sourcing pyrometamorphic artifacts: Clinker in subarctic North America and the hunter-gatherer response to a Late Holocene volcanic eruption: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23, p. 773-790.

A 7300-yr-old environmental history of seabird, human, and volcano impacts on Carlisle Island (the Islands of Four Mountains, eastern Aleutians, Alaska), 2019

Kuzmicheva, E.A., Smyshlyaeva, O.I., Vasyukov, D.D., Khasanov, B.F., Krylovich, O.A., Okuno, Mitsuru, West, D.L., Hatfield, V.L., and Savinetsky, A.B., 2019, A 7300-yr-old environmental history of seabird, human, and volcano impacts on Carlisle Island (the Islands of Four Mountains, eastern Aleutians, Alaska): Quaternary Research, p. 1-19.

Seismic structure of Tanaga Island, Alaska, 2019

Lally, Kevin, 2019, Seismic structure of Tanaga Island, Alaska: Bellingham, Western Washington University, M.S. thesis, 60 p., 23 figs.

Petrology of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Island, Alaska, 2019

Loewen, M.L., Izbekov, Pavel, Moshrefzadeh, Jamshid, Coombs, Michelle, Larsen, Jessica, Graham, Nathan, Harbin, Michelle, Waythomas, Christopher, and Wallace, Kristi, 2019, Petrology of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Island, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 81, n. 72, 20 p., doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1333-6.

Infrasound from giant bubbles during explosive submarine eruptions, 2019

Lyons, J.J., Haney, M.M., Fee, David, Wech, A.G., and Waythomas, C.F., 2019, Infrasound from giant bubbles during explosive submarine eruptions: Nature Geoscience, v. 12, p. 952-958, doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0461-0.

Multi-sensor techniques for the measurement of post eruptive volcanic deformation and depositional features, 2019

McAlpin, D.B., 2019, Multi-sensor techniques for the measurement of post eruptive volcanic deformation and depositional features: University of Alaska Fairbanks PhD thesis, 189 p.

Absolute tree-ring dates for the Late Bronze Age eruptions of Aniakchak and Thera in light of a proposed revision of ice-core chronologies, 2019

McAneney, J., and Baillie, M., 2019, Absolute tree-ring dates for the Late Bronze Age eruptions of Aniakchak and Thera in light of a proposed revision of ice-core chronologies: Antiquity v. 93, no. 367, p. 99-112.

Volcanic hazards in Alaska's National Parks, 2019

Mulliken, K., Wallace, K., Cameron, C., and Waythomas, C., 2019, Volcanic hazards in Alaska's national parks: Alaska Park Science, v. 18, n. 1., p. 52-61.

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar study of recent eruptive activity at Shrub mud volcano, Alaska, 2019

Niu, Yufen, Dzurisin, Daniel, and Lu, Zhong, 2019, Interferometric synthetic aperture radar study of recent eruptive activity at Shrub mud volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 387,

Geomorphic processes influence human settlement on two islands in the Islands of Four Mountains, Alaska, 2019

Persico, Lyman, Lanman, Henry, Loopesko, Lydia, Bruner, Kale, and Nicolaysen, Kirsten, 2019, Geomorphic processes influence human settlement on two islands in the Islands of Four Mountains, Alaska: Quaternary Research, p. 1-19.

A unified catalog of earthquake hypocenters and magnitudes at volcanoes in Alaska: 1989 to 2018, 2019

Power, J.A., Friberg, P.A., Haney, M.M., Parker, T., Stihler, S.D., and Dixon, J.P., 2019, A unified catalog of earthquake hypocenters and magnitudes at volcanoes in Alaska—1989 to 2018: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5037, 17 p.,

Bulk rock data for the central-eastern Aleutian volcanoes, version 1.0, 2019

Rasmussen, D.J., and Plank, T.A., 2019, Bulk rock data for the central-eastern Aleutian volcanoes, version 1.0: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).

AVO-G2S: A modified, open-source Ground-to-Space atmospheric specification for infrasound modeling, 2019

Schwaiger, H.F., Iezzi, A.M., and Fee, David, 2019, AVO-G2S: A modified, open-source Ground-to-Space atmospheric specification for infrasound modeling: Computers and Geosciences, v. 125, p. 90-97, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2018.12.013.

Living with volcano hazards, 2019

Stovall, W.K., Driedger, C.L., Westby, E.G., and Faust, L.M., 2019, Living with volcano hazards: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2018-3075, 6 p.,

Regional tsunami hazard assessment for communities on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2019

Suleimani, E.N., Nicolsky, D.J., Salisbury, J.B., and Koehler, R.D., 2019, Regional tsunami hazard assessment for communities on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigations 2019-5, 20 p, 3 sheets, doi:

Bear encounters with seismic stations in Alaska and northwestern Canada, 2019

Tape, Carl, Heath, D.C., Baker, M.G., Dalton, Scott, Aderhold, Kasey, and West, M.E., 2019, Bear encounters with seismic stations in Alaska and northwestern Canada: Seismological Research Letters, doi:10.1785/0220190081

Comparison of short-term seismic precursors and explosion parameters during the 2016-2017 Bogoslof eruption, 2019

Tepp, Gabrielle, and Haney, Matthew, 2019, Comparison of short-term seismic precursors and explosion parameters during the 2016-2017 Bogoslof eruption: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 81, n. 63, doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1323-8.

Global monitoring of volcanic SO2 degassing with unprecedented resolution from TROPOMI onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor, 2019

Theys, N., Hedelt, P., De Smedt, I., Lerot, C., Yu, H., Vlietinck, J., Pedergnana, M., Arellano, S, Galle, B., Fernandez, D., Carlito, C.J.M., Barrington, C., Taisne, B., Delgado-Granados, H., Loyola, D., and Van Roozendael, M., 2019, Global monitoring of volcanic SO2 degassing with unprecedented resolution from TROPOMI onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor: Scientific Reports, v. 9,

The role of variable slab dip in driving mantle flow at the eastern edge of the Alaskan subduction margin; insights from shear-wave splitting, 2019

Venereau, C.M., Martin-Short, Robert, Bastow, I.D., Allen, R.M., Kounoudis, R., 2019, The role of variable slab dip in driving mantle flow at the eastern edge of the Alaskan subduction margin; insights from shear-wave splitting: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 20, n. 5, p. 2433-2448, doi:

Volcanic ash resuspension from the Katmai region, 2019

Wallace, K.L., and Schwaiger, H.F., 2019, Volcanic ash resuspension from the Katmai region: Alaska Park Science, v. 18, n. 1., p. 63-70.

Oscillatory nature of the Okmok volcano's deformation, 2019

Walwer, D., Ghil, M., and Calais, E., 2019, Oscillatory nature of the Okmok volcano's deformation: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 506, p. 76-86, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.10.033

Constraining the H2O/CO2 molar ratio, the volume fraction of exsolved volatiles, and the magma compressibility of the 2006 Augustine eruption, Alaska, 2019

Wasser, V.K., 2019, Constraining the H2O/CO2 molar ratio, the volume fraction of exsolved volatiles, and the magma compressibility of the 2006 Augustine eruption, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks Masters thesis, Fairbanks, Alaska, 63p., 10 fig.

2016-17 evolution of the submarine-subaerial edifice of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, based on analysis of satellite imagery, 2019

Waythomas, C.F., Angeli, K., Wessels, R., and Schneider, D, 2020, 2016-17 evolution of the submarine-subaerial edifice of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, based on analysis of satellite imagery: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 82, doi:

The 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: preface to the special issue, 2019

Waythomas, C.F., Lyons, J.J., Fee, David, and Wallace, K.L., 2019, The 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: preface to the special issue: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 81, n. 48, doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1301-1.

Satellite-detected ocean ecosystem response to volcanic eruptions in the subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean, 2019

Westberry, T.K., Shi, Y.R., Yu, H., Behrenfeld, M.J., and Remer, L.A., 2019, Satellite-detected ocean ecosystem response to volcanic eruptions in the subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 6, n. 20, p. 11270-11280, doi:

A process-based model of pre-eruption seismicity patterns and its use for eruption forecasting at dormant stratovolcanoes, 2019

White, R.A., and McCausland, W.A., 2019, A process-based model of pre-eruption seismicity patterns and its use for eruption forecasting at dormant stratovolcanoes: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 382, p. 267-297, doi:

A new set of basaltic tephras from Southeast Alaska represent key stratigraphic markers for the late Pleistocene, 2019

Wilcox, P.S., Addison, Jason, Fowell, S.J,, Baichtal, J.F., Severin, Ken, and Mann, D.H., 2019, A new set of basaltic tephras from Southeast Alaska represent key stratigraphic markers for the late Pleistocene: Quaternary Research v. 92, no. 1, p. 246-256, doi:10.1017/qua.2018.154.

Evidence for frequent, large tsunamis spanning locked and creeping parts of the Aleutian megathrust, 2019

Witter, Rob, Briggs, Rich, Engelhart, S.E., Gelfenbaum, Guy, Koehler, R.D., Nelson, Alan, La Selle, SeanPaul, Corbett, Reide, and Wallace, K.L., 2019, Evidence for frequent, large tsunamis spanning locked and creeping parts of the Aleutian megathrust: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, n. 5-6, p. 707-729,

The role of pore fluid pressure on the failure of magma reservoirs: insights from Indonesian and Aleutian Arc volcanoes, 2018

Albino, F., Amelung, F., and Gregg, P., 2018, The role of pore fluid pressure on the failure of magma reservoirs: insights from Indonesian and Aleutian Arc volcanoes: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 123, n.2, p. 1328-1349, doi: 10.1002/2017JB014523

Scientists Capture Sounds of Volcanic Thunder, 2018

Associated Press, 2018, Scientists Capture Sounds of Volcanic Thunder: American Geophysical Union press release published online March 13, 2018, available at

Volcanic impacts on modern glaciers: a global synthesis, 2018

Barr, I.D., Lynch, C.M., Mullan, Donal, De Siena, Luca, and Spagnolo, Matteo, 2018, Volcanic impacts on modern glaciers: a global synthesis: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 182, p. 186-203, doi:

The Queen Charlotte - Fairweather fault zone: a submarine transform fault, offshore British Columbia and southeastern Alaska, cruise report of 2017003PGC CCGS Vector and 2017004PGC CCGS John P. Tully, 2018

Barrie, J.V., Greene, H.G., Brothers, D., Conway, K.W., Enkin, R.J., Conrad, J.E., Lauer, R.M., McGann, M., Neelands, P.J., and East, A., 2018, The Queen Charlotte - Fairweather fault zone: a submarine transform fault, offshore British Columbia and southeastern Alaska, cruise report of 2017003PGC CCGS Vector and 2017004PGC CCGS John P. Tully: Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8398, 161 p., doi:

Holocene human occupation of the Central Alaska Peninsula, 2018

Barton, Loukas, Shirar, Scott, and Jordan, J.W., 2018, Holocene human occupation of the Central Alaska Peninsula: Radiocarbon, v. 60, no. 2, p. 367-382.

Inferring magma dynamics at Veniaminof Volcano via application of ambient noise, 2018

Bennington, N., Haney, M., Thurber, C., and Zeng, X., 2018, Inferring Magma Dynamics at Veniaminof Volcano via Application of Ambient Noise: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 45, p. 11650-11658.

A stable isotope record of late Cenozoic surface uplift of southern Alaska, 2018

Bill, N.S., Mix, H.T., Clark, P.U., Reilly, S.P., Jensen, B.J.L., and Benowitz, J.A., 2018, A stable isotope record of late Cenozoic surface uplift of southern Alaska: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 482, p. 300-311, doi:

Alaska Volcano Observatory Alert and Forecasting Timeliness: 1989–2017, 2018

Cameron, C.E., Prejean, S.G., Coombs, M.L., Wallace, K.L., Power, J.A., and Roman, D.C., 2018, Alaska Volcano Observatory Alert and Forecasting Timeliness: 1989-2017: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 6,

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, v. 3, 2018

Cameron, C.E., Schaefer, J.R., and Mulliken, K.M., 2018, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 3, 2 sheets. Http://

Postglacial eruptive history and geochemistry of Semisopochnoi volcano, western Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2018

Coombs, M.L., Larsen, J.F., and Neal, C.A., 2018, Postglacial eruptive history and geochemistry of Semisopochnoi volcano, western Aleutian Islands, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5150, 32 p.,

Short-term forecasting and detection of explosions during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska, 2018

Coombs, M.L., Wech, A.G., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Schneider, D.J., Schwaiger, H.F., Wallace, K.L., Fee, David, Freymueller, J.T., Schaefer, J.R., and Tepp, Gabrielle, 2018, Short-term forecasting and detection of explosions during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 6, article 122, doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00122 .

Widespread tephra layers in the Bering Sea sediments: distal clues to large explosive eruptions from the Aleutian volcanic arc, 2018

Derkachev, A.N., Ponomareva, V.V., Portnyagin, M.V., Gorbarenko, S.A., Nikolaeva, N.A., Malakhov, M.I., Zelenin, E.A., Nurnberg, D., and Liu, Yanguang, 2018, Widespread tephra layers in the Bering Sea sediments: distal clues to large explosive eruptions from the Aleutian volcanic arc: Bulletin of Volcanology, 17 p., v. 80, n. 80, doi: 0.1007/s00445-018-1254-9

Biological responses of Crested and Least auklets to volcanic destruction of nesting habitat in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2018

Drew, Gary, Piatt, J.F., and Williams, Jeff, 2018, Biological responses of Crested and Least auklets to volcanic destruction of nesting habitat in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska: The Auk, v. 135, no. 3, p. 477-485.

2018 update to the U.S. Geological Survey national volcanic threat assessment, 2018

Ewert, J.W., Diefenbach, A.K., and Ramsey, D.W., 2018, 2018 update to the U.S. Geological Survey national volcanic threat assessment: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5140, 40 p.,

Volcano alert level systems: managing the challenges of effective volcanic crisis communication, 2018

Fearnley, C.J., and Beaven, S., 2018, Volcano alert level systems: managing the challenges of effective volcanic crisis communication: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 80, n. 46, .

Volcanic ash hazards posed to communities, commerce, and disaster recovery, 2018

Ferguson, J.C., 2018, Volcanic ash hazards posed to communities, commerce, and disaster recovery: American Public University Master of Arts thesis, 87 p.
full-text pdf 1.7 MB

Seismic equivalents of volcanic jet scaling laws and multipoles in acoustics, 2018

Haney, M.M., Matoza, R.S., Fee. David, and Aldridge, David, 2018, Seismic equivalents of volcanic jet scaling laws and multipoles in acoustics: Geophysical Journal International, v. 213, n. 1, p. 623-636, doi:

Volcanic thunder from explosive eruptions at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2018

Haney, M.M., Van Eaton, A.R., Lyon, J.J., Kramer, R.L., Fee, David, Iexxi, A.M., 2018, Volcanic thunder from explosive eruptions at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 45, n. 8, doi: 10.1002/2017/GL076911.

Earthquake detection, relocation, and body-wave tomography at Okmok Volcano, Alaska, 2018

Hart, Laney, 2018, Earthquake detection, relocation, and body-wave tomography at Okmok Volcano, Alaska: University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, Masters thesis.

Conditions of pinnacle formation and glass hydration in cooling ignimbrite sheets from H and O isotope systematics at Crater Lake and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 2018

Hudak, M.R., and Bindeman, Ilya, 2018, Conditions of pinnacle formation and glass hydration in cooling ignimbrite sheets from H and O isotope systematics at Crater Lake and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 500, p. 56-66, doi:

Quantifying arc migration and the role of forearc subduction erosion in the central Aleutians, 2018

Jicha, B.R., and Kay, S.M., 2018, Quantifying arc migration and the role of forearc subduction erosion in the central Aleutians: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v, 360, p. 84-99, doi:

Stratigraphy, distribution, and evidence for mafic triggering of the ca. 8.5 ka Driftwood Pumice eruption, Makushin Volcano, Alaska, U.S.A., 2018

Lerner, A.H., Crowley, P.D., Nicolaysen, K.P., and Hazlett, R.W., 2018, Stratigraphy, distribution, and evidence for mafic triggering of the ca. 8.5 ka Driftwood Pumice eruption, Makushin Volcano, Alaska, U.S.A.: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 357, p. 362-377, .

Magma wagging and whirling in volcanic conduits, 2018

Liao, Yang, Bercovici, David, and Jellinek, Mark, 2018, Magma wagging and whirling in volcanic conduits: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 351, p. 57-74,

Archaeology of the uppermost Tanana Basin: Results of a survey of the Nabesna and Chisana Rivers, East-Central Alaska, 2018

Lynch, J.J., Goebel, Ted, Graf, K.E., Rasic, J.T., and S.C. Kuehn, 2018, Archaeology of the uppermost Tanana Basin: results of a survey of the Nabesna and Chisana Rivers, east-central Alaska: Alaska Journal of Anthropology, v. 16, no. 1, p. 21-43.

Seismic imaging of the Alaska subduction zone: implications for slab geometry and volcanism, 2018

Martin-Short, Robert, Allen, Richard, Bastow, I.D., Porritt, R.W., and Miller, MS., 2018, Seismic imaging of the Alaska subduction zone: implications for slab geometry and volcanism: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems - G3, v. 19, n. 11, p. 4541-4560, doi:

The inaudible rumble of volcanic eruptions, 2018

Matoza, R.S., and Fee, David, 2018, The inaudible rumble of volcanic eruptions: Acoustics Today, v. 14, n. 1, p. 17-25.

Ambient noise tomography of Okmok Caldera, Alaska, 2018

Miller, D.J., 2018, Ambient noise tomography of Okmok Caldera, Alaska: University of Wisconsin at Madison Masters thesis.

Geospatial distribution of tephra fall in Alaska: a geodatabase compilation of published tephra fall occurrences from the Pleistocene to the present, 2018

Mulliken, K.M., Schaefer, J.R., and Cameron, C.E., 2018, Geospatial distribution of tephra fall in Alaska: a geodatabase compilation of published tephra fall occurrences from the Pleistocene to the present: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 164, 46 p.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory: 30 years of protecting Alaskans from the effects of volcanic activity (1988-2018), 2018

Mulliken, K.M., 2018, The Alaska Volcano Observatory: 30 years of protecting Alaskans from the effects of volcanic activity (1988-2018): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 67, 2 p.

Volcanology at DGGS, 2018

Mulliken, K.M., 2018, Volcanology at DGGS: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 74, 2 p.,

Geochemistry of some Quaternary lavas from the Aleutian Arc and Mt. Wrangell, 2018

Nye, C.J., Beget, J.E., Layer, P.W., Mangan, M.T., McConnell, V.S., McGimsey, R.G., Miller, T.P., Moore, R.B., and Stelling, P.L., 2018, Geochemistry of some quaternary lavas from the Aleutian Arc and Mt. Wrangell: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2018-1, 29 p.

Linking the Ukinrek 1977 maar-eruption observations to the tephra deposits: new insights into maar depositional processes, 2018

Ort, M.H., Lefebvre, N.S., Neal, C.A., McConnell, V.S., and Wohletz, K.H., 2018, Linking the Ukinrek 1977 maar-eruption observations to the tephra deposits: new insights into maar depositional processes: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v, 360, p. 36-60, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.07.005

Temporal change of upper crustal Vp/Vs ratios with volcanic evolution in Redoubt Volcano, 2018

Park, Seongjun, Hong, Tae-Kyung, and Buurman, Helena, 2018, Temporal change of upper crustal Vp/Vs ratios with volcanic evolution in Redoubt Volcano: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, v. 282, p. 38-48, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2018.07.003

Evolution of the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) seismic network, 2018

Paskievitch, J.F., Read, C.W., Ketner, D.M., and Kaufman, A.M., 2018, Evolution of the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) seismic network [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters v. 89, n. 2B, p. 851.

Prevalence of seismic rate anomalies preceding volcanic eruptions in Alaska, 2018

Pesicek, J.D., Wellik, J.J., Prejean, S.G., and Ogburn, S.E., 2018, Prevalence of seismic rate anomalies preceding volcanic eruptions in Alaska: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 6, article 100, doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00100 .

Defining the potential source region of volcanic ash in northwest Europe during the Mid- to Late Holocene, 2018

Plunkett, Gill, and Pilcher, J.R., 2018, Defining the potential source region of volcanic ash in northwest Europe during the Mid-to Late Holocene: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 179, p. 20-37.

Holocene tephra from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin, Arctic Ocean: Implications for sediment chronostratigraphy and volcanic history, 2018

Ponomareva, Vera, Polyak, Leonid, Portnyagin, Maxim, Abbott, P.M., Zelenin, Egor, Vakhrameeva, Polina, and Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter, 2018, Holocene tephra from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin, Arctic Ocean: Implications for sediment chronostratigraphy and volcanic history: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 45, p. 85-97.

Analysis of the Alaska Volcano Observatory's response time to volcanic explosions - 1989 to 2016, 2018

Power, J.A., and Cameron, C.E., 2018, Analysis of the Alaska Volcano Observatory's response time to volcanic explosions - 1989 to 2016: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 6, .

The influence of tectonic environment on dynamic earthquake triggering: a review and case study on Alaskan volcanoes, 2018

Prejean, S.G., and Hill, D.P., 2018, The influence of tectonic environment on dynamic earthquake triggering: a review and case study on Alaskan volcanoes: Tectonophysics, v. 745, p. 293-304,

When does eruption run-up begin? Multidisciplinary insight from the 1999 eruption of Shishaldin volcano, 2018

Rasmussen, D.J., Plank, T.P., Roman, D.C., Power, J.A., Bodnar, R.J., and Hauri, E.H., 2018, When does eruption run-up begin? Multidisciplinary insight from the 1999 eruption of Shishaldin volcano: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 486, 14, p.,

Top-down precursory volcanic seismicity: implications for 'stealth' mamga ascent and long-term eruption forecasting, 2018

Roman, D.C., and Cashman, K.V., 2018, Top-down precursory volcanic seismicity: implications for 'stealth' mamga ascent and long-term eruption forecasting: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 6, article 124, doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00124 .

Monitoring and forecasting fault development at actively forming calderas: an experimental study, 2018

Seropian, Gilles, and Stix, John, 2018, Monitoring and forecasting fault development at actively forming calderas: an experimental study: Geology, v. 46, n. 1, p. 23-26, doi: 10.1130/G39551.1

A repeating event sequence alarm for monitoring volcanoes, 2018

Tepp, Gabrielle, 2018, A repeating event sequence alarm for monitoring volcanoes: Seismological Research Letters, v, 89, n. 5, p. 1863-1876, doi:10.1785/0220170263

Insight into the evolving composition of Augustine Volcano's source magma from a low-K dacite, 2018

Thomas, Christian, 2018, Insight into the evolving composition of Augustine Volcano's source magma from a low-K dacite: Honors Tutorial College, Ohio University, BS thesis, 58 p.

Major-element glass compositions of tephra from the circa 3.6 ka eruption of Aniakchak volcano, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, 2018

Wallace, K.L., Hayden, L.A., and Neal, C.A., 2017, Major-element glass compositions of tephra from the circa 3.6 ka eruption of Aniakchak volcano, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2017-9, 9 p.

Complex surface deformation of Akutan volcano, Alaska revealed from InSAR time series, 2018

Wang, Teng, DeGrandpre, Kimberly, Lu, Zhong, and Freymueller, J.T., 2018, Complex surface deformation of Akutan volcano, Alaska revealed from InSAR time series: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, v. 64, p. 171-180.

Historical eruptions and hazards at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2018

Waythomas, C.F., and Cameron, C.E., 2018, Historical eruptions and hazards at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5085, 42 p.,

Using earthquakes, T waves, and infrasound to investigate the eruption of Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska, 2018

Wech, A., Tepp, G., Lyons, J., and Haney, M., 2018, Using earthquakes, T waves, and infrasound to investigate the eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 45, no. 14, p. 6918-6925.

Tephra occurrence in Alaska: a map-based compilation of stratigraphic tephra data, 2018

Worden, A.K., Schaefer, J.R., and Mulliken, K.M., 2018, Tephra occurrence in Alaska: a map-based compilation of stratigraphic tephra data: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 165, 19 p.,

Using correlated tephras to refine radiocarbon-based age models, upper and lower Whitshed Lakes, south-central Alaska, 2018

Zander, P.D., Kaufman, D.S., McKay, N.P., Kuehn, S.C., and Henderson, A.C., 2018, Using correlated tephras to refine radiocarbon-based age models, upper and lower Whitshed Lakes, south-central Alaska: Quaternary geochronology, v. 45, p. 9-22.

Volcanic ash deposition, eelgrass beds, and inshore habitat loss from the 1920s to the 1990s at Chignik, Alaska, 2018

Zimmermann, Mark, Ruggerone, G.T., Freymueller, J.T., Kinsman, Nicole, Ward, D.H., and Hogrefe, Kyle, 2017, Volcanic ash deposition, eelgrass beds, and inshore habitat loss from the 1920s to the 1990s at Chignik, Alaska: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 202, p. 69-86.

With Bogoslof volcano's continuing eruptions, island has tripled in size, 2017

Andrews, L., 2017, With Bogoslof volcano's continuing eruptions, island has tripled in size: ADN article published online February 18, 2017, available at

‘Unpredictable’ Bogoslof Volcano erupts - again, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, ‘Unpredictable’ Bogoslof Volcano erupts - again: KTVA Alaska article published online May 16, 2017, available at

2 Alaska volcanoes erupt just hours apart, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, 2 Alaska volcanoes erupt just hours apart: Anchorage Daily News article published online May 17, 2017, available at

Alaska volcano erupts again, forcing new aviation alert, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Alaska volcano erupts again, forcing new aviation alert: CBS News article published online May 30, 2017, available at

Alaska volcano erupts; ash trace reaches city, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Alaska volcano erupts; ash trace reaches city: Fox News article published online January 31, 2017, available at

Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano Sees Pulses of Short Eruptions, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano Sees Pulses of Short Eruptions: U.S. News & World Report article published online June 13, 2017, available at

Alaska’s Bogoslof volcano explodes, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Alaska’s Bogoslof volcano explodes: South China Morning Post article published online March 9, 2017, available at

Another Bogoslof eruption sends ash over Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Another Bogoslof eruption sends ash over Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island: Anchorage Daily News article published online January 19, 2017, available at

Ash falls in Unalaska after Bogoslof eruption, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Ash falls in Unalaska after Bogoslof eruption: Alaska Dispatch News article published online January 31, 2017, available at

NASA Shares Beautiful Image Of Volcanic Eruption Aftermath As Seen From Space, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, NASA Shares Beautiful Image Of Volcanic Eruption Aftermath As Seen From Space: IFL Science article published online June 5, 2017, available at

Photographs show how Alaska volcano's eruptions have changed island, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Photographs show how Alaska volcano's eruptions have changed island: CBS News article published online January 12, 2017, available at

Scientist says Bogoslof has history of eruptive sequences, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Scientist says Bogoslof has history of eruptive sequences: KTUU article published online May 21, 2017, available at

Volcanic ash falls on unalaska in Bogoslof's longest eruption yet, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Volcanic ash falls on unalaska in Bogoslof's longest eruption yet: KUBC KIAL Unalaska Community Broadcasting article published online January 31, 2017, available at

Distinguishing styles of explosive eruptions at Erebus, Redoubt, and Taupo volcanoes using multivariate analysis of ash morphometrics, 2017

Avery, M.R., Panter, K.S., and Gorsevski, P.V, 2017, Distinguishing styles of explosive eruptions at Erebus, Redoubt, and Taupo volcanoes using multivariate analysis of ash morphometrics: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 331, p. 1-13,

Story Time w/ Aunt Phil: Bogoslof Volcano, 2017

Bill, L. D., 2017, Story Time w/ Aunt Phil: Bogoslof Volcano: KTVA Alaska article published online June 12, 2017, available at

Preservation of thin tephra, 2017

Blong, R., Enright, N., and Grasso, P., 2017, Preservation of thin tephra: Journal of Applied Volcanology, v. 6, n. 1, 15 p.

Varve formation during the past three centuries in three large proglacial lakes in south-central Alaska, 2017

Boes, Evelien, Van Daele, Maarten, Moernaut, Jasper, Schmidt, Sabine, Jensen, B.L., Praet, Nore, Kaufman, Darrell, Haeussler, Peter, Loso, M.G., and De Batist, Marc, 2017, Varve formation during the past three centuries in three large proglacial lakes in south-central Alaska: GSA Bulletin, v. 130, n. 5-6, p. 757-774.

Island-Altering Eruption of Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano Seen in Images from Space, 2017

Breslin, S., 2017, Island-Altering Eruption of Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano Seen in Images from Space: The Weather Channel article published online June 8, 2017, available at

2014 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2017

Cameron, C.E., Dixon, J.P., Neal, C.A., Waythomas, C.F., Schaefer, J.R., and McGimsey, R.G., 2017, 2014 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5077, 81 p.,
full-text PDF 6.8 MB

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck, v.2, 2017

Cameron, C.E., Hendricks, K.A., and Nye, C.J., 2017, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 59 v. 2, 4 p.

Radiocarbon Age of Soil Organic Matter Fractions Buried by Tephra in Alaska, 2017

Cherkinsky, A., and Wallace, K., 2017, Radiocarbon Age of Soil Organic Matter Fractions Buried by Tephra in Alaska: Radiocarbon, v. 59, n. 2, p. 465-472.

Ash cloud restricts Asia-US airfreight, 2017

Cheshire, L., 2017, Ash cloud restricts Asia-US airfreight: Asia Fruit article published online June 27, 2017, available at

Plateau subduction, intraslab seismicity, and the Denali (Alaska) volcanic gap, 2017

Chuang, Lindsay, Bostock, M.G., Wech, Aaron, and Plourde, A.P., 2017, Plateau subduction, intraslab seismicity, and the Denali (Alaska) volcanic gap: Geology, v. 45, n. 7, p. 647-650, doi: 10.1130/G38867.1

Episodic inflation and complex surface deformation of Akutan volcano, Alaska revealed from GPS time-series, 2017

DeGrandpre, Kimberly, Wang, Teng, Lu, Zhong, and Freymueller, J.T., 2017, Episodic inflation and complex surface deformation of Akutan volcano, Alaska revealed from GPS time-series: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 347, p. 337-359, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.10.003

Benchmarking computational fluid dynamics models of lava flow simulation for hazard assessment, forecasting, and risk management, 2017

Dietterich, H.R., Lev, Einat, Chen, Jiangzhi, Richardson, J.A., and Cashman, K.V., 2017, Benchmarking computational fluid dynamics models of lava flow simulation for hazard assessment, forecasting, and risk management: Journal of Applied Volcanology, v. 6, article no. 9, 14 p,

2015 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2017

Dixon, J.P., Cameron, C.E., Iezzi, A.M., and Wallace, Kristi, 2017, 2015 Volcanic activity in Alaska-Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5104, 61 p.,

Distal enhanced sedimentation from volcanic plumes: insights from the secondary mass maxima in the 1992 Mount Spurr fallout deposits, 2017

Eychenne, Julia, Alison, C., Cashman, Katharine, and Wobrock, Wolfram, 2017, Distal enhanced sedimentation from volcanic plumes: insights from the secondary mass maxima in the 1992 Mount Spurr fallout deposits: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 122, n. 10, p. 7679-7697, doi:10.1002/2017JB014412

Volcanic tremor and plume height hysteresis from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, 2017

Fee, David, Haney, M.H., Matoza, R.S., Van Eaton, A.R., Cervelli, Peter, Schneider, D.J., and Iezzi, A.M., 2017, Volcanic tremor and plume height hysteresis from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska: Science, v. 355, n. 6320, p. 45-48, doi:10.1126/science.aah6108

Lightning network helps confirm volcanic eruption, 2017

Frey, M., 2017, Lightning network helps confirm volcanic eruption: KTVA article published online May 30, 2017, available at

Bogoslof Volcano in 'Unpredictable Condition' After Eruption Sends Ash 30,000 Feet into the Air, 2017

Glum. J., 2017, Bogoslof Volcano in 'Unpredictable Condition' After Eruption Sends Ash 30,000 Feet into the Air: Newsweek article published online July 10, 2017, available at

Reducing Risk Where Tectonic Plates Collide, 2017

Gomberg, J.S., and Ludwig, K.A., 2017, Reducing risk where tectonic plates collide: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2017-3024, 4 p.,

Uncertainties in Estimating Magma Source Parameters from InSAR Observation, 2017

Gong, W., Lu, Z., Meyer, F., 2017, Uncertainties in estimating magma source parameters from InSAR observation: Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment: Modeling and Decision Support, Geophysical Monograph 223, p. 89-104.

Bogoslof Volcano In Alaska Erupts Spewing Ash Clouds, 2017

Gordon, A., 2017, Bogoslof Volcano In Alaska Erupts Spewing Ash Clouds: Tech Times article published online March 14, 2017, available at

Perturbational and nonperturbational inversion of Rayleigh-wave velocities: Geophysics, v. 82, no. 3, p. F15-F28,, 2017

Haney, M.M. and Tsai, V.C., 2017, Perturbational and nonperturbational inversion of Rayleigh-wave velocities: Geophysics, v. 82, no. 3, p. F15-F28,

Alaska’s tiny Bogoslof volcano erupts again, sending an ash cloud miles above the Aleutians, 2017

Hanlon, T., 2017, Alaska’s tiny Bogoslof volcano erupts again, sending an ash cloud miles above the Aleutians: Anchorage Daily News article published online August 7, 2017, available at

Ask the Experts: Alaska’s Bogoslof Volcano Erupted Again-Why Was It So Hard to Predict?, 2017

Harris, M., 2017, Ask the Experts: Alaska’s Bogoslof Volcano Erupted Again-Why Was It So Hard to Predict?: Scientific American article published online May 31, 2017, available at

A phase coherence approach to identifying co-located earthquakes and tremor, 2017

Hawthorne, J.C., and Ampuero, J.P., 2017, A phase coherence approach to identifying co-located earthquakes and tremor: Geophysical Journal International, v. 209, n. 2, p. 623-642, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx012

2 Bogoslof eruptions send ash clouds miles above Aleutians, 2017

Hollander, Z., 2017, 2 Bogoslof eruptions send ash clouds miles above Aleutians: Alaska Dispatch News article published online June 27, 2017, available at

Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska: ongoing eruption through the Bering Sea, 2017

HVO, 2017, Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska: ongoing eruption through the Bering Sea: HVO Volcano Watch article published online March 30, 2017, available online at

International Coordination in Managing Airborne Ash Hazards: Lessons from the Northern Pacific, 2017

Igarashi, Y., Girina, O., Osiensky, J., and Moore, D., 2017, International Coordination in Managing Airborne Ash Hazards: Lessons from the Northern Pacific: Advances in Volcanology, p. 1-8.

Eruptive and shallow conduit dynamics during Vulcanian explosions: insights from the Episode IV block field of the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska, 2017

Isgett, S.J., Houghton, B.F., Fagents, S.A., Biass, S., Burgisser, A., and Arbaret, L., 2017, Eruptive and shallow conduit dynamics during Vulcanian explosions: insights from the Episode IV block field of the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 79, n. 8, article 58, 18 p..

Episodic inflation events at Akutan Volcano, Alaska, during 2005–2017, 2017

Ji, K.H., Yun, S.H., and Rim, H., 2017, Episodic inflation events at Akutan volcano, Alaska, during 2005‐2017: Geophysical Research Letters, p. 1-8.

Volcanic Explosions Rock an Alaskan Island as Etna Rumbles, 2017

Klemetti, E., 2017, Volcanic Explosions Rock an Alaskan Island as Etna Rumbles: Wired article published online May 19, 2017, available at

Bogoslof volcano settles down after sending ash over Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, 2017

Klint, C., 2017, Bogoslof volcano settles down after sending ash over Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island: ADN article published online January 19, 2017, available at

No high-altitude ash from latest Bogoslof eruption, scientists say, 2017

Klint, C., 2017, No high-altitude ash from latest Bogoslof eruption, scientists say: ADN article published online February 13, 2017, available at

Is Bogoslof Volcano done erupting?, 2017

Kraegel, L., 2017, Is Bogoslof Volcano done erupting?: Alaska Public Media article published online April 6, 2017, available at

Not All Eruptions Are Equal For Submarine Bogoslof Volcano, 2017

Kraegel, L., 2017, Not All Eruptions Are Equal For Submarine Bogoslof Volcano: KUCB article published online February 7, 2017, available at

Physical and chemical characteristics of lakes across heterogeneous landscapes in arctic and subarctic Alaska, 2017

Larsen, A.S., O'Donnell, J.A., Schmidt, J.H., Kristenson, H.J., Swanson, D.,K., 2016, Physical and chemical characteristics of lakes across heterogeneous landscapes in arctic and subarctic Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, v. 122, no., 4, p. 989-1008.

Detection of plumes at Redoubt and Etna volcanoes using the GPS SNR method, 2017

Larson, K. M., Palo, S., Roesler, C., Mattia, M., Bruno, V., Coltelli, M., and Fee, D., 2017, Detection of plumes at Redoubt and Etna volcanoes using the GPS SNR method: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v 344, p. 26-39, doi:

Air freight shippers hit as volcanic ash plume hits transpacific capacity, 2017

Lennane, A., 2017, Air freight shippers hit as volcanic ash plume hits transpacific capacity: Loadstar article published online June 26, 2017, available at

Near-continuous tremor and low-frequency earthquake activities in the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone revealed by a mini seismic array, 2017

Li, Bo, and Ghosh, Abhijit, 2017, Near‐continuous tremor and low frequency earthquake (LFE) activities in the Alaska‐Aleutian subduction zone revealed by a mini seismic array: Geophysical Research Letters, 9 p.

Alaskan volcano spews plumes of ash into the Bering Sea in breathtaking new image captured by NASA satellite, 2017

Liberator, S., 2017, Alaskan volcano spews plumes of ash into the Bering Sea in breathtaking new image captured by NASA satellite: Daily Mail article published online June 9, 2017, available at

Three Alaska Peninsula volcanoes are restless, 2017

Lill, A., 2017, Three Alaska Peninsula volcanoes are restless: KDLG Dillingham, Alaska article published online June 9, 2017, available at

Geochemical constraints on volatile sources and subsurface conditions at Mount Martin, Mount Mageik, and Trident Volcanoes, Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska, 2017

Lopez, T., Fazzi, F., Aiuppa, A., Galle, B., Rizzo, A.L., Fiebig, J., Capecchiacci, F., Giudice, G., Caliro, S., Tamburello, G., 2017, Geochemical constraints on volatile sources and subsurface conditions at Mount Martin, Mount Mageik, and Trident Volcanoes, Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,v. 347, p. 64-81,

Explosion at Bogoslof Volcano prompts ninth aviation warning during weeks-long eruption, 2017

Mackintosh, C., 2017, Explosion at Bogoslof Volcano prompts ninth aviation warning during weeks-long eruption: KTUU article published online January 18, 2017, available at

No major explosions at Bogoslof in over a month, researchers say, 2017

Mackintosh, C., 2017, No major explosions at Bogoslof in over a month, researchers say: KTUU article published online April 14, 2017, available at

Remote sensing evidence of lava-ground ice interactions associated with the Lost Jim Lava Flow, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2017

Marcucci, E.C., Hamilton, C.W., and Herrick, R.R., 2017, Remote sensing evidence of lava-ground ice interactions associated with the Lost Jim Lava Flow, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 79, n. 89,

Automated detection and cataloging of global explosive volcanism using the International Monitoring System infrasound network, 2017

Matoza, R. S., Green, D. N., Le Pichon, A., Shearer, P. M., Fee, D., Mialle, P., and Ceranna, L., 2017, Automated detection and cataloging of global explosive volcanism using the International Monitoring System infrasound network: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 122, n. 4, p. 2946-2971, doi:

Highest aviation alert level issued after Alaskan volcano erupts, 2017

McKirdy, E., and Sutton, J., 2017, Highest aviation alert level issued after Alaskan volcano erupts: CNN article published online May 29, 2017, available at

Chronology and glass chemistry of tephra and cryptotephra horizons from lake sediments in northern Alaska, USA, 2017

Monteath, A.J., van Hardenbroek, M., Davies, L.J., Froese, D.G., Langdon, P.G., Xu, X., and Edwards, M.E., 2017, Chronology and glass chemistry of tephra and cryptotephra horizons from lake sediments in northern Alaska, USA: Quaternary Research, v. 88, p. 1-10.

Of airplanes and ash clouds: What we've learned since Eyjafjallajökull, 2017

Morton, Mary Caperton, 2017, Of airplanes and ash clouds: What we've learned since Eyjafjallajökull: Earth, The Science Behind the Headlines article published online April 2, 2017, available online at

Volcanic Eruptions and Their Repose, Unrest, Precursors, and Timing, 2017

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017, Volcanic Eruptions and Their Repose, Unrest, Precursors, and Timing: Washington, D.C., The National Academies Press. doi:

WOVOdat: an online, growing library of worldwide volcanic unrest, 2017

Newhall, C.G., Costa, F., Ratdomopurbo, A., Venezky, D.Y., Widiwijayanti, C., Win, Nang Thin Zar, Tan, K., and Fajiculay, E., 2017, WOVOdat: an online, growing library of worldwide volcanic unrest: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 345, p. 184-199, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.08.003

Geology of Kasatochi volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2017

Nye, C.J., Scott, W.E., Neill, O.K., Waythomas, C.F., Cameron, C.E., and Calvert, A.T., 2017, Geology of Kasatochi volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report 123, 127 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:5000.

Kasatochi Island 2009 topography, 2017

Nye, Chris, 2017, Kasatochi Island 2009 topography: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 163, 1 sheet, scale 1:10,000.

AMS radiocarbon dates on peat section related with tephra and archaeological sites in Carlisle Island, the Islands of Four Mountains, Alaska., 2017

Okuno, Mitsuru, Izbekov, Pavel, Nicolaysen, K.P., Sato, Eiichi, Nakamura, Toshio, Savinetsky, A.B., Vasyukov, Dmitrii, Krylovich, O.A., Khasanov, Bulat, Miranda, Jonathan, Persico, Lyman, Hatfield, Virginia, West, D.L., and Bruner, K.M., 2017, AMS radiocarbon dates on peat section related with tephra and archaeological sites in Carlisle Island, the Islands of Four Mountains, Alaska: Radiocarbon, v. 59, no. 6, p. 1771-1778.

Diatom records and tephra mineralogy in pingo deposits of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2017

Palagushkina, Olga, Wetterich, Sebastian, Biskaborn, B.K., Nazarova, Larisa, Schirrmeister, Lutz, Lenz, Josefine, Schwamborn, Georg and Grosse, Guido, 2017, Diatom records and tephra mineralogy in pingo deposits of Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 479, p. 1-15.

‘Explosive events’ rock Pacific Ocean, 2017

Palin, M., 2017, ‘Explosive events’ rock Pacific Ocean: article published online March 20, 2017, available at

Pretty Volcanic Plume Seen in Space Image, 2017

Pappas, S., 2017, Pretty Volcanic Plume Seen in Space Image: Live Science article published online June 9, 2017, available at

New occurrences of theWhite River Ash (east lobe) in Subarctic Canada and utility for estimating freshwater reservoir effect in lake sediment archives, 2017

Patterson, R.T., Crann, C.A., Cutts, J.A., Mustaphi, C.J.C., Nasser, N.A., Macumber, A.L., Galloway, J.M., Swindles, G.T., and Falck, Hendrik, 2017, New occurrences of the White River Ash (east lobe) in Subarctic Canada and utility for estimating freshwater reservoir effect in lake sediment archives: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 477, p. 1-9.

