check_gpc($_GET, 'full'); $volcname = $get['volcname']; $offset = $get['offset']; $station = $get['station']; // Where the archives are $dir = '/var/www/html/webicorders/'; // check the offset to see make sure it's either 24 or 48 if($offset != 24 && $offset != 48){ $offset = ''; } if($volcname){ //$globalQ = "SELECT comments FROM tblhelicorderoptions WHERE optionID = 1"; //$global_comment = $db->db_fetch_object($db->db_query($globalQ))->comments; $stationQ = ''; $params[] = array($volcname, 's'); if($station){ $stationQ = " AND vc.camID = ? "; $params[] = array($station, 's'); } $sql = "SELECT v.VolcNameID, v.Volcano, hc.comments, vc.* FROM tbllistvolc AS v INNER JOIN tblvalvecam AS vc ON (vc.VolcNameID = v.VolcNameID) LEFT JOIN tblhelicorderoptions AS hc ON (vc.camID = hc.camID) WHERE v.Volcano = ? $stationQ AND vc.plot_available = 1"; $stmt = $db->stmt($sql, $params); if(is_object($stmt) && $stmt->num_rows > 0){ $webinfo = $db->fetch_object($stmt); /* $stationsQ = "SELECT tblvalvecam.camID, tblvalvecam.StationName FROM tblvalvecam WHERE VolcNameID = '$webinfo->VolcNameID' AND tblvalvecam.plot_available = 1"; $stations = $db->db_create_array($stationsQ); */ $file = $webinfo->plotPage; $loc = '/webicorders/' . $volcname . '/'; $loc .= ($station) ? $webinfo->StationName . '.php' : ''; $ok = true; $db->cleanup($stmt); header("Location:$loc"); } else{ $ok = false; } } $allwebiQ = "SELECT DISTINCT tbllistvolc.Volcano FROM tbllistvolc INNER JOIN tblvalvecam ON (tblvalvecam.VolcNameID = tbllistvolc.VolcNameID) WHERE tblvalvecam.plot_available = 1 ORDER BY Volcano"; $allwebi = $db->query($allwebiQ); // check to see if we want to pull camera images from an external url $type = 'webicorders'; $extQ = "SELECT * FROM offsite_storage WHERE type = '$type' LIMIT 1"; $ext = $db->query($extQ); $row = $ext->fetch_assoc(); $ext->free(); if($row['use'] == 'yes'){ $webi_dir = $row['basedir']; } else{ $webi_dir = '/webicorders/'; } include('includes/doctype.htm'); include('includes/notable_css.php'); ?> AVO Webicorders - <? echo $volcname ?>

AVO Webicorders -

AVO uses several different types of data to monitor volcanoes for signs of unrest or eruptive activity. The data displayed here have not been reviewed in any way, and are preliminary unless reviewed by an AVO geoscientist.
Available webicorders
fetch_object()){ /* * if we're on the current volcano, we check to see if there's any webicorder archives * yesterday, or the day before yesterday */ if($volcname == $row->Volcano){ $dispvolc = 'erupt_selected'; $arch_48 = $dir . '48hours/' . $filename; $arch_24 = $dir . '24hours/' . $filename; $arch_string = " ($webinfo->StationName)" . '
'; $href = " "; $href .= ($offset == '') ? 'Current' : 'Current'; $arch_string .= "$href
"; if(file_exists($arch_24) && filesize($arch_24) > 0){ $href = " "; $href .= ($offset == 24) ? '24 hours' : '24 hours'; $arch_string .= "$href
"; } if(file_exists($arch_48) && filesize($arch_48) > 0){ $href = " "; $href .= ($offset == 48) ? '48 hours' : '48 hours'; $arch_string .= "$href
"; } $arch_string .= '
'; // add the other stations as links in the menu bar if(is_array($stations) && count($stations) > 1){ $arch_string .= '
Station List:
'; foreach($stations as $id=>$name){ $style = ($id == $station) ? 'style="font-weight:bold"' : ''; $arch_string .= "$name
"; } $arch_string .= '
'; } } else{ $arch_string = ''; $dispvolc = ''; } echo "\n"; } ?>
UTC Conversion
0000 UTC= 3:00 PM AKST on the previous day as UTC
0600 UTC= 9:00 PM AKST on the previous day as UTC
1200 UTC= 3:00 AM ASKT on the same day as UTC
1800 UTC= 9:00 AM AKST on the same day as UTC
Red Lines
RED LINES indicate either a calibration pulse, or where the signal was clipped (too large to be recorded on the scale of the webicorder).
24 hour webicorder
(Station: StationName ?>)
$global_comment" : ''; echo ($webinfo->comments) ? "
$webinfo->comments" : ''; if($offset != ''){ if($offset == 24){ $testfile = $dir . '24hours/' . $file; $image = '24hours/' . $file; } elseif($offset == 48){ $testfile = $dir . '48hours/' . $file; $image = '48hours/' . $file; } echo '
Image created: ' . date ('F d Y H:i:s', filemtime($testfile)) . '
'; echo "\"$volcname"; } else{ $dotpos = strpos($file, '.'); $testfile = substr($file, 0, $dotpos) . '_temp.png'; $testfile = '/var/www/html/webicorders/' . $file; $now = date('U'); $filedate = date ('U', filemtime($testfile)); $diff = $now - $filedate; $diff_min = $diff/60; //if($diff_min < 25 && exif_imagetype($testfile) == IMAGETYPE_PNG){ // make source local ore remote $src = $webi_dir . $webinfo->plotPage; echo '
Image last updated: ' . date ('F d Y H:i:s', filemtime($testfile)) . '
'; echo "\"$volcname"; //} //else{ //echo 'webicorder unavailable'; //} } } else{ echo "Unknown Volcano - $volcname."; } ?>