The 3.6 ka Aniakchak tephra in the Arctic Ocean: a constraint on the Holocene radiocarbon reservoir age in the Chukchi Sea, 2017

Pearce, Christof, Varhelyi, Aron, Wastegard, Stefan, Muschitiello, Francesco, Barrientos, Natalia, O'Regan, Matt, Cronin, T.M., Gemery, Laura, Semiletov, Igor, Backman, Jan, and Jakobsson, Martin, 2017, The 3.6 ka Aniakchak tephra in the Arctic Ocean: a constraint on the Holocene radiocarbon reservoir age in the Chukchi Sea: Climate of the Past, v. 13, no. 4, p. 303-316.

The 3.6 ka Aniakchak tephra in the Arctic Ocean: a constraint on the Holocene radiocarbon reservoir age in the Chukchi Sea, 2017

Pearce, C., Varhelyi, A., Wastegård, S., Muschitiello, F., Barrientos, N., O'Regan, M., Cronin, T.M., Gemery, L., Semiletov, I., Backman, J., and Jakobsson, M., 2017, The 3.6 ka Aniakchak tephra in the Arctic Ocean: a constraint on the Holocene radiocarbon reservoir age in the Chukchi Sea: Climate of the Past v. 13, no. 4, p. 303-316.

Graph theory for analyzing pair-wise data: application to geophysical model parameters estimated from interferometric synthetic aperture radar data at Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2017

Reinisch, E. C., Cardiff, M., and Feigl, K. L., 2017, Graph theory for analyzing pair-wise data: application to geophysical model parameters estimated from interferometric synthetic aperture radar data at Okmok volcano, Alaska: Journal of Geodesy, v. 91, n. 1, p. 9-24.

Geologic map of Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska, 2017

Schaefer, J.R., Scott, W.E., and Layer, P.W., 2017, Geologic map of Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2017-10, 32 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:25,000.

Space-based observation of volcanic iodine monoxide, 2017

Schoenhardt, Anja, Richter, Andreas, Theys, Nicolas, and Burrows, J.P., 2017, Space-based observation of volcanic iodine monoxide: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 17, n. 7, p. 4857-4870, doi:

New equipment helps scientists keep tabs on Bogoslof now and study it later, 2017

Sobel, Z., 2017, New equipment helps scientists keep tabs on Bogoslof now and study it later: Alaska Public Media article published online June 19, 2017, available at

Legacy or colonization? Posteruption establishment of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) on a volcanically active subarctic island, 2017

Sonsthagen, S.A., Williams, J.C., Drew, G.S., White, C.M., Sage, G.K., and Talbot, S.L., 2017, Legacy or colonization? Posteruption establishment of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) on a volcanically active subarctic island: Ecology and evolution, v. 7, n. 1, p. 107-114.

Intra-arc and back-arc volcano-tectonics: Magma pathways at Holocene Alaska-Aleutian volcanoes, 2017

Tibaldi, A., and Bonali, F. L., 2017, Intra-arc and back-arc volcano-tectonics: Magma pathways at Holocene Alaska-Aleutian volcanoes: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 167, p. 1-26.

Feasibility study of spectral pattern recognition reveals distinct classes of volcanic tremor, 2017

Unglert, K., and Jellinek, A.M., 2017, Feasibility study of spectral pattern recognition reveals distinct classes of volcanic tremor: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 336, p. 219-244.

Bogoslof volcano news & activity updates: Bogoslof volcano (Aleutian Islands): new series of larger explosions, 2017

Unknown, 2017, Bogoslof volcano news & activity updates: Bogoslof volcano (Aleutian Islands): new series of larger explosions: Volcano Discovery article published online June 13, 2017, available at

First discovery of Holocene Alaskan and Icelandic tephra in Polish peatlands, 2017

Watson, E.J., Kolaczek, P., Slowinski, M., Swindles, G.T., Marcisz, K., Galka, M. and Lamentowicz, M., 2017, First discovery of Holocene Alaskan and Icelandic tephra in Polish peatlands: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 32, n. 4, p. 457-462.

The presence of Holocene cryptotephra in Wales and southern England, 2017

Watson, E.J., Swindles, G.T., Lawson, I.T., Savov, I.P., and Wastegård, S., 2017, The presence of Holocene cryptotephra in Wales and southern England: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 32, n. 4, p. 493-500.

The 2014 eruptions of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, 2017

Waythomas, C.F., Haney, M.M., Wallace, K.L., Cameron, C.E., and Schneider, D.J., 2017, The 2014 eruptions of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5129, 27 p.,

Building an Uncertainty Modeling Framework for Real‐Time VATD, 2017

Webley, P., Patra, A., Bursik, M., Pitman, E.B., Dehn, J., Singh, T., Singla, P., Jones, M.D., Madankan, R., Stefanescu, E.R., and Pouget, S., 2017, Building an uncertainty modeling framework for real-time VATD: Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment: Modeling and Decision Support, Geophysical Monograph 223, p. 59-88.

Hydroxyl, Cl, and F partitioning between high-silica rhyolitic melts-apatite-fluid(s) at 50-200 MPa and 700-1000 degrees C, 2017

Webster, J.D., Goldoff, B.A., Flesch, R.N., Nadeau, P.A., and Silbert, Z.W., 2017, Hydroxyl, Cl, and F partitioning between high-silica rhyolitic melts-apatite-fluid(s) at 50-200 MPa and 700-1000 degrees C: American Mineralogist, v. 102, n. 1, p. 61-74.

Magmatic degassing, lava dome extrusion, and explosions from Mount Cleveland volcano, Alaska, 2011-2015: Insights into the continuous nature of volcanic activity over multi-year timescales, 2017

Werner, Cynthia, Kern, Christoph, Coppola, Diego, Lyons, J.J., Kelly, P.J., Wallace, K.L., Schneider, D.J., and Wessels, R.L., 2017, Magmatic degassing, lava dome extrusion, and explosions from Mount Cleveland volcano, Alaska, 2011-2015: Insights into the continuous nature of volcanic activity over multi-year timescales: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 13 p. doi:

Age of some Pleistocene interglacial beds and associated fossils in eastern Beringia defined by fission tracks in glass shards of Chester Bluff tephra, 2017

Westgate, J.A., and Pearce, N.J., 2017, Age of some Pleistocene interglacial beds and associated fossils in eastern Beringia defined by fission tracks in glass shards of Chester Bluff tephra: Quaternary Research, v. 88, n. 1, p. 152-159.

60,000 year climate and vegetation history of southeast Alaska, 2017

Wilcox, P.S., 2017, 60,000 year climate and vegetation history of Southeast Alaska: Fairbanks, University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 101 p.

Blowing its top: an explanation of Bogoslof Volcano's eruptions, latest on Thursday, 2017

Winkle, K., 2017, Blowing its top: an explanation of Bogoslof Volcano's eruptions, latest on Thursday: KTUU article published online January 5, 2017, available at

Sr and O isotopes in western Aleutian seafloor lavas: implications for the source of fluids and trace element character of arc volcanic rocks, 2017

Yogodzinski, G.M., Kelemen, P.B., Hoernle, Kaj, Brown, S.T., Bindeman, Ilya, Vervoort, J.D., Sims, K.W.W., Portnyagin, Maxim, and Werner, Reinhard, Sr and O isotopes in western Aleutian seafloor lavas: implications for the source of fluids and trace element character of arc volcanic rocks: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 475, p. 169-180, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.07.007

Unraveling the diversity in arc volcanic eruption styles; examples from the Aleutian volcanic arc, Alaska, 2016

Larsen, Jessica F., 2016, Unraveling the diversity in arc volcanic eruption styles: Examples from the Aleutian volcanic arc, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 327: p. 643-668.

Prehistoric Landscape Use in the Central Alaska Range, 2016

Blong, J.C., 2016, Prehistoric Landscape Use in the Central Alaska Range: Texas A&M University PhD dissertation, 421 p.

Very coarse-grained plagioclase-CPX-hornblende orthocumulate xenoliths from East Tanaga Volcano, western Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2016

Browne, B.L., and Tepley, F., 2016, Very coarse-grained plagioclase-CPX-hornblende orthocumulate xenoliths from East Tanaga Volcano, western Aleutian Islands, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, no. 4,

Alaska Volcano Observatory image database, 2016

Cameron, C.E., and Snedigar, S.F., 2016, Alaska Volcano Observatory image database: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 13,

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 2016

Cameron, C.E., and Schaefer, J.R., 2016, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 2, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000.

Paleoearthquakes of the Past ~6000 Years at the Dead Mouse Site, West-Central Denali Fault at the Nenana River, Alaska, 2016

Carlson, J.K., 2016, Paleoearthquakes of the Past~ 6000 Years at the Dead Mouse Site, West-Central Denali Fault at the Nenana River, Alaska: University of Kentucky M.S. thesis, 73 p.

Initializing HYSPLIT with satellite observations of volcanic ash: A case study of the 2008 Kasatochi eruption, 2016

Crawford, A. M., Stunder, B. J., Ngan, F., and Pavolonis, M. J., 2016, Initializing HYSPLIT with satellite observations of volcanic ash: A case study of the 2008 Kasatochi eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, v. 121, n. 18, p. 10,786-10,803.

Late Pleistocene and Holocene tephrostratigraphy of interior Alaska and Yukon: Key beds and chronologies over the past 30,000 years, 2016

Davies, L. J., Jensen, B. J., Froese, D. G., and Wallace, K. L., 2016, Late Pleistocene and Holocene tephrostratigraphy of interior Alaska and Yukon: Key beds and chronologies over the past 30,000 years: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 146, p. 28-53.

Seismic Envelope‐Based Detection and Location of Ground‐Coupled Airwaves from Volcanoes in Alaska, 2016

Fee, D., Haney, M., Matoza, R., Szuberla, C., Lyons, J., and Waythomas, C., 2016, Seismic Envelope‐Based Detection and Location of Ground‐Coupled Airwaves from Volcanoes in Alaska: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 106, n. 3, p. 1-12.

First airborne samples of a volcanic plume for delta13C of CO2 determinations, 2016

Fischer, T.P., and Lopez, T.M., 2016, First airborne samples of a volcanic plume for delta13C of CO2 determinations: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 31, 8 p., doi: 10.1002/2016GL068499

An Alaskan Volcano Erupts, Largely Out of View, 2016

Fountain, H., 2017, An Alaskan Volcano Erupts, Largely Out of View: The New York Times article published online December 30, 2016, available at

Timing and causes of mid-Holocene mammoth extinction on St. Paul Island, Alaska, 2016

Graham, R.W., Belmecheri, S., Choy, K., Culleton, B.J., Davies, L.J., Froese, D., Heintzman, P.D., Hritz, C., Kapp, J.D., Newsom, L.A., and Rawcliffe, R., 2016, Timing and causes of mid-Holocene mammoth extinction on St. Paul Island, Alaska: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 113, n. 33, p. 9310-9314.

150,000 years of loess accumulation in central Alaska, 2016

Jensen, B. J., Evans, M. E., Froese, D. G., and Kravchinsky, V. A., 2016, 150,000 years of loess accumulation in central Alaska: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 135, p. 1-23.

Formation of lower continental crust by relamination of buoyant arc lavas and plutons, 2016

Kelemen, P. B., and Behn, M. D., 2016, Formation of lower continental crust by relamination of buoyant arc lavas and plutons: Nature Geoscience, v. 9, n. 3, p. 197-205.

Bogoslof Volcano in Alaska Unexpectedly Erupts, 2016

Klemetti, E., 2017, Bogoslof Volcano in Alaska Unexpectedly Erupts: Wired article published online December 21, 2016, available at

Bogoslof volcano erupts again, sends up another ash plume, 2016

Klint, C., 2017, Bogoslof volcano erupts again, sends up another ash plume: ADN article published online December 23, 2016, available at

Holocene glacier fluctuations inferred from lacustrine sediment, Emerald Lake, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2016

LaBrecque, T.S., and Kaufman, D.S, 2016, Holocene glacier fluctuations inferred from lacustrine sediment, Emerald Lake, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Quaternary Research, v. 85, n. 1, p. 34-43.

Evidence of multiple thermokarst lake generations from an 11 800-year-old permafrost core on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2016

Lenz, Josefine, Wetterich, Sebastian, Jones, B.M., Meyer, Hanno, Bobrov, Anatoly, and Grosse, Guido, 2016, Evidence of multiple thermokarst lake generations from an 11 800‐year‐old permafrost core on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Boreas, v. 45, no. 4, p. 584-603.

Computer aided detection of transient inflation events at Alaskan volcanoes using GPS measurements from 2005-2015, 2016

Li, J. D., Rude, C. M., Blair, D. M., Gowanlock, M. G., Herring, T. A., and Pankratius, V., 2016, Computer aided detection of transient inflation events at Alaskan volcanoes using GPS measurements from 2005-2015: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 327, p. 634-642.

Computer aided detection of transient inflation events at Alaskan volcanoes using GPS measurements from 2005–2015, 2016

Li, J.D., Rude, C.M., Blair, D.M., Gowanlock, M.G., Herring, T.A., and Pankratius, V., 2016, Computer aided detection of transient inflation events at Alaskan volcanoes using GPS measurements from 2005-2015: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 327, p. 634-642.

Slow slip events and time‐dependent variations in locking beneath Lower Cook Inlet of the Alaska‐Aleutian subduction zone, 2016

Li, S., Freymueller, J., and McCaffrey, R., 2016, Slow slip events and time‐dependent variations in locking beneath Lower Cook Inlet of the Alaska‐Aleutian subduction zone: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 121, n. 2, p. 1060-1079.

Total electron content anomalies associated with global VEI4+ volcanic eruptions during 2002–2015, 2016

Li, W., Guo, J., Yue, J., Shen, Y., and Yang, Y., 2016, Total electron content anomalies associated with global VEI4+ volcanic eruptions during 2002-2015: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 325, p. 98-109.

An assessment of clinopyroxene as a recorder of magmatic water and magma ascent rate, 2016

Lloyd, A.S., Ferriss, E., Ruprecht, P., Hauri, E.H., Jicha, B.R., and Plank, T., 2016, An assessment of clinopyroxene as a recorder of magmatic water and magma ascent rate: Journal of Petrology, v. 57, n. 10, p. 1865-1886.

Long period seismicity and very long period infrasound driven by shallow magmatic degassing at Mount Pagan, Mariana Islands, 2016

Lyons, J.J., Haney, M.M., Werner, C., Kelly, P., Patrick, M., Kern, C., and Trusdell, F.., 2016, Long period seismicity and very long period infrasound driven by shallow magmatic degassing at Mount Pagan, Mariana Islands: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 121, p. 188-209, doi: 10.1002/2015JB012490.

A mid to late Holocene cryptotephra framework from eastern North America, 2016

Mackay, Helen, Hughes, P.D.M., Jensen, B.J.L., Langdon, P.G., Pyne-O’Donnell, S.D.F., Plunkett, Gill, Froese, D.G., Coulter, Sarah, Gardner, J.E., 2016, A mid to late Holocene cryptotephra framework from eastern North America: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 132, p. 101-113.

Subduction geometry beneath south central Alaska and its relationship to volcanism, 2016

Martin‐Short, R., Allen, R. M., and Bastow, I. D., 2016, Subduction geometry beneath south central Alaska and its relationship to volcanism: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 43, n. 18, p. 9509-9517.

Volcano deformation source parameters estimated from InSAR; sensitivities to uncertainties in seismic tomography, 2016

Masterlark, T., Donovan, T., Feigl, K. L., Haney, M., Thurber, C. H., and Tung, S., 2016, Volcano deformation source parameters estimated from InSAR: Sensitivities to uncertainties in seismic tomography: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 121, n. 4, p. 3002-3016.

Adjusting particle-size distributions to account for aggregation in tephra-deposit model forecasts, 2016

Mastin, L.G., Van Eaton, A.R., and Durant, A.J., 2016, Adjusting particle-size distributions to account for aggregation in tephra-deposit model forecasts: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 16, p. 9399-9420, doi: 10.5194/acp-16-9399-2016 .

Adjusting particle-size distributions to account for aggregation in tephra-deposit model forecasts, 2016

Mastin, L.G., Van Eaton, A.R. and Durant, A.J., 2016, Adjusting particle-size distributions to account for aggregation in tephra-deposit model forecasts: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 16, n. 14, p. 9399-9420.

Pyroclastic Flow Deposits and InSAR: Analysis of Long-Term Subsidence at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2016

McAlpin, D. B., Meyer, F. J., Gong, W., Beget, J. E., and Webley, P. W., 2016, Pyroclastic Flow Deposits and InSAR: Analysis of Long-Term Subsidence at Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Remote Sensing, v. 9, n. 1, p. 4.

A quantitative analysis of volcanic unrest: Mt. Spurr Alaska, 2002-2006, 2016

Mercier, David, and Lowell, R.P., A quantitative analysis of volcanic unrest: Mt. Spurr Alaska, 2002-2006: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 323, p. 97-109, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.05.003 .

Fertility of the early post-eruptive surfaces of Kasatochi Island volcano, 2016

Michaelson, G. J., Wang, B., and Ping, C. L., 2016, Fertility of the early post-eruptive surfaces of Kasatochi Island volcano: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 48, n. 1, p. 45-59.

Impact of Source Region on the delta 18O Signal in Snow: A Case Study from Mount Wrangell, Alaska, 2016

Moore, G. W. K., Field, R. D., and Benson, C. S., 2016, Impact of Source Region on the delta 18O Signal in Snow: A Case Study from Mount Wrangell, Alaska: Journal of Hydrometeorology, v. 17, n. 1, p. 139-151.

Holocene volcanism and human occupation in the middle Susitna River Valley, Alaska, 2016

Mulliken, Katherine M., 2016, Holocene volcanism and human occupation in the middle Susitna River Valley, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks M.A. thesis, 234 p.

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2014, 2016

Nathenson, M., 2016, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2014: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1060, 12 p., available online at

Interpretation of umbrella cloud growth and morphology: implications for flow regimes of short-lived and long-lived eruptions, 2016

Pouget, S., Bursik, M., Johnson, C.G., Hogg, A.J., Phillips, J.C., and Sparks, R.S.J., 2016, Interpretation of umbrella cloud growth and morphology; implications for flow regimes of short-lived and long-lived eruptions: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 78, n. 1, article 1, 19 p.

Interaction between climate, volcanism, and isostatic rebound in Southeast Alaska during the last deglaciation, 2016

Praetorius, Summer, Mix, Alan, Jensen, Britta, Froese, Duane Milne, Glenn, Wolhowe, Matthew, Addison, Jason and Prahl, Fredrick, 2016, Interaction between climate, volcanism, and isostatic rebound in Southeast Alaska during the last deglaciation: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 452, p. 79-89.

Geologic map of the Valdez D-1 and D-2 quadrangles (Mount Wrangell Volcano), Alaska, 2016

Richter, D.H., McGimsey, R.G., Labay, K.A., Lanphere, M.A., Moore, R.B., Nye, C.J., Rosenkrans, D.S., and Winkler, G.R., 2016, Geologic map of the Valdez D-1 and D-2 quadrangles (Mount Wrangell Volcano), Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3351, 20 p., scale 1:63,360,

Eocene to Pleistocene magmatic evolution of the Delarof Islands, Aleutian Arc, 2016

Schaen, A.J., Jicha, B.R., Kay, S.M., Singer, B.S., Tibbetts, A., 2016, Eocene to Pleistocene magmatic evolution of the Delarof Islands, Aleutian Arc: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 17, n. 3, p. 1086-1108.

Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental records from the Chatanika River valley near Fairbanks (Alaska), 2016

Schirrmeister, L., Meyer, H., Andreev, A., Wetterich, S., Kienast, F., Bobrov, A., Fuchs, M., Sierralta, M., and Herzschuh, U., 2016, Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental records from the Chatanika River valley near Fairbanks (Alaska): Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 147, n. 1, p. 1-20.

Similarities and differences in the historical records of lava dome-building volcanoes: Implications for understanding magmatic processes and eruption forecasting, 2016

Sheldrake, T.E., Sparks, R.S.J., Cashman, K.V., Wadge, G., Aspinall, W.P., 2016, Similarities and differences in the historical records of lava dome-building volcanoes; implications for understanding magmatic processes and eruption forecasting: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 160, p. 240-263.

The timing of compositionally-zoned magma reservoirs and mafic 'priming' weeks before the 1912 Novarupta-Katmai rhyolite eruption, 2016

Singer, B.S., Costa, Fidel, Herrin, J.S., Hildreth, Wes, and Fierstein, Judy, 2016, The timing of compositionally-zoned magma reservoirs and mafic 'priming' weeks before the 1912 Novarupta-Katmai rhyolite eruption: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 451, p. 125-137, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.07.015

Ground-coupled airwaves at Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, and their potential for eruption monitoring, 2016

Smith, Cassandra M., McNutt, Stephen R., and Thompson, Glenn, 2016, Ground-coupled airwaves at Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, and their potential for eruption monitoring: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 78, n. 7, p. 1-12.

Earth's air pressure 2.7 billion years ago constrained to less than half of modern levels, 2016

Som, S., Buick, R., Hagadorn, J., Blake, T., Perreault, J., Harnmeijer, J., and Catling, D., 2016, Earth's air pressure 2.7 billion years ago constrained to less than half of modern levels: Nature Geoscience, v. 9, p. 448-451,

Geothermal systems in volcanic arcs: Volcanic characteristics and surface manifestations as indicators of geothermal potential and favorability worldwide, 2016

Stelling, P., Shevenell, L., Hinz, N., Coolbaugh, M., Melosh, G., and Cumming, W., 2016, Geothermal systems in volcanic arcs: Volcanic characteristics and surface manifestations as indicators of geothermal potential and favorability worldwide: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 324, p. 57-72.

Water-magma interaction and plume processes in the 2008 Okmok eruption, Alaska, 2016

Unema, J.A., Ort, M.H., Larsen, J.F., Neal, C.A., and Schaefer, J.R., 2016, Water-magma interaction and plume processes in the 2008 Okmok eruption, Alaska: GSA Bulletin, 15 p., doi:10.1130/B31360.1

Data-adaptive detection of transient deformation in geodetic networks, 2016

Walwer, D., Calais, E., and Ghil, M., 2016, Data-adaptive detection of transient deformation in geodetic networks: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 121, n. 3, p. 2129-2152.

Extending Alaska’s plate boundary: Tectonic tremor generated by Yakutat subduction, 2016

Wech, A. G., 2016, Extending Alaska’s plate boundary: Tectonic tremor generated by Yakutat subduction: Geology, v. 44, n. 7, p. 587-590.

Extending Alaska’s plate boundary: Tectonic tremor generated by Yakutat subduction, 2016

Wech, A. G., 2016, Extending Alaska’s plate boundary: Tectonic tremor generated by Yakutat subduction: Geology, v. 44, n. 7, p. 587-590.

Volcano-tectonic earthquakes: A new tool for estimating intrusive volumes and forecasting eruptions, 2016

White, Randall, and McCausland, Wendy, 2016, Volcano-tectonic earthquakes: A new tool for estimating intrusive volumes and forecasting eruptions: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 309, p. 139-155, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.10.020

Bogoslof volcano just erupted again, 2016

Zak, A., 2017, Bogoslof volcano just erupted again: ADN article published online December 31, 2016, available at

Global volcanic hazards and risk, 2015

Loughlin, S. C., Sparks, R.J.S., Brown, S. K., Vye-Brown, C., and Jenkins, S. F., eds., 2015, Global volcanic hazards and risk: Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 393 p.

Monitoring volcanoes in the North Pacific - Observations from space, 2015

Dean, K.G., and Dehn, Jonathan, eds., 2015, Monitoring volcanoes in the North Pacific - Observations from space: Berlin, Springer, 363 p.

Measurements of the complex refractive index of volcanic ash at 450, 546.7, and 650 nm, 2015

Ball, J. G. C., Reed, B. E., Grainger, R. G., Peters, D. M., Mather, T. A., and Pyle, D. M., 2015, Measurements of the complex refractive index of volcanic ash at 450, 546.7, and 650 nm: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, v. 120, n. 15, p. 7747-7757.

Changes to the turbulent kinematics of a volcanic plume inferred from lightning data, 2015

Behnke, S. A., and Bruning, E. C., 2015, Changes to the turbulent kinematics of a volcanic plume inferred from lightning data: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 42, n. 10, p. 4232-4239.

Changes to the turbulent kinematics of a volcanic plume inferred from lightning data, 2015

Behnke, S. A., and Bruning, E. C., 2015, Changes to the turbulent kinematics of a volcanic plume inferred from lightning data: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 42, n. 10, p. 4232-4239.

Monitoring changes in seismic velocity related to an ongoing rapid inflation event at Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2015

Bennington, N.L., Haney, Matthew, De Angelis, Silvio, Thurber, C.H., and Freymueller, Jeffrey, 2015, Monitoring changes in seismic velocity related to an ongoing rapid inflation event at Okmok volcano, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, v. 120, p. 5664-5676, doi:10.1002/2015JB01

Holocene landscape and paleoenvironments, 2015

Bigelow, N., Reuther, J., Wooler, M., Wallace, K., 2015, Holocene Landscape and Paleoenvironments: Study Plan Section 13.5, Initial Study Report (Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project - FERC No. 14241).

First evidence of cryptotephra in palaeoenvironmental records associated with Norse occupation sites in Greenland, 2015

Blockley, S.P.E., Edwards, K.J., Schofield, J.E., Pyne-O’Donnell, S.D.F., Jensen, B.J.L., Matthews, I.P., Cook, G.T., Wallace, K.L., Froese, D.G., 2015, First evidence of cryptotephra in palaeoenvironmental records associated with Norse occupation sites in Greenland: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 27, p. 145-157.

Solubility and fluid-melt partitioning of H 2 O and Cl in andesitic magmas as a function of pressure between 50 and 500MPa, 2015

Botcharnikov, R. E., Holtz, F., and Behrens, H., 2015, Solubility and fluid-melt partitioning of H 2 O and Cl in andesitic magmas as a function of pressure between 50 and 500MPa: Chemical Geology, v. 418, p. 117-131.

Distinctly different parental magmas for calc-alkaline plutons and tholeiitic lavas in the central and eastern Aleutian arc, 2015

Cai, Yue, Rioux, Mtthew, Kelemen, P.B., Goldstein, S.L., Bolge, Louise, and Kylander-Clark, A.R.C., 2015, Distinctly different parental magmas for calc-alkaline plutons and tholeiitic lavas in the central and eastern Aleutian arc: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 431. p. 119 - 126, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.07.058

Jumbo Dome, Interior Alaska: Whole-rock, major- and trace-element analyses, 2015

Cameron, C.E., Nye, C.J., Bull, K.F., and Woods, Rebecca-Ellen, 2015, Jumbo Dome, Interior Alaska: Whole-rock, major- and trace-element analyses: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2015-14, 3 p. doi:10.14509/29520

Long-period seismicity at Shishaldin volcano (Alaska) in 2003-2004: Indications of an upward migration of the source before a minor eruption, 2015

Cusano, P., Palo, M., and West, M.E., 2015, Long-period seismicity at Shishaldin volcano (Alaska) in 2003-2004: Indications of an upward migration of the source before a minor eruption: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 291, p. 14-24, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.12.008

Amphibole reaction rims as a record of pre-eruptive magmatic heating: an experimental approach, 2015

De Angelis, S.H., Larsen, J., Coombs, M., Dunn, A., and Hayden, L., 2015, Amphibole reaction rims as a record of pre-eruptive magmatic heating: an experimental approach: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 426, p. 235-245, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.06.051

Setting, history, and impact of volcanic eruptions in the North Pacific region, 2015

Dean, K., Rothery, D., and Eichelberger, J., 2015, Setting, history, and impact of volcanic eruptions in the North Pacific region, chap. 1 of Dean, K.G., and Dehn, Jonathan, eds., Monitoring volcanoes in the North Pacific-Observations from space: Berlin, Springer, p. 1-25.

Thermal anomalies at volcanoes, 2015

Dehn, J., and Harris, A.J.L., 2015, Thermal anomalies at volcanoes, chap. 3 of Dean, K.G., and Dehn, Jonathan, eds., Monitoring volcanoes in the North Pacific - Observations from space: Berlin, Springer, p. 49-78.

Duration-amplitude relationships of volcanic tremor and earthquake swarms preceding and during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2015

DeRoin, Nicole, McNutt, S.R., and Thompson, Glenn, 2015, Duration-amplitude relationships of volcanic tremor and earthquake swarms preceding and during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 292, p. 56-69,

2013 Volcanic activity in Alaska - summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2015

Dixon, J.P., Cameron, Cheryl, McGimsey, R.G., Neal, C.A., and Waythomas, Chris, 2015, 2013 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5110, 92 p.,

WRF-Chem modeling of sulfur dioxide emissions from the 2008 Kasatochi Volcano, 2015

Egan, S. D., Stuefer, M., Webley, P., and Cahill, C. F., 2015, WRF-Chem modeling of sulfur dioxide emissions from the 2008 Kasatochi Volcano: Annals of Geophysics, 57, p. 1-6.

Aleutian arc geothermal fluids: chemical analyses of waters and gases, 2015

Evans, W.C., Bergfeld, D., Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., Werner, C.A., Waythomas, C.F., Lewicki, J.L., Lopez, T., Mangan, M.T., Miller, T.P., Diefenbach, A., Schaefer, J., Coombs, M.L., Wang, B., Nicolaysen, K., Izbekov, P., Maharrey, Z., Huebner, M., Hunt, A.G., Fitzpatrick, J., and Freeburg, G., 2015, Aleutian Arc geothermal fluids: chemical analyses of waters and gases: U.S. Geological Survey Data release,

Lightning-induced volcanic spherules, 2015

Genareau, Kimberly, Wardman, J.B., Wilson, T.M., McNutt, S.R., and Izbekov, Pavel, 2015, Lightning-induced volcanic spherules: Geology, v. 43, n. 4, p. 319-322, doi:10.1130/G36255.1

Combined effects of total grain-size distribution and crosswind on the rise of eruptive volcanic columns, 2015

Girault, F., Carazzo, G., Tait, S., and Kaminski, E., 2016, Combined effects of total grain-size distribution and crosswind on the rise of eruptive volcanic columns: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 326, p. 103-113.

Measurement and interpretation of subtle deformation signals at Unimak Island from 2003 to 2010 using weather model‐assisted time series InSAR, 2015

Gong, W., Meyer, F. J., Lee, C. W., Lu, Z., and Freymueller, J., 2015, Measurement and interpretation of subtle deformation signals at Unimak Island from 2003 to 2010 using weather model‐assisted time series InSAR: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 120, n. 2, p. 1175-1194.

Volcanic ash hazards and aviation risk, 2015

Guffanti, M., and Tupper, A., 2015, Volcanic ash hazards and aviation risk, chap. 4 of Papale, Paolo, ed., Volcanic hazards, risks, and disasters: Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 87-108.

Seldovia tephra study, unpublished raw data, 2015

Higman, B., 2015, Seldovia tephra study, unpublished raw data.

Dynamic triggering, 2015

Hill, D.P., and Prejean, S.G., 2015, Dynamic triggering, in Kanamori, H., ed., Earthquake seismology, Treatise on Geophysics, 2nd edition, v. 4, p. 273-304.

Phreatomagmatic and related eruption styles, 2015

Houghton, B., White, J.D.L., and Van Eaton, A.R., 2015, Phreatomagmatic and related eruption styles, chap. 30 of Sigurdsson, H., Houghton, B., McNutt, S., Rymer, H. and Stix, J., eds., The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, 2nd ed.: London, Academic Press, p.537-552.

Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve Geologic Resources Inventory Report, 2015

Hults, C., and C.A. Neal, 2015, Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve: Geologic resources inventory report: Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/GRD/NRR/2015/1033. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado

The role of volcano observatories in risk reduction, 2015

Jolly, G., 2015, The role of volcano observatories in risk reduction, in Loughlin, S.C., Sparks, R.S.J., Brown, S.K., Jenkins, S.F., and Vye-Brown, C., eds., Global Volcanic Hazards and Risk: Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, p. 299-304.

Geologic Map of Baranof Island, Southeastern Alaska, 2015

Karl, S. M., Haeussler, P. J., Himmelberg, G. R., Zumsteg, C. L., Layer, P. W., Friedman, R. M., Roeske, S.M., and Snee, L. W., 2015, Geologic Map of Baranof Island, Southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3335, 82 p., 1 sheet, available online at

A preliminary volcanic ash fall susceptibility map of Canada, 2015

Kelman, M. C., 2015, A preliminary volcanic ash fall susceptibility map of Canada: Geological Survey of Canada Open-File Report, 100 p., 1 sheet.

Acoustic source inversion to estimate volume flux from volcanic explosions, 2015

Kim, Keehoon, Fee, David, Yokoo, Akihiko, and Lees, J.M., 2015, Acoustic source inversion to estimate volume flux from volcanic explosions: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 42, 7 p., doi: 10.1002/2015GL064466

Using infrasound to constrain ash plume rise, 2015

Lamb, O. D., De Angelis, S., and Lavallee, Y., 2015, Using infrasound to constrain ash plume rise: Journal of Applied Volcanology, v. 4, n. 20, p. 1-9.

The 2008 phreatomagmatic eruption of Okmok Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Chronology, deposits, and landform changes, 2015

Larsen, J.F., Neal, C.A., Schaefer, J.R., Kaufman, A.M., and Lu, Zhong, 2015, The 2008 phreatomagmatic eruption of Okmok Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Chronology, deposits, and landform changes: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2015-2, 53 p. doi:10.14509/29405

40Ar/39Ar data, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2015

Layer, P.W., Werdon, M.B., Newberry, R.J., Drake, Jeffrey, and Benowitz, J.A., 2015, 40Ar/39Ar data, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2015-3, 59 p., doi:10.14509/29413 .

Mid-Wisconsin to Holocene Permafrost and Landscape Dynamics based on a Drained Lake Basin Core from the Northern Seward Peninsula, Northwest Alaska, 2015

Lenz, Josefine, Grosse, Guido, Jones, B.M., Anthony, K.M.W., Bobrov, Anthony, Wulf, Sabine and Wetterich, Sebastian, 2015, Mid‐Wisconsin to Holocene Permafrost and Landscape Dynamics based on a Drained Lake Basin Core from the Northern Seward Peninsula, Northwest Alaska: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, v. 27, no. 1, p. 56-75.

Volcanic plume characteristics determined using an infrared imaging camera, 2015

Lopez, T., Thomas, H.E., Prata, A.J., Amigo, A., Fee, D., and Moriano, D., 2015, Volcanic plume characteristics determined using an infrared imaging camera: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 300, p. 148-166, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.12.009

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)-A long-term monitoring tool, 2015

Lu, Zhong, Dzurisin, Daniel, Wicks, Charles, Jr., and Power, John, 2015, Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)-A long-term monitoring tool, chap. 8 of Dean, K.G., and Dehn, Jonathan, eds., Monitoring volcanoes in the North Pacific-Observations from space: Berlin, Springer, p. 235-260.

Sockeye salmon population dynamics over the past 4000 years in Upper Russian Lake, south-central Alaska, 2015

McCarthy, M., 2015, Sockeye salmon population dynamics over the past 4000 years in Upper Russian Lake, south-central Alaska. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Seismic and infrasonic monitoring, 2015

McNutt, S.R., Thompson, G., Johnson, J.B., De Angelis, S., and Fee, D., 2015, Seismic and infrasound monitoring: in Sigurdsson, H., Houghton, B.F., Rymer, H., Stix, J., and McNutt, S. (eds.), The encyclopedia of volcanoes (2nd ed): Academic Press, p. 1071-1099,

Integrating SAR and derived products into operational volcano monitoring and decision support systems, 2015

Meyer, F. J., McAlpin, D. B., Gong, W., Ajadi, O., Arko, S., Webley, P. W., and Dehn, J., 2015, Integrating SAR and derived products into operational volcano monitoring and decision support systems: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, V. 100, p. 106-117.

A glimpse into Augustine Volcano's Pleistocene past: Insight from the petrology of a massive rhyolite deposit, 2015

Nadeau, P.A., Webster, J.D., Mandeville, C.W., Goldoff, B.A., Shimizu, Nobumichi, and Monteleone, Brian, 2015, A glimpse into Augustine Volcano's Pleistocene past: Insight from the petrology of a massive rhyolite deposit: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 304, p. 304-323, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.07.034

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2013, 2015

Nathenson, M., 2015, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2013: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1109, 13 p., available online at

Pre-eruptive magma mixing and crystal transfer revealed by phenocryst and microlite compositions in basaltic andesite from the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Island volcano, 2015

Neill, O.K., Larsen, J.F., Izbekov, P.E., and Nye, C.J., 2015, Pre-eruptive magma mixing and crystal transfer revealed by phenocryst and microlite compositions in basaltic andesite from the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Island volcano: American Mineralogist, v. 100, n. 4, p. 722-737, doi: 10.2138/am-2015-4967

Tephra without borders: far-reaching clues into past explosive eruptions, 2015

Ponomareva, Vera, Portnyagin, Maxim, and Davies, S.M., 2015, Tephra without borders: far-reaching clues into past explosive eruptions: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 3, article 83, 16 p.

Remote sensing of gas emissions from volcanoes, 2015

Prata, Fred, Bluth, Gregg, Werner, Cynthia, Realmuto, Vince, Carn, Simon, and Watson, Matt, 2015, Remote sensing of gas emissions from volcanoes, chap. 6 of Dean, K.G., and Dehn, Jonathan, eds., Monitoring volcanoes in the North Pacific-Observations from space: Berlin, Springer, p. 145-186.

Volcanic clouds, 2015

Prata, Fred, Dean, Kenneson, and Watson, Matthew, 2015, Volcanic clouds, chap. 5 of Dean, K.G., and Dehn, Jonathan, eds., Monitoring volcanoes in the North Pacific-Observations from space: Berlin, Springer, p. 101-144.

Post-eruptive inflation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from InSAR, 2008-2014, 2015

Qu, Feifei, Lu, Zhong, Poland, Michael, Freymuller, Jeffrey, Zhang, Qin, and Jung, Hyung-Sup, 2015, Post-eruptive inflation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from InSAR, 2008-2014: Remote Sensing, v. 7, p. 16778-16794 Doi:10.3390/rs71215839 .

Applications of high-resolution satellite remote sensing for northern Pacific volcanic arcs, 2015

Ramsey, M.S., Byrnes, J.M., Wessels, R.L., and Izbekov, P.l, 2015, Applications of high-resolution satellite remote sensing for northern Pacific volcanic arcs, chap. 4 of Dean, K.G., and Dehn, Jonathan, eds., Monitoring volcanoes in the North Pacific-Observations from space: Berlin, Springer, p. 79-99.

Deciphering Okmok Volcano's restless years (2002-2005), 2015

Reyes, C.G., 2015, Deciphering Okmok Volcano's restless years (2002-2005): University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 82 p., available at .

Role of Social Media and Networking in Volcanic Crises and Communication, 2015

Sennert, S.S.., Klemetti, E.W., and Bird, D.K., 2015, Role of Social Media and Networking in Volcanic Crises and Communication: Advances in Volcanology, p. 1-11.

Ground-coupled airwaves: a seismological case study of the explosion quakes of the 2007 eruption of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, 2015

Smith, C.M., 2015, Ground-coupled airwaves: a seismological case study of the explosion quakes of the 2007 eruption of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska: University of South Florida M.S. thesis, 91 p.
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Exploration of the Hot Springs Bay Valley (HSBV) geothermal resource area, Akutan, Alaska, 2015

Stelling, Pete, Hinz, N.H., Kolker, Amanda, and Ohren, Mary, 2015, Exploration of the Hot Springs Bay Valley (HSBV) geothermal resource area, Akutan, Alaska: Geothermics, v. 57, p. 127-144, doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2015.05.002

Seismicity and structure of Akutan and Makushin Volcanoes, Alaska, using joint body and surface wave tomography, 2015

Syracuse, E.M., Maceira, M., Zhang, H., and Thurber, C.H., 2015, Seismicity and structure of Akutan and Makushin Volcanoes, Alaska, using joint body and surface wave tomography: Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, v. 120, p. 1036-1052.

Hail formation triggers rapid ash aggregation in volcanic plumes, 2015

Van Eaton, A.R., Mastin, L.G., Herzog, M., Schwaiger, H.F., Schneider, D.J., Wallace, K.L., and Clarke, A.B., 2015, Hail formation triggers rapid ash aggregation in volcanic plumes: Nature Communications, v. 6, n. 7860, 7 p., doi: 10.1038/ncomms8860 .

Ice-clad volcanoes, 2015

Waitt, R.B., Edwards, B.R., and Fountain, A.G., 2015, Ice-clad volcanoes, chap 15 of Huggel, C., Carey, M., Clague, J., and Kaab. A., eds., The high-mountain cryosphere-Environmental changes and human risks: Cambridge University Press, p. 272-294

'Is Ash Falling?', an online ashfall reporting tool in support of improved ashfall warnings and investigations of ashfall processes, 2015

Wallace, K., Snedigar, S., and Cameron, C., 2015, 'Is Ash Falling?', an online ashfall reporting tool in support of improved ashfall warnings and investigations of ashfall processes: Journal of Applied Volcanology, v. 4, n. 8, 10 p., doi:10.1186/s13617-014-0022-6
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Dome growth at Mount Cleveland, Aleutian Arc, quantified by time series TerraSAR-X imagery, 2015

Wang, Teng, Poland, M.P., and Lu, Zhong, 2015, Dome growth at Mount Cleveland, Aleutian Arc, quantified by time series TerraSAR-X imagery: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 42, p. 10614-10621.

Geomorphic consequences of volcanic eruptions in Alaska: A review, 2015

Waythomas, C.F., 2015, Geomorphic consequences of volcanic eruptions in Alaska: A review: Geomorphology, v. 246, p. 123-145, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.06.004

Experimental and modeled chlorine solubilities in aluminosilicate melts at 1 to 7000 bars and 700 to 1250 C: Applications to magmas of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2015

Webster, J. D., Vetere, F., Botcharnikov, R. E., Goldoff, B., McBirney, A., and Doherty, A. L., 2015, Experimental and modeled chlorine solubilities in aluminosilicate melts at 1 to 7000 bars and 700 to 1250 C: Applications to magmas of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: American Mineralogist, v. 100, n. 2-3, p. 522-535.

The role of subducted basalt in the source of island arc magmas: evidence from seafloor lavas of the Western Aleutians, 2015

Yogodzinski, G.M., Brown, S.T., Kelemen, P.B., Vervoort, J.D., Portnyagin, Maxim, Sims, K.W.W., Hoernle, Kaj, Jicha, B.R., and Werner, Reinhard, 2015, The role of subducted basalt in the source of island arc magmas: evidence from seafloor lavas of the Western Aleutians: Journal of Petrology, v. 56, n. 3, p. 441-492, doi:10.1093/petrology/egv006

The controversial early brightening in the first half of 20th century: a contribution from pyrheliometer measurements in Madrid (Spain), 2014

Anton, M., Vaquero, J.M., and Aparicio, A.J.P., 2014, The controversial early brightening in the first half of 20th century: a contribution from pyrheliometer measurements in Madrid (Spain): Environmental Geology, v. 115, p. 71-75,

Using lightning observations as a volcanic eruption monitoring tool, 2014

Behnke, S.A., and McNutt, S.R., 2014, Using lightning observations as a volcanic eruption monitoring tool: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 76, n. 8, p. 1-12,

Geochemical investigation of the hydrothermal system on Akutan Island, Alaska, July 2012, 2014

Bergfeld, D., Lewicki, J.L., Evans, W.C., Hunt, A.G., Revesz, K., and Huebner, M., 2014, Geochemical investigation of the hydrothermal system on Akutan Island, Alaska, July 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5231, 20 p.,

Age and impacts of the caldera-forming Aniakchak II eruption in western Alaska, 2014

Blackford, J.J., Payne, R.J., Heggen, M.P., de la Riva Caballero, A., and van der Plicht, J., 2014, Age and impacts of the caldera-forming Aniakchak II eruption in western Alaska: Quaternary Research, v. 82, p. 85-95, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.201404.013

Automatic classification of volcanic earthquakes using multi-station waveforms and dynamic neural networks, 2014

Bruton, C. P., 2014, Automatic classification of volcanic earthquakes using multi-station waveforms and dynamic neural networks: University of Alaska Fairbanks M.S. thesis, 67 p.

Regional controls on volcano seismicity along the Aleutian Arc, 2014

Buurman, Helena, Nye, C.J., West, M.E., and Cameron, Cheryl, 2014, Regional controls on volcano seismicity along the Aleutian Arc: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1002/2013GC005101

Alaska Volcano Observatory geochemical database, 2014

Cameron, C.E., Snedigar, S.F., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Alaska Volcano Observatory geochemical database: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 8, , doi:10.14509/29120

Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska, 2014

Cameron, C.E., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 153, 11 p., doi:10.14509/27357 .

The influence of cooling, crystallization and re-melting on the interpretation of geodetic signals in volcanic systems, 2014

Caricchi, Luca, Biggs, Juliet, Annen, Catherine, and Ebmeier, Susanna, 2014, The influence of cooling, crystallization and re-melting on the interpretation of geodetic signals in volcanic systems: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 388, p. 166-174,

Cogenetic late Pleistocene rhyolite and cumulate diorites from Augustine Volcano revealed by SIMS 238U-230Th dating of zircon, and implications for silicic magma generation by extraction from mush, 2014

Coombs, M.L., and Vazquez, J.A., 2014, Cogenetic late Pleistocene rhyolite and cumulate diorites from Augustine Volcano revealed by SIMS 238U-230Th dating of zircon, and implications for silicic magma generation by extraction from mush: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 15, 20 p., doi:10.1002/2014GC005589

Backprojection of volcanic tremor, 2014

Haney, M.M., 2014, Backprojection of volcanic tremor: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 41, p. 1923-1928, doi:10.1002/2013GL058836
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Surface-wave Green's tensors in the near field, 2014

Haney, M.M. and Nakahara, H., 2014, Surface-wave Green's tensors in the near field: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 104, p. 1578-1586, doi:10.1785/0120130113

2012 Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2014

Herrick, J.A., Neal, C.A., Cameron, C.E., Dixon, J.P., and McGimsey, R.G., 2014, 2012 Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5160, 82p.,

Geologic context, age constraints, and sedimentology of a Pleistocene volcaniclastic succession near Mount Spurr volcano, south-central Alaska, 2014

Herriott, T.M., Nye, C.J., Reger, R.D., Wartes, M.A., LePain, D.L., and Gillis, R.J., 2014, Geologic context, age constraints, and sedimentology of a Pleistocene volcaniclastic succession near Mount Spurr volcano, south-central Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigations 2014-2, 35 p., .

Holocene tephra from Iceland and Alaska in SE Greenland shelf sediments, 2014

Jennings, Anne, Thordarson, Thorvaldur, Zalzal, Kate, Stoner, Joseph, Hayward, Christopher, Geirsdottir, Aslaug, and Miller, Gifford, 2014, Holocene tephra from Iceland and Alaska in SE Greenland shelf sediments: Geological Society of London Special Publication Marine Tephrochronology, v. 398, p. 157-193.

Transatlantic distribution of the Alaskan White River Ash, 2014

Jensen, B.J.L., Pyne-O'Donnell, Sean, Plunkett, Gill, Froese, D.G., Hughes, P.D.M., Sigl, Michael, McConnell, J.R., Amesbury, M.J., Blackwell, P.J., van den Bogaard, Christel, Buck, C.E., Charman, D.J., Clague, J.J., Hall, V.A., Koch, Johannes, Mackay, Helen, Mallon, Gunnar, McColl, Lynsey, and Pilcher, J.R., 2014, Transatlantic distribution of the Alaskan White River Ash: Geology, v. 42, n. 10, p. 875-878, doi:10.1130/G35945.1

Seismic structure changes beneath Redoubt Volcano during the 2009 eruption inferred from local earthquake tomography, 2014

Kasatkina, Ekaterina, Koulakov, Ivan, West, Michael, and Izbekhov, Pavel, 2014, Seismic structure changes beneath Redoubt Volcano during the 2009 eruption inferred from local earthquake tomography: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 119, n. 6, p. 4938-4954,

Debris flow chronology and potential hazard along the Alaska Highway in southwest Yukon territory, 2014

Koch, Johannes, Clague, J.J., and Blais-Stevens, Andree, 2014, Debris flow chronology and potential hazard along the Alaska Highway in southwest Yukon territory: Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, v. 20, n. 1, p. 25-43,

InSAR imaging of Aleutian volcanoes, 2014

Lu, Zhong, and Dzurisin, Daniel, 2014, InSAR imaging of Aleutian volcanoes: Chichester, UK, Springer-Praxis, 390 p.

Distinguishing high surf from volcanic long-period earthquakes, 2014

Lyons, J.J., Haney, M.M., Fee, David, and Paskievitch, J.F., 2014, Distinguishing high surf from volcanic long-period earthquakes: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 41, 8 p., doi:10.1002/2013GL058954

Infrasonic component of volcano-seismic eruption tremor, 2014

Matoza, R.S., and Fee, David, 2014, Infrasonic component of volcano-seismic eruption tremor: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 41, n. 5, p. 1964-1970,

2009 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands - summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2014

McGimsey, R.G., Neal, C.A., Girina, O.A., Chibisova, Marina, and Rybin, Alexander, 2014, 2009 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands - summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5213, 125 p., .

2011 Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2014

McGimsey, R.G., Maharrey, J.Z., and Neal, C.A., 2014, 2011 Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5159, 50 p.,

Network-based evaluation of the infrasonic source location at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, 2014

McKee, Kathleen, Fee, David, Rowell, Colin, and Yokoo, Akihiko, 2014, Network-based evaluation of the infrasonic source location at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan: Seismological Research Letters, v. 85, n.6, p. 1200-1211, doi: 10.1785/0220140119

A quantitative analysis of a non-eruptive volcanic event: Mt. Spurr, Alaska, 2002-2006, 2014

Mercier, David, 2014, A quantitative analysis of a non-eruptive volcanic event: Mt. Spurr, Alaska, 2002-2006: Virginia Polytechnic Institue M.S. thesis, 32 p., available online at

Post eruptive source modeling for Okmok Volcano, Alaska using GPS and InSAR, 2014

Miller, S. A., 2014, Post eruptive source modeling for Okmok Volcano, Alaska using GPS and InSAR: University of Alaska Fairbanks M.S. thesis, 92 p.

Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure and earthquake relocations at Katmai, Alaska, 2014

Murphy, Rachel, Thurber, Clifford, Prejean, Stephanie, and Bennington, Ninfa, 2014, Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure and earthquake relocations at Katmai, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 276, p. 121-131, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.02.22

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2012, 2014

Nathenson, M., 2014, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1147, 10 p., available online at

2010 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2014

Neal, C.A., Herrick, J., Girina, O.,A., Chibisova, M., Rybin, A., McGimsey, R.G., and Dixon, J., 2014, 2010 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5034, 76 p., .

Postglacial eruptive history, geochemistry, and recent seismicity of Aniakchak Volcano, Alaska, 2014

Bacon, C.R., Neal, C.A., Miller, T.P., McGimsey, R.G., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Postglacial eruptive history, geochemistry, and recent seismicity of Aniakchak Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1810, 74 p.,, available online at

Explosive to effusive transition during the largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century (Novarupta 1912, Alaska), 2014

Nguyen, C.T., Gonnermann, H.M., and Houghton, B.F., 2014, Explosive to effusive transition during the largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century (Novarupta 1912, Alaska): Geology, v. 42, n. 8, p. 703-706,

Seismicity and seismic structure at Okmok Volcano, Alaska, 2014

Ohlendorf, S.J., Thurber, C.H., Pesicek, J.D., and Prejean, S.G., 2014, Seismicity and seismic structure at Okmok Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 278-279, p. 103-119, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.04.002

Chemical complexity and source of the White River Ash, Alaska and Yukon, 2014

Preece, S.J., McGimsey, R.G., Westgate, J.A., Pearce, N.J.G., Hart, W.K., and Perkins, W.T., 2014, Chemical complexity and source of the White River Ash, Alaska and Yukon: Geosphere, v. 10, n.5., p. 1020-1042, doi: 10.1130/GES00953.1

Shaking up volcanoes, 2014

Prejean, S. G. and Haney, M. M., 2014, Shaking up volcanoes: Science, 345, p.39, doi:10.1126/science.1256196.

Mapping methods and observations of surficial snow/ice cover at redoubt and Pavlof volcanoes, Alaska using optical satellite imagery, 2014

Rahilly, K. E., 2014, Mapping methods and observations of surficial snow/ice cover at redoubt and Pavlof volcanoes, Alaska using optical satellite imagery: University of Alaska Fairbanks M.S. thesis, 188 p.

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 2014

Schaefer, J.R., Cameron, C.E., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 1.2, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000. This publication has been superseded. Newest version available at .

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Fisher volcano, Unimak Island, Alaska, 2014

Stelling, P.L., Beget, J.E., Gardner, J.E., and Schaefer, J.R., 2014, Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Fisher volcano, Unimak Island, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2014-5, 32 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000. doi:10.14509/29146 .
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Significance of a near-source tephra-stratigraphic sequence to the eruptive history of Hayes Volcano, south-central Alaska, 2014

Wallace, K.L., Coombs, M.L., Hayden, L.A., and Waythomas, C.F., 2014, Significance of a near-source tephra-stratigraphic sequence to the eruptive history of Hayes Volcano, south-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5133, 32 p., available online at:
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The 2013 eruption of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska: a spatter eruption at an ice- and snow-clad volcano, 2014

Waythomas, C.F., Haney, M.M., Fee, David, Schneider, D.J., and Wech, Aaron, 2014: The 2013 eruption of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska: a spatter eruption at an ice- and snow-clad volcano: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 76, n. 862, 12 p., doi: 10.1007/s00445-014-0862-2

Water, ice and mud: lahars and lahar hazards at ice- and snow-clad volcanoes, 2014

Waythomas, C.F., 2014, Water, ice and mud: lahars and lahar hazards at ice- and snow-clad volcanoes: Geology Today, v. 30, n. 1, p. 34-39.
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An analysis of the issuance of volcanic alert levels during volcanic crises, 2014

Winson, Annie E.G., Costa, Fidel, Newhall, C.G., and Woo, Gordon, 2014, An analysis of the issuance of volcanic alert levels during volcanic crises: Journal of Applied Volcanology, v. 3, n. 14, 12 p., doi:10.1186/s13617-014-0014-6

Monitoring small scale explosive activity as a precursor to periods of heightened volcanic unrest, 2014

Worden, A. K., 2014, Monitoring small scale explosive activity as a precursor to periods of heightened volcanic unrest: University of Alaska Fairbanks M.S. thesis, 126 p.

Frequency based satellite monitoring of small scale explosive activity at remote North Pacific volcanoes, 2014

Worden, Anna, Dehn, Jonathan, and Webley, Peter, 2014. Frequency based satellite monitoring of small scale explosive activity at remote North Pacific volcanoes: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 286, 14 p.,

Surface radiative impacts of ash deposits from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, 2014

Young, C.L., Sokolik, I.N., Flanner, M.G., and Dufek, Josef, 2014, Surface radiative impacts of ash deposits from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, v. 119, n. 19, p. 11387-11397,

Ice cores from the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada: their significance for climate, atmospheric composition and volcanism in the north Pacific region, 2014

Zdanowicz, Christian, Fisher, David, Bourgeois, Jocelyne, Demuth, Mike, Zheng, James, Mayewski, Paul, Kreutz, Karl, Osterberg, Erich, Yalcin, Kaplan, Wake, Cameron, Steig, E.J., Froese, D.G., Goto-Azuma, Kumiko, 2014, Ice cores from the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada: their significance for climate, atmospheric composition and volcanism in the north Pacific region: Arctic, v. 67, Suppl. 1, p. 35-24.

Cretaceous lower crust of the continental margins of the northern Pacific: petrological and geochronological data on lower to middle crustal xenoliths, 2013

Akinin, V.V., Andronikov, A.V., Mukasa, S.B., and Miller, E.L., 2013, Cretaceous lower crust of the continental margins of the northern Pacific: petrological and geochronological data on lower to middle crustal xenoliths: Petrology, v. 21, n. 1, p. 34-73, doi: 10.1134/S0869591113010013

Composition and evolution of volcanic aerosol from eruptions of Kasatochi, Sarychev, and Eyjafjallajokull in 2008-2010 based on CARIBIC observations, 2013

Andersson, S., Martinsson, B.G., Friberg, J., Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M., Rauthe-Schoch, A, Hermann, M., van Velthoven, P.F.J., and Zahn, A., 2013, Composition and evolution of volcanic aerosol from eruptions of Kasatochi, Sarychev, and Eyjafjallajokull in 2008-2010 based on CARIBIC observations: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 13, n. 4, p. 1781-1796,

Pavlof Volcano continues to erupt: some flights cancelled, 2013

Associated Press, 2013, Pavlof Volcano continues to erupt: some flights cancelled: Anchorage Daily News article published May 20, 2013, available at

Observations of volcanic lightning during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, 2013

Behnke, S.J., Thomas, R.J., McNutt, S.R., Schneider, D.J., Krehbiel, P.R., Rison, William, and Edens, H.E., 2013, Observations of volcanic lightning during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 214-234, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.12.010

Volcanic tremors and magma wagging: gas flux interactions and forcing, 2013

Bercovici, David, Jellinek, A.M., Michaut, Chloe, Roman, D.C., and Morse, Robert, 2013, Volcanic tremors and magma wagging: gas flux interactions and forcing: Geophysical Journal International, v. 195, n., 2, p. 1001-1022,

Volcano-ice interactions precursory to the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Bleick, H.A., Coombs, M.L., Cervelli, P.F., Bull, K.F., and Wessels, R.L., 2013, Volcano-ice interactions precursory to the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 373-388, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.10.008
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Deep low-frequency earthquakes in tectonic tremor along the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone, 2013

Brown, J.R., Prejean, S.G., Beroza, G.C., Gomberg, J.S., and Haeussler, P.J., 2013, Deep low-frequency earthquakes in tectonic tremor along the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone: Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, v. 118, n. 3, p. 1079-1090.

An overview of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Bull, K.F., and Buurman, Helena, 2013, An overview of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 2-15, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.06.024

Emplacement of the final lava dome of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Bull, K.F., Anderson, S.W., Diefenbach, A.K., Wessels, R.L., Henton, S.M., 2013, Emplacement of the final lava dome of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 334-348, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.06.014

Magma fracture and hybrid earthquakes in the conduit of Augustine Volcano, 2013

Buurman, Helena, and West, M.E., 2013, Magma fracture and hybrid earthquakes in the conduit of Augustine Volcano: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 40, 5 p., doi:10.1002/2013GL057864

The seismicity of the 2009 Redoubt eruption, 2013

Buurman, Helena, West, M.E., and Thompson, Glenn, 2013, The seismicity of the 2009 Redoubt eruption: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 16-30, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.024

Using repeating volcano-tectonic earthquakes to track post-eruptive activity in the conduit system at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Buurman, Helena, West, M.E., and Roman, D.C., 2013, Using repeating volcano-tectonic earthquakes to track post-eruptive activity in the conduit system at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Geology, v. 41, n. 4, p. 511-514, doi:10.1130/G34089.1

Volcano seismicity in Alaska, 2013

Buurman, H., 2013, Volcano seismicity in Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 176 p.

Monitoring of Volcanic Activity of Augustine Volcano, Alaska Using TCPInSAR and SBAS Time-series Techniques for Measuring Surface Deformation, 2013

Cho, M., Zhang, L., and Lee, C.-W., 2013, Monitoring of Volcanic Activity of Augustine Volcano, Alaska Using TCPInSAR and SBAS Time-series Techniques for Measuring Surface Deformation: Korean Journal of Remote Sensing v. 29, no. 1, p. 21-34.

Andesites of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Coombs, M.L., Sisson, T.W., Bleick, H.A., Henton, S.M., Nye, C.J., Payne, A.L., Cameron, C.E., Larsen, J.F., Wallace, K.L., and Bull, K.F., 2013, Andesites of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 349-372, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.01.002

Unpublished Spurr data, 2013

Coombs, M., and Calvert, A., 2013, Unpublished Spurr data.

Pre-eruptive magmatic conditions at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006: evidence from amphibole geochemistry and textures, 2013

De Angelis, S.H., Larsen, Jessica, and Coombs, Michelle, 2013, Pre-eruptive magmatic conditions at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006: evidence from amphibole geochemistry and textures: Journal of Petrology, v. 54, n. 9, p. 1939-1961, doi:10.1093/petrology/egt037

An evaluation of the effects of tourism on traditional activities - an ethnographic study for the Alagnak Wild River Area, 2013

Duer, D., and Evanoff, K., 2013, An evaluation of the effects of tourism on traditional activities - an ethnographic study for the Alagnak Wild River Area: Portland, O.R., Portland State University, 413 p.

Photogrammetric monitoring of lava dome growth during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, 2013

Diefenbach, A.K., Bull, K.F., Wessels, R.L., and McGimsey, R.G., 2013, Photogrammetric monitoring of lava dome growth during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 308-316, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.12.009
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Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2012, 2013

Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D, Power, J.A., Haney, Matt, Parker, Tom, Searcy, C.K., and Prejean, Stephanie, 2013, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 789, 84 p., available at .
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Frictional-faulting model for harmonic tremor before Redoubt Volcano eruptions, 2013

Dmitrieva, Ksenia, Hotovec-Ellis, A.J., Prejean, Stephanie, and Dunham, E.M., 2013, Frictional-faulting model for harmonic tremor before Redoubt Volcano eruptions: Nature Geoscience, v., 6, n. 8, p. 652-656, doi:0.1038/NGEO1879

Insights on lava-ice/snow interactions from large-scale basaltic melt experiments, 2013

Edwards, B.R., Karson, Jeffrey, Wysocki, Robert, Lev, Einat, Bindeman, Ilya, and Kueppers, Ulrich, 2013, Insights on lava-ice/snow interactions from large-scale basaltic melt experiments: Geology, v. 41, n. 8, p. 851-854, doi:10.1130/G34305.1

A multi-sensor plume height analysis of the 2009 Redoubt eruption, 2013

Ekstrand, A.L., Webley, P.W., Garay, M.J., Dehn, Jonathan, Prakash, Anupma, Nelson, D.L., Dean, K.G., and Steensen, Torge, 2013, A multi-sensor plume height analysis of the 2009 Redoubt eruption: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 170-184, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.09.008

Assigning a volcano alert level: negotiating uncertainty, risk, and complexity in decision-making processes, 2013

Fearnley, C.J., 2013, Assigning a volcano alert level: negotiating uncertainty, risk, and complexity in decision-making processes: Environment and Planning, v. 45, p. 1891-1911, doi:10.1068/a4542

An overview of volcano infrasound: from hawaiian to plinian, local to global, 2013

Fee, David, and Matoza, R.S., 2013, An overview of volcano infrasound: from hawaiian to plinian, local to global: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 249, p. 123-139, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.09.002 .

Combining local and remote infrasound recordings from the 2009 Redoubt Volcano eruption, 2013

Fee, David, McNutt, S.R., Lopez, T.M., Arnoult, K.M., Szuberla, C.A.L., and Olson, J.V., 2013, Combining local and remote infrasound recordings from the 2009 Redoubt Volcano eruption: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 100-114, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.09.012

Infrasonic crackle and supersonic jet noise from the eruption of Nabro Volcano, Eritrea, 2013

Fee. David, Matoza, R.S., Gee, K.L., Neilsen, T.B. and Ogden, D.E., 2013, Infrasonic crackle and supersonic jet noise from the eruption of Nabro Volcano, Eritrea: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 40, 5 p., doi: 10.1002/grl.50827

Water in volcanic pyroclast: rehydration or incomplete degassing?, 2013

Giachetti, T., and Gonnermann, H.M., 2013, Water in volcanic pyroclast: rehydration or incomplete degassing?: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 369-370, p. 317-332,

Volcanoes of the World, 2013

Global Volcanism Program, 2013, Volcanoes of the World, v. 4.5.3. Venzke, E (ed.): Smithsonian Institution. Downloaded 2017.

Triggered tremor sweet spots in Alaska, 2013

Gomberg, Joan, and Prejean, Stephanie, 2013, Triggered tremor sweet spots in Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 118, p. 6203-6218, doi:10.1002/2013JB010273

Geodetic observations during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Grapenthin, Ronni, Freymueller, J.T., and Kaufman, A.M., 2013, Geodetic observations during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 115-132, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.021

A volcanic activity alert-level system for aviation: review of its development and application in Alaska, 2013

Guffanti, Marianne, and Miller, Tom, 2013, A volcanic activity alert-level system for aviation: review of its development and application in Alaska: Natural Hazards, 15 p., doi:0.1007/s11069-013-0761-4
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Source characterization for an explosion during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano from very-long-period seismic waves, 2013

Haney, M.M., Chouet, B.A., Dawson, P.B., and Power, J.A., 2013, Source characterization for an explosion during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano from very-long-period seismic waves: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 77-88, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.018

Strongly gliding harmonic tremor during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, 2013

Hotovec, A.J., Prejean, S.G., Vidale, J.E., and Gomberg, Joan, 2013, Strongly gliding harmonic tremor during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p.88-99, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.01.001

Pushing the Volcanic Explosivity Index to its limits and beyond: Constraints from exceptionally weak explosive eruptions at Kilauea in 2008, 2013

Houghton, B.F., Swanson, D.A., Rausch, J., Carey, R.J., Fagents, S.A., and Orr, T.R., 2013, Pushing the Volcanic Explosivity Index to its limits and beyond: Constraints from exceptionally weak explosive eruptions at Kilauea in 2008: Geology, v. 41, n. 6, p. 627- 630, doi:10.1130/G34146.1 .

Crustal structure along the Aleutian island arc: new insights from receiver functions constrained by active-source data, 2013

Janiszewski, H.A., Abers, G.A., Shillington, D.J., and Calkins, J.A., 2013, Crustal structure along the Aleutian island arc: new insights from receiver functions constrained by active-source data: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems - G3, v. 14, n. 8, p. 2977-2992,

The Palisades is a key reference site for the middle Pleistocene of eastern Beringia: new evidence from paleomagnetics and regional tephrostratigraphy, 2013

Jensen, B.J.L., Reyes, A.V., Froese, D.G., and Stone, D.B., 2013, The Palisades is a key reference site for the middle Pleistocene of eastern Beringia: new evidence from paleomagnetics and regional tephrostratigraphy: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 63, p. 91-108,

Pliocene to Recent alkalic volcanic centers in southeast Alaska: western component of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province, 2013

Karl, S.M., Baichtal, J.F., Calvert, A.T., and Layer, P.W., 2013, Pliocene to Recent alkalic volcanic centers in southeast Alaska: western component of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province: Newsletter of the Alaska Geological Society, v. 44, 2 p.

Rapid chemical evolution of tropospheric volcanic emissions from Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, based on observations of ozone and halogen-containing gases, 2013

Kelly, P.J., Kern, Christoph, Roberts, T.J., Lopez, Taryn, Werner, Cynthia, and Aiuppa, Alessandro, 2013, Rapid chemical evolution of tropospheric volcanic emissions from Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, based on observations of ozone and halogen-containing gases: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 317-333, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.023

Petrological constraints on the origin of enclaves from Kasatochi Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2013

Kentner, A., 2013, Petrological constraints on the origin of enclaves from Kasatochi Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: University of Alaska M.S. thesis, 166 p.

Characterization of seismic events during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Ketner, Dane, and Power, John, 2013, Characterization of seismic events during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 45-62, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.10.007
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Surface deformation monitoring of Augustine volcano, Alaska using GPS measurement - A case study of the 2006 eruption, 2013

Kim, S.-K., Hwang, E.-H., Kim, Y.-H., and Lee, C.-W., 2013, Surface deformation monitoring of Augustine volcano, Alaska using GPS measurement - A case study of the 2006 eruption: Korean Journal of Remote Sensing v. 29, no. 5, p. 545-554.

Fluid ascent during the 2004-2005 unrest at Mt. Spurr inferred from seismic tomography, 2013

Koulakov, I., West, M., and Izbekov, P., 2013, Fluid ascent during the 2004-2005 unrest at Mt. Spurr inferred from seismic tomography: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 40, doi:10.1002/grl.50674 .

Age models and tephrostratigraphy from two lakes on Adak Island, Alaska, 2013

Krawiec, A.C., Kaufman, D.S., and Vaillencourt, D.A., 2013, Age models and tephrostratigraphy from two lakes on Adak Island, Alaska: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 18, p .41-53.

Holocene tephrochronology and storminess inferred from two lakes on Adak Island, Alaska, 2013

Krawiec, A.C.L, 2013, Holocene tephrochronology and storminess inferred from two lakes on Adak Island, Alaska: Northern Arizona University M.S. thesis, 109 p.

The 2008 eruption of Okmok Volcano, Alaska: Petrological and geochemical constraints on the subsurface magma plumbing system, 2013

Larsen, J.F., Sliwinski, M.G., Nye, Christopher, Cameron, Cheryl, and Schaefer, J.R., 2013, The 2008 eruption of Okmok Volcano, Alaska: Petrological and geochemical constraints on the subsurface magma plumbing system: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 264, p. 85-106, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.07.003 .

Dynamic deformation of Seguam Island, Alaska, 1992-2008, from multi-interferogram InSAR processing, 2013

Lee, Chang-Wook, Lu, Zhong, Won, Joong-Sun, Jung, Hyung-Sun, and Dzurisin, Daniel, 2013, Dynamic deformation of Seguam Island, Alaska, 1992-2008, from multi-interferogram InSAR processing: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 260, p. 43-51, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.05.009

Late Pleistocene sedimentation history of the Shirshov Ridge, Bering Sea, 2013

Levitan, M., Kuzmina, T.G., Luksha, V.L., Roshchina, I.A., Syromyatnikov, K.V., Max, L., Nuernberg, D., Riethdorf, J-R., and Tiedemann, R., 2013, Late Pleistocene sedimentation history of the Shirshov Ridge, Bering Sea: Geochemistry International, v. 51, n. 3, p. 173-204,

Recent acceleration of carbon accumulation in a boreal peatland, south central Alaska, 2013

Loisel, J., and Yu, Z., 2013, Recent acceleration of carbon accumulation in a boreal peatland, south central Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences v. 118, no. 1, p. 41-53.

Characterization and interpretation of volcanic activity at Redoubt, Bezymianny and Karymsky Volcanoes through direct and remote measurements of volcanic emissions, 2013

Lopez, T.M., 2013, Characterization and interpretation of volcanic activity at Redoubt, Bezymianny and Karymsky Volcanoes through direct and remote measurements of volcanic emissions: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 225 p.
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Evaluation of Redoubt Volcano's sulfur dioxide emissions by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument, 2013

Lopez, Taryn, Carn, Simon, Werner, Cynthia, Fee, David, Kelly, Peter, Doukas, Michael, Pfeffer, Melissa, Webley, Peter, Cahill, Catherine, and Schneider, David, 2013, Evaluation of Redoubt Volcano's sulfur dioxide emissions by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 290-307, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.03.002

Inside volcanic clouds: remote sensing of ash plumes using microwave weather radars, 2013

Marzano, F.S., Picciotti, Errico, Montopoli, Mario, and Vulpiani, Gianfranco, 2013, Inside volcanic clouds: remote sensing of ash plumes using microwave weather radars: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, v. 94, n. 10, p. 1567-1586,

Injection, transport, and deposition of tephra during event 5 at Redoubt Volcano, 23 March, 2009, 2013

Mastin, L.G., Schwaiger, Hans, Schneider, D.J., Wallace, K.L., Schaefer, Janet, and Denlinger, R.P., 2013, Injection, transport, and deposition of tephra during event 5 at Redoubt Volcano, 23 March, 2009: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 201-213, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.025
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User's guide and reference to Ash3d - A three dimensional model for Eulerian atmospheric tephra transport and deposition, 2013

Mastin, L.G., Randall, M.J., Schwaiger, H.F., and Denlinger, R.P., 2013, User's guide and reference to Ash3d - A three dimensional model for Eulerian atmospheric tephra transport and deposition: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1122, 48 p., available online at .

Multi-sensor data fusion for remote sensing of post-eruptive deformation and depositional features at Redoubt Volcano, 2013

McAlpin, David, and Meyer, F.J., 2013, Multi-sensor data fusion for remote sensing of post-eruptive deformation and depositional features at Redoubt Volcano: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 414-423, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.08.006

Local seismic and infrasound observations of the 2009 explosive eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

McNutt, S.R., Thompson, G., West, M.E., Fee, D., Stihler, S., and Clark, E., 2013, Local seismic and infrasound observations of the 2009 explosive eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 63-76, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.03.016

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2011, 2013

Nathenson, M., 2013, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1164, 9 p., available online at

Holocene geology and geochemistry, and ongoing seismicity of Aniakchak caldera volcano, Aleutian arc, 2013

Bacon, C.R., Neal, C.A., Miller, T.P., McGimsey, R.G., and Nye, C.J., 2013, Holocene geology and geochemistry, and ongoing seismicity of Aniakchak caldera volcano, Aleutian arc [abs.] : Abstract V14B-08 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, California, 9-13 December.

Petrologic and geochemical tracers of magmatic movement in volcanic arc systems: case studies from the Aleutian Islands and Kamchatka, Russia, 2013

Neill, O.K., 2013, Petrologic and geochemical tracers of magmatic movement in volcanic arc systems: case studies from the Aleutian Islands and Kamchatka, Russia: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D., 188 p.

Arc-continent collision of the Aleutian-Komandorsky arc into Kamchatka: insigne into Quaternary tectonic segmentation through Pleistocene marine terraces and morphometric analysis of fluvial drainage, 2013

Pedoja, Kevin, Authemayou, Christine, Pinegina, T., Bourgeois, J., Nexer, M., Delcaillau, B., and Regard, V., 2013, Arc-continent collision of the Aleutian-Komandorsky arc into Kamchatka: insigne into Quaternary tectonic segmentation through Pleistocene marine terraces and morphometric analysis of fluvial drainage: Tectonics, v. 32, n. 4, p. 827-842,

Airborne filter pack measurements of S and Cl in the plume of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska February-May 2009, 2013

Pfeffer, M.A., Doukas, M.P., Werner, C.A., and Evans, W.C., 2013, Airborne filter pack measurements of S and Cl in the plume of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska February-May 2009: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 285-289, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.011

Annual modulation of non-volcanic tremor in northern Cascadia, 2013

Pollitz, F.F., Wech, Aaron, Kao, Honn, and Burgmann, Roland, 2013, Annual modulation of non-volcanic tremor in northern Cascadia: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 118, n. 5, p. 2445-2549,

Estimation of eruption source parameters from umbrella cloud or downwind plume growth rate, 2013

Pouget, Solene, Bursik, Marcus, Webley, Peter, Dehn, Jon, and Pavolonis, Michael, 2013, Estimation of eruption source parameters from umbrella cloud or downwind plume growth rate: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 258, p. 100-112,

Seismic observations of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska - 1989-2010 and a conceptual model of the Redoubt magmatic system, 2013

Power, J.A., Stihler, S.D., Chouet, B.A., Haney, M.M., and Ketner, D.M., 2013, Seismic observations of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska - 1989-2010 and a conceptual model of the Redoubt magmatic system: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 31-44, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.09.014
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Experimental phase relations of a low MgO Aleutian basaltic andesite at XH2O-0.7-1, 2013

Rader, E.L., and Larsen, J.F., 2013, Experimental phase relations of a low MgO Aleutian basaltic andesite at XH2O-0.7-1: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 166, n. 6, p. 1593-1611,

Seismological evidence for long-term and rapidly accelerating magma pressurization preceding the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Roman, D.C., and Gardine, M.D., 2013, Seismological evidence for long-term and rapidly accelerating magma pressurization preceding the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 371-372, p. 226-234,

Summit crater lake observations, and the location, chemistry, and pH of water samples near Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska: 2004-2012, 2013

Schaefer, J.R., Scott, W.E., Evans, W.C., Wang, Bronwen, and McGimsey, R.G., 2013, Summit crater lake observations, and the location, chemistry, and pH of water samples near Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska: 2004-2012: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2011-6 v. 2, 25 p., available online at .

Doppler weather radar observations of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Schneider, D.J., and Hoblitt, R.P., 2013, Doppler weather radar observations of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 133-144, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.11.004
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Seismicity associated with the May 2010 eruption of South Sarigan Seamount, Northern Mariana Islands, 2013

Searcy, Cheryl, 2013, Seismicity associated with the May 2010 eruption of South Sarigan Seamount, Northern Mariana Islands: Seismological Research Letters, v. 84, n. 6, p. 1055-1061, available online at

Qualitative comparison of Mount Redoubt 2009 volcanic clouds using the PUFF and WRF-Chem dispersion models and satellite remote sensing data, 2013

Steensen, T., Stufer, M., Webley, P., Grell, G., and Freitas, S., 2013, Qualitative comparison of Mount Redoubt 2009 volcanic clouds using the PUFF and WRF-Chem dispersion models and satellite remote sensing data: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 235-247, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.02.018

Satellite to model comparisons of volcanic ash emissions in the North Pacific, 2013

Steensen, T. S., 2013, Satellite to model comparisons of volcanic ash emissions in the North Pacific: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 251 p.

Middle to Late Pleistocene ice extents, tephrochronology and paleoenvironments of the White River area, southwest Yukon, 2013

Turner, D., Ward, B.C., Bond, J.D., Jensen, B.J.L., Froese, D.G., Telka, A.M., Zazula, G.D., Bigelow, N.H., 2013. Middle to Late Pleistocene ice extents, tephrochronology and paleoenvironments of the White River area, southwest Yukon: Quaternary Science Reviews 75, 59-77.

Unangax: Coastal people of far southwestern Alaska, 2013

Veltre, D.W., 2013, Unangax: Coastal people of far southwestern Alaska: unpublished manuscript, 33 p.

Character, mass, distribution, and origin of tephra-fall deposits from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska - Highlighting the significance of particle aggregation, 2013

Wallace, K.L., Schaefer, J.R., and Coombs, M.L., 2013, Character, mass, distribution, and origin of tephra-fall deposits from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska - Highlighting the significance of particle aggregation: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 145-169, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.09.015
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Unpublished Spurr data, 2013

Wallace, K., 2013, Unpublished Spurr data.

Modeling of 2008 Kasatochi volcanic sulfate direct radiative forcing: assimilation of OMI SO2 plume height data and comparison with MODIS and CALIOP observations, 2013

Wang, J., Park, S., Zeng, J., Ge, C., Yang, K., Carn, S., Krotkov, N., and Omar, A., 2013, Modeling of 2008 Kasatochi volcanic sulfate direct radiative forcing: assimilation of OMI SO2 plume height data and comparison with MODIS and CALIOP observations: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 13, n. 4, p. 1895-1912,

Preface to the special issue of JVGR on the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Waythomas, C.F., and Webley, P.W., eds., 2013, Preface to the special issue of JVGR on the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v. 259, p. 1, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.05.013

Volcano-ice interactions during recent eruptions of Aleutian Arc volcanoes and implications for melt water generation, 2013

Waythomas, C.F., 2013, Volcano-ice interactions during recent eruptions of Aleutian Arc volcanoes and implications for melt water generation: Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, abstract V34C-03.

Voluminous ice-rich and water-rich lahars generated during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Waythomas, C.F., Pierson, T.C., Major, J.J., and Scott, W.E., 2013, Voluminous ice-rich and water-rich lahars generated during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 389-413, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.05.012
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Remote observations of eruptive clouds and surface thermal activity during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, 2013

Webley, P.W., Lopez, T.M., Ekstrand, A.L., Kean, K.G., Rinkleff, P., Dehn, J., Cahill, C.F., Wessels, R.L., Bailey, J.E., Izbekov, P., and Worden, A., 2013, Remote observations of eruptive clouds and surface thermal activity during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 185-200, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.06.023

Degassing of CO2, SO2, and H2S associated with the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Werner, Cynthia, Kelly, P.J., Doukas, Michael, Lopez, Taryn, Pfeffer, Melissa, McGimsey, Robert, and Neal, Christina, 2013, Degassing of CO2, SO2, and H2S associated with the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 270-284, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.012

High-resolution satellite and airborne thermal infrared imaging of precursory unrest and 2009 eruption at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2013

Wessels, R.L., Vaughan, R.G., Patrick, M.R., and Coombs, M.L., 2013, High-resolution satellite and airborne thermal infrared imaging of precursory unrest and 2009 eruption at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 259, p. 248-269, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.014
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Tephrochronology, magnetostratigraphy and mammalian faunas of Middle and Early Pleistocene sediments at two sites on the Old Crow River, northern Yukon Territory, Canada, 2013

Westgate, J.A., Pearce, G.W., Preece, S.J., Schweger, C.E., Morlan, R.E., Pearce, N.J.G., and Perkins, T.W., 2013, Tephrochronology, magnetostratigraphy and mammalian faunas of Middle and Early Pleistocene sediments at two sites on the Old Crow River, northern Yukon Territory, Canada: Quaternary Research, v. 79, n. 1, p. 75-85.

Early and late Holocene glacial fluctuations and tephrostratigraphy, Cabin Lake, Alaska, 2013

Zander, P.D., Kaufman, D.S., Kuehn, S.C., Wallace, K.L., and Anderson, R.S., 2013, Early and late Holocene glacial fluctuations and tephrostratigraphy, Cabin Lake, Alaska: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 28, n. 8, p. 761-771, doi:10.1002/jqs.2671 .

Volcanism and the Greenland ice-cores: the tephra record, 2012

Abbott, P. M., and Davies, S. M., 2012, Volcanism and the Greenland ice-cores: the tephra record: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 115, n. 3, p. 173-191.

Peninsular terrane basement ages recorded by Paleozoic and Paleoproterozoic zircon in gabbro xenoliths and andesite from Redoubt volcano, Alaska, 2012

Bacon, C.R., Vazquez, J.A., and Wooden, J.L., 2012, Peninsular terrane basement ages recorded by Paleozoic and Paleoproterozoic zircon in gabbro xenoliths and andesite from Redoubt volcano, Alaska: GSA Bulletin, v. 124, n. 1/2, p. 24-34, doi:10.1130/B30439.1.

Spectacular lightning revealed in 2009 Mount Redoubt eruption, 2012

Behnke, S.A., Thomas, R.J., Krehbiel, P.R., and McNutt, S.R., 2012, Spectacular lightning revealed in 2009 Mount Redoubt eruption: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 93, n. 20, p. 193-194, doi: 10.1029/2012EO200001

Katmai scientific studies, 2012

Winfree, Robert, with contributions from Bacon, C.R., Bennett, A.J., Bennington, Ninfa, Berg, E.E., Brooks, Margi, Coletti, H.A., Coombs, M.L., Fierstein, Judy, Freeburg, Gary, Frost, G.V., Haney, Matthew, Jorgenson, M.T., Miller, A.E., Moran, Seth, Murphy, Rachel, Partnow, Patricia, Paskievitch, John, Stevens, D.P., Powell, Lee, Power, John, Prejean, S.G., Schaaf, Jeanne, Sherriff, R.L., Thurber, Clifford, and Welchman, R.A., 2012, Katmai science studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, 96 p., available online at .

Avian mortality associated with a volcanic gas seep at Kiska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2012

Bond, A.L., Evans, W.C., and Jones, I.L., 2012, Avian mortality associated with a volcanic gas seep at Kiska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, v. 124, n. 1, p. 146-151.

Volcanic National Natural Landmarks in Alaska, 2012

Brooks, Margi, 2012, Volcanic National Natural Landmarks in Alaska: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 22-25, available online at .

Possible effects of a volcanic eruption on the nearshore environment, 2012

Coletti, H.A., 2012, Possible effects of a volcanic eruption on the nearshore environment: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 78-81, available online at .

Geologic map of Mount Gareloi, Gareloi Island, Alaska, 2012

Coombs, M.L., McGimsey, R.G., and Browne, B.L., 2012, Geologic map of Mount Gareloi, Gareloi Island, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3145, 18 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000, available at .

Using rocks to reveal the inner workings of magma chambers below volcanoes in Alaska's National Parks, 2012

Coombs, M.L., and Bacon, C.R., 2012, Using rocks to reveal the inner workings of magma chambers below volcanoes in Alaska's National Parks: in Alaska: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 26-33, available online at .

Global database on large magnitude explosive volcanic eruptions (LaMEVE), 2012

Crosweller H.S., Arora, B., Brown, S.K., Cottrell, E., Deligne, N.I., Guerrero, N.O., Hobbs, L., Kiyosugi, K., Loughlin, S.C., Lowndes, J., Nayembil, M., 2012, Global database on large magnitude explosive volcanic eruptions (LaMEVE): Journal of Applied Volcanology, v. 1, n. 4, unpaged.

Holocene tephras highlight complexity of volcanic signals in Greenland ice cores, 2012

Coulter, S.E., Pilcher, J.R., Plunkett, Gill, Baillie, Mike, Hall, V.A., Steffensen, J.P., Vinther, B.M., Clausen, H.B., and Johnsen, S.J., 2012, Holocene tephras highlight complexity of volcanic signals in Greenland ice cores: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117, 11 p., doi:10.1029/2012JD017698, 2012

Detecting hidden volcanic explosions from Mt. Cleveland volcano, Alaska, with infrasound and ground-coupled airwaves, 2012

De Angelis, Silvio, Fee, David, Haney, Matthew, and Schneider, David, 2012, Detecting hidden volcanic explosions from Mt. Cleveland volcano, Alaska, with infrasound and ground-coupled airwaves: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 39, L21312, 6 p., doi: 10.1029/2012GL053635 .

Methods for monitoring and forecasting volcanic hazards and eruptions using seismology and other geophysical data, 2012

DeRoin, N., 2012, Methods for monitoring and forecasting volcanic hazards and eruptions using seismology and other geophysical data: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 203 p.

Rockfalls at Augustine Volcano, Alaska: the influence of eruption precursors and seasonal factors on occurrence patterns 1997-2009, 2012

DeRoin, Nicole, and McNutt, S.R., 2012, Rockfalls at Augustine Volcano, Alaska: the influence of eruption precursors and seasonal factors on occurrence patterns 1997-2009: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 211-212, p. 61-75, doi:10.1016/j.volgeores.2011.11.003.

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2011, 2012

Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., and Searcy, C.K., 2012, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 730, 82 p., available online at .

Identifying best practices in short-term eruption forecasting, 2012

Eichelberger, John, Marzocchi, Warner, and Papale, Paolo, 2012, Identifying best practices in short-term eruption forecasting: Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union, v. 93, no. 1, p. 5.

Standardisation of the USGS volcano alert level system (VALS): analysis and ramifications, 2012

Fearnley, C.J., McGuire, W.J., Davies, G., and Twigg, J., 2012, Standardisation of the USGS volcano alert level system (VALS): analysis and ramifications: Bulletin of Volcanology, doi:10.1007/s00445-012-0645-6 .

Concluding thoughts: Can another great volcanic eruption happen in Alaska?, 2012

Fierstein, J., 2012, Concluding thoughts: Can another great volcanic eruption happen in Alaska?: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 88-93, available online at .

Katmai National Park volcanoes, 2012

Fierstein, Judy, 2012, Katmai National Park volcanoes: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 14-21, available online at .

The great eruption of 1912, 2012

Fierstein, Judy, 2012, The great eruption of 1912: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 6- 13, available online at .

The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: Revisiting the Alaska sublime, 2012

Freeburg, Gary, 2012, The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: Revisiting the Alaska sublime: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 4-5, available online at .

Volcano deformation and subdaily GPS products, 2012

Grapenthin, R., 2012, Volcano deformation and subdaily GPS products: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 169 p.

Causal instrument corrections for short-period and broadband seismometers, 2012

Haney, M.M., Power, John, West, Michael, and Michaels, Paul, 2012, Causal instrument corrections for short-period and broadband seismometers: Seismological Research Letters, v. 83, p. 834-845.

Extension of the spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) method to mixed-component correlations of surface waves, 2012

Haney, M.M., Mikesell, T.D., van Wijk, Kasper, and Nakahara, Hisashi, 2012, Extension of the spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) method to mixed-component correlations of surface waves: Geophysical Journal International, v. 191, p. 189-206, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05597.x .

The archaeology of Yukon ice patches - new artifacts, observations, and insights, 2012

Hare. G.P., Thomas, C.D., Topper, T.N., and Gotthardt, R.M., 2012, The archaeology of Yukon ice patches - new artifacts, observations, and insights: Arctic v. 65, no. 5, p. 118-135.

Eruptive history of Mount Katmai, Alaska, 2012

Hildreth, Wes, and Fierstein, Judy, 2012: Eruptive history of Mount Katmai, Alaska: Geosphere, v. 8, n. 6, p. 1527-1567, doi: 10.1130/GES00817.1 .
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The Novarupta-Katmai eruption of 1912: Largest eruption of the twentieth century: Centennial perspectives, 2012

Hildreth, W., and Fierstein, J., 2012, The Novarupta-Katmai eruption of 1912: Largest eruption of the twentieth century: Centennial perspectives: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1791, 259 p., available at .

Geology and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the medium- to high-K Tanaga volcanic cluster, western Aleutians, 2012

Jicha, B.R., Coombs, M.L., Calvert, A.T., and Singer, B.S., 2012, Geology and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the medium- to high-K Tanaga volcanic cluster, western Aleutians: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 124, n. 5/6, p. 842-856, doi:10.1130/B30472.1 .

Ecological recovery after the 1912 Katmai eruption as documented through repeat photography, 2012

Jorgenson, M.T., 2012, Ecological recovery after the 1912 Katmai eruption as documented through repeat photography: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 66-73, available online at .

Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy, Ahklun Mountains, SW Alaska, 2012

Kaufman, D.S., Jensen, B.J.L., Reyes, A.V., Schiff, C.J., Froese, D.G., and Pearce, N.J.G., 2012, Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy, Ahklun Mountains, SW Alaska: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 27, n. 4, p. 344-359, doi:10.1002/jqs.1552 .

Written communication, 2012

Larsen, J.F., Schaefer, J.R., and Neal, C.A., 2012, Written communication.

Nonlinear estimation of geometric parameters in FEMs of volcano deformation: Integrating tomography models and geodetic data for Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2012

Masterlark, Timothy, Feigl, K.L., Haney, Matthew, Stone, Jonathan, Thurber, Clifford, and Ronchin, Erika, 2012, Nonlinear estimation of geometric parameters in FEMs of volcano deformation: Integrating tomography models and geodetic data for Okmok volcano, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117, B02407, 17p., doi:10.1029/2011JB008811 .

Database for volcanic processes and geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: database for Professional Paper 1762, 2012

McIntire, Jacqueline, Ramsey, D.W., Thoms, Evan, Waitt, R.B., and Begét, J.E., 2012, Database for volcanic processes and geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: database for Professional Paper 1762: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 677. Available at

Effect of the Novarupta (1912) eruption on forests of southcentral Alaska: Clues from the tree ring record, 2012

Miller, A.E., Sherriff, R.L., and Berg, E.E., 2012, Effect of the Novarupta (1912) eruption on forests of southcentral Alaska: Clues from the tree ring record: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 74-77, available online at .

Numerical modeling of the Mount Steller landslide flow history and of the generated long period seismic waves, 2012

Moretti, L., Mangeney, A., Capdeville, Y., Stutzman, E., Huggel, C., Schneider, D., and Bouchut, F., 2012, Numerical modeling of the Mount Steller landslide flow history and of the generated long period seismic waves: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 39, n. 16, 10 p., doi:10.1029/2012GL052511 .

An archaeological test of the effects of the White River Ash eruptions, 2012

Mullen, P.O., 2012, An archaeological test of the effects of the White River Ash eruptions: Arctic Anthropology, v. 49, p. 35-44.

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2010, 2012

Nathenson, Manuel, 2012, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1177, 14 p. Available at

Multiple causes for non-eruptive seismic swarms at Mt. Martin, Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska (2004-2008), 2012

O'Brien, J.F., Roman, D.C., Dixon, J.P., Power, J.A., and Arnold, Richard, 2012, Multiple causes for non-eruptive seismic swarms at Mt. Martin, Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska (2004-2008): Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 229-230, p. 13-22, doi: 10.1016/j.volgeores.2012.03.011.

Holocene Tephra Layers on the Northern Half of Adak Island in the West-Central Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2012

Okuno, M., Wada, K., Nakamura, T., Gualtieri, L., Sarata, B., West, D., and Torii, M., 2012, Holocene Tephra Layers on the Northern Half of Adak Island in the West-Central Aleutian Islands, Alaska, in West, D., Hatfield, V., Wilmerding, E., Lefevre, C. and Gualtieri, L. (eds.): The People Before: The Geology, Paleoecology and Archaeology of Adak Island, Alaska, Oxford, UK, p. 61-75.

Out of the ashes: The Katmai disaster, 2012

Partnow, Patricia, 2012, Out of the ashes: The Katmai disaster: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 60-65, available online at .

The spatial extent of tephra deposition and environmental impacts from the 1912 Novarupta eruption, 2012

Payne, R.J., and Symeonakis, Elias, 2012, The spatial extent of tephra deposition and environmental impacts from the 1912 Novarupta eruption: Bulletin of Volcanology n. 74, p. 2449-2458, doi: 10.1007/s00445-012-0674-1 .

Determination and uncertainty of moment tensors for microearthquakes at Okmok Volcano, Alaska, 2012

Pesicek, J.D., Sileny, J., Prejean, S.G., and Thurber, C.H., 2012, Determination and uncertainty of moment tensors for microearthquakes at Okmok Volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Journal International, v. 190, p. 1689-1709.

Seismic and gas analyses imply magmatic intrusion at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska in 2012, 2012

Prejean, S.G., Werner, C.A., Buurman, H., Doukas, M.P., Kelly, P.J., Kern, C., Ketner, D.M., Stihler, S.D., Thurber, C.H., and West, M.E., 2012, Seismic and gas analyses imply magmatic intrusion at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska in 2012 [abs.]: Eos Trans., American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting supplement, Abstract number V53B-2826.

Volcanic earthquakes in Alaska's National Parks, 2012

Prejean, Stephanie, Moran, Seth, and Power, John, 2012, Volcanic earthquakes in Alaska's National Parks: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 40-45, available online at .

High-precision ultra-distal Holocene tephrochronology in North America, 2012

Pyne-O'Donnell, S.D.F., Hughes, P.D.M., Froese, D.G., Jensen, B.L., Kuehn, S.C., Mallon, Gunnar, Amesbury, M.J., Charman, D.J., Daley, T.J., Loader, N.J., Mauquoy, Dmitri, Street-Perrott, F.A., and Woodman-Ralph, Jonathan, 2012, High-precision ultra-distal Holocene tephrochronology in North America: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 52, p. 6-11, doi: 10.1016/j.quasicrev.2012.07.024

Transport and formation processes for fine airborne ash from three recent volcanic eruptions in Alaska: Implications for detection methods and tracking models, 2012

Rinkleff, P. G., 2012, Transport and formation processes for fine airborne ash from three recent volcanic eruptions in Alaska: Implications for detection methods and tracking models: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 207 p.

Review of crustal seismicity in the Aleutian Arc and implications for arc deformation, 2012

Ruppert, N.A., Kozyreva, N.P., and Hansen, R.A., 2012, Review of crustal seismicity in the Aleutian Arc and implications for arc deformation: Tectonophysics, v. 522-523, p. 150-157, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.11.024 .

Witness: Firsthand accounts of the largest volcanic eruption in the twentieth century, 2012

Schaaf, Jeanne, 2012, Witness: Firsthand accounts of the largest volcanic eruption in the twentieth century: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 52- 59, available online at .

Ash fall contour map of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Digital shapefiles of contours and sample locations, 2012

Schaefer, J.R., and Wallace, K.L., 2012, Ash fall contour map of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Digital shapefiles of contours and sample locations: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 143, 1 DVD. Available free online at .

The 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2012

Schaefer, J.R., ed., 2012, The 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, with contributions by Bull, Katharine, Cameron, Cheryl, Coombs, Michelle, Diefenbach, Angie, Lopez, Taryn, McNutt, Steve, Neal, Christina, Payne, Allison, Power, John, Schneider, Dave, Scott, William, Snedigar, Seth, Thompson, Glenn, Wallace, Kristi, Waythomas, Chris, Webley, Peter, and Werner, Cynthia: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2011-5, 45 p., available at

Written communication, 2012

Schaefer, J.R., 2012, written communication.

A genetic algorithm variational approach to data assimilation and application to volcanic emissions, 2012

Schmehl, K.J., Haupt, S.E., and Pavolonis, M.J., 2012, A genetic algorithm variational approach to data assimilation and application to volcanic emissions: Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 169, n. 3, p. 519-537, doi: 10.1007/s00024-011-0385-0 .

Ash3d: A finite-volume, conservative numerical model for ash transport and tephra deposition, 2012

Schwaiger, H.F., Denlinger, R.P., and Mastin, L.G., 2012, Ash3d: A finite-volume, conservative numerical model for ash transport and tephra deposition: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117, B04204, doi:10.1029/2011JB008968, 20 p.

Quenched mafic inclusions in < or = 2200 years B.P. deposits at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2012

Steiner, A.R., Browne, B.L., and Nye, C.J., 2012, Quenched mafic inclusions in < or = 2200 years B.P. deposits at Augustine Volcano, Alaska: International Geology Review, v. 54, n. 11, p. 1241-1270, doi:10.1080/00206814.2011.636641.

Pre-1912 glacial and volcanic history near Windy Creek, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska, 2012

Stevens, D.P., 2012, Pre-1912 glacial and volcanic history near Windy Creek, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 46-51, available online at .

Fossil fuel and geothermal energy sources for local use in Alaska: Summary of available information, 2012

Swenson, R.F., Wartes, M.A., LePain, D.L., and Clough, J.G., 2012, Fossil fuel and geothermal energy sources for local use in Alaska: Summary of available information: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Special Report 66, 144 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:3,700,000.

Earthquake studies reveal the magmatic plumbing system of the Katmai volcanoes, 2012

Thurber, Clifford, Murphy, Rachel, Prejean, Stephanie, Haney, Matthew, Bennington, Ninfa, Powell, Lee, and Paskievitch, John, 2012: Earthquake studies reveal the magmatic plumbing system of the Katmai volcanoes: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 34-39, available online at .

Miocene basin development and volcanism along a strike-slip to flat-slab subduction transition: Stratigraphy, geochemistry, and geochronology of the central Wrangell volcanic belt, Yakutat-North America collision zone, 2012

Trop, J.M., Hart, W.K., Snyder, Darin, and Idleman, Bruce, 2012, Miocene basin development and volcanism along a strike-slip to flat-slab subduction transition: Stratigraphy, geochemistry, and geochronology of the central Wrangell volcanic belt, Yakutat-North America collision zone: Geosphere, v, 8, n. 4, p. 805-834, doi:10.1130/GES00762.1 .

Preliminary observations of voluminous ice-rich and water-rich lahars generated during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2012

Waythomas, C.F., Pierson, T.C., Major, J.J., and Scott, W.E., 2012, Preliminary observations of voluminous ice-rich and water-rich lahars generated during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1078, 42 p., available online at .

Bringing the world to a standstill: An investigation into the effects of a Novarupta scale volcanic eruption on today's aviation industry, 2012

Welchman, R.A., 2012, Bringing the world to a standstill: An investigation into the effects of a Novarupta scale volcanic eruption on today's aviation industry: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 82-87, available online at .

Deep magmatic degassing versus scrubbing: Elevated CO2 emissions and C/S in the lead-up to the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2012

Werner, Cynthia, Evans, W.C., Kelly, P.J., McGimsey, Robert, Pfeffer, Melissa, Doukas, Michael, and Neal, Christina, 2012, Deep magmatic degassing versus scrubbing: Elevated CO2 emissions and C/S in the lead-up to the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, v. 13, n. 3, 18 p., doi:10.1029/2011GC003794
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Late Quaternary environmental and landscape dynamics revealed by a pingo sequence on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2012

Wetterich, Sebastian, Grosse, Guido, Schirrmeister, Lutz, Andreev, A.A., Bobrov, A.A., Kienast, Frank, Bigelow, N.H., and Edwards, M.E., 2012, Late Quaternary environmental and landscape dynamics revealed by a pingo sequence on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 39, p. 26-44.

Regional radiative impact of volcanic aerosol from the 2009 eruption of Mt. Redoubt, 2012

Young, C.L., Sokolik, I.N., and Dufek, J, 2012, Regional radiative impact of volcanic aerosol from the 2009 eruption of Mt. Redoubt: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 12, n. 8, p. 3699-3715.

Controls of melt genesis and evolution at Buldir volcano in the western Aleutian island arc, 2011

Arndt, Shawn, 2011, Controls of melt genesis and evolution at Buldir volcano in the western Aleutian island arc: University of South Carolina unpublished Masters thesis, Columbia, SC,

Infrared satellite observations of hydrogen sulfide in the volcanic plume of the August 2008 Kasatochi eruption, 2011

Clarisse, Lieven, Coheur, P-F., Chefdeville, Simon, Lacour, J.L., Hurtmans, Daniel, and Clerbaux, Cathy, 2011, Infrared satellite observations of hydrogen sulfide in the volcanic plume of the August 2008 Kasatochi eruption: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 398, n. 10, L10804, 4 p., doi:10.1029/2011GL047402

Volcano from space, 2011

Coombs, Michelle, 2011, Volcano from space, in Cook Inlet volcanoes: Frontier Scientists, WonderVisions, video, available at

A global study of volcanic infrasound characteristics and the potential for long-range monitoring, 2011

Dabrowa, A.L., Green, D.N., Rust, A.C., and Phillips, J.C., 2011, A global study of volcanic infrasound characteristics and the potential for long-range monitoring: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 310, p. 369-379, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.08.027.

Determining the seismic source mechanism and location for an explosive eruption with limited observational data: Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2011

Dawson, P.B., Chouet, B.A., and Power, John, 2011, Determining the seismic source mechanism and location for an explosive eruption with limited observational data: Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 38, L03302, doi:10.1029/2010GL045977, 5 p.

Evidence of atmospheric gravity waves during the 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano from seismic and remote sensing observations, 2011

De Angelis, S., McNutt, S.R., and Webley, P.W., 2011, Evidence of atmospheric gravity waves during the 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano from seismic and remote sensing observations: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 38, L10303, doi:10.1029/2011GL047144, 6 p.

A geophysical characterization of monogenetic volcanism, 2011

de la Cruz Reyna, Servando, and Yokoyama, Izumi, 2011, A geophysical characterization of monogenetic volcanism: Geofisica Internacional, v. 50, n. 4, p. 465-484, available online at .

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2010, 2011

Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., and Searcy, C.K., 2011, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 645, 82 p., available online at

Compositional variability of terrestrial mantle apatites, thermodynamic modeling of apatite volatile contents, and the halogen and water budgets of planetary mantles, 2011

Douce, A.E.P., Roden, M.F., Chaumba, Jeff, Fleisher, Chris, and Yogodzinski, Gene, 2011, Compositional variability of terrestrial mantle apatites, thermodynamic modeling of apatite volatile contents, and the halogen and water budgets of planetary mantles: Chemical Geology, v. 288, n. 1-2, p. 14-31, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.05.018

Extending the Applications of Tephrochronology in Northwestern North America, 2011

Dunning, H., 2011, Extending the Applications of Tephrochronology in Northwestern North America: University of Alberta M.S. Thesis, 187 p.

The Kamikatsura event in the Gold Hill loess, Alaska, 2011

Evans, M.E., Jensen, B.J.L., Kravchinsky, V.A., and Froese, D.G., 2011, The Kamikatsura event in the Gold Hill loess, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 38, 5 p.

Standardising the USGS volcano alert level system: acting in the context of risk, uncertainty and complexity, 2011

Fearnley, C.J., 2011, Standardising the USGS volcano alert level system: acting in the context of risk, uncertainty and complexity: University College London Ph.D. dissertation, 306 p., available online at .

Upper plate proxies for flat-slab subduction processes in southern Alaska, 2011

Finzel, E.S., Trop, J.M., Ridgway, K.D., and Enkelmann, Eva, 2011, Upper plate proxies for flat-slab subduction processes in southern Alaska: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 303, n. 3-4, p. 348-360, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.01.014 .

Evidence of magma intrusion at Fourpeaked volcano, Alaska in 2006-2007 from a rapid-response seismic network and volcanic gases, 2011

Gardine, Matt, West, Michael, Werner, Cynthia, and Doukas, Michael, 2011, Evidence of magma intrusion at Fourpeaked volcano, Alaska in 2006-2007 from a rapid-response seismic network and volcanic gases: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 200, p. 192-200, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.11.018.

Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide, 2011

Gerlach, T.M., 2011, Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 92, n. 24, p. 201- 202.
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Tectonic and glacial related seafloor geomorphology as possible demersal shelf rockfish habitat surrogates - Examples along the Alaskan convergent transform plate boundary, 2011

Greene, H.G., O'Connell, V.M., and Brylinsky, C.K., 2011, Tectonic and glacial related seafloor geomorphology as possible demersal shelf rockfish habitat surrogates - Examples along the Alaskan convergent transform plate boundary: Continental Shelf Research, v. 31, n. 2., p. S39-S53, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2010.11.004

Role of three-dimensional mantle flow in magmatism at slab edges, 2011

Jadamec, Margarete, Durance, Patricia, Mclean, Ken, Billen, Magali, and Moresi, Louis, 2011, Role of three-dimensional mantle flow in magmatism at slab edges [abs.]: in Goldschmidt 2011 abstract volume, Mineralogical Magazine, v. 75, n. 3, p. 1097.

The variegated (VT) tephra: A new regional marker for middle to late marine isotope stage 5 across Yukon and Alaska, 2011

Jensen, B.J.L., Preece, S.J., Lamothe, Michel, Pearce, N.J.G., Froese, D.G., Westgate, J.A., Schaefer, Janet, and Beget, Jim, 2011, The variegated (VT) tephra: A new regional marker for middle to late marine isotope stage 5 across Yukon and Alaska: Quaternary International, v. 246, p. 312-323, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.06.028.

Transient signal detection using GPS measurements: Transient inflation at Akutan volcano, Alaska, during early 2008, 2011

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Volcano infrasound: a review, 2011

Johnson, J.B., and Ripepe, Maurizio, 2011, Volcano infrasound: a review: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 206, p. 61-69, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.06.006 .

Alaska palaeo-glacier atlas (version 2), 2011

Kaufman, D.S., Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., and Manley, W.F., 2011, Alaska palaeo-glacier atlas (version 2), in Ehlers, J., Gibbard, P.L., and Hughes, P.D., eds: Developments in quaternary science, vol. 15, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011, p. 427-445, doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53447-7.00033-7.

Seismic and geodetic investigation of the 1996-1998 earthquake swarm at Strandline Lake, Alaska, 2011

Kilgore, W.W., Roman, D.C., Biggs, Juliet, and Hansen, Roger, 2011, Seismic and geodetic investigation of the 1996-1998 earthquake swarm at Strandline Lake, Alaska: Geophysical Journal International, v. 186, n. 3, p. 1365-1379, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05115.x.

The INTAV intercomparison of electron-beam microanalysis of glass by tephrochronology laboratories: results and recommendations, 2011

Kuehn, S.C., Froese, D.G., Shane, P.A.R., INTAV Intercomparison Participants, 2011, The INTAV intercomparison of electron-beam microanalysis of glass by tephrochronology laboratories: results and recommendations: Quaternary International, v. 246, p. 19-47.

Progress in understanding of sulfur in subduction zone magmas, 2011

Mandeville, C., Shimizu, N., Kelley, K., Metrich, N., Fiege, A., and Behrens, H., 2011, Progress in understanding of sulfur in subduction zone magmas [abs.]: in Goldschmidt 2011 abstract volume, Mineralogical Magazine, v. 75, n. 3, p. 1369.

Spurr's eruption, 2011

McGimsey, Game, 2011, Spurr’s eruption, in Cook Inlet volcanoes: Frontier Scientists, WonderVisions, video, available at

Volcanic tremor wags on, 2011

McNutt, S.R., 2011, Volcanic tremor wags on: Nature, v. 470, n. 7335, p. 471-472.

Volcano collapse along the Aleutian Ridge (western Aleutian Arc), 2011

Montanaro, C., and Beget, J., 2011, Volcano collapse along the Aleutian Ridge (western Aleutian Arc): Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, v. 11, n. 3., p. 715-730, available online at .
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The impact of the Kasatochi eruption on the Moon's illumination during the August 2008 lunar eclipse, 2011

Munoz, A.G., Palle, E., Osorio, M.R.Z., and Martin, E.L., 2011, The impact of the Kasatochi eruption on the Moon's illumination during the August 2008 lunar eclipse: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 38, n. 14, 5 p., doi:10.1029/2011GL047981 .

What can S-waves tell us about magma storage beneath the Katmai volcanic complex?, 2011

Murphy, R.A., Thurber, C.H., Prejean, S.G., and Zhang, H., 2011, What can S-waves tell us about magma storage beneath the Katmai volcanic complex? [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 82, n. 2, p. 325.

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2009, 2011

Nathenson, Manuel, 2011, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1047, 10 p., available at .

2007 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2011

McGimsey, R.G., Neal, C.A., Dixon, J.P., Malik, Nataliya, and Chibisova, Marina, 2011, 2007 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5242, 110 p. Available online at .

2008 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2011

Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., Dixon, J.P., Cameron, C.E., Nuzhaev, A.A., and Chibisova, Marina, 2011, 2008 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5243, 94 p., available at .

Variations in eruption style during the 1931 A.D. eruption of Aniakchak volcano, Alaska, 2011

Nicholson, R.S., Gardner, J.E., and Neal, C.A., 2011, Variations in eruption style during the 1931 A.D. eruption of Aniakchak volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.08.002 .

Eruptions that shook the world, 2011

Oppenheimer, Clive, 2011, Eruptions that shook the world: New York, Cambridge University Press, 392 p.

Nonvolcanic tremor in the Aleutian Arc, 2011

Peterson, C.L., McNutt, S.R., and Christensen, D.H., Nonvolcanic tremor in the Aleutian Arc: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 101, n. 6, p. 3081-3087, doi:10.1785/?0120100241 .

A catalogue of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike Goldfields and adjacent areas, Yukon Territory, 2011

Preece, S.J., Westgate, J.A., Froese, D.G., Pearce, N.J.G., and Perkins, W.T., 2011, A catalogue of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike Goldfields and adjacent areas, Yukon Territory: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 48, p. 1386-1418, doi: 10.1139/e10-110

Old Crow tephra across eastern Beringia: a single cataclysmic eruption at the close of Marine Isotope Stage 6, 2011

Preece, S.J., Pearce, N.J.G., Westgate, J.A., Froese, D.G., Jensen, B.J.L., and Perkins, W.T., 2011, Old Crow tephra across eastern Beringia: a single cataclysmic eruption at the close of Marine Isotope Stage 6: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 30, p. 2069-2099, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.04.020 .

The 2008 earthquake swarm at Trident and Novarupta volcanoes: a case of fluid triggered seismicity?, 2011

Prejean, S., Murphy, R., Thurber, C., McNutt, S., Stihler, S., and Syracuse, E., 2011, The 2008 earthquake swarm at Trident and Novarupta volcanoes: a case of fluid triggered seismicity? [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 82, n. 2, p. 278.

Volcanic plume height measured by seismic waves based on a mechanical model, 2011

Prejean, S.G., and Brodsky, E.E., 2011, Volcanic plume height measured by seismic waves based on a mechanical model [abs.]: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 116, n. B1, 1 p.

Volcanic plume height measured by seismic waves based on a mechanical model, 2011

Prejean, S.G, and Brodsky, E.E., 2011, Volcanic plume height measured by seismic waves based on a mechanical model: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 116, n. B1, B0106, 13 p., doi: 10.1029/2010JB007620 .

Identification of last interglacial deposits in eastern Beringia: a cautionary note from the Palisades, interior Alaska, 2011

Reyes, A.V., Zazula, G.D., Kuzmina, S., Ager, T.A., Froese, D.G., 2011, Identification of last interglacial deposits in eastern Beringia: a cautionary note from the Palisades, interior Alaska: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 26, n. 3, p. 345-352.

The waveform suite: a robust platform for manipulating waveforms in MATLAB, 2011

Reyes, C.G., and West, M.E., 2011, The waveform suite: a robust platform for manipulating waveforms in MATLAB: Seismological Research Letters, v. 82, n. 1, p. 104-110, doi:10.1785/gssrl.82.1.104 .

Mechanism of the 1996-97 non-eruptive volcano-tectonic earthquake swarm at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, 2011

Roman, D.C., and Power, J.A., 2011, Mechanism of the 1996-97 non-eruptive volcano-tectonic earthquake swarm at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 73, n. 2, p. 143-153, doi:10.1007/s00445-010-0439-7 .

Seismic swarm associated with the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, Alaska: Earthquake locations and source parameters, 2011

Ruppert, N.A., Prejean, Stephanie, and Hansen, R.A., 2011, Seismic swarm associated with the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, Alaska: Earthquake locations and source parameters: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 116, n. B00B07, 18 p., doi:10.1029/2010JB007435 .

Digital elevation model (DEM) and shaded relief image of Okmok Caldera, 2010, 2011

Schaefer, J.R., Larsen, J.F., and Unema, J.A., 2011, Digital elevation model (DEM) and shaded relief image of Okmok Caldera, 2010: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2011-6, 1 DVD, available online at .

A review of algorithms for detecting volcanic hot spots in satellite infrared data, 2011

Steffke, A.M., and Harris, A.J.L., 2011, A review of algorithms for detecting volcanic hot spots in satellite infrared data: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 73, n. 9, p. 1109-1137, doi: 10.1007/s00445-011-0487-7 .

The Augustine magmatic system as revealed by seismic tomography and relocated earthquake hypocenters from 1994 through 2009, 2011

Syracuse, E.M., Thurber, C.H., and Power, J.A., 2011, The Augustine magmatic system as revealed by seismic tomography and relocated earthquake hypocenters from 1994 through 2009: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 116, B09306, doi: 10.1029/2010JB008129 , 11 p.

Multiplets: Their behavior and utility at dacitic and andesitic volcanic centers, 2011

Thelen, Weston, Malone, Steve, and West, Michael, 2011, Multiplets: Their behavior and utility at dacitic and andesitic volcanic centers: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 116, B08210, doi: 10.1029/2010JB007924 , 16 p.

Uranium series analysis of 2006 Augustine volcanics: an investigation into the timescales of magmatic processes, 2011

Thompson, J.A., 2011, Uranium series analysis of 2006 Augustine volcanics: an investigation into the timescales of magmatic processes: University of Iowa M.S. thesis, 136 p.

Mantle flow through the Northern Cordilleran slab window revealed by volcanic geochemistry, 2011

Thorkelson, D.J., Madsen, J.K., and Sluggett, 2011, Mantle flow through the Northern Cordilleran slab window revealed by volcanic geochemistry: Geology, v. 39, n. 3, p. 267-270, doi:10.1130/G31522.1 .

Bedrock geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data, 2011

Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Werdon, M.B., and Bleick, H.A., 2011, Bedrock geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3131, 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000, 1 pamphlet, 75 p., and database, available at .

Effects of volcano profile on dilute pyroclastic density currents: Numerical simulations, 2011

Valentine, G.A., Doronzo, D.M., Dellino, Pierfrancesco, and de Tullio, M.D., 2011, Effects of volcano profile on dilute pyroclastic density currents: Numerical simulations: Geology, v. 39, n. 10, p. 947-950, doi: 10.1130/G31936.1 .

A near real-time dual-band-spatial approach to determine the source of increased radiance from closely spaced active volcanoes in coarse resolution satellite data, 2011

van Manen, S.M., Blake, Stephen, and Dehn, Jonathan, 2011, A near real-time dual-band-spatial approach to determine the source of increased radiance from closely spaced active volcanoes in coarse resolution satellite data: International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 32, p. 6055-6069, doi: 10.1080/01431161.2010.498452

Tracing violent volcanic eruptions: distance induced shifts in geochemical ash fingerprints, 2011

Waters, F.E., Beutel, E.K., and Nusbaum, R.L., 2011, Tracing violent volcanic eruptions: distance induced shifts in geochemical ash fingerprints [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 43, n. 2, p. 10.

A comparative study of continental vs. intraoceanic arc mantle melting: experimentally determined phase relations of hydrous primitive melts, 2011

Weaver, S.L., Wallace, P.L., and Johnston, A.D., 2011, A comparative study of continental vs. intraoceanic arc mantle melting: experimentally determined phase relations of hydrous primitive melts: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 308, n. 1-2, p. 97-106, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.040 .

Virtual Globe visualization of ash-aviation encounters, with the special case of the 1989 Redoubt-KLM incident, 2011

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Gas emission from failed and actual eruptions from Cook Inlet Volcanoes, Alaska, 1989-2006, 2011

Werner, C.A., Doukas, M.P., and Kelly, P.J., 2011, Gas emission from failed and actual eruptions from Cook Inlet Volcanoes, Alaska, 1989-2006: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 73, n. 2, p. 155-173, doi: 10.1007/s00445-011-0453-4 .

Gas emissions from failed and actual eruptions from Cook Inlet volcanoes, Alaska, 1989-2006, 2011

Werner, C.A., Doukas, M.P., and Kelly, P.J., 2011, Gas emissions from failed and actual eruptions from Cook Inlet volcanoes, Alaska, 1989-2006, in Roman, D.C., Moran, S.C., and Newhall, Chris (eds.), Failed eruptions: Late-stage cessation of magma ascent: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 73, p. 155-173.

Revision of the tephrostratigraphy of the lower Sixtymile River area, Yukon Territory, Canada, 2011

Westgate, J.A., Preece, S.J., and Jackson Jr., L.E., 2011, Revision of the tephrostratigraphy of the lower Sixtymile River area, Yukon Territory, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 48, n. 3, p. 695-701, doi:10.1139/E10-106.

Marine tephrochronology of the Mt. Edgecumbe Volcanic Field, Southeast Alaska, USA, 2010

Addison, J.A., Beget, J.E., Ager, T.A., and Finney, B.P., 2010, Marine tephrochronology of the Mt. Edgecumbe Volcanic Field, Southeast Alaska, USA: Quaternary Research, v. 73, n. 2, p. 277-292, doi: 10.1016/j.yqres.2009.10.007.

Alaska volcanoes guidebook for teachers, 2010

Adleman, J.N., 2010, Alaska volcanoes guidebook for teachers: U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product 99, 348 p.

Public outreach and communications of the Alaska Volcano Observatory during the 2005-2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Adleman, J.N., Cameron, C.E., Snedigar, S.F., Neal, C.A., and Wallace, K.L., 2010, Public outreach and communications of the Alaska Volcano Observatory during the 2005-2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 27 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 631-644 [].

Temporal-spatial micro-scale investigations of shallow silicic conduits: late-stage degassing, crystallization, and alteration, 2010

Almberg, L.D., 2010, Temporal-spatial micro-scale investigations of shallow silicic conduits: late-stage degassing, crystallization, and alteration: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D dissertation, 231 p.

40Ar/39Ar eruption ages and geochemical characteristics of Late Tertiary to Quaternary intraplate and arc-related lavas in interior Alaska, 2010

Andronikov, A.V., and Mukasa, S.B., 2010, 40Ar/39Ar eruption ages and geochemical characteristics of Late Tertiary to Quaternary intraplate and arc-related lavas in interior Alaska: Lithos, v. 115, p. 1-14, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2009.11.002 .

Tree ring records of environmental change in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, southeast Alaska, and their relation to 18th century Tlingit migration, 2010

Appleton, Sarah, Wiles, Gregory, Howell, Wayne, Jarvis, Stephanie, and Lawson, Daniel, 2010, Tree ring records of environmental change in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, southeast Alaska, and their relation to 18th century Tlingit migration [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 42, n. 5, p. 31.

Infrasound observations of the 2008 explosive eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi volcanoes, Alaska, 2010

Arnoult, K.M., Olson, J.V., Szuberla, C.A.L., McNutt, S.R., Garces, M.A., Fee, David, and Hedlin, M.A.H., 2010, Infrasound observations of the 2008 explosive eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi volcanoes, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L14, 12 p., doi: 10.1029/2010JD013987 .

Integrated satellite observations of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Bailey, J.E., Dean, K.G., Dehn, Jonathan, and Webley, P.W., 2010, Integrated satellite observations of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 20 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 481-506 [].

Virtual volcanology: modeling ash clouds in Google Earth, 2010

Bailey, J.E., 2011, Virtual volcanology: modeling ash clouds in Google Earth [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 42, n. 5, p. 420.

Characterizing pyroclastic-flow interactions with snow and water using environmental magnetism at Augustine Volcano, 2010

Beget, J.E., 2010, Characterizing pyroclastic-flow interactions with snow and water using environmental magnetism at Augustine Volcano, chapter 11 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 269-283 [].

210Pb-226Ra disequilibria in volcanic rocks, 2010

Berlo, Kim, and Turner, Simon, 2010, 210Pb-226Ra disequilibria in volcanic rocks: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 296, p. 155-164, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.05.023

Magma flux at Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from a joint inversion of continuous GPS, campaign GPS, and interferometric synthetic aperture radar, 2010

Biggs, Juliet, Lu, Zhong, Fournier, Tom, and Freymueller, J.T., 2010, Magma flux at Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from a joint inversion of continuous GPS, campaign GPS, and interferometric synthetic aperture radar: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. B12401, 11 p., doi: 10.1029/2010JB007577, 2010 .

Lidar observations of Kasatochi volcano aerosols in the troposphere and stratosphere, 2010

Bitar, L., Duck, T.J., Kristiansen, N.I., Stohl, A., and Beauchamp, S., 2010, Lidar observations of Kasatochi volcano aerosols in the troposphere and stratosphere: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L13, 10 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013650 .

Lidar observations of Kasatochi volcano aerosols in the troposphere and stratosphere, 2010

Bitar, L., Duck, T.J., Kristiansen, N.I., Stohl, A., and Beauchamp, S., 2010, Lidar observations of Kasatochi volcano aerosols in the troposphere and stratosphere: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L13, doi:10.1029/2009JD013650

Eastern Beringia during the middle Pleistocene: a phytolith perspective, 2010

Blinnikov, M.S., Jensen, B.J., and Froese, D.G., 2010, Eastern Beringia during the middle Pleistocene: a phytolith perspective [abs.]: in 2010 Annual Meeting: Abstracts, Washington D.C., Association of American Geographers, v. 2010, p. 72.

Evolution of the stratospheric aerosol enhancement following the eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi: Odin-OSIRIS measurements, 2010

Bourassa, A.E., Degenstein, D.A., Elash, B.J., and Llewellyn, E.J., 2010, Evolution of the stratospheric aerosol enhancement following the eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi: Odin-OSIRIS measurements: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L03, 7 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013274 .

Seismic precursors to volcanic explosions during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Buurman, Helena and West, M.E., 2010, Seismic precursors to volcanic explosions during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 2 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 41-57 [].

Aerosol measurements from a recent Alaskan volcanic eruption: Implications for volcanic ash transport predictions, 2010

Cahill, C.F., Rinkleff, P.G., Dehn, Jonathan, Webley, P.W., Cahill, T.A., and Barnes, D.E., 2010, Aerosol measurements from a recent Alaskan volcanic eruption: Implications for volcanic ash transport predictions: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 198, n. 1-2, p. 76-80, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.08.012 .

Geodetic constraints on magma movement and withdrawal during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Cervelli, P.F., Fournier, T.J., Freymueller, J.T., Power, J.A., Lisowski, Michael, and Pauk, B.A., 2010, Geodetic constraints on magma movement and withdrawal during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 17 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 427-452 [].

Timing, distribution, and volume of proximal products of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Coombs, M.L., Bull, K.F., Vallance, J.W., Schneider, D.J., Thoms, E.E., Wessels, R.L., and McGimsey, R.G., 2010, Timing, distribution, and volume of proximal products of the 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 8 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 145-185, 1 plate, scale 1:20,000, and GIS data [].

Volcanic ash and SO2 in the 2008 Kasatochi eruption: Retrievals comparison from different IR satellite sensors, 2010

Corradini, S., Merucci, L., Prata, A.J., and Piscini, A., 2010, Volcanic ash and SO2 in the 2008 Kasatochi eruption: Retrievals comparison from different IR satellite sensors: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L21, 10 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013634 .

Geochemical investigation of the Red Cinder Point area of Makushin Volcano, Unalaska, Alaska, 2010

Curry, Adam, 2010, Geochemical investigation of the Red Cinder Point area of Makushin Volcano, Unalaska, Alaska: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Keck Research Symposium in Geology, April 2010, p. 328-334.
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Application of the atmospheric Lagrangian particle dispersion model MLDP0 to the 2008 eruption of Okmok and Kasatochi volcanoes, 2010

D'Amours, Real, Malo, Alain, Servranckx, Rene, Bensimon, Dov, Trudel, Serge, and Gauthier-Bilodeau, Jean-Phillipe, 2010, Application of the atmospheric Lagrangian particle dispersion model MLDP0 to the 2008 eruption of Okmok and Kasatochi volcanoes: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L11, 11p., doi: 10.1029/2009JD013602.

Introduction - the impacts of the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano on terrestrial and marine ecosystems in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2010

DeGange, A.R., Byrd, G.V., Walker, L.R., and Waythomas, C.F., 2010, Introduction - the impacts of the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano on terrestrial and marine ecosystems in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n. 3., p. 245-249, doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.245 .

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Western Region: Kasatochi Volcano coastal and ocean science, 2010

Degange, Anthony, 2010, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Western Region: Kasatochi Volcano coastal and ocean science: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010-3028, 2 p., available online at .
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The importance of long-term studies of ecosystem reassembly after the eruption of the Kasatochi Island volcano, 2010

del Moral, Roger, 2010, The importance of long-term studies of ecosystem reassembly after the eruption of the Kasatochi Island volcano: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n. 3., p. 335-341, doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.335 .

Pulsatile loading of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2010

Denlinger, R.P., West, M.E., and Diefenbach, A., 2010, Pulsatile loading of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 81, n. 2, p. 352.

Seismicity of block-and-ash flows occurring during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2010

DeRoin, Nicole, McNutt, S.R., Sentman, D.D., and Reyes, Celso, 2012, Seismicity of block-and-ash flows occurring during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 213-214, p. 14-26, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.10.007.

Earthquake waveform similarity and evolution at Augustine Volcano from 1993 to 2006, 2010

DeShon, H.R., Thurber, C.H., and Power, J.A., 2010, Earthquake waveform similarity and evolution at Augustine Volcano from 1993 to 2006, chapter 5 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 103-118 [].

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2009, 2010

Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., and Searcy, C.K., 2010, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 531, 84 p., available online at .

Earthquake-induced thermal anomalies at active volcanoes, 2010

Donne, D.D., Harris, A.J.L., Ripepe, Maurizo, and Wright, Robert, 2010, Earthquake-induced thermal anomalies at active volcanoes: Geology, v. 38, n. 9, p. 771-774, doi:10.1130/G30984.1 .

At-sea observations of marine birds and their habitats before and after the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi volcano, Alaska, 2010

Drew, G.S., Dragoo, D.E., Renner, Martin, and Piatt, J.F., 2010, At-sea observations of marine birds and their habitats before and after the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi volcano, Alaska: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n. 3, p. 325-334, doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.325 .
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Characterization of the 2008 Kasatochi and Okmok eruptions using remote infrasound arrays, 2010

Fee, David, Steffke, Andrea, and Garces, Milton, 2010, Characterization of the 2008 Kasatochi and Okmok eruptions using remote infrasound arrays: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L10, 15 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013621 .

Distal volcano-tectonic seismicity near Augustine Volcano, 2010

Fisher, M.A., Ruppert, N.A., White, R.A., Sliter, R.W., and Wong, F.L., 2010, Distal volcano-tectonic seismicity near Augustine Volcano, chapter 6 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 119-128 [].

A model for wet aggregation of ash particles in volcanic plumes at clouds: 2. Model application, 2010

Folch, A., Costa, A., Durant, A., and Macedonio, G., 2010, A model for wet aggregation of ash particles in volcanic plumes at clouds: 2. Model application: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. B09202, doi:10.1029/2009JB007176 .

Duration, magnitude, and frequency of subaerial volcano deformation events: new results from Latin America using InSAR and a global synthesis, 2010

Fournier, T.J., Pritchard, M.E., and Riddick, S.N., 2010, Duration, magnitude, and frequency of subaerial volcano deformation events: new results from Latin America using InSAR and a global synthesis: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), v. 11, n. 1, doi: 10.1029/2009GC002558 .

Changes in the magma system during the 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska, based on GPS measurements, 2010

Freymueller, J.T., and Kaufman, A.M., 2010, Changes in the magma system during the 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska, based on GPS measurements: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, B12415, 14 p., doi: 10.1029/2010JB007716 .

Tracing the movement and storage of magma in the crust through seismology: examples from Alaska and western Mexico, 2010

Gardine, M.D., Tracing the movement and storage of magma in the crust through seismology: examples from Alaska and western Mexico: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 96 p.

Petrologic and volcanic history of Point Tebenkof ignimbrite, Unalaska, Alaska, 2010

Goldberg, Allison, 2010, Petrologic and volcanic history of Point Tebenkof ignimbrite, Unalaska, Alaska: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Keck Research Symposium in Geology, April 2010, p. 335-340.
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The northern edge of Pacific Plate position near Kamchatka-Aleutian junction, 2010

Gordeychik, Boris, Churikova, Tatiana, Volynets, Anna, Werner, Gerhard, and Layer, Paul, 2010, The northern edge of Pacific Plate position near Kamchatka-Aleutian junction [abs.]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 12, 1 p.

Surface loading affects internal pressure source characteristics derived from volcano deformation signals, 2010

Grapenthin, Ronni, Sigmundsson, Freysteinn, Ofeigsson, Benedikt, and Sturkell, Erik, 2010, Surface loading affects internal pressure source characteristics derived from volcano deformation signals [abs.]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 12, 1 p.

The architecture of oceanic plateaus revealed by the volcanic stratigraphy of the accreted Wrangellia oceanic plateau, 2010

Greene, A.R., Scoates, J.S., Weis, Dominique, Katvala, E.C., Israel, Steve, and Nixon, G.T., 2010, The architecture of oceanic plateaus revealed by the volcanic stratigraphy of the accreted Wrangellia oceanic plateau: Geosphere, v. 6, n. 1, p. 47-73, doi:10.1130/GES00212.1

Aviation response to a widely dispersed volcanic ash and gas cloud from the August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi, Alaska, USA, 2010

Guffanti, Marianne, Schneider, D.J., Wallace, K.L., Hall, Tony, Bensimon, D.R., and Salinas, L.J., 2010, Aviation response to a widely dispersed volcanic ash and gas cloud from the August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi, Alaska, USA: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L19, 9 p., doi:10.1029/2010JD013868 .

Encounters of aircraft with volcanic ash clouds: a compilation of known incidents, 1953-2009, 2010

Guffanti, Marianne, Casadevall, T.J., and Budding, Karin, 2010, Encounters of aircraft with volcanic ash clouds: A compilation of known incidents, 1953-2009: U.S. Geological Data Series 545, ver. 1.0, 12 p., plus 4 appendixes including the compliation database, available only at .

Volcanic ash fuels anomalous plankton bloom in subarctic northeast Pacific, 2010

Hamme, R.C., Webley, P.W., Crawford, W.R., Whitney, F.A., DeGrandpre, M.D., Emerson, S.R., Eriksen, C.C., Giesbrecht, K.E., Gower, J.F.R., Kavanaugh, M.T., Pena, M.A., Sabine, C.L., Batten, S.D., Coogan, L.A., Grundle, D.S., and Lockwood, Deirdre, 2010, Volcanic ash fuels anomalous plankton bloom in subarctic northeast Pacific: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 37, L19604, 5 p., doi: 10.1029/2010GL044629 .

Location and mechanism of very long period tremor during the 2008 eruption of Okmok Volcano from interstation arrival times, 2010

Haney, M.M., 2010, Location and mechanism of very long period tremor during the 2008 eruption of Okmok Volcano from interstation arrival times: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. B00B05, 13 p., doi: 10.1029/2010JB007440 .

Volcano monitoring with continuous seismic correlations: examples using ambient noise and volcanic tremor, 2010

Haney, M.M., 2010, Volcano monitoring with continuous seismic correlations: examples using ambient noise and volcanic tremor [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 81, n. 2, p. 351.

Observations of the 2008 Kasatochi volcanic SO2 plume by CARIBIC aircraft DOAS and GOME-2 satellite, 2010

Heue, K.-P., Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M., Wagner, T., Mies, K., Dix, B., Friess, U., Martinsson, B.G., Slemr, F., and van Velthoven, P.F.J., 2010, Observations of the 2008 Kasatochi volcanic SO2 plume by CARIBIC aircraft DOAS and GOME-2 satellite: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 10, n. 10, p. 4699-4713, online access at .

Lidar measurements of the Kasatochi aerosol plume in August and September 2008 in Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen, 2010

Hoffman, A., Ritter, C., Stock, M., Maturilli, M., Eckhardt, S., Herber, A., and Neuber, R., 2010, Lidar measurements of the Kasatochi aerosol plume in August and September 2008 in Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L12, 12 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013039 .

40Ar/39Ar dating of lavas from Makushin Volcano, Alaska: evidence for xenocryst contamination, 2010

Idleman, L.M., 2010, 40Ar/39Ar dating of lavas from Makushin Volcano, Alaska: evidence for xenocryst contamination: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Keck Research Symposium in Geology, April 2010, p. 341-347.
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Crystal size distribution analysis of Quaternary lava flows from Makushin Volcano, Alaska, 2010

Idleman, L.M., Wong, M.S., and Nicolaysen, K.P., 2010, Crystal size distribution analysis of Quaternary lava flows from Makushin Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 42, n. 1, p. 157.

Using seismic b-values to interpret seismicity rates and physical processes during the preeruptive earthquake swarm at Augustine Volcano 2005–2006, 2010

Jacobs, K.M., and McNutt, S.R., 2010, Using seismic b-values to interpret seismicity rates and physical processes during the preeruptive earthquake swarm at Augustine Volcano 2005-2006, chapter 3 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 59-83 [].

Tephrochronologic constraints on pre-Wisconsinan glacial chronologies in Yukon and Alaska, 2010

Jensen, B.J.L., Froese, D.C., Ward, B.C., and Bond, J.D., 2010, Tephrochronologic constraints on pre-Wisconsinan glacial chronologies in Yukon and Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 42, n. 5, p. 309.

The nearshore benthic community of Kasatochi Island, one year after the 2008 volcanic eruption, 2010

Jewett, S.C., Bodkin, J.L., Chenelot, Heloise, Esslinger, G.G., and Hoberg, M.K., 2010, The nearshore benthic community of Kasatochi Island, one year after the 2008 volcanic eruption: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n. 3, p. 315-324, doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.315 .

Anisotropy, repeating earthquakes, and seismicity associated with the 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2010

Johnson, J.H., Prejean, Stephanie, Savage, M.K., and Townend, John, 2010, Anisotropy, repeating earthquakes, and seismicity associated with the 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. B00B04, 21 p., doi:10.1029/2009JB006991 .

Statistical analysis of seismicity beneath Alaskan volcanoes, 2010

Junek, W.N., 2010, Statistical analysis of seismicity beneath Alaskan volcanoes [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 81, n. 2, p. 381.

Airborne stratospheric ITCIMS measurements of SO2, HCl, and HNO3 in the aged plume of volcano Kasatochi, 2010

Jurkat, T., Voigt, C., Arnold, F., Schlager, H., Aufmhoff, H., Schmale, J., Schneider, J., Lichtenstern, M., and Dornbrack, A, 2010, Airborne stratospheric ITCIMS measurements of SO2, HCl, and HNO3 in the aged plume of volcano Kasatochi: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L17, 14 p., doi:10.1029/2010JD013890 .

Detection of volcanic SO2, ash, and H2SO4 using the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), 2010

Karagulian, F., Clarisse, L., Clerbaux, C., Prata, A.J., Hurtmans, D., and Coheur, P.F., 2010, Detection of volcanic SO2, ash, and H2SO4 using the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI): Journal of Geophysical Research v. 115, n. D00L02, 10 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD012786 .

Negligible climatic effects from the 2008 Okmok and Kasatochi volcanic eruptions, 2010

Kravitz, Ben, Robock, Alan, and Bourassa, Adam, 2010, Negligible climatic effects from the 2008 Okmok and Kasatochi volcanic eruptions: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L05, 16p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013525 .

Remote sensing and inverse transport modeling of the Kasatochi eruption sulfur dioxide cloud, 2010

Kristiansen, N.I., Stohl, A., Prata, A.J., Richter, A., Eckhardt, S., Seibert, P., Hoffman, A., Ritter, C., Bitar, L., Duck, T.J., and Stebel, K., 2010, Remote sensing and inverse transport modeling of the Kasatochi eruption sulfur dioxide cloud: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L16, 16 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013286.

Dispersion and lifetime of the SO2 cloud from the August 2008 Kasatochi eruption, 2010

Krotkov, N.A., Schoeberl, M.R., Morris, G.A., and Yang, K., 2010, Dispersion and lifetime of the SO2 cloud from the August 2008 Kasatochi eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L20, 13 p., doi:10.1029/2010JD013984 .

Temporal variation of seismic anisotropy at Okmok Volcano (Alaska), 2010

Kufner, Sofia-Katerina, Savage, Martha, and Johnson, Jessica, 2010, Temporal variation of seismic anisotropy at Okmok Volcano (Alaska) [abs.]: Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellanous Publication, v. 291A, p. 161.

Modern and ancient DNA reveal recent partial replacement of caribou in the southwest Yukon, 2010

Kuhn, T.S., McFarlane, K.A., Groves, Pamela, Mooers, A.O., and Shapiro, Beth, 2010, Modern and ancient DNA reveal recent partial replacement of caribou in the southwest Yukon: Molecular Ecology, v. 19, no. 7, p. 1312-1323, doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04565.x.

Stratigraphy of an ice wedge cast on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and implications for paleo-thermokarst lake development, 2010

LaDouceur, M., and Grosse, G., 2010, Stratigraphy of an ice wedge cast on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and implications for paleo-thermokarst lake development [abs.]: in Thermal state of frozen ground in a changing climate during the IPY: abstracts, Abstracts - Third European Conference on Permafrost, Svalbard, Norway, p. 61.

A two-step procedure for calculating earthquake hypocenters at Augustine Volcano, 2010

Lalla, D.J., and Power, J.A. 2010, A two-step procedure for calculating earthquake hypocenters at Augustine Volcano, chapter 7 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 129-142 and software [].

Atmospheric distribution and removal of volcanic ash after the eruption of Kasatochi volcano: a regional model study, 2010

Langmann, Baerbel, Zaksek, Klemen, and Hort, Matthias, 2010, Atmospheric distribution and removal of volcanic ash after the eruption of Kasatochi volcano: a regional model study: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n, D00L06, 10 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013298 .

Volcanic ash as fertiliser for the surface ocean, 2010

Langmann, B., Zaksek, K., Hort, M., and Duggen, S., 2010, Volcanic ash as fertiliser for the surface ocean: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 10, n. 8, p. 3891-3899, open access available at .

Petrology and geochemistry of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Larsen, J.F., Nye, C.J., Coombs, M.L., Tilman, Mariah, Izbekov, Pavel, and Cameron, Cheryl, 2010, Petrology and geochemistry of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 15 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 335-382 and spreadsheets [].

Surface deformation of Augustine Volcano, 1992 - 2005, from multiple-interferogram processing using a refined small baseline subset (SBAS) interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) approach, 2010

Lee, Chang-Wook, Lu, Zhong, Jung, Hyung-Sup, Won, Joong-Sun, and Dzurisin, Daniel, 2010, Surface deformation of Augustine Volcano, 1992 - 2005, from multiple-interferogram processing using a refined small baseline subset (SBAS) interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) approach, chapter 18 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 453-465 [].

Why are high-Mg# andesites widespread in the western Aleutians? A numerical model approach, 2010

Lee, Changyeol, and King, S.D., 2010, Why are high-Mg# andesites widespread in the western Aleutians? A numerical model approach: Geology, v. 38, n. 7, p. 583-586, doi: 10.1130/G30714.1 .

Eruption dynamics of the 7.7 ka Driftwood pumice-fall, Makushin Volcano, Alaska, 2010

Lerner, A.H., 2010, Eruption dynamics of the 7.7 ka Driftwood pumice-fall, Makushin Volcano, Alaska: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Keck Research Symposium in Geology, April 2010, p. 348-353.
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Eruption dynamics of the 7.7 ka Driftwood Pumice-fall, Makushin Volcano, Alaska, 2010

Lerner, Allan, Crowley, P.D., Hazlett, R.W., and Nicolaysen, K.P., 2010, Eruption dynamics of the 7.7 ka Driftwood Pumice-fall, Makushin Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 42, n. 1, p. 138.

Ground surface deformation patterns, magma supply, and magma storage at Okmok volcano, Alaska, from InSAR analysis: 1. Intereruption deformation, 1997-2008, 2010

Lu, Zhong, Dzurisin, Daniel, Biggs, Juliet, Wichs, Charles Jr., and McNutt, Steve, 2010, Ground surface deformation patterns, magma supply, and magma storage at Okmok volcano, Alaska, from InSAR analysis: 1. Intereruption deformation, 1997-2008: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. B00B02, 14 p., doi:10.1029/2009JB006969 .

Ground surface deformation patterns, magma supply, and magma storage at Okmok volcano, Alaska, inferred from InSAR analysis: 2. Co-eruptive deflation, July-August 2008, 2010

Lu, Zhong, and Dzurisin, Daniel, 2010, Ground surface deformation patterns, magma supply, and magma storage at Okmok volcano, Alaska, inferred from InSAR analysis: 2. Co-eruptive deflation, July-August 2008: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. B00B03, 13 p., doi:10.1029/2009JB006970 .

Sulfur isotope variation in arc basalts revealed by secondary ionization mass spectrometry: measurements of melt inclusions, 2010

Mandeville, Charles, Shimizu, Nobumichi, Kelley, Kathrine, and Metrich, Nicole, 2010, Sulfur isotope variation in arc basalts revealed by secondary ionization mass spectrometry: measurements of melt inclusions [abs.]: in Abstracts of the 20th annual V.M. Goldschmidt conference, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 74, n. 12, p. A663.

An overview of break-out floods from intracaldera lakes, 2010

Manville, V., 2010, An overview of break-out floods from intracaldera lakes: Global and Planetary Change, v. 70, p. 14-23, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.11.004.

Model-based weather radar remote sensing of explosive volcanic ash eruption, 2010

Marzano, F.S., Marchiotto, Sara, Textor, Christiane, and Schneider, D.J., 2010, Model-based weather radar remote sensing of explosive volcanic ash eruption: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v. 48, n. 10, p. 3591-3607, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2010.2047862 .

Rheologic and structural controls on the deformation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska: FEM's, InSAR, and ambient noise tomography, 2010

Masterlark, T, M. Haney, H. Dickinson, T. Fournier and C. Searcy (2010), Rheologic and structural controls on the deformation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska: FEM's, InSAR, and ambient noise tomography: Journal of Geophysical Research v. 115, n. B02409, doi:10.1029/2009JB006324.

Volcanic aerosol layers observed with multiwavelength Raman lidar over central Europe in 2008-2009, 2010

Mattis, Ina, Seifert, Patric, Muller, Detlef, Tesche, Matthias, Hiebsch, Anja, Kanitz, Thomas, Schmidt, Jorg, Finger, Fanny, Wandinger, Ulla, and Ansmann, Albert, 2010, Volcanic aerosol layers observed with multiwavelength Raman lidar over central Europe in 2008-2009: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L04, 9 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013472 .

Quantifcation of volcanogenic water vapor using the atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS), 2010

McCarthy, E.B., 2010, Quantifcation of volcanogenic water vapor using the atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS): Michigan Technological University Ph.D. dissertation, 170 p.

Quantifications of volcanogenic water vapor using the atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS), 2010

McCarthy, E.B., 2010, Quantifications of volcanogenic water vapor using the atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS): Michigan Techological University Ph.D. dissertation, 170 p.

Emission of SO2, CO2, and H2S from Augustine Volcano, 2002-2008, 2010

McGee, K.A., Doukas, M.P., McGimsey, R.G., Neal, C.A., and Wessels, R.L., 2010, Emission of SO2, CO2, and H2S from Augustine Volcano, 2002-2008, chapter 26 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 609-627 [].

A parametric study of the January 2006 explosive eruptions of Augustine Volcano, using seismic, infrasonic, and lightning data, 2010

McNutt, S.R., Tytgat, Guy, Estes, S.A., and Stihler, S.D., 2010, A parametric study of the January 2006 explosive eruptions of Augustine Volcano, using seismic, infrasonic, and lightning data, chapter 4 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 85-102 [].

Volcanic lightning: global observations and constraints on source mechanisms, 2010

McNutt, S.R., and Williams, E.R., 2010, Volcanic lightning: global observations and constraints on source mechanisms: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 72, n. 10, p. 1153-1167, doi:10.1007/s00445-010-0393-4 .

Shape and surface area measurements using scanning electron microscope stereo-pair images of voclanic ash particles, 2010

Mills, O.P., and Rose, W.I., 2010, Shape and surface area measurements using scanning electron microscope stereo-pair images of voclanic ash particles: Geosphere, v. 6, n. 6, p. 805-811, doi:10.1130/GES00558.1 .

Initial results from a temporary seismic array in Katmai National Park, Alaska: velocity and attenuation models, 2010

Murphy, R.A., Thurber, C.H., and Prejean, S.G., 2010, Initial results from a temporary seismic array in Katmai National Park, Alaska: velocity and attenuation models [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 81, n. 2, p. 352.

Airborne volcanic ash - a global threat to aviation, 2010

Neal, C.A., and Guffanti, Marianne, 2010, Airborne volcanic ash - a global threat to aviation: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010-3116, 6 p., available online at .

Hazard information management, interagency coordination, and impacts of the 2005-2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Neal, C.A. Murray, T.L. Power, J.A. Adleman, J.N. Whitmore, P.M. and Osiensky, J.M. 2010, Hazard information management, interagency coordination, and impacts of the 2005-2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 28 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 645-667 [].

Late Cenozoic volcanism in the Aleutian Arc: examining the pre-Holocene record on Unalaska Island, 2010

Nicolaysen, Kirsten, and Hazlett, Richard, 2010, Late Cenozoic volcanism in the Aleutian Arc: examining the pre-Holocene record on Unalaska Island: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Keck Geology Research Symposium in Geology, April 2010, p. 323-327.
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Anomalous seismic structure beneath the Klyuchevskoy Group, Kamchatka, 2010

Nikulin, Alex, Levin, Vadim, Shuler, Ashley, and West, Michael, 2010, Anomalous seismic structure beneath the Klyuchevskoy Group, Kamchatka: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 37, 5 p., doi: 0094-8276/10/2010GL043904 .

Remote telemetered and time-lapse cameras at Augustine Volcano, 2010

Paskievitch, John, Read, Cyrus, and Parker, Thomas, 2010, Remote telemetered and time-lapse cameras at Augustine Volcano, chapter 12 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 285-293 [].

The Plate Boundary Observatory permanent Global Positioning System network on Augustine Volcano before and after the 2006 eruption, 2010

Pauk, B.A., Jackson, Michael, Feaux, Karl, Mencin, David, and Bohnenstiehl, Kyle, 2010, The Plate Boundary Observatory permanent Global Positioning System network on Augustine Volcano before and after the 2006 eruption, chapter 19 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 467-477 [].

Geothermometry and cathodluminescence of quartz reveal crystallization histories of Katmai magmas, 2010

Payne, A.L., 2010, Geothermometry and cathodluminescence of quartz reveal crystallization histories of Katmai magmas: University of Alaska Fairbanks M.S. thesis, 196 p.

Evaluation of the 2009 Drift River Oil Terminal coordination & response with a review of the Cook Inlet RCAC's role in oil spill response, 2010

Pearson Consulting LLC, 2010, Evaluation of the 2009 Drift River Oil Terminal coordination & response with a review of the Cook Inlet RCAC's role in oil spill response: commissioned by the Cook Inlet RCAC, 57 p.

Logs and geologic data from a plaeoseismic investigation of the Susitna Glacier fault, central Alaska Range, Alaska, 2010

Personius, S.F., Crone, A.J., Burns, P.A., Beget, J.E., Seitz, G.G., and Bemis, S.P., 2010, Logs and geologic data from a plaeoseismic investigation of the Susitna Glacier fault, central Alaska Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3114, 2 sheets, available online at .

Seismic observations of Augustine Volcano, 1970–2007, 2010

Power, J.A., and Lalla, D.J., 2010, Seismic observations of Augustine Volcano, 1970-2007, chapter 1 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 3-40 [].

The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2010

Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., 2010, The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, 667 p., 1 plate, scale 1:20,000, and data files. Available online at .

Ash and sulfur dioxide in the 2008 eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi: Insights from high spectral resolution satellite measurements, 2010

Prata, A.J., Gangale, G., Clarisse, L., and Karagulian, F., 2010, Ash and sulfur dioxide in the 2008 eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi: Insights from high spectral resolution satellite measurements: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L18, 18 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013556 .

Preliminary slope-stability analysis of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Reid, M.E., Brien, D.L., and Waythomas, C.F., 2010, Preliminary slope-stability analysis of Augustine Volcano, chapter 14 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 321-332 [].

A late-Middle Pleistocene (Marine Isotope Stage 6) vegetated surface buried by Old Crow tephra at the Palisades, interior Alaska, 2010

Reyes, A.V., Jensen, B.L., Zazula, G.D., Ager, T.A., Kuzmina, Svetlana, La Farge, Catherine, and Froese, D.G., 2010, A late-Middle Pleistocene (Marine Isotope Stage 6) vegetated surface buried by Old Crow tephra at the Palisades, interior Alaska: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 29, n. 5-6, p. 801-811, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.12.003

Permafrost response to last interglacial warming: field evidence from non-glaciated Yukon and Alaska, 2010

Reyes, A.V., Froese, D.G., and Jensen, B.L., 2010, Permafrost response to last interglacial warming: field evidence from non-glaciated Yukon and Alaska: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 29, n. 23024, p. 3256-3274, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.07.013 .

Active volcanoes of Kamchatka and northern Kurile Islands, 2010

Robbins, S.D., 2010, Active volcanoes of Kamchatka and northern Kurile Islands: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 137, 3 sheets, scale 1:3,500,000, available online at .

Investigating volcanic plumbing systems through 'inversion' of seismologically-determinted crustal stress fields, 2010

Roman, D.C., 2010, Investigating volcanic plumbing systems through 'inversion' of seismologically-determinted crustal stress fields [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 81, n. 2, p. 351.

New geophysical insight into the origin of the Denali volcanic gap, 2010

Rondenay, Stephane, Montesi, L.G.J., and Abers, G.A., 2010, New geophysical insight into the origin of the Denali volcanic gap: Geophysical Journal International, v. 182, n. 2, p. 613-630, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04659.x .

Escape from Kasatochi, 2010

Rozell, N., 2010, Escape from Kasatochi: Alaska Magazine, v. 74, n. 2, February 2010, p. 54-55, 73.

An improved proximal tephrochronology for Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2010

Schiff, C.J., Kaufman, D.S., Wallace, K.L., and Ketterer, M.E., 2010, An improved proximal tephrochronology of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 193, no. 3/4, p. 203-214, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.03.015 .

Aerosol layers from the 2008 eruptions of Mount Okmok and Mount Kasatochi: In situ upper troposphere and lower stratosphere measurements of sulfate and organics over Europe, 2010

Schmale, J., Schneider, J., Jurkat, T., Voigt, C., Kalesse, H., Rautenhaus, M., Lichtenstern, M., Schlager, H., Ancellet, G., Arnold, F., Gerding, M., Mattis, I., Wendisch, M., and Borrmann, S., 2010, Aerosol layers from the 2008 eruptions of Mount Okmok and Mount Kasatochi: In situ upper troposphere and lower stratosphere measurements of sulfate and organics over Europe: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L07, 18 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013628 .

Insights into rock-ice avalanche dynamics by combined analysis of seismic recordings and a numerical avalanche model, 2010

Schneider, Demian, Bartelt, Perry, Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline, Christen, Marc, Huggel, Christian, and McArdell, B.W., 2010, Insights into rock-ice avalanche dynamics by combined analysis of seismic recordings and a numerical avalanche model: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, F04026, 20 p., doi: 10.1029/2010JF001734 .

August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska - resetting an island landscape, 2010

Scott, W.E., Nye, C.J., Waythomas, C.F., and Neal, C.A., 2010, August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska - resetting an island landscape: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n.3, p. 250-259, doi:10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.250 .
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Imaging observations of thermal emissions from Augustine Volcano using a small astronomical camera, 2010

Sentman, D.D., McNutt, S.R., Stenbaek-Nielsen, H.C., Tytgat, Guy, and DeRoin, Nicole, 2010, Imaging observations of thermal emissions from Augustine Volcano using a small astronomical camera, chapter 24 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 569-577 [].

Geochemical variation in pre-caldera and Holocene lavas from Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island, Alaska, 2010

Siegrist, M.T., 2010, Geochemical variation in pre-caldera and Holocene lavas from Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island, Alaska: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Keck Research Symposium in Geology, April 2010, p. 354-360.
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Terrestrial arthropods of pre- and post-eruption Kasatochi Island, Alaska, 2008-2009: a shift from a plant-based to a necromass-based food web, 2010

Sikes, D.S., and Slowik, Jozef, 2010, Terrestrial arthropods of pre- and post-eruption Kasatochi Island, Alaska, 2008-2009: a shift from a plant-based to a necromass-based food web: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n. 3, p. 297-305, doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.297 .

Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) observations of aerosol in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from the Kasatochi volcanic eruption, 2010

Sioris, C.E., Boone, C.D., Bernath, P.F., Zou, J., McElroy, C.T., and McLinden, C.A., 2010, Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) observations of aerosol in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from the Kasatochi volcanic eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L14, 12 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013469 .

Validation of ozone monitoring instrument SO2 measurements in the Okmok volcanic cloud over Pullman, WA, July 2008, 2010

Spinei, Elena, Carn, S.A., Krotkov, N.A., Mount, G.H., Yang, Kai, and Krueger, Arlin, 2010, Validation of ozone monitoring instrument SO2 measurements in the Okmok volcanic cloud over Pullman, WA, July 2008: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L08, 14 p., doi:10.1029/2009JD013492 .

A three-dimensional characterization of Arctic aerosols from airborne Sun photometer observations: PAM-ARCMIP, April 2009, 2010

Stone, R.S., Herber, A., Vitale, V., Mazzola, M., Lupi, A., Schnell, R.C., Dutton, E.G., Liu, P.S.K., Li, S.M., Dethloff, Klaus, Lampert, A., Ritter, C., Stock, M., Neuber, R., and Maturilli, M., 2010, A three-dimensional characterization of Arctic aerosols from airborne Sun photometer observations: PAM-ARCMIP, April 2009 [abs.]: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D13, 1 p.

Cooling-induced crystallization of microlite crystals in two basaltic pumice clasts, 2010

Szramek, Lindsay, Gardner, J.E., and Hort, Mattias, 2010. Cooling-induced crystallization of microlite crystals in two basaltic pumice clasts: American Mineralogist, v. 95, n. 4, p. 503-509.

Cooling-induced crystallization of microlite crystals in two basaltic pumice clasts, 2010

Szramek, L., Gardner, J.E., and Hort, M., 2010, Cooling-induced crystallization of microlite crystals in two basaltic pumice clasts: American Mineralogist v. 95, no. 4, p. 503-509.

Post-eruption legacy effects and their implications for long-term recovery of the vegetation on Kasatochi Island, Alaska, 2010

Talbot, S.S., Talbot, S.L., and Walker, L.R., 2010, Post-eruption legacy effects and their implications for long-term recovery of the vegetation on Kasatochi Island, Alaska: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n. 3, p. 285-296, doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.285 .

Repose time and cumulative moment magnitude: a new tool for forecasting eruptions?, 2010

Thelen, W.A., Malone, S.D., and West, M.E., 2010, Repose time and cumulative moment magnitude: a new tool for forecasting eruptions?: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 37, L18301, 5 p. doi: 10.1029/2010GL044194, 2010 .

Seismic characterizations of the fall 2007 eruptive sequence at Bezymianny Volcano, Russia, 2010

Thelen, Weston, West, Michael, and Senyukov, Sergey, 2010, Seismic characterizations of the fall 2007 eruptive sequence at Bezymianny Volcano, Russia: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 194, n. 4, p. 201-213, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.05.010 .

Lightning and electrical activity during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Thomas, R.J., McNutt, S.R., Krehbiel, P.R., Rison, William, Aulich, Grayden, Edens, H.E., Tytgat, Guy, and Clark, Edward, 2010, Lightning and electrical activity during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 25 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 579-608 [].

Real-time detection of earthquake swarms at Redoubt Volcano, 2009, 2010

Thompson, Glenn, and West, M.E., 2010, Real-time detection of earthquake swarms at Redoubt Volcano: Seismological Research Lettesr, v. 81, n. 3, p. 505-513 doi: 10.1785/gssrl.81.3.505 .

Paleomagnetic evidence and implications for structural block rotation on Unalaska Island, 2010

Tochilin, Clare, 2010, Paleomagnetic evidence and implications for structural block rotation on Unalaska Island: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Keck Research Symposium in Geology, April 2010, p. 361-366.
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Origins of large-volume, compositionally zoned volcanic eruptions: new constraints from U-series isotopes and numerical thermal modeling for the 1912 Katmai-Novarupta eruption, 2010

Turner, Simon, Sandiford, Mike, Reagan, Mark, Hawkesworth, Chris, and Hildreth, Wes, 2010, Origins of large-volume, compositionally zoned volcanic eruptions: new constraints from U-series isotopes and numerical thermal modeling for the 1912 Katmai-Novarupta eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, B12201, 22 p., doi: 10.1029/2009JB007195 .

Divisions of geologic time - major chronostratigraphic and geochronologic units, 2010

U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Names Committee, 2010, Divisions of geologic time - major chronostratigraphic and geochronologic units: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010-3059, 2 p. Available online at .

Geophysical Institute, 2007-2010 report, 2010

University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute, 2010, Geophysical Institute, 2007-2010 report: 48 p., available online at

Pyroclastic flows, lahars, and mixed avalanches generated during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Vallance, J.W., Bull, K.F., and Coombs, M.L., 2010, Pyroclastic flows, lahars, and mixed avalanches generated during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 10 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 219-267 [].

The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano; combined analyses of thermal satellite data and reduced displacement, 2010

van Manen, S.M., Dehn, Jonathan, West, M.E., Blake Stephen, and Rothery, D.A., 2010, The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano; combined analyses of thermal satellite data and reduced displacement, chapter 23 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 553-567 [].

Ozone depletion in tropospheric volcanic plumes, 2010

Vance, Alan, McGonigle, A.J.S., Aiuppa, Alessandro, Stith, J.L., Turnbull, Kate, and von Glasow, Roland, 2010, Ozone depletion in tropospheric volcanic plumes: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 37, n. 22, L22802, doi:10.1029/2010GL044997 .

Exploring the limits of sub-pixel thermal features using ASTER TIR data, 2010

Vaughan, R.G., Keszthelyi, L.P., Davies, A.G., Schneider, D.J., Jaworowski, Cheryl, and Heasler, Henry, 2010, Exploring the limits of sub-pixel thermal features using ASTER TIR data: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 189, p. 225-237, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.11.010 .

Satellite observations of a surtseyan eruption: Hunga Ha'apai, Tonga, 2010

Vaughan, R.G., and Webley, P.W., 2010, Satellite observations of a surtseyan eruption: Hunga Ha'apai, Tonga: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 198, 10 p., doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.08.017 .

Textural and mineralogical observations of quenched basaltic inclusions in low-silica andesite from the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2010

Vitale, Michelle, and Browne, B.L., 2010, Textural and mineralogical observations of quenched basaltic inclusions in low-silica andesite from the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 42, n. 4, p. 101-102.

Mafic Late Miocene-Quaternary volcanic rocks in the Kamchatka back arc region: implications for subduction geometry and slab history at the Pacific-Aleutian junction, 2010

Volynets, A.O., Churikova, T.G., Worner, Gerhard, Gordeychik, B.N., and Layer, Paul, 2010, Mafic Late Miocene-Quaternary volcanic rocks in the Kamchatka back arc region: implications for subduction geometry and slab history at the Pacific-Aleutian junction: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 159, n. 5, p. 659-687, doi:10.1007/s00410-009-0447-9 .

Ejecta and landslides from Augustine Volcano before 2006, 2010

Waitt, R.B., 2010, Ejecta and landslides from Augustine Volcano before 2006, chapter 13 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 297-319 [].

Timing, distribution, and character of tephra fall from the 2005-2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Wallace, K.L., Neal, C.A., and McGimsey, R.G., 2010, Timing, distribution, and character of tephra fall from the 2005-2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 9 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 187-217 and spreadsheet [].

Characterization of pyroclastic deposits and pre-eruptive soils following the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Island volcano, Alaska, 2010

Wang, Bronwen, Michaelson, Gary, Ping, Chien-Lu, Plumlee, Geoffrey, and Hageman, Philip, 2010, Characterization of pyroclastic deposits and pre-eruptive soils following the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Island volcano, Alaska: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n. 3, p. 276-284, doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.276 .

The 7-8 August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, central Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2010

Waythomas, C.F., Scott, W.E., Prejean, S.G., Schneider, D.J., Izbekov, Pavel, and Nye, C.J., 2010, The 7-8 August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, central Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. B00B06, 23 p., doi:10.1029/2010JB007437 .

The geomorphology of an Aleutian volcano following a major eruption: the 7-8 August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, Alaska, and its aftermath, 2010

Waythomas, C.F., Scott, W.E., and Nye, C.J., 2010, The geomorphology of an Aleutian volcano following a major eruption: the 7-8 August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, Alaska, and its aftermath: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n. 3, p. 260-275, doi:10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.260 .
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Volcanic-ash dispersion modeling of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano Using the Puff Model, 2010

Webley, P.W., Dean, K.G., Dehn, Jonathan, Bailey, J.E., and Peterson, Rorik, 2010, Volcanic-ash dispersion modeling of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano Using the Puff Model, chapter 21 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 507-526 [].

Augustine Volcano; the influence of volatile components in magmas erupted A.D. 2006 to 2,100 years before present, 2010

Webster, J.D., Mandeville, C.W., Goldoff, Beth, Coombs, M.L., and Tappen, Christine, 2010, Augustine Volcano; the influence of volatile components in magmas erupted A.D. 2006 to 2,100 years before present, chapter 16 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 383-423 [].

High-resolution satellite and airborne thermal infrared imaging of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2010

Wessels, R.L., Coombs, M.L., Schneider, D.J., Dehn, Jonathan, and Ramsey, M.S., 2010, High-resolution satellite and airborne thermal infrared imaging of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, chapter 22 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 527-552 [].

UAF's roots in research fuel the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2010

West, Krista, 2010, UAF's roots in research fuel the Alaska Volcano Observatory: Frontiers research at America's arctic University, University of Alaska Fairbanks, v. 3, n. 1, p. 5-7.

Glacier microseismicity, 2010

West, M.E., Larsen, C.F., Truffer, Martin, O'Neel, Shad, and LeBlanc, Laura, 2010, Glacier microseismicity: Geology, v. 38, n. 4, p. 319-322, doi: 10.1130/G30606.1 .

Real-time tracking of earthquake swarms at Redoubt Volcano, 2009, 2010

West, M.E., and Thompson, Glenn, 2010, Real-time tracking of earthquake swarms at Redoubt Volcano, 2009 [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 81, n. 2, p. 350.

Initial effects of the August 2008 volcanic eruption on breeding birds and marine mammals at Kasatochi Island, Alaska, 2010

Williams, J.C., Drummond, B.A., and Buxton, R.T., 2010, Initial effects of the August 2008 volcanic eruption on breeding birds and marine mammals at Kasatochi Island, Alaska: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 42, n. 3, p. 306-314, doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-42.3.306 .

The Middle Scoria sequence: A Holocene violent strombolian, subplinian, and phreatomagmatic eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2010

Wong, L.J., and Larsen, J.F., 2010, The Middle Scoria sequence: A Holocene violent strombolian, subplinian, and phreatomagmatic eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 72, p. 17-31.

Direct retrieval of sulfur dioxide amount and altitude from spaceborne hyperspectral UV measurements: theory and application, 2010

Yang, Kai, Liu, Xiong, Bhartia, P.K., Krotkov, N.A., Carn, S.A., Hughes, E.J., Krueger, A.J., Spurr, R.J.D., and Trahan, S.G., 2010, Direct retrieval of sulfur dioxide amount and altitude from spaceborne hyperspectral UV measurements: theory and application: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, n. D00L09, 15 p., doi:10.1029/2010JD013982

Subduction controls of Hf and Nd isotopes in lavas of the Aleutian island arc, 2010

Yogodzinski, G.M., Vervoort, J.D., Brown, S.T., and Gerseny, M., 2010. Subduction controls of Hf and Nd isotopes in lavas of the Aleutian island arc: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 300, p. 226-238, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.09.035 .

The role of water in generating the calc-alkaline trend: new volatile data for Aleutian magmas and a new tholeiitic index, 2010

Zimmer, M.M., Plank, Terry, Hauri, E.H., Yogodzinski, G.M., Stelling, Peter, Larsen, Jessica, Singer, Brad, Jicha, Brian, Mandeville, Charles, and Nye, C.J., 2010, The role of water in generating the calc-alkaline trend: new volatile data for Aleutian magmas and a new tholeiitic index: Journal of Petrology, v. 5, n. 12, p. 2411, 2444, doi:10.1093/petrology/egq062 .

High-resolution paleoceanography of the Gulf of Alaska, subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean, since the last glacial maximum: insights into a dynamic atmosphere-ocean-ecosystem linkage at decadal to millennial timescales, 2009

Addison, J.A., 2009, High-resolution paleoceanography of the Gulf of Alaska, subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean, since the last glacial maximum: insights into a dynamic atmosphere-ocean-ecosystem linkage at decadal to millennial timescales: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 232 p.

Petrology and geochronology of crustal xenoliths from the Bering Strait region: linking deep and shallow processes in extending continental crust, 2009

Akinin, V.V., Miller, E.L., and Wooden, J.L., 2009, Petrology and geochronology of crustal xenoliths from the Bering Strait region: linking deep and shallow processes in extending continental crust: in Miller, R.B., and Snoke, A.W., eds., Crustal cross sections: from the western North American Cordillera and elsewhere: implications for tectonic and petrologic processes, Geological Society of America Special Paper, v. 456, p. 39-68.

Geodynamic evolution and volcanism of the Kamchatka-Aleutian triple junction, 2009

Avdeiko, Gennady, and Palueva, Aida, 2009, Geodynamic evolution and volcanism of the Kamchatka-Aleutian triple junction [abs.]: in van den Bogaard, Christel (ed.), KALMAR: Kurile-Kamchatka and the Aleutian marginal sea-island arc systems: First bilateral workshop on Russian-German cooperation: Program and Abstracts, Terra Nostra, v. 2009-1, p. 14-15.

Geologic map of the 350 km3 basalt-to-dacite Veniaminof Volcano, Aleutian Arc, 2009

Bacon, C.R., Sisson, T.W., Calvert, A.T., and Nye, C.J., 2009, Geologic map of the 350 km3 basalt-to-dacite Veniaminof Volcano, Aleutian Arc [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 660-661.

Written communication, 2009

Bacon, C.R., 2009, Written communication.

Integration of petrological-geochemical constraints and local seismic tomography: implications for magmatic processes within continental arc crust of S-Alaska, 2009

Ballmer, S., Kissling, E., Ulmer, P., and van Stiphout, T., 2009, Integration of petrological-geochemical constraints and local seismic tomography: implications for magmatic processes within continental arc crust of S-Alaska [abs.]: in Abstracts of the 19th annual V.M. Goldschmidt conference, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 73, n. 13S, p. A81.

Paleoceanography of the Gulf of Alaska during the past 15,000 years: Results from diatoms, silicoflagellates, and, 2009

Barron, J.A., Bukry, David, Dean, W.E., Addison, J.A., and Finney, Bruce, 2009, Paleoceanography of the Gulf of Alaska during the past 15,000 years: results from diatoms, silicoflagellates, and geochemistry: Marine Micropaleontology, v. 72, no. 3, p. 176-195.

2000 years on the King Salmon River: an archaeological report for UGA-052, 2009

Biddle, K.G., and Meinhardt, R., 2009, 2000 years on the King Salmon River: an archaeological report for UGA-052: Bureau of Indian Affairs Occasional papers in Alaskan field archeology 2, 130 p.

Decompression and H2O exsolution driven crystallization and fractionation: development of a new model for low pressure fractional crystallization in the calc-alkaline magmatic systems, 2009

Brophy, J.G., 2009, Decompression and H2O exsolution driven crystallization and fractionation: development of a new model for low pressure fractional crystallization in the calc-alkaline magmatic systems: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 157, n. 6, p. 797-811, doi: 10.1007/s00410-008-0365-2 .

written communication, 2009

Bull, Katharine, 2009, written communication.

Estimates of eruption velocity and plume height from infrasonic recordings of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2009

Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline, Bellesiles, Anna, and Fernandes, J.K., 2009, Estimates of eruption velocity and plume height from infrasonic recordings of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.10.002 .

Petrogenesis of basaltic volcanic rocks from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, by melting of metasomatically enriched depleted lithosphere, crystallization differentiation, and magma mixing, 2009

Chang, J.M., Feeley, T.C., and Deraps, M., 2009, Petrogenesis of basaltic volcanic rocks from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, by melting of metasomatically enriched depleted lithosphere, crystallization differentiation, and magma mixing: Journal of Petrology, v. 50, n. 12, p. 2249-2286, doi: 10.1093/petrology/egp075 .

Mid-Cretaceous-recent crustal evolution in the central Coast Orogen, British Columbia and Southeastern Alaska, 2009

Crawford, M.L., Klepeis, K.A., Gehrels, G.E., and Lindline, Jennifer, 2009, Mid-Cretaceous-recent crustal evolution in the central Coast Orogen, British Columbia and Southeastern Alaska: in Miller, R.B., and Snoke, A.W., eds., Crustal cross sections: from the western North American Cordillera and elsewhere, Geological Society of Americal Special Paper, v. 456, p. 97-124.

Holocene climate inferred from glacier extent, lake sediment and tree rings at Goat Lake, Kenai Mountains, Alaska, USA, 2009

Daigle, T.A., and Kaufman, D.S., 2009, Holocene climate inferred from glacier extent, lake sediment and tree rings at Goat Lake, Kenai Mountains, Alaska, USA: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 24, n. 1, p. 33-45.

Rock avalanches onto glaciers in northwest North America, 2009

Delaney, K.B., and Evans, S.G., 2009, Rock avalanches onto glaciers in northwest North America [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 379.

Chronology and references of volcanic eruptions and selected unrest in the United States, 1980-2008, 2009

Diefenbach, A.K., Guffanti, Marianne, and Ewert, J.W., 2009, Chronology and references of volcanic eruptions and selected unrest in the United States, 1980-2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1118, 85 p., available at .

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2008, 2009

Dixon, J.P., and Stihler, S.D., 2009, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 467, 88 p., available at .

The January 2006 volcanic-tectonic earthquake swarm at Mount Martin, Alaska, 2009

Dixon, J.P., and Power, J.A., 2009, The January 2006 volcanic-tectonic earthquake swarm at Mount Martin, Alaska, in Haeusseler, P.J., and Galloway, J.P., eds., Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1760-D, 17 p., available at .

A comprehensive study of the seismicity of the Kenai Peninsula - Cook Inlet region, south-central Alaska, 2009

Doser, D.I., and Veilleux, A.M., 2009, A comprehensive study of the seismicity of the Kenai Peninsula - Cook Inlet region, south-central Alaska: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 99, n. 4, p. 2208-2222, doi:10.1785/0120080251.

Sedimentological constraints on hydrometeor-enhanced particle deposition: 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak, Alaska, 2009

Durant, A.J., and Rose, W.I., 2009, Sedimentological constraints on hydrometeor-enhanced particle deposition: 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 186, n. 1-2, p. 40-59, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.02.004 .

Diffuse gas emissions at the Ukinrek Maars, Alaska: implications for magmatic degassing and volcanic monitoring, 2009

Evans, W.C., Bergfeld, Deborah, McGimsey, R.G., and Hunt, A.G., 2009, Diffuse gas emissions at the Ukinrek Maars, Alaska: implications for magmatic degassing and volcanic monitoring: Applied Geochemistry, v. 24, n. 4, p. 527-535, doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.12.007 .

Volcano hazards and potential risks on St. Paul Island, Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska, 2009

Feeley, T.C., and Winer, G.S., 2009, Volcano hazards and potential risks on St. Paul Island, Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 182, n. 102, p. 57-66, doi:10.1016/j,jvolgeores.2009.02.005 .

A distal earthquake cluster concurrent with the 2006 explosive eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2009

Fisher, M.A., Ruppert, N.A., White, R.A., Wilson, F.H., Comer, Drew, Sliter, R.A., and Wong, F.L., 2009, A distal earthquake cluster concurrent with the 2006 explosive eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Tectonophysics, v. 469, n. 1-4, p. 25-36, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.019 .

Tracking magma volume recovery at Okmok volcano using GPS and an unscented Kalman filter, 2009

Fournier, Tom, Freymueller, Jeff, and Cervelli, Peter, 2009, Tracking magma volume recovery at Okmok volcano using GPS and an unscented Kalman filter: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 114, B02405, 18 p., doi:10.1029/2008JB005837 .

The Klondike goldfields and Pleistocene environments of Beringia, 2009

Froese, D.G., Zazula, G.D., Westgate, J.A., Preece, S.J., Sanborn, P.T., Reyes, A.V., Pearce, N.J.G., 2009, The Klondike goldfields and Pleistocene environments of Beringia: GSA Today, v. 19, n. 4, p. 4-10.

Assessing volcanic hazards and risks to aviation, 2009

Guffanti, Marianne, Ewert, J.W., and Murray, T.L., 2009, Assessing volcanic hazards and risks to aviation [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v, 41, n. 7, p. 374-375.

The United States national volcanic ash operations plan for aviation, 2009

Albersheim, Steven, and Guffanti, Marianne, 2009, The United States national volcanic ash operations plan for aviation: Natural Hazards, v. 51, p. 275-285, doi:10.1007/s11069-008-9247-1 .

Volcanic hazards to airports, 2009

Guffanti, Marrianne, Mayberry, G.C., Casadevall, T.J., and Wunderman, Richard, 2009, Volcanic hazards to airports: Natural Hazards, v. 51, p. 287-302, doi:10.1007/s11069-008-9254-2 .

Infrasonic ambient noise interferometry from correlations of microbaroms, 2009

Haney, M.M., 2009, Infrasonic ambient noise interferometry from correlations of microbaroms: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 36, n. L19808, 5 p., doi: 10.1029/2009GL04017 .
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Observation and modeling of source effects in coda wave interferometry at Pavlof Volcano, 2009

Haney, M.M., van Wijk, Kasper, Preston, L.A., and Aldridge, D.F., 2009, Observation and modeling of source effects in coda wave interferometry at Pavlof Volcano: The Leading Edge, v. 28, n. 5, p. 554-560, doi: 10.1190/1.3124930 .

Recent extreme slope failures in glacial environments: effects of thermal perturbation, 2009

Huggel, Christian, 2009, Recent extreme slope failures in glacial environments: effects of thermal perturbation: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 28, n. 11-12, p. 1116-1130, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.06.007.

Surficial geology and late Cenozoic history of the Stewart River and northern Stevenson Ridge map areas, west-central Yukon Territory, 2009

Jackson, L.E., Jr., Froese, D.G., Huscroft, C.A., Nelson, F.E., Westgate, J.A., Telka, A.M., Shimamura, K., and Rotheisler, P.N., 2009, Surficial geology and late Cenozoic history of the Stewart River and northern Stevenson Ridge map areas, west-central Yukon Territory: Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6059, 414 p., 1 CD-ROM.

Biederman tephra: a potential marine isotope stage 7 marker horizon in eastern Beringia, 2009

Jensen, B.J.L., Froese, D.G., 2009, Biederman tephra: a potential marine isotope stage 7 marker horizon in eastern Beringia [abs.], in Canadian Quaternary Association Biennial Meeting, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada, , May 3-8, Programme and Abstracts, vol. 101.

An "inactive stratovolcano that erupted ~3000 years ago: Koniuji Island, Aleutians, 2009

Jicha, B.R., and Singer, B.S., 2009, An "inactive stratovolcano that erupted ~3000 years ago: Koniuji Island, Aleutians [abs.]: Scientific Program and Abstracts, 6th Biennial workshop on Japan-Kamchatka-Alaska Subduction Processes (JKASP-2009), June 22-26, 2009, Fairbanks, AK.

Circum-Pacific arc flare-ups and global cooling near the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, 2009

Jicha, B.R., Scholl, D.W., and Rea, D.K., 2009, Circum-Pacific arc flare-ups and global cooling near the Eocene-Oligocene boundary: Geology, v. 37, n. 4, p. 303-306, doi:10.1130/G25392A.1 .

Holocene volcanic activity at Koniuji Island, Aleutians, 2009

Jicha, B.R., 2009, Holocene volcanic activity at Koniuji Island, Aleutians: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 185, n. 3, p. 214-222.

Climate and vegetation history from a 14,000-year peatland record, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2009

Jones, M.C., Peteet, D.M., Kurdyla, Dorothy, and Guilderson, Thomas, 2009, Climate and vegetation history from a 14,000-year peatland record, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Quaternary Research, v. 72, n. 2, p. 207-217, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2009.04.002.

Lacustrine evidence from Mother Goose Lake of Holocene geothermal activity at Mount Chiginagak, Alaska Peninsula, 2009

Kassel, C.M., 2009, Lacustrine evidence from Mother Goose Lake of Holocene geothermal activity at Mount Chiginagak, Alaska Peninsula: Northern Arizona University unpublished M.S. thesis, 138 p.

Correcting satellite-based infrared sulfur dioxide retrivals for the presence of silicate ash, 2009

Kearney, C.S., and Watson, I.M., 2009, Correcting satellite-based infrared sulfur dioxide retrivals for the presence of silicate ash: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 114, n. D22, 12 p., doi:10.1029/2008JD011407 .

A technique for in situ measurement of ozone in tropospheric volcanic plumes using two portable, low-cost sensors, 2009

Kelly, P.J., Troop, Donald, Werner, C., and Doukas, M.P., 2009, A technique for in situ measurement of ozone in tropospheric volcanic plumes using two portable, low-cost sensors [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 482.

Eruption of Alaska volcano breaks historic pattern, 2009

Larsen, J., Neal, C., Webley, P., Freymueller, J., Haney, M., McNutt, S., Schneider, D., Prejean, S., Schaefer, J., and Wessels, R., 2009, Eruption of Alaska volcano breaks historic pattern: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 90, n. 20, p. 173-174.

Guidance for state volcano observatories, 2009

Lechner, Peter, Mackersy, Keith, Tupper, Andrew, Patrick, Rebecca, Ruglys, Matt, Guffanti, Marianne, and Romero, Raul, 2009, Guidance for state volcano observatories: The International Airways Volcano Watch: International Civil Aviation Organization, 20 p., available at .

Floodplain stratigraphy of the ice jam dominated middle Yukon River: a new approach to long-term flood frequency, 2009

Livingston, J.M., Smith, D.G., Froese, D.G., Hugenholtz, C.H., 2009, Floodplain stratigraphy of the ice jam dominated middle Yukon River: a new approach to long-term flood frequency: Hydrological Processes, v. 25, p. 357-371.

Diverse lavas from closely spaced volcanoes drawing from a common parent: Emmons Lake Volcanic Center, Eastern Aleutian Arc, 2009

Mangan, Margaret, Miller, Thomas, Waythomas, Christopher, Trusdell, Frank, Calvert, Andrew, and Layer, Paul, 2009, Diverse lavas from closely spaced volcanoes drawing from a common parent: Emmons Lake Volcanic Center, Eastern Aleutian Arc: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 287, p. 363-372, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.08.018 .

Using major, minor, and trace element geochemistry of melt inclusions to study magma dynamics and evolution at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2009

Marks, J.K., 2009, Using major, minor, and trace element geochemistry of melt inclusions to study magma dynamics and evolution at Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Carleton College Senior Integrative Experience, 28 p.

Influence of the 2008 Kasatochi voclanic eruption on sulfurous and carbonaceous aerosol constituents in the lower atmosphere, 2009

Martinsson, B.G., Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M., Carn, S.A., Hermann, M., Heue, K.-P., van Velthoven, P.F.J., and Zahn, A., 2009, Influence of the 2008 Kasatochi voclanic eruption on sulfurous and carbonaceous aerosol constituents in the lower atmosphere [abs.]: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 36, n. 12, 1 p.

Ground-based weather radar remote sensing of volcanic ash explosive eruptions, 2009

Marzano, F.S., Marchiotto, S., Barbieri, S., Giuliani, G., Textor, C., and Schneider, D.J., 2009, Ground-based weather radar remote sensing of volcanic ash explosive eruptions [abs.]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 11, 1 p.

A multidisciplinary effort to assign realistic source parameters to models of volcanic ash-cloud transport and dispersion during eruptions, 2009

Mastin, L.G., Guffanti, M., Servranckx, R., Webley, P., Barsotti, S., Dean, K., Durant, A., Ewert, J.W., Neri, A., Rose, W.I., Schneider, D., Siebert, L., Stunder, B., Swanson, G., Tupper, A., Volentik, A., and Waythomas, C.F., 2009, A multidisciplinary effort to assign realistic source parameters to models of volcanic ash-cloud transport and dispersion during eruptions: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 186, n. 1-2, p. 10-21, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.01.008 .

Preliminary spreadsheet of eruption source parameters for volcanoes of the world, 2009

Mastin, L.G., Guffanti, Marianne, Ewert, J.E., and Spiegel, Jessica, 2009, Preliminary spreadsheet of eruption source parameters for volcanoes of the world: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1133, v. 1.2, 25 p., available at .

Satellite measurements of volatile emissions from recent North Pacific arc eruptions, 2009

Carn, S.A., Prata, A.J., Krotkov, N.A., Yang, K., and Krueger, A.J., 2009, Satellite measurements of volatile emissions from recent North Pacific arc eruptions [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 411.

Tracking volcanic sulfur dioxide clouds for aviation hazard mitigation, 2009

Carn, S.A., Krueger, A.J., Krotkov, N.A., Yang, Kai, and Evans, Keith, 2009, Tracking volcanic sulfur dioxide clouds for aviation hazard mitigation: Natural Hazards, v. 51, p. 325-343, doi:10.1007/s11069-008-9228-4 .

Holocene climate and glacier variability at Hallet and Greyling Lakes, Chugach Mountains, south-central Alaska. Journal of Paleolimnology, 2009

McKay N.P., and Kaufman, D.S., 2009, Holocene climate and glacier variability at Hallet and Greyling Lakes, Chugach Mountains, south-central Alaska: Journal of Paleolimnology, v. 41, p. 143-159.

Alaskan glaciers and glacier-outburst floods (jokulhlaups), 2009

Molnia, B.F., 2009, Alaskan glaciers and glacier-outburst floods (jokulhlaups) [abs.]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 11, 1 p.

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2007, 2009

Nathenson, Manuel, 2009, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1071, 13 p., available at .

2006 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2009

Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., Dixon, J.P., Manevich, Alexander, and Rybin, Alexander, 2009, 2006 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5214, 102 p., available at .

Russian eruption warning systems for aviation, 2009

Neal, Christina, Girina, Olga, Senyukov, Sergey, Rybin, Alexander, Osiensky, Jeffrey, Izbekov, Pavel, and Ferguson, Gail, 2009, Russian eruption warning systems for aviation: Natural Hazards, v. 50, p. 245-262, doi:10.1007/s11069-009-9347-6 .

The July-August 2008 hydrovolcanic eruption of Okmok Volcano, Umnak Island, Alaska, 2009

Neal, C.A., Larsen, J.F., and Schaefer, Janet, 2009, The July-August 2008 hydrovolcanic eruption of Okmok Volcano, Umnak Island, Alaska: Alaska Geological Society Newsletter, v. 39, n. 5, p. 1-3.

Redoubt Volcano eruption/ ash synopsis - November 2008 - July 2009, 2009

Carlisle, Jessica, and Nelson, Kristine, 2009, Redoubt Volcano eruption/ ash synopsis - November 2008 - July 2009: unpublished Federal Aviation Administration summary document, 39 p.
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Provenance of obsidian fragments recovered from Adak Island, central Aleutian Islands: evidence for long-distance transport, 2009

Nicolaysen, K.P., West, Dixie, and Johnson, Taylor, 2009, Provenance of obsidian fragments recovered from Adak Island, central Aleutian Islands: evidence for long-distance transport [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 553.

Initial fate of fine ash and sulfur from large volcanic eruptions, 2009

Niemeier, U., Timmreck, C., Graf, H.-F., Kinne, S., Rast, S., and Self, S., 2009, Initial fate of fine ash and sulfur from large volcanic eruptions: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 9, n. 22, p. 9043-9057, online access at .

Remote sensing of volcano stream temperatures prior to eruptive phases, 2009

Perreault, J.M., and Gillespie, A.R., 2009, Remote sensing of volcano stream temperatures prior to eruptive phases [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7., p. 276.

Remote sensing of volcano stream temperatures prior to eruptive phases, 2009

Perreault, J.M., 2009, Remote sensing of volcano stream temperatures prior to eruptive phases [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, n. 7, p. 276.

Late Pliocene Dawson Cut forest bed and new tephrochronological findings in the Gold Hill Loess, east-central Alaska, 2009

Pewe, T.L., Westgate, J.A., Preece, S.J., Brown, P.M., and Leavitt, S.W., 2009, Late Pliocene Dawson Cut forest bed and new tephrochronological findings in the Gold Hill Loess, east-central Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 121, n. 1-2, p. 294-320, doi: 10.1130/B26323.1 .

Retrieval of volcanic ash particle size, mass, and optical depth from a ground-based thermal infrared camera, 2009

Prata, A.J., and Bernardo, C., 2009, Retrieval of volcanic ash particle size, mass, and optical depth from a ground-based thermal infrared camera: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 186, n. 1-2, p. 91-107, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.02.007 .

Satellite detection of hazardous volcanic clouds and the risk to global air traffic, 2009

Prata, A.J., 2009, Satellite detection of hazardous volcanic clouds and the risk to global air traffic: Natural Hazards, v. 51, p. 303-324, doi:10.1007/s11069-008-9273-z .

Earthquakes, dynamic triggering of, 2009

Prejean, S.G., and Hill, D.P., 2009, Earthquakes, dynamic triggering of, in Meyers, R.A., ed., Encyclopedia of complexity and systems science: New York, Springer, v. 3, p. 2600-2621.

A twelve thousand year history of obsidian prospecting in eastern Beringia, 2009

Rasic, J.T., Houlette, Christopher, Slobodina, Natalia, Reuther, Joshua, Florey, Victoria, and Speakman, R.J., 2009, A twelve thousand year history of obsidian prospecting in eastern Beringia [abs.]: Abstracts with Progams - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 679.

Seismic imaging of water distribution in subduction zones, 2009

Rondenay, S., Abers, G.A., van Keken, P.C., and Suckale, J., 2009, Seismic imaging of water distribution in subduction zones [abs.]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 11, 1 p.

Fine ash content of explosive eruptions, 2009

Rose, W.I., and Durant, A.J., 2009, Fine ash content of explosive eruptions: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 186, n. 1-2, p. 32-39, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.01.010 .

Basanite-nepheline suite from early Kilauea: carbonated melts of phlogopite-garnet peridotite at Hawaii's leading magmatic edge, 2009

Sisson, T.W., Kimura, J.-I., and Coombs, M.L., 2009, Basanite-nepheline suite from early Kilauea: carbonated melts of phlogopite-garnet peridotite at Hawaii's leading magmatic edge: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 158, p. 803-829, doi:10.1007/s00410-009-0411-8 .

Volcano monitoring, 2009

Smith, J.G., Dehn, Jonathan, Hoblitt, R.P., LaHusen, R.G., Lowenstern, J.B., Moran, S.C., McClelland, Lindsay, McGee, K.A., Nathenson, Manuel, Okubo, P.G., Pallister, J.S., Poland, M.P., Power, J.A., Schneider, D.J., and Sisson, T.W., 2009, Volcano monitoring, in Young, Rob, and Norby, Lisa, eds., Geological Monitoring: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, p. 273-305.

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck, 2009

Snedigar, S.F., and Cameron, C.C., 2009, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 59, 52 p, available to order from .

High precision relocation of earthquakes at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, 2009

Statz-Boyer, Patrick, Thurber, Clifford, Pesicek, Jeremy, and Prejean, Stephanie, 2009, High precision relocation of earthquakes at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 184, p. 323-332, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.04.016 .

A petrologic investigation of mafic inputs into the Augustine Volcano (Alaska) magma system over the past 2,200 years, 2009

Steiner, A.R., 2009, A petrologic investigation of mafic inputs into the Augustine Volcano (Alaska) magma system over the past 2,200 years: California State University, Fullerton, M.S. thesis, 137 p.

Location of eruption-related earthquake clusters at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, using station-pair differential times, 2009

Sumiejski, Laura, Thurber, Clifford, and DeShon, H.R., 2009, Location of eruption-related earthquake clusters at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, using station-pair differential times: Geophysical Journal International, v. 176, n. 3, p. 1017-1022, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.04037.x .

Petrology and geochemistry of ca. 2100-1000 a.B.P. magmas of Augustine volcano, Alaska, based on analysis of prehistoric pumiceous tephra, 2009

Tappen, C.M., Webster, J.D., Mandeville, C.W., and Roderick, David, 2009, Petrology and geochemistry of ca. 2100-1000 a.B.P. magmas of Augustine volcano, Alaska, based on analysis of prehistoric pumiceous tephra: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 183, n. 1/2, p. 42-62, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.03.007 .

First satellite detection of volcanic bromine monoxide emission after the Kasatochi eruption, 2009

Theys, N., van Roozendael, M., Dils, B., Hendrick, F., Hao, N., and de Maziere, M., 2009, First satellite detection of volcanic bromine monoxide emission after the Kasatochi eruption: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 36, n. 3, 5 p. doi:10.1029/2008GL036552 .

Methods of experimental apatite growth and their applications to magmatic systems, 2009

Travis, M.E., and Webster, J.D., 2009, Methods of experimental apatite growth and their applications to magmatic systems [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 646.

Reducing discrepancies in ground and satellite-observed eruption heights, 2009

Tupper, Andrew, and Wunderman, Rick, 2009, Reducing discrepancies in ground and satellite-observed eruption heights: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 186, n. 1-2, p. 22-31, doi:10.1016/jvolgeores.2009.02.015 .

Tall clouds from small eruptions: the sensitivity of eruption height and fine ash content to tropospheric instability, 2009

Tupper, Andrew, Textor, Christiane, Herzog, Michael, Graf, Hans-F, and Richards, M.S., 2009, Tall clouds from small eruptions: the sensitivity of eruption height and fine ash content to tropospheric instability: Natural Hazards, v. 51, p. 375-401, doi:10.1007/s11069-009-9433-9 .

Decadal scale climate variability during the last millenium as recorded by the Bona Churchill and Quelccaya ice cores, 2009

Urmann, David, 2009, Decadal scale climate variability during the last millenium as recorded by the Bona Churchill and Quelccaya ice cores: Ohio State University Ph.D. dissertation, 281 p.
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Satellite remote sensing of thermal activity at Bezymianny and Kliuchevskoi from 1993 to 1998, 2009

van Manen, S.M., and Dehn, Jon, 2009, Satellite remote sensing of thermal activity at Bezymianny and Kliuchevskoi from 1993 to 1998: Geology, v. 37, p. 983-986.

Magmatic processes in the Alaska subduction zone by combined 3-D b value imaging and targeted seismic tomography, 2009

van Stiphout, T., Kissling, E., Wiemer, S., and Ruppert, N., 2009, Magmatic processes in the Alaska subduction zone by combined 3-D b value imaging and targeted seismic tomography: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 114, n. B11, 16 p., doi: 10.1029/2008JB005958 .

The role of ecological barriers in the development of cultural boundaries during the later Holocene of the central Alaska Peninsula, 2009

VanderHoek, Richard, 2009, The role of ecological barriers in the development of cultural boundaries during the later Holocene of the central Alaska Peninsula: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign PhD dissertation, 413 p.

Using Google Maps to introduce geologic concepts on the USGS Volcano Hazards Program websites, 2009

Venezky, Dina, Wilkinson, Stuart, and Brooks, Suzanna, 2009, Using Google Maps to introduce geologic concepts on the USGS Volcano Hazards Program websites [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 500.

Volcanic processes and geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2009

Waitt, R.B., and Beget, J.E., 2009, Volcanic processes and geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1762, 78 p., 2 plates, scale 1:25,000, available at .

An interdisciplinary approach to assessing and communicating health hazards of volcanic ash fall, 2009

Wallace, K.L., Neal, Christina, Plumlee, G.S., Stichick, M.M., Rinkleff, Peter, Cahill, Catherine, Verbrugge, Lori, Reed, Brad, and Dyer, Janelle, 2009, An interdisciplinary approach to assessing and communicating health hazards of volcanic ash fall [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 542-543.

Characterization of the volcanic substrate and soil following the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Island Volcano, Alaska, 2009

Wang, Bronwen, Ping, Chien-Lu, Michealson, Gary, Waythomas, C.F., Talbot, Stephen, Plumlee, G.S., and Hageman, P.L., 2009, Characterization of the volcanic substrate and soil following the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Island Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Progams - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 557.

Beauty is more than skin deep: educating the public on dynamic geologic processes in south-central Alaska, 2009

Wasserman, E.J., 2009, Beauty is more than skin deep: educating the public on dynamic geologic processes in south-central Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 246.

Pacific Basin tsunami hazards associated with mass flows in the Aleutian arc of Alaska, 2009

Waythomas, C.F., Watts, Philip, Shi, Fengyan, and Kirby, J.T., 2009, Pacific Basin tsunami hazards associated with mass flows in the Aleutian arc of Alaska: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 28, p. 1006-1019, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.02.019 .

The August 7, 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano: a major explosive eruption and its aftermath at a small island volcano in the central Aleutian Islands of Alaska, 2009

Waythomas, C.F., Scott, W.E., Nye, C.J., Izbekov, Pavel, and Williams, Jeff, 2009, The August 7, 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano: a major explosive eruption and its aftermath at a small island volcano in the central Aleutian Islands of Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 230.

Automated forecasting of volcanic ash dispersion utilizing Virtual Globes, 2009

Webley,P.W., Dean, Kenneson, Bailey, J.E., Dehn, Jon, and Peterson, Rorik, 2009, Automated forecasting of volcanic ash dispersion utilizing Virtual Globes: Natural Hazards, v. 51, p. 345-361, doi: 10.1007/s11069-008-9246-2 .

Improved prediction and tracking of volcanic ash clouds, 2009

Webley, Peter, and Mastin, Larry, 2009, Improved prediction and tracking of volcanic ash clouds: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 186, n. 1-2, p. 1-9, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.10.022 .

Near-real-time volcanic ash cloud detection: Experiences from the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2009

Webley, P.W., Dehn, J., Lovick, J., Dean, K.G., Bailey, J.E., and Valcic, L., 2009, Near-real-time volcanic ash cloud detection: Experiences from the Alaska Volcano Observatory: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 186, n. 1-2, p. 79-90, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.02.010 .

Preliminary sensitivity study of eruption source parameters for operational volcanic ash cloud transport and dispersion models - A case study of the August 1992 eruption of the Crater Peak vent, Mount Spurr, Alaska, 2009

Webley, P.W., Stunder, B.J.B., and Dean, K.G., 2009, Preliminary sensitivity study of eruption source parameters for operational volcanic ash cloud transport and dispersion models - A case study of the August 1992 eruption of the Crater Peak vent, Mount Spurr, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 186, n. 1-2, p. 108-119, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.02.012 .

Partitioning behavior of chlorine and fluorine in the system apatite-melt-fluid. II: Felsic silicate systems at 200 Mpa, 2009

Webster, J.D., Tappen, C.M., and Mandeville, C.W., 2009, Partitioning behavior of chlorine and fluorine in the system apatite-melt-fluid. II: Felsic silicate systems at 200 Mpa: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 73, n. 3, p. 559-581, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.10.034 .

Precursory gas emissions to the initial magmatic eruption of Redoubt Volcano (Alaska) in 2009, 2009

Werner, C.A., Kelly, P.J., Doukas, M.P., Pfeffer, M.A., Evans, W.C., McGimsey, Game, and Neal, Christina, 2009, Precursory gas emissions to the initial magmatic eruption of Redoubt Volcano (Alaska) in 2009 [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 41, n. 7, p. 482.

Gold Run Tephra: a middle Pleistocene stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental marker across west-central Yukon Territory, Canada, 2009

Westgate, J.A., Preece, S.J., Froese, D.G., Telka, A.M., Storer, J.E., Pearce, N.J.G., Enkin, R.J., Jackson, L.E. Jr., LeBarge, W., and Perkins, W.T., 2009, Gold Run Tephra: a middle Pleistocene stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental marker across west-central Yukon Territory, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 46, n. 6, p. 465-478, doi:10.1139/E09-029.

Preliminary geologic map of the Cook Inlet Region, Alaska - including parts of the Talkeetna, Talkeetna Mountains, Tyonek, Lake Clark, Kenai, Seward, Iliamna, Seldovia, Mount Katmai, and Afognak 1:250,000-scale Quadrangles, 2009

Wilson, F.H., Hults, C.P., Schmoll, H.R., Haeussler, P.J., Schmidt, J.M., Yehle, L.A., and Labay, K.A., compilers; digital files prepared by Wilson, F.H., Hults, C.P., Labay, K.A., and Shew, Nora, 2009, Preliminary geologic map of the Cook Inlet Region, Alaska - including parts of the Talkeetna, Talkeetna Mountains, Tyonek, Lake Clark, Kenai, Seward, Iliamna, Seldovia, Mount Katmai, and Afognak 1:250,000-scale Quadrangles: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1108, scale 1:250:000, available at .

Origin of primitive high-Mg andesite: constraints from natural examples and experiments, 2009

Wood, B.J., and Turner, S.P., 2009, Origin of primitive high-Mg andesite: constraints from natural examples and experiments: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 283, n. 1-4, p. 59-66, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.03.032 .

Deciphering the role of H2O and fO2 during calc-alkaline differentiation, 2009

Zimmer, M.M., Plank, Terry, Hauri, E.H., Larsen, J.F., and Nye, C.J., 2009, Deciphering the role of H2O and fO2 during calc-alkaline differentiation [abs.]: in Abstracts of the 19th annual V.M. Goldschmidt conference, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 73, n. 13S, p. A1535.

Water in Aleutian magmas: its origins in the subduction zone and its effects on magma evolution, 2009

Zimmer M. M., 2009, Water in Aleutian Magmas: its origins in the subduction zone and its effects on magma evolution: Boston University Ph.D. dissertation, 356 p.

Hazards communication by the Alaska Volcano Observatory concerning the 2008 eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi volcanoes, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2008

Adleman, J.N., Cameron, C.E., Neal, T.A., and Shipman, J.S., 2008, Hazards communication by the Alaska Volcano Observatory concerning the 2008 eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi volcanoes, Aleutian Islands, Alaska [abs.]: Eos fall meeting supplementary, Eos, v, 89, n. 53, abstract A53b-0275.

Comparison of eruptive and intrusive samples from Unzen Volcano, Japan: Effects of contrasting pressure-temperature-time paths, 2008

Almberg, LD., Larsen, J.F., Eichelberger, J.C., Vogel, T.A., and Patino, LC., 2008, Comparison of eruptive and intrusive samples from Unzen Volcano, Japan: Effects of contrasting pressure-temperature-time paths: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 175, p. 60-70, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.03.020 .

Mountain rumbles, darkness falls-Okmok volcano erupts as 10 flee storm of ash, 2008

Associated Press, 2008, Mountain rumbles, darkness falls-Okmok volcano erupts as 10 flee storm of ash: The Dutch Harbor Fisherman news article published July 17, 2008. Okmok 2008

Evidence of permafrost formation two million years ago in central Alaska, 2008

Beget, J.E., Layer, Paul, Stone, David, Benowitz, Jeffrey, and Addison, Jason, 2008, Evidence of permafrost formation two million years ago in central Alaska: in Ninth international conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, AK, 2008, v. 9, p. 95 - 100.

Volcanic tsunamis and prehistoric cultural transitions in Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2008

Beget, James, Gardner, Cynthia, and Davis, Kathleen, 2008, Volcanic tsunamis and prehistoric cultural transitions in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v, 176, p. 377-386, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.01.034 .

Volcanoes and permafrost in Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, arctic Alaska, 2008

Beget, J.E., and Kargel, J.S., 2008, Volcanoes and permafrost in Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, arctic Alaska: Alaska Park Science, National Park Service, v. 7, n. 1, p. 33-37.
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Impacts of the c. 3,400 BP Aniakchak II eruption on a distal peatland, 2008

Blackford, Jeff, Payne, Richard, Presthus-Heggen, Marianne, de la Riva Caballero, Arguitxu, and van der Plicht, J., 2008, Impacts of the c. 3,400 BP Aniakchak II eruption on a distal peatland [abs.]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 10, p. 10418.

Late Pleistocene mountain glaciation in Alaska: key chronologies, 2008

Briner, J.P., and Kaufman, D.S., 2008, Late Pleistocene mountain glaciation in Alaska: key chronologies: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 23, n. 6‐7, p. 659-670.

A study of rare earth element (REE)-SiO2 variations in felsic liquids generated by basalt fractionation and amphibolite melting: a potential test for discriminating between the two different processes, 2008

Brophy, J.G., 2008, A study of rare earth element (REE)-SiO2 variations in felsic liquids generated by basalt fractionation and amphibolite melting: a potential test for discriminating between the two different processes: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 156, n. 3, p. 337-257, doi:10.1007/s00410-008-0289-x .

Source components and mass transfer in the Aleutian Arc from Hf, Nd, and Pb isotopes, 2008

Brown, S.T., Yogodzinski, G.M., Vervoort, J.D., and Kelemen, P.B., 2008, Source components and mass transfer in the Aleutian Arc from Hf, Nd, and Pb isotopes [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Origin of arc magmas and xenoliths from the Aleutians and Kamchatka, 2008

Bryant, J.A., 2008, Origin of arc magmas and xenoliths from the Aleutians and Kamchatka: University of South Carolina Ph.D. dissertation, 180 p.

Biological monitoring in the central Aleutian Island, Alaska, in 2008: summary appendices, 2008

Buchheit, R.M., and Ford, J.C., 2008, Biological monitoring in the central Aleutian Islands, Alaska in 2008: summary appendices: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, AMNWR 08/12, Homer, AK, 141 p.
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Pyroclastic-flow, lahar, and mixed-avalanche deposits generated during the explosive phase of the 2006 eruptive activity of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2008

Bull, K., Vallance, J., Coombs, M., 2008. Pyroclastic-flow, lahar, and mixed-avalanche deposits generated during the explosive phase of the 2006 eruptive activity of Augustine Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 40.

Seismic precursors to explosive eruptions during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2008

Buurman, Helena, and West, Michael, 2008, Seismic precursors to explosive eruptions during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: in 2008 IRIS Workshop: Abstracts, Stevenson WA, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, p. 94.

Growth of an intrusive complex beneath Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska, 2008

Calvert, A.T., Bacon, C.R., Sisson, T.W., and Nye, C.J., 2008, Growth of an intrusive complex beneath Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts of the 18th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 72, n. 12S, p. A130.

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Gareloi Volcano, Gareloi Island, Alaska, 2008

Coombs, M.L., McGimsey, R.G., and Browne, B.L., 2008, Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Gareloi Volcano, Gareloi Island, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5159, 29 p., 1 sheet, available at

Evolution and advances in satellite analysis of volcanoes, 2008

Dean, K.G., Dehn, J., Webley, P., and Bailey, J., 2008, Evolution and advances in satellite analysis of volcanoes [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Satellite remote sensing tools at the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2008

Dehn, J., Dean, K., Webley, P., Bailey, J., and Valcic, L., 2008, Satellite remote sensing tools at the Alaska Volcano Observatory [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Optically stimulated luminescence dating of single and multiple grains of quartz from perennially frozen loess in western Yukon Territory, Canada: Comparison with radiocarbon chronologies for the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra, 2008

Demuro, M., Roberts, R.G., Froese, D.G., Arnold, L.J., Brock, F., and Ramsey, C.B., 2008, Optically stimulated luminescence dating of single and multiple grains of quartz from perennially frozen loess in western Yukon Territory, Canada: comparison with radiocarbon chronologies for the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 3, n. 4, p. 346-364.

Comment on “A synchronized dating of three Greenland ice cores throughout the Holocene” by B. M. Vinther et al.: no Minoan tephra in the 1642 B.C. layer of the GRIP ice core, 2008

Denton, J.S., Pearce, N.J.G., 2008, Comment on "A synchronized dating of three Greenland ice cores throughout the Holocene" by B. M. Vinther et al.: no Minoan tephra in the 1642 B.C. layer of the GRIP ice core: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 113, 7 p., D04303.

An 18,700 year record of tephra-fall frequency as recorded in peat cores recovered from the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2008

DeRuwe, A.D., 2008, An 18,700 year record of tephra-fall frequency as recorded in peat cores recovered from the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Pacific University M.S. thesis, 28 p.

Evolution of waveform similarity at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, during the 2006 eruption, 2008

DeShon, H.R., 2008, Evolution of waveform similarity at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, during the 2006 eruption [abs]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 79, n. 2, p. 334.

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2006, 2008

Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., and Searcy, Cheryl, 2008, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 326, 79 p., available at .

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2007, 2008

Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D. and Power, J.A., 2008, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 367, 82 p., available online at .

Twenty years of Alaska Volcano Observatory's contributions to seismology, 2008

Dixon, J.P., McNutt, S.R., Power, J.A., and West, M., 2008, Twenty years of Alaska Volcano Observatory's contributions to seismology [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Twenty years of seismic monitoring by the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2008

Dixon, J.P., McNutt, S.R., Power, J.A., and West, M.E., 2008, Twenty years of seismic monitoring by the Alaska Volcano Observatory [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 79, n. 2, p. 318-319.

Alaska Volcano Observatory at 20, 2008

Eichelberger, J.E., 2008, Alaska Volcano Observatory at 20 [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, abstract V43H-01.

The volcano in Athabascan oral narratives, 2008

Fast, P.A., 2008, The volcano in Athabascan oral narratives: Alaska Journal of Anthropology v. 6, no. 1-2, p. 131-140.

Petrogenesis of mafic volcanic rocks from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, by melting of metasomatically enriched depleted lithosphere, crystallization differentiation, and magma mixing, 2008

Feeley, T.C., Chang, J.M., and DeRaps, M.R., 2008, Petrogenesis of mafic volcanic rocks from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, by melting of metasomatically enriched depleted lithosphere, crystallization differentiation, and magma mixing [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Kaguyak dome field and its Holocene caldera, Alaska Peninsula, 2008

Fierstein, J., Hildreth, W., 2008. Kaguyak dome field and its Holocene caldera, Alaska Peninsula [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 78.

Kaguyak dome field and its Holocene caldera, Alaska Peninsula, 2008

Fierstein, Judy, and Hildreth, Wes, 2008, Kaguyak dome field and its Holocene caldera, Alaska Peninsula: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 177, n. 2, p. 340-366, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.05.016 .
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Magmatic differentiation at an island-arc caldera: Okmok Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2008

Finney, Benjamin, Turner, Simon, Hawkesworth, Chris, Larsen, Jessica, Nye, Chris, George, Rhiannon, Bindeman, Ilya, and Eichelberger, John, 2008, Magmatic differentiation at an island-arc caldera: Okmok Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Journal of Petrology, doi:10.1093/petrology/egn008 .

An automatic procedure to forecast tephra fallout, 2008

Folch, A., Cavazzoni, C., Costa, A., and Macedonio, G., 2008, An automatic procedure to forecast tephra fallout: Journal of Volcanology and Geophysical Research, v. 177, n. 4, p. 767-777, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.01.046 .

Analysis and interpretation of volcano deformation in Alaska: studies from Okmok and Mt. Veniaminof volcanoes, 2008

Fournier, T.J., 2008, Analysis and interpretation of volcano deformation in Alaska: studies from Okmok and Mt. Veniaminof volcano: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 134 p.
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Inflation detected at Mount Veniaminof, Alaska, with campaign GPS, 2008

Fournier, Thomas, and Freymueller, Jeff, 2008, Inflation detected at Mount Veniaminof, Alaska, with campaign GPS: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 35, L20306, doi:10.1029/2008GL035503, 5 p.

Inflation detected at Mount Veniaminof, Alaska, with campaign GPS, 2008

Fournier, Thomas, and Freymueller, J.T., 2008, Inflation detected at Mount Veniaminof, Alaska, with campaign GPS [abs.]: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 35, n. 20, 1 p.

Rapid technological change following the White River eruption and the Athapaskan migration from Yukon Territory, 2008

Froese, D., Buck, C.E., Clague, J.J., McColl, L.J., and Hare, P.G., 2008, Rapid technological change following the White River eruption and the Athapaskan migration from Yukon Territory, in Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, 73rd, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2008, Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting: Vancouver, British Columbia, Society for American Archaeology, p. 209.

The Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect and large-scale continental deformation, 2008

Fuis, G.S., 2008, The Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect and large-scale continental deformation [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 40, n. 6, p. 274.

Volcanic forcing of climate over the past 1500 years: an improved ice core-based index for climate models, 2008

Gao, C., Robock, A., and Ammann, C., 2008, Volcanic forcing of climate over the past 1500 years: an improved ice core-based index for climate models: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, v. 113, n. D23, doi: 10.1029/2008JD010239

Satellite observations of the impact of weak volcanic activity on marine clouds, 2008

Gasso, Santiago, 2008, Satellite observations of the impact of weak volcanic activity on marine clouds: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 113, n. D14, 14 p., doi: 10.1029/2007JD009106 .

Granulite facies xenoliths from Prindle Volcano, Alaska: implications for the northern Cordilleran crustal lithosphere, 2008

Ghent, E.D., Edwards, B.R., Russell, J.K., and Mortensen, James, 2008, Granulite facies xenoliths from Prindle Volcano, Alaska: implications for the northern Cordilleran crustal lithosphere: Lithos, v. 101, n. 3-4, p. 344-358, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.07.016 .

Volcano spews lethal acid brew, 2008

Giles, Jim, 2008, Volcano spews lethal acid brew: New Scientist, v. 199, n. 2664, p. 14.

A new geological map of the Arctic, 2008

Harrison, Christopher, St. Onge, Marc, Strelnikov, Sergey, Lopatin, Boris, Wilson, Frederic, Bergmann, Stefan, Solli, Arne, and Jepsen, Hans, 2008, A new geological map of the Arctic [abs.]: in 33rd International Geological Congress, Abstracts, Oslo, Norway, International Geological Congress, v. 33, 1 p.

The issue of trust and its influence on risk communication during a volcanic crisis, 2008

Haynes, Katharine, Barclay, Jenni, and Pidgeon, Nick, 2008, The issue of trust and its influence on risk communication during a volcanic crisis: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 70, p. 605-621, doi:10.1007/s00445-007-0156-z .

The role of volatile exsolution and sub-solidus fluid/rock interactions in producing high 56Fe/54Fe ratios in siliceous igneous rocks, 2008

Heimann, Adriana, Beard, B.L., and Johnson, C.M., 2008, The role of volatile exsolution and sub-solidus fluid/rock interactions in producing high 56Fe/54Fe ratios in siliceous igneous rocks: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 72, n. 17, p. 4379-4396, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.06.009 .

Recent extreme avalanches triggered by climate change?, 2008

Huggel, C., Caplan-Auerbach, J., and Wessels, R., 2008, Recent extreme avalanches; triggered by climate change?: Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union, v. 89, p. 469-470.

An extensive middle to late Pleistocene tephrochronologic record from east-central Alaska, 2008

Jensen, B.J.L., Froese, D.L., Preece, S.J., Westgate, J.A., and Stachel, Thomas, 2008, An extensive middle to late Pleistocene tephrochronologic record from east-central Alaska: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 27, p. 411-427, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.10.010 .

The face of Alaska: A look at land cover and the potential drivers of change, 2008

Jones, B.M., 2008, The face of Alaska: A look at land cover and the potential drivers of change: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1161, 39 p., available at .

Ahtna Place Names Lists, 2008

Kari, James, 2008, Ahtna Place Names Lists: Fairbanks, Alaska, Alaska Native Language Center, 156 p.

Investigation into the effect of silicate ash on the 8.6 mu m sulfur dioxide retrieval in the North Pacific region, 2008

Kearney, C., and Watson, I.M., 2008, Investigation into the effect of silicate ash on the 8.6 mu m sulfur dioxide retrieval in the North Pacific region [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophyiscal Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1p.

Aleutian primitive andesites: from the mantle, but how?, 2008

Kelemen, P.B., 2008, Aleutian primitive andesites: from the mantle, but how?: [abs.]: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 72, n. 12S, p. A458.

New paleomagnetic data from the central Aleutian Arc: evidence and implications for block rotations, 2008

Krutikov, Lena, Stone, David, and Minyuk, Pavel, 2008, New paleomagnetic data from the central Aleutian Arc: evidence and implications for block rotations: Geophysical Monograph, v. 179, p. 135-149, doi:10.1029/179GM07 .

Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Last Glacial Maximum, inferred from insect fossils from a tephra buried soil at Tempest Lake, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2008

Kuzmina, S., Elias, S., Matheus, P., Storer, J.E., and Sher, A., 2008, Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Last Glacial Maximum, inferred from insect fossils from a tephra buried soil at Tempest Lake, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 267, n. 3, p. 245-255.

Holocene tephras in lake cores from northern British Columbia, Canada, 2008

Lakeman, T.R., Clague, J.J., Menounos, Brian, Osborn, G.D., Jensen, B.J.L., Froese, D.G., 2008, Holocene tephras in lake cores from northern British Columbia, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Science, v. 45, p. 935-947.

Heterogeneous bubble nucleation and disequilibrium H2O exsolution in Vesuvius K-phonolite melts, 2008

Larsen, J.F., 2008, Heterogeneous bubble nucleation and disequilibrium H2O exsolution in Vesuvius K-phonolite melts: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 175, p. 278-288, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.03.015 .

Magma storage and movement at Okmok and Westdahl volcanoes, Alaska: Comparing experimental petrology with geophysical models, 2008

Larsen, J., Izbekov, P., Rader, E., Freymueller, J., 2008. Magma storage and movement at Okmok and Westdahl volcanoes, Alaska: Comparing experimental petrology with geophysical models [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 3.

Deformation of the Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 1992-2005, measured by ERS and ENVISAT SAR interferometry, 2008

Lee, Chang-Wook, Lu, Zhong, Kwoun, Oh-Ig, and Won, Joong-Sun, 2008, Deformation of the Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 1992-2005, measured by ERS and ENVISAT SAR interferometry: Earth, Planets, and Space, v. 60, n. 5, p. 447-452.

The Kamchatka-Aleutian collision zone: mother of all cusps, 2008

Lees, J.M., 2008, The Kamchatka-Aleutian collision zone: mother of all cusps [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

The White River ash: largest Holocene plinian tephra, 2008

Lerbekmo, J.F., 2008, The White River ash: largest Holocene plinian tephra: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 45, n. 6, p. 693-700.

Motion patterns of Nabesna Glacier (Alaska) revealed by interferometric SAR techniques, 2008

Li, Shusun, Benson, Carl, Gens, Rudi, and Lingle, Craig, 2008, Motion patterns of Nabesna Glacier (Alaska) revealed by interferometric SAR techniques: Remote Sensing of Environment, v. 112, n. 9, p. 3628-2628, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2008.05.015 .

Observation of volcanoes through webcams: tools and techniques, 2008

Lovick, J., Lawler, O., Dean, K., and Dehn, J., 2008, Observation of volcanoes through webcams: tools and techniques [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

The role of volatiles in magma transport and seismicity in the deep crust, 2008

Mangan M.T., Sisson, D., and Hill, D., 2008. The role of volatiles in magma transport and seismicity in the deep crust [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 8.

BET-EF: a probablistic tool for long- and short-term eruption forecasting, 2008

Marzocchi, Warner, Sandri, Laura, and Selva, Jacopo, 2008, BET-EF: a probablistic tool for long- and short-term eruption forecasting: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 70, p. 623-632, doi:10.1007/s00445-007-0157-y .

Mitigating hazards to aircraft from drifting volcanic clouds by comparing and combining IR satellite data with forward transport models, 2008

Matiella Novak, M.A., 2008, Mitigating hazards to aircraft from drifting volcanic clouds by comparing and combining IR satellite data with forward transport models: Michigan Techological University Ph.D. dissertation, 252 p.

High rate GPS data on active volcanoes: an application to the 2005-2006 Mt. Augustine (Alaska, USA) eruption, 2008

Mattia, Mario, Palano, Mimmo, Aloisi, Marco, Bruno, Valentina, and Bock, Yehuda, 2008, High rate GPS data on active volcanoes: an application to the 2005-2006 Mt. Augustine (Alaska, USA) eruption: Terra Nova, v. 20, n. 2, p. 134-140.

Atmospheric contribution of gas emissions from Augustine volcano, Alaska during the 2006 eruption, 2008

McGee, K.A., Doukas, M.P., McGimsey, R.G., Neal, C.A., and Wessels, R.L., 2008, Atmospheric contribution of gas emissions from Augustine volcano, Alaska during the 2006 eruption: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 35, L03306, doi: 10.1029/2007GL032301, 5 p.
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2005 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2008

McGimsey, R.G., Neal, C.A., Dixon, J.P., and Ushakov, Sergey, 2008, 2005 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5269, 94 p., available at .

Spatter construct -- ice interaction and lahar generation: an example from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, 2008

McNutt, S., Waythomas, C., 2008. Spatter construct -- ice interaction and lahar generation: an example from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 79.

Using seismic b-values to interpret seismicity rates and processes during the 2006 eruption at Augustine Volcano, 2008

McNutt, S., and Jacobs, K., 2008. Using seismic b-values to interpret seismicity rates and processes during the 2006 eruption at Augustine volcano [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 15.

Using seismic b-values to interpret seismicity rates and processes during the 2006 eruption at Augustine Volcano, 2008

McNutt, S.R., and Jacobs, K.M., 2008, Using seismic b-values to interpret seismicity rates and processes during the 2006 eruption at Augustine Volcano [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Volcanic tremor during eruptions: temporal characteristics, scaling, and constraints on conduit size and processes, 2008

McNutt, S.R., and Nishimura, Takeshi, 2008, Volcanic tremor during eruptions; temporal characteristics, scaling and constraints on conduit size and processes: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 178, p. 10-18.

Petrogenic modeling of pre-2004 lavas from Mt. Cleveland, Chuginadak Island, AK, 2008

Meleney, P., Nicolaysen, K.P., and Dehn, J., 2008, Petrogenic modeling of pre-2004 lavas from Mt. Cleveland, Chuginadak Island, AK [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Stereo SEM images of volcanic ash particles for shape and surface area measurements, 2008

Mills, O.P., 2008, Stereo SEM images of volcanic ash particles for shape and surface area measurements: Michigan Technological University M.S. thesis, 43 p.

Bubble coalescence and collapse in vesicular rhyollite: An experimental study, 2008

Mongrain, J., Larsen, J., 2008. Bubble coalescence and collapse in vesicular rhyollite: An experimental study [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 39.

Rapid water exsolution, degassing, and bubble collapse observed experimentally in K-phonolite melts, 2008

Mongrain, J., Larsen, J.F., and King, P.L., 2008, Rapid water exsolution, degassing, and bubble collapse observed experimentally in K-phonolite melts: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 173, n. 3-4, p. 178-184.

Instrumentation recommendations for volcano monitoring at U.S. volcanoes under the National Volcano Early Warning System, 2008

Moran, S.C., Freymueller, J.T., LaHusen, R.G., McGee, K.A., Poland, M.P., Power, J.A., Schmidt, D.A., Schneider, D.J., Stephens, G., Werner, C.A., and White, R.A., 2008, Instrumentation recommendations for volcano monitoring at U.S. volcanoes under the National Volcano Early Warning System: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5114, 47 p., available online at .

Record of upper mantle evolution beneath western Alaska as preserved by peridotite xenoliths in the Bering Sea volcanic province, 2008

Mukasa, S.B., and Andronikov, A.V., 2008, Record of upper mantle evolution beneath western Alaska as preserved by peridotite xenoliths in the Bering Sea volcanic province [abs.]: in Abstracts of the 18th annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 72, v. 12S, p. A661.

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2006, 2008

Nathenson, Manuel, 2008, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1006, 11 p., available at .

Active volcanoes of the Kurile Islands: a reference guide for aviation users, 2008

Neal, Christina, Rybin, Alexander, Chibisova, Marina, and Miller, Edward, 2008, Active volcanoes of the Kurile Islands: a reference guide for aviation users: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1162, 10 p., available at .

Augustine Volcano: Mg, Cr, and Ni-rich: LILE, REE, and HFSE-poor, 2008

Nye, C.J., Coombs, M.L., Larsen, J., Izbekov, P., Tilman, M., and Cameron, C., 2008, Augustine Volcano: Mg, Cr, and Ni-rich: LILE, REE, and HFSE-poor [abs.]: in Abstracts of the 18th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 72, n. 12S, p. A692.

Regional variations in Aleutian magma composition, 2008

Nye, C.J., Regional variations in Aleutian magma composition [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Ti-in-quartz geothermometry constrains thermal histories of magmas of Katmai National Park, Alaska, 2008

Payne, A.L., and Eichelberger, J.C., 2008, Ti-in-quartz geothermometry constrains thermal histories of magmas of Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Distal volcanic impacts on peatlands: palaeoecological evidence from Alaska, 2008

Payne, Richard, and Blackford, Jeffrey, 2008, Distal volcanic impacts on peatlands: palaeoecological evidence from Alaska: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 27, n. 21-22, p. 2012-2030, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.08.002 .

Extending the Late Holocene tephrochronology of the central Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2008

Payne, R.J., and Blackford, J.J., 2008, Extending the Late Holocene tephrochronology of the central Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Arctic, v. 61, n. 3, p. 243-254.

Patchiness of tephra deposition on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2008

Payne, Richard, 2008, Patchiness of tephra deposition on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Quaternary Newsletter, v. 115, p. 37-39.

Using cryptotephras to extend regional tephrochronologies: an example from southeast Alaska and implications for hazard assessment, 2008

Payne, Richard, Blackford, Jeffrey, and van der Plicht, Johannes, 2008, Using cryptotephras to extend regional tephrochronologies: an example from southeast Alaska and implications for hazard assessment: Quaternary Research, v. 69, n. 1, p. 42-55.

Three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure and precise earthquake relocation at Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska, 2008

Pesicek, J.D., Thurber, C.H., DeShon, H.R., Prejean, S.G., and Zhang, Haijiang, 2008, Three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure and precise earthquake relocation at Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 98, n. 5, p. 2428-2448.

Forecasting exposure to volcanic ash based on ash dispersion modeling, 2008

Peterson, R.A., and Dean, K.G., 2008, Forecasting exposure to volcanic ash based on ash dispersion modeling: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 170, p. 230-246, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2007.10.003.

Volcanic ash dispersion modeling: the Puff model, 2008

Peterson, R., Dean, K.G., and Webley, P.W., 2008, Volcanic ash dispersion modeling: the Puff model [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, Americal Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

A phytotoxic dense gas flow produced during the crater lake breakout at Chiginagak Volcano, Alaska, 2008

Pfeffer, Melissa, and Schaefer, Janet, 2008, A phytotoxic dense gas flow produced during the crater lake breakout at Chiginagak Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway.

Modeling the phytotoxic dense gas flow released during the crater lake breakout of Chiginagak Volcano, 2008

Pfeffer, M., Schaefer, J., 2008. Modeling the phytotoxic gas flow released during the crater lake breakout of Chiginagak Volcano [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 71.

The 1996 earthquake swarm and intrusion at Akutan Volcano, Alaska: an example of a failed eruption, 2008

Power, J.A., Lu, Z., Prejean, S., Wicks, C., and Dzurisin, D., 2008, The 1996 earthquake swarm and intrusion at Akutan Volcano, Alaska: an example of a failed eruption [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Seismicity and structure of the Katmai volcanic cluster, Alaska, revealed, 2008

Prejean, S., Haney, M., Pesicek, J., and Thurber, C., 2008, Seismicity and structure of the Katmai volcanic cluster, Alaska, revealed [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Water under-saturated phase equilibria of basaltic andesites from Westdahl Volcano, Alaska, 2008

Rader, E.L., and Larsen, J., 2008, Water under-saturated phase equilibria of basaltic andesites from Westdahl Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

To the Geolog Editor, 2008

Riehle, J.R., 2008, To the Geolog Editor: Geolog, v. 37, n. 4, p. 7-8.

Multiple mechanisms for noneruptive volcanotectonic earthquake swarms: examples from Iliamna Volcano and Crater Peak (Mt. Spurr), Alaska, 2008

Roman, D.C., 2008, Multiple mechanisms for noneruptive volcanotectonic earthquake swarms: examples from Iliamna Volcano and Crater Peak (Mt. Spurr), Alaska [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53.

Great and old earthquakes against great and old paradigms: paradoxes, historical roots, alternative answers, 2008

Scalera, G., 2008, Great and old earthquakes against great and old paradigms: paradoxes, historical roots, alternative answers: Advances in Geosciences, v. 14, p. 41-57, online at .

Preliminary bathymetric map of Mother Goose Lake, Alaska Peninsula, 2008

Schaefer, J.R., Wallace, K.L., and Kassel, C.M., 2008, Preliminary bathymetric map of Mother Goose Lake, Alaska Peninsula: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2008-3, 1 disc, available at .

The 2005 catastrophic acid crater lake drainage, lahar, and acidic aerosol formation at Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska, USA: Field observations and preliminary water and vegetation chemistry results, 2008

Schaefer, J. R., W. E. Scott, W. C. Evans, J. Jorgenson, R. G. McGimsey, and B. Wang, 2008, The 2005 catastrophic acid crater lake drainage, lahar, and acidic aerosol formation at Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska, USA: Field observations and preliminary water and vegetation chemistry results: Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, v. 9, n. 7, 29 p., Q07018, doi:10.1029/2007GC001900.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory - 20 years of volcano research, monitoring, and eruption response, 2008

Schaefer, J.R., and Nye, Chris, 2008, The Alaska Volcano Observatory - 20 years of volcano research, monitoring, and eruption response: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Alaska GeoSurvey News, NL 2008-001, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1-9, available at .

Modeled tephra ages from lake sediments, base of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2008

Schiff, C.J., Kaufman, D.S., Wallace, K.L., Werner, A., Ku, T.L., and Brown, T.A., 2008, Modeled tephra ages from lake sediments, base of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 3, p. 56-67.

Dynamic modeling of large rock-ice avalanches from active volcanoes: case study at Iliamna Volcano, 2008

Schneider, D., Huggel, C., Caplan-Auerbach, J., Wessels, R., McArdell, B.W., Waythomas, C.F., 2008. Dynamic modeling of large rock-ice avalanches from active volcanoes: case study at Iliamna Volcano [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 75.

New geologic map of the Kuskokwim Bay region of southwest Alaska, 2008

Shew, Nora, Wilson, F.H., and Hults, C.P., 2008, New geologic map of the Kuskokwim Bay region of southwest Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 40, n. 1, p. 55.

A summary of the history and achievements of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2008

Smith, R.W., 2008, A summary of the history and achievements of the Alaska Volcano Observatory [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, abstract V43H-08.

Mafic inputs to the Augustine magma system over the past 2,200 years, 2008

Steiner, A., and Browne, B., 2008, Mafic inputs to the Augustine magma system over the past 2,200 years [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Written communication, 2008

Stelling, Pete, 2008, written communication.

Magma dynamics and collapse mechanisms during four historic caldera-forming events, 2008

Stix, John, and Kobayashi, Tomokazu, 2008, Magma dynamics and collapse mechanisms during four historic caldera-forming events: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 113, n. B9, 14 p., doi: 10.1029/2007JB005073 .

Anhydrite in the 1989-1990 lavas and xenoliths from Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2008

Swanson, S.E., and Kearney, C.S., 2008, Anhydrite in the 1989-1990 lavas and xenoliths from Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 175, n. 4, p. 509-516.

An investigation of symplectite-rimmed olivine and magmatic processes during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2008

Tilman, M.R., 2008, An investigation of symplectite-rimmed olivine and magmatic processes during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks M.S. thesis, 166 p.

Development of Alaska Volcano Observatory seismic networks, 1988-2008, 2008

Tytgat, Guy, Paskievitch, J.F., McNutt, S.R., and Power, J.A., 2008, Development of Alaska Volcano Observatory seismic networks, 1988-2008 [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophyiscal Union, v. 89, n. 53, abstract V43H-02.

20th anniversary of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2008

University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute, 2008, 20th anniversary of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: University of Alaska Geophysical Institute pamphlet, 2 p.

15 years of thermal trends preceding explosive eruptions at the Bezymianny (Kamchatka) dome., 2008

Van Manen, S., Dehn, J., 2008. 15 years of thermal trends preceding explosive eruptions at the Bezymianny (Kamchatka) dome [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 66.

Debris flows associated with lava extrusion at three stratocones: Cleveland, Pavlof (Alaska) and Stromboli (Italy), 2008

van Manen, S., and Dehn, J., 2008, Debris flows associated with lava extrusion at three stratocones: Cleveland, Pavlof (Alaska) and Stromboli (Italy) [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Alaska Volcano Observatory [Postcard], 2008

Venezky, Dina Y., Murray, Tom, and Read, Cyrus, 2008, Alaska Volcano Observatory [postcard]: U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product 79 [].

Reply to comment by J. S. Denton and N. J. G. Pearce on “A synchronized dating of three Greenland ice cores throughout the Holocene”, 2008

Vinther, B.M., Clausen, H.B., Johnsen, S.J., Rasmussen, S.O., Steffensen, J.P., Andersen, K.K., Buchardt, S.L., Dalh-Jensen, D., Seierstad, I.K., Svensson, A.M., Siggard-Andersen, M.-L., Olsen, J., and Heinemeier, J., 2008, Reply to comment by J. S. Denton and N. J. G. Pearce on "A synchronized dating of three Greenland ice cores throughout the Holocene": Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres v. 113, no. D12, unpaged.

Old Crow tephra (140 ± 10 ka) constrains penultimate Reid glaciation in central Yukon Territory, 2008

Ward, B.C., Bond, J.D., Froese, D., and Jensen, Britta, 2008, Old Crow tephra (140+/-10 ka) constrains penultimate Reid glaciation in central Yukon Territory: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 27, p. 1909-1915.

Alaska's Pavlof Volcano ends 11-year repose, 2008

Waythomas, C.F., Prejean, S.G., and McNutt, S.R., 2008, Alaska's Pavlof Volcano ends 11-year repose: Eos, v. 89, n. 23, p. 209, 211.

Small volcano, big eruption, scientists rescued just in time, 2008

Waythomas, C.F., Prejean, S.G., and Schneider, D.J., 2008, Small volcano, big eruption, scientists rescued just in time: US Department of the Interior online publication People, Land, and Water preprint.

Predicting and validating the tracking of a volcanic ash cloud during the 2006 eruption of Mount Augustine Volcano, 2008

Webley, P.W., Atkinson, D., Collins, R.L., Fochesatto, J., Sassen, K., Cahill, C.F., Prata, A., Flynn, C.J., and Mizutani, K., 2008, Predicting and validating the tracking of a volcanic ash cloud during the 2006 eruption of Mount Augustine Volcano: Bulletin of the American Meterological Society, v. 89, n. 11, p. 1647-1658, doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2579.1 .

Gas emissions from failed and successful eruptions in Alaska, 1990-2006, 2008

Werner, C., Doukas, M., and Staff, A., 2008, Gas emissions from failed and successful eruptions in Alaska, 1990-2006 [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 89, n. 53, 1 p.

Gas emissions related to heightened activity at Fourpeaked Volcano, 2006-2007, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 2008

Werner, C., Doukas, M., Cervelli, P., Carn, S.A., 2008. Gas emissions related to heightened activity at Fourpeaked Volcano, 2006-2007, Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: IAVCEI 2008 Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 33.

Changing ideas on the identity and stratigraphic significance of the Sheep Creek tephra beds in Alaska and the Yukon Territory, northwestern North America, 2008

Westgate, J.A., Preece, S.J., Froese, D.G., Pearce, N.J.G., Roberts, R.G., Demuro, M., Hart, W.K., and Perkins, W., 2008, Changing ideas on the identity and stratigraphic significance of the Sheep Creek tephra beds in Alaska and the Yukon Territory, northwestern North America: Quaternary International, v. 178, n. 1, p. 183-209, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2007.03.009.

New geologic map of the northern Alaska Peninsula region of southwest Alaska, 2008

Wilson, F.H., Shew, Nora, Labay, K.A., and Hults, C.P., 2008, New geologic map of the northern Alaska Peninsula region of southwest Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 40, n. 1, p. 55.

Probabilistic criteria for volcano evacuation decisions, 2008

Woo, Gordon, 2008, Probabilistic criteria for volcano evacuation decisions: Natural Hazards, v. 45, p. 87-97, doi:10.1007/s11069-007-9171-9.

Western Aleutian and Kamchatka high-Mg# andesite and dacite, 2008

Yogodzinski, G.M., and Bryant, J.A., 2008, Western Aleutian and Kamchatka high-Mg# andesite and dacite [abs.]: in Abstracts of the 18th annual V.M. Goldschmidt conference, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 72, n. 12S, p. A1062.

Natural hazards, fish habitat, and fishing communities in Alaska, 2008

Zimmerman, C.E., Neal, C.A., and Haeussler, P.J., 2008, Natural hazards, fish habitat, and fishing communities in Alaska: American Fisheries Society Symposium, v. 64, p. 375-388.
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Alaska's volcano teaching kit: building awareness of volcanic hazards through state-wide science education, 2007

Adleman, Jennifer, 2007, Alaska's volcano teaching kit: building awareness of volcanic hazards through state-wide science education [abs.]: Cities on Volcanoes 5 Conference, Abstract volume, Shimabara Japan, abstract number 32-P-16.

Alaska's volcano teaching kit: building awareness of volcanic hazards through state-wide science education, 2007

Adleman, Jennifer, 2007, Alaska's volcano teaching kit: building awareness of volcanic hazards through state-wide science education [abs.]: Cities on Volcanoes 5 Conference, Abstracts volume, Shimabara, Japan, abstract number 32-P-16, p. 171 of unpaginated document.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory's information management systems during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2007

Adleman, Jennifer, and Snedigar, Seth, 2007, The Alaska Volcano Observatory's information management systems during the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Cook Inlet, Alaska [abs.]: Cities on Volcanoes 5 Conference, Abstract volume, Shimabara, Japan, abstract number 31-O-05, p. 154 of unpaginated document.

Alaska Science Center, providing timely, relevant, and impartial study of the landscape, natural resources, and natural hazards for Alaska an our nation, 2007

U.S.G.S. Alaska Science Center, 2007, Alaska Science Center, providing timely, relevant, and impartial study of the landscape, natural resources, and natural hazards for Alaska an our nation: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3019, 4 p., available at: .

Luminescence investigation of loess and tephra from Halfway House section, Central Alaska, 2007

Auclair, Marie, Lamothe, Michel, Lagroix, France, and Banerjee, S.K., 2007, Luminescence investigation of loess and tephra from Halfway House section, Central Alaska: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 2, n. 1-4, p. 34-38, doi: 10.1016/j,quageo.2006.05.009 .

Glacier-volcano interactions in the north crater of Mt. Wrangell, Alaska, 2007

Benson, Carl, Motyka, Roman, McNutt, Stephen, Luethi, Martin, and Truffer, Martin, 2007, Glacier-volcano interactions in the north crater of Mt. Wrangell, Alaska: Annals of Glaciology, v. 45, p. 48-57.

Testing the plume theory, 2007

Campbell, I.H., 2007, Testing the plume theory: Chemical Geology, v. 241, n. 3-4, p. 153-176, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.01.024 .

Precursory seismicity associated with frequent, large ice avalanches on Iliamna volcano, Alaska, USA, 2007

Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline, Huggel, Christian, 2007, Precursory seismicity associated with frequent, large ice avalanches on Iliamna volcano, Alaska, USA: Journal of Glaciology, v. 53, n. 180, p. 128-140.

Seismicity associated with recurrent ice avalanches at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, and Mt. Baker, Washington, 2007

Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline, and Huggel, Christian, 2007, Seismicity associated with recurrent ice avalanches at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, and Mt. Baker, Washington [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 21.

WMO environmental emergency response activities programme, 2007

Chen, Peter, 2007, WMO environmental emergency response activities programme: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 4 p., available at .

Predicting and validating the motion of an ash cloud during the 2006 eruption of Mount Augustine volcano, Alaska, USA, 2007

Collins, R.L., Fochesatto, J., Sassen, K., Webley, P.W., Atkinson, D.E., Dean, K., Cahill, C.F., and Mizutani, K., 2007, Predicting and validating the motion of an ash cloud during the 2006 eruption of Mount Augustine volcano, Alaska, USA: Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, v. 54, n. 1-2, p. 17-28.

Massive edifice failure at Aleutian arc volcanoes, 2007

Coombs, M.L., White, S.M., and Scholl, D.W., 2007, Massive edifice failure at Aleutian arc volcanoes: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 256, p. 403-418, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.01.030.

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Tanaga Volcanic Cluster, Tanaga Island, Alaska, 2007

Coombs, M.L., McGimsey, R.G., and Browne, B.L., 2007, Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Tanaga Volcanic Cluster, Tanaga Island, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5094, 36 p., available online at: .

Observations of volcanic tremor during the January-February 2005 eruption of Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska, 2007

De Angelis, Silvio, and McNutt, S.R., 2007, Observations of volcanic tremor during the January-February 2005 eruption of Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 69, p. 927-940, doi:10.1007/s00445-007-0119-4.

Late Quaternary distal tephra-fall deposits in lacustrine sediments, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2007

de Fontaine, C.S., Kaufman, D.S., Anderson, R.S., Werner, Al, Waythomas, C.F., and Brown, T.A., 2007, Late Quaternary distal tephra-fall deposits in lacustrine sediments, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Quaternary Research, v. 68, p. 64-78, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2007.03.006.

High-precision earthquake location and three-dimensional P wave velocity determination at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2007

DeShon, H. R., Thurber, C.H., and Rowe, Charlotte, 2007, High-precision earthquake location and three-dimensional P wave velocity determination at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Geophyical Research, v. 112, article B07312, doi:10.1029/2006JB004751.

The January 2006 volcanic-tectonic earthquake swarm at Mount Martin, Alaska, 2007

Dixon, J.P., Prejean, S.G., and Power, J.A., 2007, The January 2006 volcanic-tectonic earthquake swarm at Mount Martin, Alaska [abs].: Seismological Research Letters, v. 78, n. 2, p. 255.

A compilation of gas emission-rate data from volcanoes of Cook Inlet (Spurr, Crater Peak, Redoubt, Iliamna, and Augustine) and Alaska Peninsula (Douglas, Fourpeaked, Griggs, Mageik, Martin, Peulik, Ukinrek Maars, and Veniaminof), Alaska, from 1995-2006, 2007

Doukas, M.P., and McGee, K.A., 2007, A compilation of gas emission-rate data from volcanoes of Cook Inlet (Spurr, Crater Peak, Redoubt, Iliamna, and Augustine) and Alaska Peninsula (Douglas, Fourpeaked, Griggs, Mageik, Martin, Peulik, Ukinrek Maars, and Veniaminof), Alaska, from 1995-2006: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1400, 13 p., available at .

Dating young basalt eruptions by (U-Th)/He on xenolithic zircons, 2007

Blondes, M.S., Reiners, P.W., Edwards, B.R., and Biscontini, Adrian, 2007, Dating young basalt eruptions by (U-Th)/He on xenolithic zircons: Geology, v. 35, n. 1, p. 17-20, doi:10.1130/G22956A.1.

Magmatic gas efflux at the Ukinrek Maars, Alaska, 2007

Evans, W.C., Bergfield, D., McGimsey, R.G., and Hunt, A.G., 2007, Magmatic gas efflux at the Ukinrek Maars, Alaska: in Bullen, T.D., and Wang, Y., eds., Water-Rock Interactions 12, v. 1, Taylor and Francis, London, p. 65-69.

System for ranking relative threats of U.S. volcanoes, 2007

Ewert, John, 2007, System for ranking relative threats of U.S. volcanoes: Natural Hazards Review, v. 8, n. 4, p. 112-124.

Estimates of gas flux from infrasonic signals at Augustine Volcano during the January 2006 eruption: implications for eruption plume types, 2007

Fernandes, J.J., Bellesiles, A.K., and Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline, 2007, Estimates of gas flux from infrasonic signals at Augustine Volcano during the January 2006 eruption: implications for eruption plume types [abs]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 78.

Explosive eruptive record in the Katmai region, Alaska Peninsula: an overview, 2007

Fierstein, Judy, 2007, Explosive eruptive record in the Katmai region, Alaska Peninsula: an overview: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 69, n. 5, p. 469-509, doi:10.1007/s00445-006-0097-y.

Atmospheric volcanic loading derived from bipolar ice cores: accounting for the spatial distribution of volcanic deposition, 2007

Gao, Chaochao, Oman, Luke, Robock, Alan, and Stenchikov, G.L., 2007, Atmospheric volcanic loading derived from bipolar ice cores: accounting for the spatial distribution of volcanic deposition: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, n. D9, 18 p. doi:10.1029/2006JD007461 .

Acoustic surveillance for hazardous eruptions (ASHE): preliminary results from a pilot infrasound experiment, 2007

Garces, Milton, McCormack, D., Servrancks, R., Bass, H., Hedlin, M., and Yepes, H., 2007, Acoustic surveillance for hazardous eruptions (ASHE): preliminary results from a pilot infrasound experiment: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 4 p., available at .

Eruption and deposition of the Fisher Tuff (Alaska): evidence for the evolution of pyroclastic flows, 2007

Gardner, J.E., Burgisser, Alain, and Stelling, Pete, 2007, Eruption and deposition of the Fisher Tuff (Alaska): evidence for the evolution of pyroclastic flows: Journal of Geology, v. 115, p. 417-435.

Eruption warning systems for aviation in Russia: a 2007 status report, 2007

Neal, Christina, Girina, Olga, Senyukov, Sergey, Rybin, Alexander, Osiensky, Jeffrey, Hall, Tony, Nelson, Kristine, and Izbekov, Pavel, 2007: Eruption warning systems for aviation in Russia: a 2007 status report: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 8 p., available at .

Construction of digital potential marine benthic habitat maps using a coded classification scheme and its application, 2007

Greene, H.G., Bizzaro, J.J., O'Connell, V.M., and Brylinsky, C.K., 2007, Construction of digital potential marine benthic habitat maps using a coded classification scheme and its application: Geological Society of Canada Special Paper 47, p. 141-155.

The offshore Edgecumbe lava field, Southeast Alaska: Geologic and habitat characterization of a commercial fishing ground, 2007

Greene, H.G., O'Connell, V.M., Wakefield, W.W., and Brylinsky, C.K., 2007, The offshore Edgecumbe lava field, Southeast Alaska: Geologic and habitat characterization of a commercial fishing ground: Geological Society of Canada Special Paper 47, p. 277-295.

Compilation of disruptions to airports from volcanic activity (version 1.0, 1944-2006), 2007

Guffanti, Marianne, Mayberry, G.C., Casadevall, T.J., and Wunderman, Richard, 2007, Compilation of disruptions to airports from volcanic activity (version 1.0, 1944-2006): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1256, 26 p., available online at

Overview of volcano monitoring for eruption forecasting and alerting, 2007

Guffanti, Marianne, and Ewert, John, 2007, Overview of volcano monitoring for eruption forecasting and alerting: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 5 p., available at .

Technical-information products for a National Volcano Early Warning System, 2007

Guffanti, Marianne, Brantley, S.R., Cervelli, P.F., Nye, C.J., Serafino, G.N., Siebert, Lee, Venezky, D.Y., and Wald, Lisa, 2007, Technical-information products for a National Volcano Early Warning System: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1250, 22 p., available at .

USGS perspectivs on volcanic hazards to aviation and implementation of ICAO's International Airways Volcano Watch, 2007

Guffanti, Marianne, 2007, USGS perspectivs on volcanic hazards to aviation and implementation of ICAO's International Airways Volcano Watch: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 7 p., available at .

Blue Mountain and The Gas Rocks: rear-arc dome clusters on the Alaska Peninsula, 2007

Hildreth, Wes, Fierstein, Judy, and Calvert, A.T., 2007, Blue Mountain and The Gas Rocks; rear-arc dome clusters on the Alaska Peninsula: in Haeussler, P.J., and Galloway, J.P., eds., Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1739-A, 27 p., available at .

Monitoring and modeling ice-rock avalanches from ice-capped volcanoes: a case study of frequent large avalanches on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, 2007

Huggel, Christian, Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline, Waythomas, C.F., and Wessels, Rick, 2007, Monitoring and modeling ice-rock avalanches from ice-capped volcanoes: a case study of frequent large avalanches on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 168, p. 114-136, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2007.08.009.

Guidelines on preparedness before, during and after an ashfall, 2007

International Volcanic Health Hazard Network, 2007, Guidelines on preparedness before, during and after an ashfall: International Volcanic Health Hazard Network Pamphlet, available at .

The health hazards of volcanic ash, a guide for the public, 2007

International Volcanic Health Hazard Network, 2007, The health hazards of volcanic ash, a guide for the public: International Volcanic Health Hazard Network Pamphlet, 10 p., available at .

Tephrochronology of middle to late Pleistocene loess in east-central Alaska, 2007

Jensen, B.J.L., 2007, Tephrochronology of Middle to Late Pleistocene Loess in Eastcentral Alaska: University of Alberta M.S. thesis, 120 p.

Geochemical sourcing of obsidian at Zeto Point, Adak Island, AK: implications for prehistoric Unangan resource acquisition, 2007

Johnson, T.R., Nicolaysen, Kirsten, West, Dixie, Wilmerding, E.G., and Hatfield, V.L., 2007, Geochemical sourcing of obsidian at Zeto Point, Adak Island, AK: implications for prehistoric Unangan resource acquisition [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 63.

Three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure derived from local earthquakes at the Katmai group of volcanoes, Alaska, 2007

Jolly, A.D., Moran, S.C., McNutt, S.R., and Stone, D.B., 2007, Three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure derived from local earthquakes at the Katmai group of volcanoes, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 159, p. 326-342, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2006.06.022.

Late Pleistocene and Holocene caldera-forming eruptions of Okmok Caldera, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2007

Larsen, J. F., Neal, Christina, Schaefer, Janet, Beget, Jim, and Nye, Chris, 2007, Late Pleistocene and Holocene caldera-forming eruptions of Okmok Caldera, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, in Eichelberger, John, Gordeev, Evgenii, Izbekov, Pavel, Kasahara, Minoru, and Lees, Jonathan, eds., Volcanism and Subduction: The Kamchatka Region: Geophysical Monograph 172, American Geophysical Union, p. 343-364.

InSAR imaging of volcanic deformation over cloud-prone areas - Aleutian Islands, 2007

Lu, Zhong, 2007, InSAR imaging of volcanic deformation over cloud-prone areas - Aleutian Islands: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 73, n. 3, p. 245-257.

Magma intrusion and deformation predictions: sensitivites to the Mogi assumptions, 2007

Masterlark, Timothy, 2007, Magma intrusion and deformation predictions: sensitivities to the Mogi assumptions: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, n. B6, 14 p., doi:10.1029/2006JB004860 .

The style of water-magma mixing and its effect on the dynamics of volcanic plumes, 2007

Mastin, L.G., 2007, The style of water-magma mixing and its effect on the dynamics of volcanic plumes [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 21.

Advances in the detection and tracking of volcanic clouds from space, 2007

Carn, S.A., Krotkov, N.A., Yang, Kai, Krueger, A.J., Prata, F.J., and Hoff, R.M., 2007, Advances in the detection and tracking of volcanic clouds from space: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 9 p., available at .

Ten years of monitoring the eruption of Shrub mud volcano, Alaska, 2007

McGimsey, R.G., Evans, W.C., Bergfield, D., McCarthy, S., and Hagstrum, J.T., 2007, Ten years of monitoring the eruption of Shrub mud volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 88, n. 52, abstract V13B-1345.

Late Holocene climate at Hallet and Greyling Lakes, central Chugach Range, south-central Alaska, 2007

McKay, N.P., 2007, Late Holocene climate at Hallet and Greyling Lakes, central Chugach Range, south-central Alaska: Northern Arizona University M.S. thesis, 96 p.

The (super 40) Ar/ (Super 39) Ar chronology and eruption rates of Cenozoic volcanism in the eastern Bering Sea Volcanic Province, Alaska, 2007

Mukasa, S.B., Andronikov, A.V., and Hall, C.M., 2007, The (super 40) Ar/ (Super 39) Ar chronology and eruption rates of Cenozoic volcanism in the eastern Bering Sea Volcanic Province, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, 18 p., doi: 10.1029/2006JB004452, 2007.

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2005, 2007

Nathenson, Manuel 2007, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1064, 11 p., available at

An ash fall atlas poster for volcanic hazard education in the U.S., 2007

Neal, Christina, Wallace, Kristi, and Adleman, Jennifer, 2007, An ash fall atlas poster for volcanic hazard education in the U.S.[abs.]: Cities on Volcanoes 5 Conference, Abstracts volume, Shimabara, Japan, abstract number 32-P-07, p. 168 on unpaginated document.

Volcanic disruption of summit ice at Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska, 2004-2007, 2007

Neal, C.A., Coombs, Michelle, Wessels, Rick, and McGimsey, R.G., 2007, Volcanic disruption of summit ice at Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska, 2004-2007 [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 20.

NWS moving forward with volcanic ash training, 2007

Nelson, Kristine, 2007, NWS moving forward with volcanic ash training: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 3 p., available at .

Correlative geologic and tectonic events in the Russian Northeast, Alaska, and the northern Canadian Cordillera, 2007

Nokleberg, W.J., Parfenov, L.M., Monger, J.W., Stone, D.B., Scotese, C.R., and Scholl, D.W., 2007, Correlative geologic and tectonic events in the Russian Northeast, Alaska, and the northern Canadian Cordillera [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 60.

National volcanic ash operations plan for aviation, 2007

Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Research, 2007, National volcanic ash operations plan for aviation: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Research FCM-P35-2007, 47 p., available at

Revisiting evolutionary dead ends in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) life history, 2007

Pavey, S.A., Hamon, T.R., and Nielsen, J.L., 2007, Revisiting evolutionary dead ends in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) life history: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 64, p. 1199-1208, doi: 10.1139/F07-091 .

Seismo-acoustic signals associated with degassing explosions recorded at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2003-2004, 2007

Petersen, Tanja, and McNutt, S.R., 2007, Seismo-acoustic signals associated with degassing explosions recorded at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2003-2004: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 69, n. 5, p. 527-536, doi: 10.1007/s00445-006-0088-z.

Swarms of repeating long-period earthquakes at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2001 - 2004, 2007

Petersen, Tanja, 2007, Swarms of repeating long-period earthquakes at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2001 - 2004: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 166, n. 3-4, p. 177-192.

Crisis GIS: Preparing for and responding to volcanic eruptions in the United States, 2007

Ramsey, D. W., Robinson, J. E., Schilling, S. P., Schaefer, J. R., and Trusdell, F. A., 2007, Crisis GIS: Preparing for and responding to volcanic eruptions in the United States, in Thomas, C., ed., Standards for Success: GIS for Federal Progress and Accountability: Redlands, California, ESRI Press, p. 3-8.

Cenozoic tectonic processes along the southern Alaska convergent margin, 2007

Ridgway, K.D., and Flesch, L.M., 2007, Cenozoic tectonic processes along the southern Alaska convergent margin: Geology, v. 35, n. 11, p. 1055-1056, doi:10.1130/focus112007.1 .

Beyond the Moon Crater myth: a new history of the Aniakchak landscape, a historic resource study for Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, 2007

Ringsmuth, K.J., 2007, Beyond the Moon Crater myth: a new history of the Aniakchak landscape, a historic resource study for Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve: U.S. Department of the Interior Government Publications Office, 262 p.

A modern survey and Holocene record of lake water and diatom isotopes from south Alaska, 2007

Schiff, C.J., 2007, A modern survey and Holocene record of lake water and diatom isotopes from south Alaska: Northern Arizonza University, Flagstaff, Arizona, M.S. thesis, 103 p.

Escape tectonics and the extrusion of Alaska: past, present, and future, 2007

Redfield, T.F., Scholl, D.W., Fitzgerald, P.G., and Beck, M.E. Jr., 2007, Escape tectonics and the extrusion of Alaska: past, present, and future: Geology, v. 35, n. 11, p. 1039-1042, doi:10.1130/G23799A.1.

Along-strike trace element and isotopic variation in Aleutian Island arc basalt: subduction melts sediments and dehydrates serpentine, 2007

Singer, B.S., Jicha, B.R., Leeman, W.P., Rogers, N.W., Thirlwall, M.F., Ryan, Jeff, and Nicolaysen, K.E., 2007, Along-strike trace element and isotopic variation in Aleutian Island arc basalt: subduction melts sediments and dehydrates serpentine: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, n. B6, 26 p., doi: 10.1029/2006JB004897 .

Young cumulate complex beneath Veniaminof caldera, Aleutian arc, dated by zircon in erupted plutonic blocks, 2007

Bacon, C.R., Sisson, T.W., and Mazdab, F.K., 2007, Young cumulate complex beneath Veniaminof caldera, Aleutian arc, dated by zircon in erupted plutonic blocks: Geology, v. 35, n. 6, p. 491-494, doi: 10.1130/G23446A.1.

Fourpeaked, 2007

Smithsonian Institution, 2007, Fourpeaked: Bulletin of Global Volcanism Network, v. 31, n. 9, September 2007, available at .

Pavlof, 2007

Smithsonian Institution, 2007, Pavlof: Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, v. 32, n. 8, available at .

Airlines, aircraft, and volcanic ash, 2007

Sonnabend, Hans-Rudi, 2007, Airlines, aircraft, and volcanic ash: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 4 p., available at .

Plate-tectonic reconstructions predict part of the Hawaiian hotspot track to be preserved in the Bering Sea, 2007

Steinberger, Bernhard, and Gaina, Carmen, 2007, Plate-tectonic reconstructions predict part of the Hawaiian hotspot track to be preserved in the Bering Sea: Geology, v. 35, p. 407-410.

Airborne volcanic ash forecast area reliability, 2007

Stunder, B.J.B., and Heffter, J.L., 2007, Airborne volcanic ash forecast area reliability [abs.]: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 1 p., available at .

Electrical activity during the 2006 Mount St. Augustine volcanic eruptions, 2007

Thomas, J.R., Krehbiel, P.R., Rison, W., Edens, H.E., Aulich, G.D., Winn, W.P., McNutt, S.R., Tytgat, G., and Clark, E., 2007, Electrical activity during the 2006 Mount St. Augustine volcanic eruptions: Science, v. 315, p. 1097.

Tall clouds from small eruptions: modeling the sensitivity of eruption height and fine ash fallout to tropospheric instability, 2007

Tupper, Andrew, Textor, Christiane, Herzog, Michael, and Graf, Hans, 2007, Tall clouds from small eruptions: modeling the sensitivity of eruption height and fine ash fallout to tropospheric instability: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 11 p., available at .

Facing tomorrow's challenges - U.S. Geological Survey science in the decade 2007-2017, 2007

U.S. Geological Survey, 2007, Facing tomorrow's challenges - U.S. Geological Survey science in the decade 2007-2017: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1309, 70 p., available at .

Divisions of geologic time - major chronostratigraphic and geochronologic units, 2007

U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Names Committee, 2007, Divisions of geologic time - Major chronostratigraphic and geochronologic units: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3015, 2 p., available at .

Natural hazards - a national threat, 2007

U.S. Geological Survey, 2007, Natural hazards - a national threat: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3009, 4 p., available at

The 2006 Augustine Alaska eruption: combined analyses of seismic and thermal data, 2007

van Manen, S., Dehn, J., West, M., Blake, S., and Rothery, D., 2007, The 2006 Augustine Alaska eruption: combined analyses of seismic and thermal data [abs.]: Geological Society of London Bicentennial Conference, September 10-12, London, UK.

Mid-Holocene sector collapse at Mount Spurr Volcano, south-central Alaska, 2007

Waythomas, C.F., 2007, Mid-Holocene sector collapse at Mount Spurr volcano, south-central Alaska, in, Haeussler, P.J., and Galloway, J.P., eds., Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1739-C, 15 p., available at .

Volcano-glacier interactions at Mount Veniaminof Volcano, a large ice-filled caldera on the Alaska Peninsula, 2007

Waythomas, Christopher, Miller, T.P., Welch, Brian, Calvert, Andrew, Bacon, C.R., and Wallace, K.L., 2007, Volcano-glacier interactions at Mount Veniaminof Volcano, a large ice-filled caldera on the Alaska Peninsula [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 20.

Volcano-glacier interactions at Mount Veniaminof Volcano, a large ice-filled caldera on the Alaska Peninsula, 2007

Waythomas, Christopher, Miller, T.P., Welch, Brian, Calvert, A.T., Bacon, C.R., and Wallace, K.L., 2007, Volcano-glacier interactions at Mount Veniaminof, a large ice-filled caldera on the Alaska Peninsula [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 39, n. 4, p. 20.

P-T-H2O phase relations of an Aleutian high-magnesia basalt: results from thermodynamic modeling and hydrous experiments, 2007

Weaver, S.L., and Johnston, A.D., 2007, P-T-H2O phase relations of an Aleutian high-magnesia basalt: results from thermodynamic modeling and hydrous experiments [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 71.

Volcanic ash modeling for North Pacific volcanoes automated operational monitoring and virtual globes, 2007

Webley, P.W., Dean, Kenneson, Bailey, J.E., and Peterson, Rorik, 2007, Volcanic ash modeling for North Pacific volcanoes automated operational monitoring and virtual globes: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 8 p., available at .

Fluid immiscibility in volcanic environments, 2007

Webster, J.D., and Mandeville, C.W., 2007, Fluid immiscibility in volcanic environments: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, v. 67, p. 323-358.

Geophysical survey of the intra-caldera icefield of Mt Veniaminof, Alaska, 2007

Welch, B.C., Dwyer, Kieran, Helgen, Michael, Waythomas, C.F., and Jacobel, R.W., 2007, Geophysical survey of the intra-caldera icefield of Mt Veniaminof, Alaska: Annals of Glaciology, v. 45, p. 58-65.

Satellite measurement of glaciers on volcanoes in Alaska: building an inventory of ice extent and hazards, 2007

Wessels, Rick, Neal, C.A., Waythomas, Christopher, Huggel, Christian, and Dean, Ken, 2007, Satellite measurement of glaciers on volcanoes in Alaska: building an inventory of ice extent and hazards [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, n. 4, p. 20.

Resedimentation of the late Holocene White River ash, Yukon Territory, Canada and Alaska, USA, 2007

West, K.D., 2007, Resedimentation of the late Holocene White River ash, Yukon Territory, Canada, and Alaska, USA: Carleton University Ph.D. dissertation, 269 p.

Back-arc seamount distribution along the western Aleutian volcanic arc., 2007

White, S.M., Yogodzinski, G.M., Kelemen, P.B., and Scholl, D. W., 2007, Back-arc seamount distribution along the western Aleutian volcanic arc [abs.]: Presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abstract V43D-1627.

WSR-88D radar observations of volcanic ash, 2007

Wood, Jefferson, Scott, Carven, and Schneider, David, 2007, WSR-88D radar observations of volcanic ash: Fourth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash, World Meterological Organization (WMO) in close collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organziation (ICAO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Rotorua, New Zealand, 26-20 March, 2007, 9 p., available at .

Trace elements in clinopyroxenes from Aleutian xenoliths: implications for primitive subduction magmatism in an island arc, 2007

Yogodzinski, G.M., and Kelemen, P.B., 2007, Trace elements in clinopyroxenes from Aleutian xenoliths: implications for primitive subduction magmatism in an island arc: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.256, n. 3-4, p. 617-632.

Geochronologic and isotopic constraints on the magmatic evolution of Pleistocene-Recent Aleutian and Andean volcanic complexes, 2006

Jicha, B.R., 2006, Geochronologic and isotopic constraints on the magmatic evolution of Pleistocene-Recent Aleutian and Andean volcanic complexes: University of Wisconsin at Madison Ph.D. dissertation, 195 p.

USGS, NPS, educate the public on the risks, wonders of Alaska's volcanoes, 2006

Adleman, Jennifer, 2006, USGS, NPS, educate the public on the risks, wonders of Alaska's volcanoes: U.S. Department of the Interior, People, Land, and Water, unpaged internet resource available at: .

Abrupt transitions during sustained explosive eruptions: examples from the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska, 2006

Adams, N.K., Houghton, B.F., and Hildreth, Wes, 2006, Abrupt transitions during sustained explosive eruptions: examples from the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 69, p. 189-206, doi: 10.1007/s00445-006-0067-4.
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The transition from explosive to effusive eruptive regime; the example of the 1912 Novarupta eruption, Alaska, 2006

Adams, N.K., Houghton, B.F., Fagents, S.A., and Hildreth, Wes, 2006, The transition from explosive to effusive eruptive regime; the example of the 1912 Novarupta eruption, Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 118, n. 5-6, p. 620-634, doi:10.1130/B25768.1.

Alaska Volcano Observatory: outreach, education, and communication, one eruption at a time, 2006

Adleman, J.N., Snedigar, S., and Wallace, K., 2006, Alaska Volcano Observatory: outreach, education, and communication, one eruption at a time [abs.]: Geological Society of Americal Abstracts with Program, v. 38, n. 7, p. 516, available on the World Wide Web at

Response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory to public inquiry concerning the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2006

Adleman, J.N., 2006, Response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory to public inquiry concerning the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Cook Inlet, Alaska [abs]: Eos fall meeting supplementary, Eos, v. 87, n. 52, abstract V41F-02.

Collision of the Kronotskiy Arc at the NE Eurasia margin and structural evolution of the Kamchatka-Aleutian junction, 2006

Alexeiev, D.V., Gaedicke, Christophe, Tsukanov, N.V., and Freitag, Ralf, 2006, Collision of the Kronotskiy Arc at the NE Eurasia margin and structural evolution of the Kamchatka-Aleutian junction: International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 95, n. 6, p. 977-993, doi:10.1007/s00531-006-0080-z.

Cleveland Volcano spits ash 20,000 feet, 2006

Anchorage Daily News, 2006, Cleveland Volcano spits ash 20,000 feet: Anchorage Daily News, Monday, October 30, 2006, p. B-3.

Bedrock geologic map of the Liberty Bell area, Fairbanks A-4 Quadrangle, Bonnifield mining district, Alaska, 2006

Athey, J.E., Newberry, R.J., Werdon, M.B., Freeman, L.K., Smith, R.L., and Szumigala, D.J., 2006, Bedrock geologic map of the Liberty Bell area, Fairbanks A-4 Quadrangle, Bonnifield mining district, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2006-2 v. 1.0.1, 98 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000.

Volcano monitoring using Google Earth, 2006

Bailey, J.E., Dehn, Jonathan, Webley, Peter, and Skoog, Ray, 2006, Volcano monitoring using Google Earth [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract IN43A-0898.

Volcano monitoring using Google Earth, 2006

Bailey, John, and Dehn, Jonathan, 2006, Volcano monitoring using Google Earth [abs]: in Brady, S.R., Sinha, A.K., and Gundersen, L.C., Geoinformatics 2006 - Abstracts, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5201, p. 25, available at .

Confirmation and calibration of computer modeling of tsunamis produced by Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Beget, J.E., and Kowalik, Zygmunt, 2006, Confirmation and calibration of computer modeling of tsunamis produced by Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Science of Tsunami Hazards, v. 24, n. 4, p. 257-267, available for download at
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Marine evidence of the latest Pleistocene Mt. Edgecumbe tephra in Southeast Alaska, 2006

Addison, J.A., Beget, James, Ager, T.A., and Finney, Bruce, 2006, Marine evidence of the latest Pleistocene Mt. Edgecumbe tephra in Southeast Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 76.

Holocene tsunamis in the southwestern Bering Sea, Russian Far East, and their tectonic implications, 2006

Bourgeois, Joanne, Pinegina, T.K., Ponomareva, Vera, and Zaretskaia, Natalia, 2006, Holocene tsunamis in the southwestern Bering Sea, Russian Far East, and their tectonic implications: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 118, p. 449-463, doi: 10.1130/B25726.1 .

Correlation of tephra deposits in lake sediment records, Lake Clark National Park, Alaska, 2006

Bowes, M.J., Heiser, P.A., Beget, James, and Wallace, Kristi, 2006, Correlation of tephra deposits in lake sediment records, Lake Clark National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 75.

Spatial variation of seismic b-values beneath Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island, Alaska, 2006

Bridges, D.L., and Gao, S.S., 2006, Spatial variation of seismic b-values beneath Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island, Alaska: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 245, p. 408-415.

Cross-correlation analysis reveals waveform similarity in long-period events prior to eruptive activity at Mt. Spurr Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Brown, J., Deshon, H., Prejean, S., Thurber, C., and Power, J., 2006, Cross-correlation analysis reveals waveform similarity in long-period events prior to eruptive activity at Mt. Spurr Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 77, n. 2, p. 241.

Investigating magma withdrawal dynamics during Plinian eruptions through mineral and eruptive stratigraphies: Examples from the chemically zoned 400 yr BP eruption of Half Cone Volcano, Aniakchak National Park, Alaska, 2006

Browne, B.L., 2006, Investigating magma withdrawal dynamics during Plinian eruptions through mineral and eruptive stratigraphies: Examples from the chemically zoned 400 yr BP eruption of Half Cone Volcano, Aniakchak National Park, Alaska [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2006, Eos Transactions v. 87, no. 52, supplement, abstract id: V53E-05.

The influence of magma ascent path on the texture, mineralogy, and formation of hornblende reaction rims, 2006

Browne, B.L., and Gardner, J.E., 2006, The influence of magma ascent path on the texture, mineralogy, and formation of hornblende reaction rims: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 246, n. 3-4, p. 161-176.

Deformation driven by subduction and microplate collision: geodynamics of Cook Inlet basin, Alaska, 2006

Bruhn, R.L., and Haeusseler, P.J., 2006, Deformation driven by subduction and microplate collision: geodynamics of Cook Inlet basin, Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 118, p. 289-303.

Facies architecture of the Early Devonian Ural Volcanics, New South Wales, 2006

Bull, K.F., and McPhie, J., 2006, Facies architecture of the Early Devonian Ural Volcanics, New South Wales: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 53, p. 919-945.

Size- and time-resolved composition of volcanic ash from Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Cahill, C.F., Cahill, T.A., Webley, P., Wallace, K.L., Dean, K.G., and Dehn, J., 2006, Size- and time-resolved composition of volcanic ash from Augustine Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract V22B-05.

An updated count of historic eruptions and volcanoes in Alaska, 2006

Cameron, C.E., 2006, An updated count of historic eruptions and volcanoes in Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 75.

Why do some ice avalanches give warning prior to failure?, 2006

Caplan-Auerbach, J., 2006, Why do some ice avalanches give warning prior to failure? [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract S41A-1315.

Ground deformation associated with the precursory unrest and early phases of the January 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Cervelli, P.F., Fournier, Tom, Freymueller, J., and Power, J.A., 2006, Ground deformation associated with the precursory unrest and early phases of the January 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 33, 5 p., doi: 10.1029/2006GL027219.

Geothermal disruption of summit glaciers at Mount Spurr Volcano, 2004-6: an unusual manifestation of volcanic unrest, 2006

Coombs, M.L., Neal, C.A., Wessels, R.L., and McGimsey, R.G., 2006, Geothermal disruption of summit glaciers at Mount Spurr Volcano, 2004-6: an unusual manifestation of volcanic unrest: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1732-B, 33 p., available at .

Growth and collapse of Hawaiian volcanoes, 2006

Coombs, M.L., Eakins, B.W., and Cervelli, P.F., eds., 2006, Growth and collapse of Hawaiian volcanoes: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 151, p. 1-318.

Volcanic, tectonic, and tsunamigenic events recorded in peats near Millers Landing, Homer, Alaska, 2006

Davis, K., 2006, Volcanic, tectonic, and tsunamigenic events recorded in peats near Millers Landing, Homer, Alaska: University of Alaska, Fairbanks unpublished M.S. thesis, 135 p.

Analyses of unusual long-period earthquakes with extended coda recorded at Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA, 2006

De Angelis, Silvio, 2006, Analyses of unusual long-period earthquakes with extended coda recorded at Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 33, 4 p., doi:10.1029/2005GL025581.

The role of remote sensing in monitoring of Augustine Volcano, 2006

Webley, Peter, Dean, Ken, Dehn, Jon, Bailey, John, Schneider, Dave, Wessels, Rick, Lovick, Joseph, Rinkleff, Peter, and Izbekov, Pavel, 2006, The role of remote sensing in monitoring of Augustine Volcano [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 28.

Petrology and geochemistry of plagioclase-phyric basaltic lava flows on St. George Island, Alaska: evidence for a genetic link between magmatic centers of the Pribilof Islands, 2006

DeRaps, M., Feeley, T.C., Underwood, S.A., and Winer, G.S., 2006, Petrology and geochemistry of plagioclase-phyric basaltic lava flows on St. George Island, Alaska: evidence for a genetic link between magmatic centers of the Pribilof Islands [abs.]: Eos, v. 87, p. A569.

Cross-correlation and double-difference techniques used in earthquake relocations at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Meyer, N., Deshon, H., Thurber, C., and Prejean, S., 2006, Cross-correlation and double-difference techniques used in earthquake relocations at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 77, n. 2, p. 241.

High-precision earthquake location and three-dimensional P-wave velocity determination at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Deshon, H., Rowe, C., and Thurber, C., 2006, High-precision earthquake location and three-dimensional P-wave velocity determination at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 77, n. 2, p. 241-242.

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2005, 2006

Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., Tytgat, Guy, Estes, Steve, and McNutt, S.R., 2006, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1264, 78 p., available at .

The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, including Katmai, Trident, and Novarupta Volcanoes, Katmai National Park, Geology Field Guide, 2006

Eichelberger, J., 2006, The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, including Katmai, Trident, and Novarupta Volcanoes, Katmai National Park, Geology Field Guide: The Alaska Volcano Observatory, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 59 p.

USGS-NoGaDat - A global dataset of noble gas concentrations and their isotopic ratios in volcanic systems, 2006

Abedini, A.A., Hurwitz, S., and Evans, W.C., 2006, USGS-NoGaDat - A global dataset of noble gas concentrations and their isotopic ratios in volcanic systems: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 202, available at .

The National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS), 2006

Ewert, John, Guffanti, Marianne, Cervelli, Peter, and Quick, James, 2006, The National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS): U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS 2006-3142, 2 p., available at .

Melting and metasomatism in the mantle lithosphere beneath the Pribilof Islands: petrology and ICP-MS analyses of spinel peridotite xenoliths from St. George Island, Bering Sea, Alaska, 2006

Feeley, T.C., Ulianov, A., and Underwood, S.A., 2006, Melting and metasomatism in the mantle lithosphere beneath the Pribilof Islands: petrology and ICP-MS analyses of spinel peridotite xenoliths from St. George Island, Bering Sea, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 87, p. D606.

The role of vegetation change, disturbance, and climate on sediment records of lake productivity: southwest Alaska, 2006

Cohn, Brian, Heiser, Patricia, and Finney, B.P., 2006, The role of vegetation change, disturbance, and climate on sediment records of lake productivity: southwest Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 30.

Volcano monitoring using hourly GPS solutions, 2006

Fournier, Thomas, and Freymueller, J.T., 2006, Volcano monitoring using hourly GPS solutions [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 28.

Seasonality of the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra and exceptional preservation of a buried riparian surface in central Yukon Territory, Canada, 2006

Froese, D.G., Zazula, G.D., and Reyes, A.V., 2006, Seasonality of the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra and exceptional preservation of a buried riparian surface in central Yukon Territory, Canada: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 25, p. 1542-1551, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.01.028 .

U.S. Geological Survey's alert notification system for volcanic activity, 2006

Gardner, C.A., and Guffanti, M.C., 2006, U.S. Geological Survey's alert notification system for volcanic activity: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3139, 4 p., available at .
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Submarine hydrothermal activity and mineralization on the Kurile and western Aleutian island arcs, N.W. Pacific, 2006

Glasby, G.P., Cherkashov, G.A., Gavrilenko, V.A., Rashidov, V.A., and Slovtsov, I.B., 2006, Submarine hydrothermal activity and mineralization on the Kurile and western Aleutian island arcs, N.W. Pacific: Marine Geology, v. 231, p. 163-180, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2006.06.003.

Summary of the stakeholders workshop to develop a National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS), 2006

Guffanti, Marianne, Scott, W.E., Driedger, C.L., and Ewert, J.W., 2006, Summary of the stakeholders workshop to develop a National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1224, 17 p., available at .

Geologic mapping; a national need, 2006

Haney, D.C, 2006, Geologic mapping; a national need [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 38, n. 3, p. 64.

Landscape history and lake level changes in southwest Alaska, 2006

Heiser, P.A., 2006, Landscape history and lake level changes in southwest Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 30.

Canada's interagency volcanic event notification plan: a work in progress since 1990, 2006

Hickson, C.J., Deacon, E., Erickson, D., Ilg, H., Korstad, R., Miller, E., Sevranckx, R., White, W., and Whyte, J., 2006, Canada's interagency volcanic event notification plan: a work in progress since 1990 [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract V33B-0658.

The health hazards of volcanoes and geothermal areas, 2006

Hansell, A.L., Horwell, C.J., and Oppenheimer, C., 2006, The health hazards of volcanoes and geothermal areas: Occupational and Environmental Medicine, v. 63, p. 149-156, doi:10.1136/oem.2005.022459.

The respiratory health hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation, 2006

Horwell, C.J., and Baxter, P.J., 2006, The respiratory health hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 69, 24 p., doi:10.1007/s00445-006-0052-y.

Variations of glass composition at the start of the 2006 eruption, Augustine volcano, Alaska, 2006

Izbekov, Pavel, Wallace, Kristi, Larsen, Jessica, Nye, Chris, and Eichelberger, John, 2006, Variations of glass composition at the start of the 2006 eruption, Augustine volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 76-77.

An extensive middle to late Pleistocene distal tephra record from East Central Alaska, 2006

Jensen, B.J., Froese, D.G., Preece, S.J., and Westgate, J.A., 2006, An extensive middle to late Pleistocene distal tephra record from East Central Alaska [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract V33B-0662.

Geochronic and isotopic constraints on the magmatic evolution of Pleistocene-Recent Aleutian and Andean volcanic complexes, 2006

Jicha, B.R., 2006, Geochronic and isotopic constraints on the magmatic evolution of Pleistocene-Recent Aleutian and Andean volcanic complexes: University of Wisconsin Madison Ph.D. dissertation, 195 p.

Revised age of Aleutian island arc formation implies high rate of magma production, 2006

Jicha, B.R., Scholl, D.W., Singer, B.S., Yogodzinski, G.M., and Kay, S.M., 2006, Revised age of Aleutian island arc formation implies high rate of magma production: Geology, v. 34, n. 8, p. 661-664, doi:10.1130/G22433.1.

Volcanic history and magmatic evolution of Seguam Island, Aleutian island arc, Alaska, 2006

Jicha, B.R., and Singer, B.S., 2006, Volcanic history and magmatic evolution of Seguam Island, Aleutian island arc, Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 118, n. 7-8, p. 805-822.

Late Holocene climate fluctuations at Cascade Lake, northeastern Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska, 2006

Kathan, Kasey, 2006, Late Holocene climate fluctuations at Cascade Lake, northeastern Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska: Northern Arizona University M.S. thesis, 112 p., available at .

Proximal tsunami deposits produced during the 1883 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Keskinen, M.J., and Beget, J., 2006, Proximal tsunami deposits produced during the 1883 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract PP43B-1245.

Experimental study of bubble nucleation in K-phonolite melt, 2006

Larsen, J.F., and Mongrain, J., 2006, Experimental study of bubble nucleation in K-phonolite melt: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87.

Rhyodacite magma storage conditions prior to the 3430 yBP caldera-forming eruption of Aniakchak volcano, Alaska, 2006

Larsen, J.F., 2006, Rhyodacite magma storage conditions prior to the 3430 yBP caldera-forming eruption of Aniakchak volcano, Alaska: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 152, n. 4, p. 523-540, doi: 10.1007/s00410-006-0121-4.

The 2006 Augustine eruption in Synthetic Aperture Radar data, 2006

Lovick, Joseph, Izbekov, Pavel, Dean, Ken, and Atwood, Don, 2006, The 2006 Augustine eruption in Synthetic Aperture Radar data [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 28.

Quiescent deformation of the Aniakchak Caldera, Alaska, mapped by InSAR, 2006

Kwoun, Oh-Ig, Lu, Zhong, Neal, Christina, and Wicks, Charles Jr., 2006, Quiescent deformation of the Aniakchak Caldera, Alaska, mapped by InSAR: Geology, v. 34, n. 1, p. 5-8, doi: 10.1130%2FG22015.1.

Deep carbon dioxide-rich degassing of Pavlof Volcano, Aleutian Arc, 2006

Mangan, M., Sisson, T., and Hankins, B, 2006, Deep carbon dioxide-rich degassing of Pavlof Volcano, Aleutian Arc [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract V34A-01.

Thickness distribution of a cooling pyroclastic flow deposit on Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Optimization using InSAR, FEMs, and an adaptive mesh algorithm, 2006

Masterlark, Timothy, Lu, Zhong, and Rykhus, Russell, 2006, Thickness distribution of a cooling pyroclastic flow deposit on Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Optimization using InSAR, FEMs, and an adaptive mesh algorithm: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 150, p. 186-201, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.07.004.

Lateral collapse and tsunamigenic potential of marine volcanoes, 2006

McGuire, W.J., 2006, Lateral collapse and tsunamigenic potential of marine volcanoes: in Mechanisms of activity and unrest at large calderas, Geological Society of London Special Publication, p. 121-140.

Seismic and infrasound monitoring of eruptions at Augustine Volcano, December 2005-January 2006, 2006

McNutt, S.R., 2006, Seismic and infrasound monitoring of eruptions at Augustine Volcano, December 2005-January 2006 [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 28.

Volcanic tremor during eruptions; temporal characteristics, scaling and estimates of vent radius, 2006

McNutt, S.R., and Nishimura, T., 2006, Volcanic tremor during eruptions; temporal characteristics, scaling and estimates of vent radius [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87.

On the absence of InSAR-detected volcano deformation spanning the 1995-1996 and 1999 eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Moran, S.C., Kwoun, O., Masterlark, T., and Lu, Z., 2006, On the absence of InSAR-detected volcano deformation spanning the 1995-1996 and 1999 eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 150, p. 119-131, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.07.013.

Deep conducting zones in the junction region of the Kuril-Kamchatka and Aleutian Island arcs, 2006

Moroz, Y.F., and Moroz, T.A., 2006, Deep conducting zones in the junction region of the Kuril-Kamchatka and Aleutian Island arcs: Physics of the Solid Earth, v. 42, n. 6, p. 502-509, doi:10.1134/S1069351306060073.

The use of high resolution NWP data for dispersion modeling of airborne volcanic ash and tephra fallout, 2006

Morton, Don, Webley, P.W., Dean, K.G., and Peterson, R., 2006, The use of high resolution NWP data for dispersion modeling of airborne volcanic ash and tephra fallout [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87.

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2004, 2006

Nathenson, Manuel, 2006, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1102, 12 p., available at .

Communicating ash-fall hazard to the public during eruptions: a proposed scheme to streamline ash-fall warning messages in the U.S. based on the recent activity at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Neal, C., Wallace, K., Albanese, S., Fish, A., and Cahill, C., 2006, Communicating ash-fall hazard to the public during eruptions: a proposed scheme to streamline ash-fall warning messages in the U.S. based on the recent activity at Augustine Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract V33B-0659.

Major tectonic processes illustrated in a Phanerozoic model for Alaska and the Canadian Cordillera, 2006

Nokleberg, W.J., Scotese, C.R., and Monger, W.H., 2006, Major tectonic processes illustrated in a Phanerozoic model for Alaska and the Canadian Cordillera [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 81.

The 2006 eruption of Augustine volcano: overview, 2006

Nye, C.J., 2006, The 2006 eruption of Augustine volcano: overview [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v.38, n. 5, p. 28.

Modeling the distribution of the volcanic aerosol cloud from the 1783-1784 Laki eruption, 2006

Oman, Luke, Robock, Alan, Stenchikov, Georgiy, Stenchikov, L., Thordarson, Thorvaldur, Koch, Dorothy, Shindell, D.T., and Gao, Chaochao, 2006, Modeling the distribution of the volcanic aerosol cloud from the 1783-1784 Laki eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 111, n. D12, 15 p., doi:10.1029/2005JD006899.

Modeling the volcanic aerosol distribution and climatic response of high-latitude volcanic eruptions, 2006

Oman, L.D., 2006, Modeling the volcanic aerosol distribution and climatic response of high-latitude volcanic eruptions: Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey at New Brunswick Ph.D. dissertation, 99 p.

Modeling the volcanic aerosol distribution and climatic response of high-latitude volcanic eruptions, 2006

Oman, L.D., 2006, Modeling the volcanic aerosol distribution and climatic response of high-latitude volcanic eruptions: Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey at New Brunswick Ph.D. dissertation, 99 p.

High-precision earthquake locations at Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska using waveform alignment and double-difference techniques, 2006

Pesicek, J., Deshon, H., Thurber, C., and Prejean, S., 2006, High-precision earthquake locations at Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska using waveform alignment and double-difference techniques [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 77, n. 2, p. 242.

High-precision earthquake locations at Great Sitkin Volcano, Andreanof Islands, Alaska, 1999-2005, 2006

Pesicek, Jeremy, 2006, High-precision earthquake locations at Great Sitkin Volcano, Andreanof Islands, Alaska, 1999-2005: University of Wisconsin at Madison M.S. thesis, 42 p.

Local infrasound observations of large ash explosions at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, during January 11-28, 2006, 2006

Petersen, Tanja, De Angelis, Silvio, Tytgat, Guy, and McNutt, S.R., 2006, Local infrasound observations of large ash explosions at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, during January 11-28, 2006: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 33, 5 p., doi:10.1029/2006GL026491.

Long-period seismicity at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Petersen, T., 2006, Long-period seismicity at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 120 p.

Sustained long-period seismicity at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Petersen, T., Caplan-Auerbach, J., and McNutt, S.R., 2006, Sustained long-period seismicity at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 151, n. 4, pg. 365-381.

Quantifying potential aircraft tephra exposure using a volcanic ash dispersion model, 2006

Peterson, R.A., and Dean, K.G., 2006, Quantifying potential aircraft tephra exposure using a volcanic ash dispersion model [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87.

The reawakening of Alaska's Augustine Volcano, 2006

Power, J.A., Nye, C.J., Coombs, M.L., Wessels, R.L., Cervelli, P.F., Dehn, J., Wallace, K.L., Freymueller, J.T., and Doukas, M.P., 2006, The reawakening of Alaska's Augustine Volcano: Eos, v. 87, n. 37, p. 373, 377.

Geologic map of the Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska, 2006

Richter, D.H., Preller, C.C., Labay, K.A., and Shew, N.B., compilers, 2006, Geologic map of the Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2877, 15 p., 1 plate, scale 1:350,000, available at .

Stratigraphic and compositional complexities of the late Quaternary Lethe tephra in south-central Alaska, 2006

Riehle, J.R., Ager, T.A., Reger, R.D., Pinney, D.S., and Kaufman, D.S., 2006, Stratigraphic and compositional complexities of the late Quaternary Lethe tephra in south-central Alaska: Quaternary International, v. 178, n. 1, p. 210-228.

Storage and interaction of compositionally heterogeneous magmas from the 1986 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Roman,D.C., Cashman, K.V., Gardner, C.A., Wallace, P.J., and Donovan, J.J., 2006, Storage and interaction of compositionally heterogeneous magmas from the 1986 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, Nov 2005, v. 68, n. 3, p. 240-254, doi: 10.1007/s00445-005-0003-z.

The origin of volcano-tectonic earthquake swarms, 2006

Roman, D.C., and Cashman, K.V., 2006, The origin of volcano-tectonic earthquake swarms: Geology, v. 34, n. 6, p. 457-460.

Multiple denoising and classification methods for improving seismic surveillance; applications at Guagua Pichincha, Soufriere Hills and Redoubt Volcano, 2006

Rowe, C., Garcia-Aristizabal, A., and White, R., 2006, Multiple denoising and classification methods for improving seismic surveillance; applications at Guagua Pichincha, Soufriere Hills and Redoubt Volcano [abs.]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 77, n. 2, p. 240.

Fullglacial paleosols in perennially frozen loess sequences, Klondike goldfields, Yukon Territory, Canada, 2006

Sanborn, P.T., Smith, C.A.S., Froese, D.G., Zazula, G.D., Westgate, J.A., 2006, Fullglacial paleosols in perennially frozen loess sequences, Klondike goldfields, Yukon Territory, Canada: Quaternary Research, v. 66, p. 147-157.

Heat flow and geothermal resources of the Alaskan interior, 2006

Williams, C.F., Galanis, S.P., Grubb, F.V., and Sass, J.H., 2006, Heat flow and geothermal resources of the Alaskan interior [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 38, n. 5, p. 14-15.

The 2005 crater lake formation, lahar, acidic flood, and caustic aerosol and gas release from Chiginagak Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Schaefer, J.R., Scott, W.E., McGimsey, R.G., and Jorgenson, Janet, 2006, The 2005 crater lake formation, lahar, acidic flood, and caustic aerosol and gas release from Chiginagak Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 29.

Holocene tephrochronology from lake sediments, Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2006

Schiff, C.J., Kaufman, D.S., and Wallace, K.L., 2006, Holocene tephrochronology from lake sediments, Redoubt Volcano, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract V33B-0660.

Trajectory analysis of volcanic clouds produced by the 1992 eruptions of Mount Spurr, Alaska, 2006

Servranckx, R., Durant, A., Malo, A., D'Amours, R., Trudel, S., and Gauthier, J., 2006, Trajectory analysis of volcanic clouds produced by the 1992 eruptions of Mount Spurr, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, Joint Assembly Supplement, v. 87, abstract V22B-04.

Zircon U-Th ages of cumulates and shallow granodiorite, and the potential for explosive eruptions of the tholeiitic Mount Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska Peninsula, 2006

Bacon, C.R., Sisson, T.W., and Mazdab, F.K., 2006, Zircon U-Th ages of cumulates and shallow granodiorite, and the potential for explosive eruptions of the tholeiitic Mount Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska Peninsula [abs.]: Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 5, p. 29.

The relative importance of supraglacial versus subglacial meltwater escape in basaltic subglacial tuya eruptions; an important unresolved conundrum, 2006

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Atka, 2006

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Atka, 2006

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Augustine, 2006

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Augustine, 2006

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Augustine, 2006

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Cleveland, 2006

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Cleveland, 2006

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Cleveland, 2006

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Cleveland, 2006

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Veniaminof, 2006

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Veniaminof, 2006

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Paleomagnetism, paleolatitudes and reconstructions of northeast Russia and Alaska, 2006

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Paleosecular variation and GAD studies of 0-2 Ma flow sequences from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2006

Stone, D.B., and Layer, P.W., 2006, Paleosecular variation and GAD studies of 0-2 Ma flow sequences from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, v. 7, n. 4, 23 p., doi:10.1029/2005GC001007

Global compilation of variations in slab depth beneath arc volcanoes and implications, 2006

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Degassing and microlite crystallization of basaltic andesite magma erupting at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, 2006

Szramek, Lindsay, Gardner, J.E., and Larsen, Jessica, 2006, Degassing and microlite crystallization of basaltic andesite magma erupting at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 157, p. 182-201, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2006.03.039 .

Partial melting processes above subducting plates; constraints from (super 231) Pa/ (super 235) U disequilibria, 2006

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Volcanic hazards - a national threat, 2006

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A new system for publishing and archiving volcano hazard information statements using the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), 2006

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Basaltic thermals and Subplinian plumes: constraints from acoustic measurements at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2006

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A synchronized dating of three Greenland ice cores throughout the Holocene, 2006

Vinther, B.M., Clausen, H.B., Johnsen, S.J., Rasmussen, S.O., Andersen, K.K., Buchardt, S.L., Dahl-Jensen, D., Seierstad, I.K., Siggaard-Andersen, M.L., Steffensen, J.P., Svensson, A., Olsen, J., Heinemeier, J., 2006, A synchronized dating of three Greenland ice cores throughout the Holocene: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 111, D13102.

Petrology and mineral inventory of basaltic inclusions from the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006

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Assessment of tephra fall hazards at Aleutian Arc volcanoes using numerical models, geologic data, and historical observations, 2006

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Numerical simulation of tsunami generation by cold volcanic mass flows at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006

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Numerical simulation of tsunami generation by cold volcanic mass flows at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 2006

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Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Emmons Lake Volcanic Center, Alaska [Pavlof Sister, Pavlof, Little Pavlof, Double Crater, Mount Hague, Emmons], 2006

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Infrasonic wave observations at Fairbanks, AK, of Augustine Volcano eruptions during Jan, 2006, 2006

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Digital data for the reconnaissance geologic map of the western Aleutian islands, Alaska, 2006

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Geology of St. Paul and St. George Islands, Alaska; field- and web-based learning through the Pribilof Islands Stewardship Program, 2006

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Volcanic seismology, 2005

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Magma degassing during the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska; textural analyses of pyroclasts representing changes in eruptive intensity and style, 2005

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Analysis of composition and chronology of dome emplacement at Black Peak volcano, Alaska utilizing ASTER remote sensing data and field-based studies, 2005

Adleman, J.N., 2005, Analysis of composition and chronology of dome emplacement at Black Peak volcano, Alaska utilizing ASTER remote sensing data and field-based studies: University of Alaska Fairbanks MS thesis, 139 p.
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Chemical mapping of a fumarolic field: La Fossa Crater, Vulcano Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy), 2005

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Alaska Volcano Observatory website, 2005

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January-February 2005, 2005

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July-August 2004, 2005

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July-August 2005, 2005

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March-April 2004, 2005

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March-April 2005, 2005

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May-June 2004, 2005

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May-June 2005, 2005

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November-December 2004, 2005

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September-October 2004, 2005

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Terrestrial-marine correlation of the Dawson tephra, 2005

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Holocene tephrochronology of Sanak Island, Alaska, 2005

Odorczuk, Diana, Finney, Bruce, and Beget, James, 2005, Holocene tephrochronology of Sanak Island, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 37, n. 7, p. 38.

Preliminary results for interbasin correlation of tephra deposits in Lake Clark National Park, Alaska, 2005

Bowes, M.J., Heiser, P.A., Beget, James, and Wallace, Kristi, 2005, Preliminary results for interbasin correlation of tephra deposits in Lake Clark National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 37, n. 7, p. 38.

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Okmok Volcano, Umnak Island, Alaska, 2005

Beget, J.E., Larsen, J.F., Neal, C.A., Nye, C.J., and Schaefer, J.R., 2005, Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Okmok Volcano, Umnak Island, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2004-3, 32 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:150,000.
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Oxygen isotope evidence for slab melting in modern and ancient subduction zones, 2005

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Slab contributions in the Aleutian arc; a Hf isotopic perspective, 2005

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Petrologic and experimental constraints on magma mingling and ascent; examples from Japan and Alaska, 2005

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Physical volcanology of the 2,050 bp caldera-forming eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2005

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Argon geochronology of Late Pleistocene to Holocene Westdahl Volcano, Unimak Island, Alaska, 2005

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Argon geochronology of lavas at Mt. Veniaminof volcano dates Pleistocene climatic events on the Alaskan Peninsula, 2005

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Crisis GIS - Preparing for the next volcanic eruption in the United States, 2005

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Latitudes and longitudes of volcanoes in Alaska, 2005

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Repeating coupled earthquakes at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2005

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Evidence for magmatic intrusion at Mount Spurr, Alaska, from GPS measurements, 2005

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Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus of the Pacific Plate, 2005

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105 million years of igneous activity, Wrangell, Alaska, to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 2005

Crawford, M.L., Crawford, W.A., and Lindline, Jennifer, 2005, 105 million years of igneous activity, Wrangell, Alaska, to Prince Rupert, British Columbia: in Cook, F.A., and Erdmer, P. (eds.), The lithoprobe Slave-NORthern cordillera lithospheric evolution (SNORCLE) transect - La geotraverse de l'evolution lithospheric de la Cordillere du Nord et de la province du lac des Esclaves (SNORCLE), Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 42, n. 6, p. 1097-1116.

105 million years of igneous activity, Wrangell, Alaska, to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 2005

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Degassing and hydrothermal activity at Mt. Spurr, Alaska during the summer of 2004 inferred from the complex frequencies of long-period events, 2005

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Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2004, 2005

Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., Tytgat, Guy, Estes, Steve, Prejean, Stephanie, Sanchez, J.J., Sanches, Rebecca, McNutt, S.R., and Paskievitch, John, 2005, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1312, 74 p., available online at

The petrology and geochemistry of the Aniakchak caldera-forming ignimbrite, Aleutian Arc, Alaska, 2005

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A Naknek chronicle - Ten thousand years in a land of lakes and rivers and mountains of fire, 2005

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Brooks River cutbank: an archeological data recovery project in Katmai National Park, 2005

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Katmai and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes as a Mars analogue, 2005

Fristad, K.E., Sharpton, V.L., and Eichelberger, John, 2005, Katmai and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes as a Mars analogue [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 37, n. 7, p. 82.

An assessment of volcanic threat and monitoring capabilities in the United States: framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System NVEWS, 2005

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Assembling an ignimbrite: Compositionally defined eruptive packages in the 1912 Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes ignimbrite, Alaska, 2005

Fierstein, Judy, and Wilson, C.J.N., 2005, Assembling an ignimbrite: Compositionally defined eruptive packages in the 1912 Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes ignimbrite, Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 117, n. 7/8, p. 1094-1107.

Field trip guide for the International Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology and Volcanism, 2005

Froese, D.G, Westgate, J.A., and Alloway, B.V., (eds.), 2005, Field trip guide for the International Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology and Volcanism: Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Science Report 2005/26, Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada, July 31-August 8, 2005, 132 p.

Magma differentiation and storage at Katmai-Novarupta 1912; comparing U-series time scales with thermal models, 2005

George, R.M.M., Turner, Simon, Reagan, Mark, Sandiford, M., Hawkesworht, C.J., and Hildreth, Wes, 2005, Magma differentiation and storage at Katmai-Novarupta 1912; comparing U-series time scales with thermal models [abs.]: Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 69, n. 10, Supplementary volume Abstracts of the 15th annual V. M. Goldschmidt conference, p. 339.

Tracking crustal differentiation and assimilation processes at arc volcanoes; a uranium series isotope perspective, 2005

George, R.M., Turner, S.P., Price, R., Cook, C., and Finney, B., 2005, Tracking crustal differentiation and assimilation processes at arc volcanoes; a uranium series isotope perspective [abs.]: Abstracts - Geological Society of Australia, v. 76, p. 61-62.

Characterizing contributions to Aleutian lavas along the length of the arc; evidence from Hf-Nd isotope systematics, 2005

Gerseny, M.G., Vervoort, J.D., Brown, S.T., and Yogodzinski, G.M., 2005, Characterizing contributions to Aleutian lavas along the length of the arc; evidence from Hf-Nd isotope systematics [abs.]: Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta, v. 69, n. 10 (Supplementary), p. 645.

Digital multi-image photogrammetry combined with oblique aerial photography enables glacier monitoring survey flights below clouds in Alaska, a new tool for climate change studies and natural hazard assessment?, 2005

Gleitsmann, L., and Trabant, D.C., 2005, Digital multi-image photogrammetry combined with oblique aerial photography enables glacier monitoring survey flights below clouds in Alaska, a new tool for climate change studies and natural hazard assessment?: in Erasmi, Stefan, Cyffka, Bernd, and Kappas, Martin, eds., Remote Sensing and GIS for environmental studies; applications in geography, Goettinger Geographische Abhandlungen, v. 113, p. 151-158.

Advantageous GOES IR results for ash mapping at high latitudes: Cleveland eruptions 2001, 2005

Gu, Yingxin, Rose, William I., Schneider, David J., Bluth, Gregg J. S., and Watson, I. M., 2005, Advantageous GOES IR results for ash mapping at high latitudes: Cleveland eruptions 2001: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 32, 5 pages.

Ongoing hydrothermal heat loss from the 1912 ash-flow sheet, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 2005

Hogeweg, Noor, Keith, T.E.C., Colvard, E.M., and Ingebritsen, S.E., 2005, Ongoing hydrothermal heat loss from the 1912 ash-flow sheet, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 143, p. 279-291.

Contrasting timescales of crystallization and magma storage beneath the Aleutian Island arc, 2005

Jicha, B.R., Singer, B.S., Beard, B.L., Johnson, C.M., 2005, Contrasting timescales of crystallization and magma storage beneath the Aleutian Island arc: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 236, p. 195-210.

Effects of volcanic ash on computers and electronic equipment, 2005

Gordon, K.D., Cole, J.W., Rosenberg, M.D., and Johnston, D.M., 2005, Effects of volcanic ash on computers and electronic equipment: Natural Hazards, v. 34, p. 231-262.

Experimental study of plagioclase rim growth around anorthite seed crystals in rhyodacitic melt, 2005

Larsen, J. F., 2005, Experimental study of plagioclase rim growth around anorthite seed crystals in rhyodacitic melt: American Mineralogist, v. 90, p. 417-427.

Slab portal beneath the western Aleutians, 2005

Levin, Vadim, Shapiro, N.M., Park, Jeffrey, and Ritzwoller, M.H., 2005, Slab portal beneath the western Aleutians: Geology, v. 33, n. 4, p. 253-256.

Comparison of GPS and InSAR deformation measurements at Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2005

Lu, Zhong, and Miyagi, Yousuke, 2005, Comparison of GPS and InSAR deformation measurements at Okmok volcano, Alaska: Alaska Satellite Facility News and Notes, v. 2, n. 3, p. 1-2, 4.

InSAR studies of Alaska volcanoes, 2005

Lu, Z., Wicks, C., Dzurisin, D., and Power, J., 2005, InSAR studies of Alaska volcanoes: Korean Journal of Remote Sensing v. 21, no. 1, pg. 59-72.

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar study of Okmok volcano, Alaska, 1992-2003: Magma supply dynamics and postemplacement lava flow deformation, 2005

Lu, Zhong, Masterlark, Timothy, and Dzurisin, Daniel, 2005, Interferometric synthetic aperture radar study of Okmok volcano, Alaska, 1992-2003: Magma supply dynamics and postemplacement lava flow deformation: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 110, n. B02210, 18 p., doi: 10.1029/2004JB003148.

Surface deformation associated with the March 1996 earthquake swarm at Akutan Island, Alaska, revealed by C-band ERS and L-band JERS radar interferometry, 2005

Lu, Zhong, Wicks, Charles, Kwoun, Ohig, Power, J.A., and Dzurisin, Daniel, 2005, Surface deformation associated with the March 1996 earthquake swarm at Akutan Island, Alaska, revealed by C-band ERS and L-band JERS radar interferometry: Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 31, p. 7-20.

2003 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005

McGimsey, Robert G., Neal, Christina A., and Girina, Olga, 2005, 2003 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1310, 62 p.,
full-text PDF 3.54 MB

Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2003, 2005

Nathenson, Manuel, 2005, Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1184, 12 p., available at .

2002 Volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005

Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., and Girina, Olga, 2005, 2002 Volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1058, 55 p., available online at
full-text PDF 5.15 MB

2004 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005

Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., Dixon, Jim, and Melnikov, Dimitry, 2005, 2004 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1308, 71 p.,
full-text PDF 4.82 MB

Volcanic overflow ruins summer salmon return, 2005

O'Harra, Doug, 2005, Volcanic overflow ruins summer salmon return: Anchorage Daily News, September 12, 2005, p. A1 and A8,

Climatic response to high-latitude volcanic eruptions, 2005

Oman, Luke, Robock, Alan, Stenchikov, Georgiy, Schmidt, Gavin A., and Ruedy, Reto, 2005, Climatic response to high-latitude volcanic eruptions: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 110, no. D13, 13 p.